The Strongest God

Chapter 147: Super God and Super Ghost (Part 2)


No one would have imagined that a simple first-tier promotion match would actually gather so many god-level captains from the alliance.

Tang Yufeng has always been serious in his work. Since he personally sat in the command seat, it is impossible for him to show mercy to Liu Chuan. Even the promotion of the first battle level was treated as seriously as he was in the professional league.

After sending a few new recruits to investigate the three routes separately, Tang Yufeng quickly determined the location of Liu Chuan and the others, and immediately clicked the gathering mark on the map.

It is too late for the commander to speak in the tense team battle. For the convenience of players who do not have a microphone, a "marking function" is set up in the arena. Players can point the mouse to a certain position on the minimap, and the system will sound an alarm and light up. Start the mark so that your teammates can see it at the first time - for example, the red mark means "the enemy is here", the yellow mark means "this place is dangerous, please retreat as soon as possible", the blue mark means "teammates are gathered here", The black marks represent "the location of the teammate's death", etc... These mark symbols are naturally familiar to those who have played a lot of games.

Tang Yufeng directly clicked the blue marker on the bottom road, and several teammates understood and immediately gathered at the bottom road marker.

Liu Chuan is also gathering in the bottom lane to prepare for a team. Both sides know how powerful their opponents are, so they are very cautious. In such a deadlock situation, only after winning the first wave of team battles will they dare to take the flag, otherwise No one dared to do it first, lest the mantis catch the cicada and the oriole would follow.

Players from both sides arrived, put down the Kongming lanterns, and the vision of the bottom road was all lit up, and the team battle was about to start!

The team configuration on the prosperous Tang side is very complete. Because it is a fixed team of the guild, their lineup is exactly similar to the main lineup of the prosperous Tang team. There are three Tangmen remotes + Shaolin front row + Xiao remote control field + Qin Emei treatment, The prosperous Tang Dynasty, known as the "Kite Squad", has a lot of remote output. Tang Yufeng is operating the archer account of the president Tang Wuyi, and Chen Junfei is holding the Tangmen account of the vice president's hidden weapon.

There are three Tangmen on the opposite side, which is really a headache. The Tangmen can be invisible, and the attack distance is very long. Tang Yufeng can hit them from a distance, but they can't hit Tang Yufeng. As a result, the Tang team has been playing in the distance. The dark arrow consumes blood, and Liu Chuan's treatment Xiaoyu can only try his best to brush blood for everyone, and it is very difficult to add.

Another arrow raining meteors flew over, Wu Zewen wanted to hide to the side, but Tang Yufeng shot the deadly arrow right at the position he wanted to hide, it looked as if Wu Zewen took the initiative to hit the arrow!

Wu Zewen, who was shot to death: "..."

Seeing that Zewen lost blood so fast, Xiaoyu was in a hurry to run to add blood, but before he could add it, Chen Junfei had another set of Hidden Weapon Combos from the rainstorm pear blossoms. The sputter damage was shot three times in a row, and it hit everyone. Mass bleeding, Xiaoyu not to mention adding blood to his teammates, he is going to be anemic.

The invisible Tang Sect player next to Chen Junfei immediately followed a storm of pear flowers. Chen Junfei quickly released another skynet, Tang Yufeng once again threw the arrow rain meteor—a hidden weapon that covered the sky, the huge silver net falling from the sky, and the dense rain of arrows. The three large-scale AOE group attack skills, with tacit understanding, were released almost at the same time, and everyone on Liu Chuan's side was immediately wiped out.

-[Tang Unintentionally] killed [Mist Swamp]!

-[Tang Unintentionally] killed [Fish swimming in water]!

-[Tang Xin] killed the [Ideal Master]!

-[Tang Xin] killed [Qingfeng Daoist]!

-[Tang Buli] killed [Sky]!

-[Tang Buli] killed [Liufang Bai Shi]!

- Destroy the group!

Everyone was a little embarrassed when they looked at the black-gray word "Tuan Extermination" that popped up on the screen.

A few of them followed Liu Chuan all the way and won nine games in a row. Among them, there were three games where the opponents surrendered directly when they saw Liu Chuan. The more I played, the more excited I became. I thought I would be able to get to the second rank soon, but as soon as it reached the promotion round, the team was destroyed at the beginning.

Especially Wu Zewen, who was killed twice in a row by the Tang team, was very embarrassed and said, "I wanted to hide, but I didn't expect him to throw a deadly arrow in that direction..."

Liu Chuan said with a smile, "That's because he predicted where you were going. The master's consciousness predicted it, right?"

Wu Zewen nodded seriously: "Well, it's really powerful."

In fact, Tang Yufeng's prediction is not the most powerful. The player with the strongest prediction in the league is Xiao Sijing. When playing against Team Xiao, there is always a sense of sadness that his head has been drilled into by him. Predicting what you will do next is really a headache.

As a rookie, Wu Zewen has not undergone professional training. The gap with these masters is still very large. It is easy for Tang team to predict his position.

Zewen was shot to death twice in a row, and while waiting for his resurrection, Liu Chuan typed directly on the public channel: "Xiao Tang, are you bullying my family's five poisons?"

Tang Yufeng called over a pair of double eyelids: "= ="

Liu Chuan said, "Why didn't you come and beat me?"

Tang Yufeng has another pair of double eyelids, followed by a sentence: "You are too cunning."

Liu Chuan said with a smile: "I won the prize!"

Then he asked: "Are all professional players on the opposite side? In the prosperous Tang training camp?"

Several newcomers immediately jumped out: "Hello Chuan Shen! I'm a newcomer!"

"Good God!"

Liu Chuan said: "New people, we are in the promotion round, can you let me do it?"

Tang Yufeng: "= ="

Chen Junfei said with a smile: "Sichuan God, stop joking, do you still need us? If you don't hang and beat you, we will worship Buddha."

Liu Chuan: "..."

Chen Dazui boasted that he didn't make drafts, who is the group destroyer now? Obviously we were hanged!

Liu Chuan is definitely not afraid of Tang Yufeng in a heads-up duel. The problem is that Zewen, Li Xiang, and Xiaoyu in the team are still pure newcomers. It is equivalent to 5 of them playing 6 of Shengtang, and all the professional players on the opposite side, Xiao Tang personally led the team, how could it be possible to win

But it doesn't matter, even if they lose this game, their newcomers will gain much more than just winning a rookie team.

After a few people were resurrected, they started all over again. The flag of the bottom road must have been removed by the Tang Dynasty, and everyone went to the top road collectively under the guidance of Liu Chuan's mark.

On the road is the refresh point of the blue flag, and the two sides will fight immediately as soon as they meet!

Today, they are fully aware of the disgusting things about the kite tactics of the prosperous Tang team, because Tang Yufeng's attack range is very long, and he always hides far away and shoots dark arrows there. Protection, it is very difficult to kill him in seconds, and the consequence of not being able to kill him in seconds is that the people on Liu Chuan's side can't beat the prosperous Tang Dynasty, but Tang Yufeng has been using the advantage of long attack distance to consume them...

The teammates have been losing blood, the fish is very struggling, the treatment can't be added at all, and the vicious circle continues, they can only be dragged by the prosperous Tang to fly kites...

Wu Zewen was killed by the Tang team for the third time. Unlike the surprise and depression the first time, he was calm for the third time. He silently returned to the resurrection point and asked earnestly, "Liu Chuan, what is this? How should a team with a lot of long-range play? They have been exhausting in the distance, and we were crippled before we caught up, and there is no chance of winning."

Zewen is obviously asking the captain for advice humbly.

Liu Chuan felt very relieved. He liked Zewen's character who did not feel discouraged when he lost, but would instead study carefully and analyze carefully. Such a player, even if he encounters great difficulties in the future, do not have to worry about his psychological breakdown. Zewen's mental quality is really good.

Liu Chuan smiled and explained, "At this time, we need Qin Ye or Xu Ce."

Wu Zewen immediately paused, "Does that mean you need an assassin?"

Liu Chuan nodded: "That's right. The importance of the assassin to the team is here. When we encounter a very headache for the opponent's main output or treatment, when we can't focus on the fire to solve it, we need the assassin to attack the opposing formation. Cut the opponent's battlefield. If Qin Ye or Xu Ce is there, they can use the skills of increasing attack speed and movement speed to catch up and interfere with Tang Yufeng. As long as Tang Yufeng is harassed at close range, it is impossible for Tang Yufeng to beat us comfortably from a distance. already."

A few Xiaobai suddenly realized, especially Li Xiang, who suddenly missed Qin Ye very much.

Qin Ye is the most powerful assassin in the Alliance. He has seen many matches that Qin Ye has participated in. Every time he encounters such a stalemate, Qin Ye can decisively enter the enemy's camp, sometimes fighting his own. You have to replace the opponent's core players with your life...

When the Changan team played against the Shengtang team, it was Qin Ye who rushed in and exchanged his life for his life, replacing Tang Yufeng with himself.

As soon as Tang Yufeng died, the kite-flying style on the prosperous Tang side would not be able to fight. The remaining five people would have a 5v5 chance of winning... Although the Changan team lost in the end, it was also because Yang Jian and Xu Xinran were the key players. There was a problem with coordination at all times, but Qin Ye had already completed the task very beautifully.

If Qin Ye was here, they wouldn't be so powerless in today's situation, right

After all, Liu Chuan is not omnipotent. He actually has quite a few nemesis in the league. In the past, the Huaxia team won by relying on the strength of the team. Liu Chuan cannot kill several opponents alone. As the captain, he can only decide tactics at critical moments. It also requires several teammates to perform and cooperate.

Today, their lineup is missing an assassin, and they can't fight when they encounter a kite team.

Li Xiang's mind flashed the image of Qin Ye sitting alone in a soundproof room drinking Coke. He had never felt that kind of tingling in his heart. He felt sorry for that person. The Changan team has been here for so long...

Li Xiang suddenly said, "Liu Chuan, since we are short of assassins, let's dig Qin Ye over!"

Everyone was stunned for a while. Liu Chuan only mentioned Qin Ye and Xu Ce as assassin-style players just now when they were discussing tactics. As a result, Li Xiang suddenly came up with such a sentence, and everyone didn't follow his train of thought for a while.

Liu Chuan was silent for a moment before he said, "It's not that easy, Qin Ye still has a contract with Chang'an team, do you want him to break the contract?"

Lan Weiran also said: "The transfer of players is not allowed in the middle of the season. The rules of the league are very strict. When the game starts, as long as the roster is reported, it cannot be easily changed. During the season, we can only consider it after the transfer window opens."

Li Xiang scratched his head: "It's so troublesome..."

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "What do you think? You can dig him if you want? Wait for the end of this season. The task of digging him is left to you."

Li Xiang suddenly became excited: "Okay, I must find a way to dig him out!"

Qin Ye, who was in the training room of the Chang'an team, suddenly sneezed heavily.

Because the group was destroyed twice in a row, the blue flag on the road was also won by Shengtang.

The third wave of team battles started in the middle, but it was still completely abused by the prosperous Tang Dynasty, and Wu Zewen was the first to lie down.

Tang Yufeng wasn't targeting Wu Zewen. The main reason was that he wanted to shoot Liu Chuan to death, but Wu Zewen was dangling beside Liu Chuan. He found that it was easier to shoot this little white than to shoot the big brother, so Team Tang went to meet him. He shot arrows and killed Wu Zewen three times without expression.

Wu Zewen had to silently return to the resurrection point.

Today, under Liu Chuan's deliberate effort, he completed the achievement of six kills, which is super god. At this moment, Tang team killed three times in a row, super ghost.

From super god to super ghost, in just one day, Wu Zewen experienced the thrilling feeling like a roller coaster.

Seeing that Zewen got up silently at the resurrection point, Liu Chuan couldn't help but smile and said, "Don't worry, I'll take you to take revenge in the future."

Wu Zewen said: "It doesn't matter, just get to know a master."

Liu Chuan gave a "hmm" and said, "Don't take it to your heart, it's right to lose this promotion match, even if Silan makes a move, we can't win. The opposite is full of professional players from the prosperous Tang team, how many of you? You should also clearly realize that there is still some gap between you and the professional players. But don’t worry, you are all very talented, and if you train slowly, this gap will gradually narrow until you surpass them one day.”

Liu Chuan is very encouraging. A few Xiaobai were encouraged by the captain. Although they lost, they felt that they had gained a lot. At least, it was the first time they saw what the strongest kite team in the professional league was. To play against more different styles of teams, today is just a small test, there is no need to be discouraged by failure.

Liu Chuan and the others did not get a single flag, the winning streak was interrupted, and naturally they did not successfully advance to the second battle rank, and they had to play a few more games.

A few people were about to quit when Chen Junfei typed on the public channel and suddenly asked, "Chuanshen, who is Xiaoyao in your team?"

Liu Chuan said: "He is a rookie."

Lan Weiran: "..."

Chen Junfei said with a smile, "No way? Is it because he didn't want us to see that he deliberately didn't make a move?"

Liu Chuan sent a smile: "Guess :)"

Then he resolutely left the room.

Chen Junfei scratched his hair hard, but he still couldn't guess, but he had an intuition that this Xiaoyao must be a master.

Chen Dazui is indeed a league broadcasting station, and it spreads news fast. After the promotion match, he opened a Q group for professional league players, in which he posted this sentence in bold and enlarged words: "News News Chuan Shen brought a few teammates into the arena, and these are his teammates."

The diving captains in the group took a look at the screenshots Chen Junfei made. In addition to a few familiar IDs that were exposed last time, there was another Xiaoyao called Sky.

Ye Chenxi came out and asked, "Who is this Xiaoyao?"

Chen Junfei said, "I don't know, Team Ye, I didn't play against him. Liu Chuan said he was a rookie."

"Rookie?" Ye Chenxi couldn't help frowning. He dreamed of his master again last night, so he was in a bad mood all day today, and even saw the icon of Xiaoyao's martial art.

Xiao Sijing was more straightforward and went directly to Liu Chuan: "@Hainerbaichuan come out."

Liu Chuan was ejected by QQ and asked innocently, "Why are you looking for me?"

Xiao Sijing asked, "Have the team formed?"

Liu Chuan said with a smile: "Well, the lineup is so luxurious that it scares you to death. In short, I will contract the champions in the future. Let's chat slowly, I will continue to play in the arena :)"

Everyone: "… "

Chen Junfei said: "I'm going! I can't bear it!"

Lu Xiang also jumped out: "Master, don't leave! Who is this Xiaoyao? How many people are in your team?"

Liu Chuan had run away long ago.

A group of people vomited blood in depression.

Chen Junfei suggested: "Everyone, we are so busy playing games now that we don't have time to talk to someone. It's just that the youngsters in the training camps have nothing to do now, and their training is usually boring. Do you want everyone to form a group to kill them in the game? Chuan God? Come and come, I want to beat Liu Chuan into the group!"

"… "

Dozens of newcomers soon appeared in the QQ group, and a group of newcomers from the training camp started a discussion group lively, planning to use a trumpet to go to the arena to find Liu Chuan.

Looking at the news in the group, Liu Chuan couldn't help raising the corner of his mouth.

This guy Chen Dazui, his mouth is always faster than his brain - if you come here, don't you send me a luxurious sparring team

The author has something to say: I compiled a limerick so that everyone can remember CP—

"The Strongest Male God CP"

Xie Guangyi and Liang Haibin

A Ce only loves Jiang Shaoqing

Chenxi has a crush on Lan Lanlan

Team Shao likes Deer Boys

Old Xiao Lun Shen side by side

Li Xiangqin Ye Fan

Sichuan God loves Wu Zewen the most.