The Strongest God

Chapter 151: Team address (2)


In the next few days, Liu Chuan continued to lead a few teammates to qualify for the fifth battle, and on Friday night, everyone rushed to the sixth battle again.

The competition level of the sixth battle rank is obviously higher than that of the fifth battle rank. If the fifth rank is the gathering place for ordinary masters of online games, then the sixth battle rank is the world of the presidents of major guilds and elite groups. C Several players from the college team were also in the sixth rank, so Liu Chuan and the others were finally able to join the team members.

Liu Chuan asked Xiaoyu, Silan, and Shaoqing to withdraw from the group first, and then formed a few members of the school team to start practicing cooperation, and asked Silan to take Shaoqing and Xiaoyu to scatter, mainly to hone Xiaoyu's blood. technology. After all, the college league is imminent, but the city competition is next year. The most important thing at present is to pass the college league first. The official training of the Longyin team should be carried out after all the players have arrived during the winter vacation.

Six people from the school team gathered to start the qualifying match. Liu Chuan stood behind him and watched. From now on, Liu Chuan asked Zhuo Wenchao to be the commander of the qualifying match. As a coach, he would not be able to play in the official match. Everyone is used to listening to Liu Chuan's command, and it will be miserable if they can't adjust at that time.

Although Zhuo Wenchao is the chairman, Liu Chuan is a great master standing behind him. He is still under a lot of pressure. Liu Chuan sees his concerns and pats him on the shoulder with a smile: "It doesn't matter, you command according to your ideas. If there is any omission, we will study it slowly after the game is over.”

Only then did Zhuo Wenchao start commanding with confidence and boldness.

Although Liu Chuan is the top god of the professional league, he never puts on airs. He is also pleasant to several members of the school team of average level. He smiles all day long, and does not swear much. The players of the school team especially like this "Coach Liu".

Zhuo Wenchao lost the first game. Liu Chuan asked everyone to download the video and put it on the big screen to start the analysis from scratch. Just as professional as the post-match analysis of a professional team. Seeing him point out everyone's mistakes bit by bit, several varsity players immediately admired them all - there is a huge gap between having a coach and not having a coach!

Soon after Saturday, Liu Chuan asked Jiang Xue, Zhuo Wenchao, Li Qing, and Zhou Xuehai from the school team to team up with Lan Weiran and Xiaoyu in the game to play qualifying. He teamed up with Wu Zewen and Li Xiangze. After buying the high-speed rail ticket to Changsha, I set off for Changsha early in the morning.

Guangzhou and Changsha are very close, and the three of them arrived at the station soon. Jiang Shaoqing wanted to pick them up at the station, but Liu Chuan said there was no need to pick them up. They took a taxi directly to the hotel and met at noon. So Jiang Shaoqing diverted to the airport to pick up Xu Ce.

Xu Ce actually airlifted his JOJO over here. The big dog ran over excitedly when he saw Jiang Shaoqing, and rubbed his big head desperately to please him. Jiang Shaoqing was so soft-hearted that he reached out and touched its head, carefully When I saw it, I found that this guy had actually gained a whole lot of weight after not seeing him for nearly a month...

Jiang Shaoqing couldn't help but ask, "What did you feed it? How did you get so fat?"

Xu Ce raised his eyebrows: "This guy is always pestering the nanny to feed him jerky. I brought him this time because I wanted to put him in foster care with you for a few days. Do you think it is convenient?"

Jiang Shaoqing hesitated for a moment. He usually has to go to work, so it is impossible to take the dog to the unit...

Xu Ce said: "Don't worry, JOJO is very obedient. You can let it stay in your own nest when you go to work, and you can just feed it after get off work. I was very busy in Shanghai and didn't have time to take care of it. The nanny fed it into a big fat man..."

The big fat JOJO lowered his head in grievance.

Jiang Shaoqing smiled and said, "Okay, then I'll take it for a few days."

Only then did JOJO become happy, and rubbed his head for a while, he obviously liked the new owner very much.

The two returned to Jiang Shaoqing's residence, made a nest for the big dog together, and let JOJO lie down on the soft mat. Xu Ce also brought a lot of dog food, enough for him to eat for a month... Waiting to settle down After everything was done, the two set off to meet Liu Chuan and the others.

Jiang Shaoqing booked a place to eat in advance, and invited Liu Chuan and the three to have a meal of authentic Hunan cuisine, and then everyone went to see the house with Xu Ce.

Building a team is not as simple as a common rental partnership. There are many things to consider. For example, the distance between the residence and the stadium must not be too far, and the transportation must be convenient. It is best to have a shopping place such as a supermarket nearby, so that professional players will not need to buy some in the future. The daily necessities have to travel far; it is best that there are no noisy residents around, otherwise it will affect the training of the players, and it is best to live in a place that is not easy to be guarded by reporters.

Liu Chuan brought a pen and paper, and Xu Ce's assistant also brought a map of Changsha City. After a few people gathered together, they began to see it in person one by one.

When he saw the third place, Liu Chuan finally stopped with satisfaction - the environment of this community is good, and you need to swipe your card for verification to enter and exit. The security work is quite good, and the team members don't have to worry about the safety of living here in the future. Secondly, there is a large supermarket not far from the community, which is convenient for shopping. There are also many snack bars and restaurants. Occasionally, you can go out to improve the food. The most important thing is that there is a high-grade office building across the road from the community, and the next floor of the office building can be directly rented as the future headquarters of the team. In this way, you can train at the headquarters during the day, go back to the community to sleep at night, and go shopping nearby and eat delicious food when you are tired. It is the best of both worlds.

Liu Chuan took a fancy to this place at a glance, and when he told everyone, everyone also felt that this place was indeed very suitable.

Therefore, Liu Chuan simply called for a real estate agency, and planned to buy a few houses in the community directly and use it as the residence of the team members in the future. The reason why he bought directly instead of renting is because Liu Chuan intends to do the club business for a long time. Renting a house is not cost-effective. He is more at ease when he buys it. If it is a big deal, it will be considered an investment to resell in the future. Pretty safe.

That night, I negotiated with several owners. Liu Chuan directly signed the contract and paid it all at once, which surprised the other party.

A person who looks so young is actually so rich... Several owners are sighing in their hearts.

They didn't know that Liu Chuan had saved money for several years, and the 5 million invested by Xu Ce, half of it was gone in an instant. Wu Zewen, the housekeeper, was really distressed. While carefully calculating the expenditure on the bank card, while reporting the balance to Liu Chuan, Liu Chuan smiled and patted him on the shoulder and said, "It's okay, the initial cost is relatively large, and we will earn it back slowly in the future."

Liu Chuan was really resolute, and he actually got the house done in one afternoon. Several teammates really admired it. It is a pleasure to work with a captain like this!

Xu Ce couldn't help but look at him differently. Liu Chuan was still a college student and had no business experience, but he was not at all stage fright when negotiating with others. Obviously, he had been a captain for several years and had seen many big bosses. The scene, plus his mother Yang Qiuning is a strong woman in the mall, Liu Chuan actually has a talent for doing business.

After finishing the house, I finally breathed a sigh of relief. When we had dinner together in the evening, Liu Chuan said, "Xu Ce, you have helped a lot this time. Make a list of all expenses and reimburse them with the team's funds."

Xu Ce said: "It doesn't matter, I'm also a partner, I should do this."

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Since you said that, I'm welcome. Let's have a drink."

Several people picked up the wine glasses and toasted each other.

Today Xu Ce is in a good mood and bought a bottle of white wine to cheer him up. Several people are adults and they want to drink. Wu Zewen can't say that he doesn't know how to drink. After a few drinks with everyone, he feels dizzy. People seem to be shaking, and Liu Chuan's face has turned into three...

He has never drank white wine since he was a child, and he doesn't know how much he can drink. Today, after drinking it, he realizes that he really can't compare with Liu Chuan and the others.

Liu Chuan had a lot of entertainment as the captain. He had already learned a good amount of alcohol, and had several drinks with Xu Ce. Neither of them were drunk at all. Li Xiang also became more excited as he drank, and waited for a bottle of wine. When he finished drinking, he looked back and saw that Wu Zewen had fallen asleep leaning on the sofa next to him, his face blushing like the cooked crab on the table.

Liu Chuan was startled and asked, "Is he drunk?"

Li Xiang said, "It should be!"

Liu Chuan smiled and said: "It's no wonder that Xueba usually rarely drinks alcohol. Okay, let's leave first, and go to the decoration company tomorrow morning to deal with the follow-up matters. Give it a few moments to supervise."

Jiang Shaoqing hurriedly said, "Don't worry, Team Sichuan, I will visit every week."

Xu Ce asked the waiter to come and pay the bill, while Liu Chuan walked up to Wu Zewen, rubbed his head lightly, and said, "Zewen, wake up, we're leaving."

Wu Zewen rubbed Liu Chuan's palm with his face and continued to sleep soundly, apparently using his hand as a pillow.

Liu Chuan: "..."

The palm of his hand was against Wu Zewen's cheek, and the soft touch and the scorching temperature were transmitted to his heart bit by bit, making the heart beat faster.

At that moment, he suddenly didn't want to wake Wu Zewen. Seeing that Zewen was sleeping so soundly, the glasses on the bridge of his nose were all crooked. While Liu Chuan felt it was funny, he had an inexplicable urge to take good care of him. .

Liu Chuan didn't wake him at all, but said softly, "I'll carry you back, you can spit on me."

Wu Zewen still didn't respond, and slept very deeply.

There are many different manifestations of drunk people. Some people yell like epilepsy, and some people vomit so darkly that they almost vomit their stomachs. Wu Zewen is the rarest kind - when you get drunk, Begin to sleep, very quiet, only know how to sleep soundly.

Liu Chuan carried him off the sofa, and he obediently lay on Liu Chuan's back and continued to sleep. It is estimated that he didn't even know that he sold him at this time.

Liu Chuan couldn't help but smile and said, "Li Xiang, let's go."

Li Xiang looked back to see this scene, and came over with some worry: "Is Zewen alright?"

Liu Chuan said: "It's okay, I was drunk and slept soundly."

Li Xiang said: "Then let's go back quickly, lest he catch a cold, let him go back and sleep well."

After saying goodbye to Xu Jiang, Liu Chuan and the three took a taxi back to the hotel together. Liu Chuan kept carrying Wu Zewen to the door of the room, and then turned around and said, "Li Xiang, why don't I take Zewen to my place to sleep? Come and watch him, lest he wake up in the middle of the night and feel uncomfortable."

Li Xiang nodded and said, "Okay."

The three of them booked two rooms, both of which were double rooms. Originally, Liu Chuan lived alone, and Li Xiang and Wu Zewen lived in one room. However, Liu Chuan suddenly did not want to let Wu Zewen and Li Xiang live in second-hand goods. He was afraid of Li Xiang. He couldn't take good care of Wu Zewen, so he carried Wu Zewen directly to his room.

Wu Zewen was still sleeping, his mouth was slightly open, and there was a faint smell of alcohol in his breath, and his glasses were about to fall off his nose.

Liu Chuan put him on the bed, took off his glasses for him, went to the bathroom to get a towel soaked in hot water, and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Seeing that he didn't seem to be sleeping very well, Liu Chuan simply helped him take off his shirt and trousers, then carefully covered him with the quilt, and touched Zewen's forehead. : "Sleep well."

The relatives in the family are healthy and active, and rarely get sick, so Liu Chuan has never taken care of anyone like this since he was a child.

Today, it was the first time to take care of Wu Zewen who was drunk. Although his movements were a little unfamiliar, the feeling of taking care of others made him feel very happy - especially when Wu Zewen fell asleep with his hands as a pillow with peace of mind. Zewen's cheek was against his palm, and Liu Chuan even felt that his heart was so soft that it almost melted.