The Strongest God

Chapter 149: Battle of Masters


Liu Chuan's fixed team, after being sniped by the Tongjae team, just won a game, and then met a newcomer from the national color team, and was defeated again. , It seems that there is no way to rush to the second battle stage tonight.

Lan Weiran said helplessly: "The qualifying match of the first battle level has disturbed so many teams. Liu Chuan, you are really the master of hatred."

Liu Chuan said innocently: "It's not my fault, Chen Dazui shouted in the group for a long time, and let everyone know our IDs. They opened a discussion group and formed more than a dozen teams to compete in the competition. harassing us..."

Li Xiang said in surprise: "Then we definitely won't be able to reach the second stage tonight, right?"

Liu Chuan nodded: "Yes, if you lose a game, you will deduct 5 points. If we go on like this, let's not say that we hit the second battle rank, and the points will be deducted."

After a pause, he smiled again and said: "However, this is also beneficial. The few games played today are almost in line with the level of the seventh battle rank. I really should thank Chen Dazui for organizing such a huge team for us. Sparring Corps."

"… "

Sparring Corps? Everyone was speechless.

Such an exaggerated sparring legion is more luxurious than the coaching team formed by the presidents of the major guilds in the game!

Liu Chuan's fixed team in the new area, after being revealed by Chen Junfei last time, who his teammates are, and the captains all know who they are. Today, because of the emergence of the new ID "Sky", many captains have some doubts in their hearts. , So I let Chen Junfei organize the new people of the training camp to play a few games, and by the way, to find out the details of this happy life.

As a result, everyone couldn't find it out - because Lan Weiran didn't make a move at all, Liu Chuan divided Silan and Yu'er into one way. In order to increase the pressure on Xiaoyu's treatment, Lan Weiran stood lazily beside him and paddled. He watched helplessly as Xiaoyu was beaten up and didn't go up to help.

Liu Chuan and the others lost three games in a row, and their points were deducted too much. The system was randomly matched, and they would no longer meet the trumpet team of professional players with a high winning rate. Instead, the trumpet teams were matched together and fought each other. It was so lively. .

After seeing the screenshots in the group, Ye Chenxi was very interested in the Xiaoyao called "Sky", and said in the Wechat group of Luohuaci: "Don't follow Chen Junfei to the arena and hit Liu Chuan, qualifying is a system Random matching, you may not be able to hit him, just build a custom room and invite him."

Several newcomers looked at each other, and Zhang Yuan, who was the team leader, whispered, "Captain, if you have a direct appointment, will Liu Chuan come?"

Ye Chenxi smiled and said, "Yes. It's rare to have a chance to play against professional players. He wants to bring new players, and he must like us to send him to his door to practice his skills."

Zhang Yuan nodded and immediately chatted with Liu Chuan privately.

Several newcomers from Luo Huaci have been PKing with Liu Chuan and the others in the new district, so they are familiar with Liu Chuan and have all added friends. After all, Liu Chuan is a veteran-level god. Zhang Yuan's tone is quite respectful every time he talks to him: "Hello, god, are you free now? The six of us want to have a fight with you."

Different from the random matching system of the arena qualifying match, if you are engaged in a battle, both parties will customize a room and pull people in. This battle mode will not affect the qualifying points, and there will be no battle rank or equipment points. The limitation is to facilitate players to communicate privately.

Liu Chuan sent a line: "I'm playing qualifying, I don't have time today, sorry :)"

Zhang Yuan asked politely, "Then when do you have time?"

Liu Chuan said: "I'm so busy, Chen Junfei organized a group and brought a group of people to abuse me in the first battle, and I couldn't even reach the second battle :("

Looking at what he sent: (Sad expression, the corners of the mouths of a group of people couldn't help twitching.

- Acting pitiful in front of a newcomer!

Zhang Yuan looked at his captain helplessly, Ye Chenxi smiled slightly, and said, "Let me come."

Zhang Yuan hurriedly got up to make room for the captain, Ye Chenxi sat in his seat, put his slender fingers on the keyboard, typed quickly and said, "I'm Ye Chenxi, let's be honest, I'm very curious about the Xiaoyao in your team. Who is he? They are both playing at ease, can you let him come and learn from me?"

Liu Chuan smiled and said on the voice channel, "Silan, your apprentice chatted with me privately and asked who you are, should I tell him?"

Lan Weiran: "..."

The man on the computer side was drinking coffee leisurely. Hearing this, he put down the cup casually, and said lazily, "Tell him what to do? He's grown up, and he's not the captain of the team. Little child, do you want my master to feed him?"

Everyone: "… "

Lan Weiran's words made the friends speechless, Wu Zewen suddenly felt that his master Zhang Shuping was really a good person! Li Xiang also felt that his master Liu Chuan was very good! It was a tragedy for Captain Ye to meet a heartless master like Lan Weiran who kept his apprentices free.

Liu Chuan couldn't help but said, "Silan, if you say that, Xiaoye will be sad when he finds out."

Lan Weiran's tone was indifferent: "Master leads the door, cultivation depends on the individual, I have already taught him what I should teach him, and I am not in the mood to care about his affairs now, he is a good captain, he has long been I don't need my master anymore."

Liu Chuan was silent for a moment, and then said, "Yes, Xiao Ye is really good at being the captain. Your apprentice is really good. I talked to me about cooperation before and sent several newcomers from the Luohuaci training camp, starting from level 50. PK with us all the way, and use us as a sparring partner every day. This time he came to explore your bottom line, but it is not so easy to deceive you. "

Lan Weiran thought for a while and said, "Then ask him to come. I'll play against him and let him completely dispel his doubts. Don't kill the cat from curiosity every day and come to trouble us."

Liu Chuan said in surprise: "Will you be recognized by him as soon as you make a move?"

Lan Weiran smiled slightly and said, "He is an apprentice I brought out by myself. Most of his playing skills are taught by me. I am familiar with him, but he may not be familiar with me."

Liu Chuan suddenly understood that Lan Weiran was a proficient player in the three lines of the Xiaoyao sect, folding fan, feather fan, and jade flute. With three different weapons in his hands, he could play three different styles - pick up the folding fan, He is a gorgeous and dazzling melee attacking player; picking up a jade flute, he is a mysterious and unpredictable long-range output player; picking up a feather fan, he has become a strategizing auxiliary field-controlling player.

Back then, because of the needs of the Luo Huaci team, Lan Weiran had been playing the position of long-range output in the team. He was rarely seen playing the other two genres. Ye Chenxi also learned the master's long-range main output play, using the flute. Sound interference to the enemy, large-scale Xiaosheng group attack is the most terrifying place for Xiaoyao output.

Since Lan Weiran decided to play against Xiaoye, Liu Chuan was naturally happy to see it, and typed and replied, "Team Ye, build a ring over there, Sky said that he admired your name for a long time, and wanted to learn from you :)"

Ye Chenxi quickly built the arena and sent the room number and password. The map of the arena was selected as the seven-star map "Snow Forest", which is a mixed map of snow and mountain forests. A layer of snow fell on the trees. From a distance, it looks silver-clad, but the scenery is very beautiful.

As soon as the few people entered, they saw that the familiar IDs of Luo Huaci were all on the sidelines. Liu Chuan said, "Silan, the Xiaoyao who is standing at the front is called Walking in the Forest. Xiaoye is now operating."

Lan Weiran said lazily: "I know, I can see it at a glance."

Liu Chuan was surprised and said, "Isn't it?"

Lan Weiran smiled and said: "His habit has not changed. When standing, he always likes to pick up his weapon and be ready to attack at any time. Xiaoye looks gentle and low-key, with a simple and harmless look, in fact, he is very A powerful offensive player, I took him as an apprentice back then, just because I saw his ambition and potential, so I took him by my side and taught him, and he really didn't disappoint me..."

When Lan Weiran said this, he jumped off the ring, walked to Ye Chenxi, and typed, "Hello Team Ye." A smile was added after that.

Ye Chenxi replied, "Hello." A smile followed.

The onlookers looked at each other in dismay, and always felt that the atmosphere was a bit wrong.

The style of the Xiaoyao sect has always taken the literary route, wearing a light-colored long shirt, with long hair tied behind the head, and a gentleman's appearance. Lan Weiran held a folding fan in his hand, but Ye Chenxi's weapon was Xiao made of white jade. The two stood face to face, not nervous at all before the fight, but like literati who came to play chess...

After Lan Weiran greeted him, he pressed the ready button.

At the end of the countdown, Ye Chenxi suddenly moved - I saw that his feet were staggered, and his footsteps seemed chaotic, but people couldn't tell the direction he was moving at all, and his figure quickly retreated back like a gust of wind. Ye Chenxi landed on the treetops in the distance like a fright, and with a jade flute in his hand, the crisp music played was exactly Xiaoyao's attacking skill - Changfeng Bui Xue!

The invisible rhythm will hit the opponent in a straight line. To avoid the happy rhythm attack, you need a strong sense of anticipation!

Lan Weiran immediately focused, his body flashed to the side, and it was precisely the most commonly used dashing skill, Xingyou. This skill is similar to Tangmen's Fascinating Shadow, which can quickly jump to the designated position, and can penetrate all obstacles - also In other words, this is the only skill in the game that can directly pass through walls!

Lan Weiran dodged Changfengchuxue's attack, quickly chased where Ye Chenxi was, and immediately opened the fan with his backhand, only to hear a bang, all the folding fans in his hands opened, and swept directly towards Ye Chenxi's face, it was the folding fan It is Xiaoyao's starting control move - Jinghong Zhaoying!

Jinghong Zhaoying would force the opponent to be established, Ye Chenxi was immobilized, and Lan Weiran unceremoniously hit him with a set of tricks - folding plum fan! The wind slashes Loulan!

The fan in his hand waved a gorgeous green soft light, Ye Chenxi was enveloped by the soft light, and the blood on his body began to drop rapidly.

However, Ye Chenxi was not flustered at all, and when Jinghong Zhaoying's immobilization time was over, he immediately used the escape technique - step by step to grow lotus!

The escape technique of the Xiaoyao sect at the critical moment, even the beautiful lotus flower will open under the foot of the place passing by.

After Ye Chenxi distanced herself, she fought back again, and the crisp sound of Xiao sounded in her ears - Pinghu Qiuyue!

This is Xiaoyao's control system skill, which can cause chaos to the enemy group. The chaos caused by the sound of the flute makes Lan Weiran's character directly lose control. Ye Chenxi took the opportunity to play a set of fierce attacking moves - Curtain Moving Hefeng!

The constant sound of the flute caused Lan Weiran's blood volume to drop at the same time as the blue volume also decreased. This is the most annoying part of the Yuxiao Department's Xiaoyao. Not to mention all kinds of confusing control skills, it can also knock out opponents. blue!

The master and the apprentice are all playing happily. Although they look like elegant gentlemen, once they fight, no one will show mercy!

Lan Weiran didn't show mercy to his apprentice, because he knew that Xiaoye was no longer the young boy who didn't grow up back then. Once he deliberately released water, Ye Chenxi could see it at a glance, but he would doubt him. Therefore, this Field PK he must do his best.

Fortunately, when he taught Ye Chenxi, he also used the Yuxiao system's long-distance play to teach him. Ye Chenxi had never seen his folding fan play. After Luo Hua resigned from the team, in order to cooperate with the team's lineup, he has been playing a long-range mage. Today, he changed his weapon. Even if Lan Weiran played according to his own style, Ye Chenxi might not be able to recognize it.

The figures of the two shuttled back and forth between the snow and the woods. You went back and forth. After playing for nearly a minute, Lan Weiran finally defeated, smiled and typed: "I lost, you played very well."

Seeing this, Ye Chenxi suddenly felt a very strange feeling in his heart. This person made him inexplicably familiar, but he couldn't tell where he was familiar, as if his heart was gently grabbed by a pair of hands. The feeling of worry made him very uncomfortable, and he couldn't help frowning slightly.

Lan Weiran continued typing: "Team Ye is really good, I am convinced."

Ye Chenxi said calmly: "I have the equipment advantage, otherwise it won't be so easy to beat you."

- This is also the key that Lan Weiran has calculated.

He is a trumpet in the sky, and his equipment is still missing a key ring. It happened to be the ring that Liu Chuan bought for Wu Zewen at the price of 120,000 in the gold group. The ring has no sect restrictions, and it can be used in Xiaoyao. The effect of his heart, with his equipment, with the ring will tend to balance in all aspects, but without the ring, the awareness is not enough, and the damage at the critical moment will be much worse.

Although Ye Chenxi controlled the trumpet of a newcomer to the team, he was fully equipped, which was the key to Lan Weiran's loss to Ye Chenxi.

Lan Weiran calculated this key and knew that he would definitely lose this battle, so he would give it a shot and let Ye Chenxi win him without revealing his identity.

Unexpectedly, Ye Chenxi saw it at a glance, Lan Weiran was startled, but smiled instead.

The little apprentice has indeed changed a lot, his eyes are sharp, and he can accurately judge the difference in strength between the two sides and the impact of equipment. Now he is the captain of Luo Huaci's team. Luo Huaci has a bright future in his hands. Captain Ye is better than the previous one. Captain Blue goes beyond that.

To have such an apprentice, as a master, should be gratified, right

Thinking of this, Lan Weiran sent a smile and said, "You are a good captain, come on."

Ye Chenxi frowned and said, "Who are you?"

Lan Weiran said, "I'm your fan."

Teammates: "… "

Silan, you can't imitate the captain's thick skin! It's enough for our team to have a thick skin. Why do you lie to your apprentice like this

Lan Weiran was still heartless, drinking coffee and typing with a smile: "Come on, Captain Ye, come back with another championship."

Ye Chenxi: "..."

Lan Weiran said, "I'll go first and wave my hand."

Marven Ye: "Wait! I still have something to ask you!"

However, without waiting for Ye Chenxi to type, Lan Weiran just left the ring as if nothing had happened. Ye Chenxi stood in the snow for a long time, and the doubts in her heart became bigger and bigger.

- Who is this person

- Could it be him? Let yourself think day and night... Master