The Strongest God

Chapter 164: Master door


The disbandment of the Chang'an team caused an uproar in the martial arts professional circle. Many players of the team began to worry about the future, especially some second-tier teams that did not enter the playoffs this season. The Chang'an team was disbanded in ninth place. What about the teams after tenth place

For a time, people in the professional circle panicked. Fans on forums and Weibo made trouble for several days. Even the chairman of the professional league, Li Hanzong, went out to find Manager Xia of Changan team because of the negative impact of this incident. It's a pity that Manager Xia's decision to leave has been decided, and he doesn't want to keep the name of Chang'an Club, plus the players have completed the transfer procedures, this matter can only be abandoned.

After the award ceremony, Chairman Li Hanzong deliberately called the managers of several clubs to hold a small meeting in the imperial capital, and decided that starting from next year's spring split, the league would allocate more funds to the major teams to improve the treatment of the players, especially For some teams that are not very profitable, the league can help them, so as to prevent the players from being under too much pressure and having to leave because of their livelihood.

The Wulin Professional Alliance has developed rapidly in the past few years. Many long-term electronic product investors have begun to pay attention to domestic e-sports events. Many businesses are willing to invest in the alliance. Li Hanzong's funds are relatively abundant. He only hopes to stay in the alliance. Every player can play the game with peace of mind.

Fortunately, most of the managers of other teams invest in teams because they love e-sports. Unlike Xia Mingde who doesn't understand e-sports to play tickets, they also have feelings for their teams, plus most managers and captains and vice-captains. They got along well, and they didn't just say they were disbanded, so Li Hanzong felt a little relieved.

The aftermath of the disbandment of the Chang'an team has not yet subsided. The award ceremony has just ended, and the captains of the various teams are still in Beijing. Li Hanzong called the captains to hold a symposium by the way. The symposium was not as serious as the official meeting, and there were no reporters. , everyone can speak freely, more like a tea party for casual chat.

After playing for a whole season, these captains are a little tired, and they can let go of their past grievances and greet each other when they meet.

Today, the captains of more than a dozen teams have all arrived. Everyone sits around the big table. It looks quite spectacular. There are fruits and snacks in front of everyone, but no one takes the initiative to eat them. Xiaoluxiang is not there. These captains But not as greedy as he is.

Li Hanzong sat down in the first place and said with a smile, "Don't look out, I'm here with you today, I just want to chat casually and relax a bit... It's not a critique meeting, so why are you so serious?"

Xiao Sijing opened his mouth and said, "Chairman, please speak directly."

Li Hanzong said helplessly: "I know that you have a heavy burden on your shoulders. If you are told to relax, you are still sullen. It is not easy to be a captain, right?"

A group of captains laughed dryly.

Li Hanzong continued: "I guess you have guessed it, in fact, I asked you to come, mainly because of the disbandment of the Chang'an team, which made me feel very uncomfortable, after all, it is a team that has been established for five years, and I watched them all the way. I have gone through a lot of hardships. You should have the best experience with Team Xiao. In the first season of the league, there were only four teams, Huaxia, Luohuaci, Qixingcao, and Changan. The four captains of the year were you and Liu Chuan. , Silan and Lin Liming... Silan was the first to go..."

Marven Ye coughed: "Cough, Chairman, your words..."

Li Hanzong also found something wrong, and said quickly, "Oh, I mean, Silan retired first."

Ye Chenxi smiled and said, "My master has no choice but to retire."

Li Hanzong nodded: "I know that Silan's father's incident has hit him too hard. I understand him very well when he retired. Later, when Lin Liming retired, he was also under pressure to go home to get married and have children. After Liu Chuan retired, he was suspended from school again. When the term expires, he goes back to school, and the old captain who is still in the league is only Team Xiao…”

Everyone turned their heads to look at Xiao Sijing. In fact, everyone admired the oldest and most stable captain. Even if Qixingcao did not win a trophy this season, no one in the league dared to underestimate Xiao Sijing.

Xiao Sijing met everyone's gaze, smiled slightly and said, "I am indeed the oldest one. Don't worry, Chairman, I don't want to retire for the time being. So does Shilun. We want to play for another two years."

"This is the best way." Li Hanzong sighed softly: "I know that you are all working hard, but as the captain, since you have taken up this burden, you must take your own responsibility. I believe you all understand the lessons of the Chang'an team. After I go back, I have to communicate more with the players in the team..." Li Hanzong swept his eyes from the faces of the captains in turn, and said with a smile, "Of course, you guys have different personalities, I don't ask you to be like Captain Tang. I go to deliver food to everyone every day.”

Tang Yufeng: "= ="

Everyone smiled and looked at Tang Yufeng, who still had a paralyzed face.

Li Hanzong became serious: "I mean, you need to pay more attention to the unity within the team, and resolve any disputes in time. Don't drag and drag it like Chang'an and it will become an incurable cancer. When it's time to deal with it, it's still better. To deal with it as soon as possible, speak up, don't hold it in your heart."

The captains nodded earnestly. After this time, everyone understands that no matter how strong the opponent is, it can't compare to the cracks in the team. The end of the Chang'an team is undoubtedly a wake-up call for all the captains sitting.

Li Hanzong went on to say: "Also, you should treat those players from Chang'an who have been transferred from the past, and don't make people feel excluded. If you have any difficulties, you can discuss it with your manager. If you can't solve it, you can also ask I."

The captains continued to nod.

Li Hanzong said with a smile: "Okay, I'm sitting here and you're not in the mood to chat. I'll go first, you can chat at will, eat whatever you want on the table, and you can take it back to the team members if you can't finish it."

Everyone said in unison: "Thank you, Chairman!" "Chairman, walk slowly."

Li Hanzong then turned around and left.

He couldn't help but feel a little sad when he went out. He worried about this group of young people every day, just like an old hen protecting the chicks. The professional league has been changing, and the championship teams have also been changing every season. Watching these players grow up one by one and leave one by one at an age makes him really uncomfortable.

If there are many championship trophies, it will be complete if each person sends one.

Unfortunately, the charm of the game lies in this fierce competition. There will be winners and losers.

When Li Hanzong walked out, he suddenly received a text message: "Master, do you have time to gather? I'm in Beijing, please have dinner :)"

Looking at the crooked smiling face at the end, he knew it was Liu Chuan, and Li Hanzong couldn't help laughing: "Yes, you are a little filial, where to eat?"

"I've already made a reservation, are you at the hotel? I'll drive to pick you up :)"

Liu Chuan quickly drove to the hotel where the alliance held a meeting and cooperated. After Li Hanzong went downstairs, he found that there was actually a person sitting in the back seat of the car. It was Xie Guangyi, the vice captain of the Huaxia team. When he saw him, he came out to say hello: "Master."

Li Hanzong was a little surprised: "Why is Xiao Xie here?"

Liu Chuan said, "I just called him down, and I called Xiao Tang down by the way."

Li Hanzong looked back and saw that Tang Yufeng followed him downstairs with a = = face on his back. This guy was silent all the way, just like a ghost. When he saw him, he called out in a low voice: "Master..."

Li Hanzong smiled and said, "Okay, it's rare to have a chance to gather with you, so let's all get in the car."

Li Hanzong sat in the passenger seat, Xie Guangyi and Tang Yufeng sat in the back row, Junior Tang didn't like to talk, and Junior Brother Xie was more serious. Just Liu Chuan, the boss, had been talking about mountains with Master, blowing all the way, Tang Yufeng. He was sleepy after listening to it. He sat in the back and was sleepy. Xie Guangyi lowered his head and sent a text message to Liang Haibin: "I won't be back for dinner tonight. I'll have a meeting with the teacher. I might have to drink some wine. Don't wait for me."

Liu Chuan drove to the restaurant, and everyone walked into the private room. Only then did Li Hanzong realize that there were actually four young people sitting in the room. Apart from Lu Xiang and Chen Junfei, who he knew, the other two were tall and handsome with thick eyebrows and big eyes. A handsome sunny guy, and a little boy with dark skin and white teeth when he smiles...

Li Hanzong couldn't help but look back at Liu Chuan: "There are so many people today?"

Liu Chuan said with a smile: "The entire division is ready, you should take your seat first."

Liu Chuan invited the master to sit down in the middle, and Li Hanzong said cheerfully, "Who are these two newcomers?"

Liu Chuan introduced: "This is Li Xiang, the apprentice I took in later, and I never told you that this time he happened to come to Beijing to play a game, and brought him here to meet everyone."

Li Xiang stepped forward and bowed: "Hello, Shizu!"

Li Hanzong said with a smile: "Not bad, what game are you playing in Beijing?"

Li Xiang said: "In the college league, Master coached our school team and took us to the national finals."

Li Hanzong was a little surprised and looked back at Liu Chuan. Liu Chuan said with a smile: "I help the school team at school, shouldn't it violate the league's rules?"

Li Hanzong waved his hand helplessly: "You have retired, I can't control you."

After saying that, he turned his eyes to the little dark-skinned boy next to him, "Who is this?"

Liu Chuan said: "This one I only met today, Xiao Xie's new apprentice, a newcomer to the Huaxia training camp. Come on, youngest, introduce yourself."

The sixteen-year-old boy stood up shyly, scratched his head, and when he laughed, there were two small dimples on his face: "My name is Ling Dong, I'm a newcomer in the training camp of the Huaxia team, master, master, and brother. Guys, please take care of…”

As the youngest, Ling Dong said that the pressure was a bit high.

Xie Guangyi's expression was still very serious, and he said, "Xiao Ling also plays with Tang Sect. I think he is very talented, so I will accept him as an apprentice."

Li Hanzong nodded in agreement: "Yes, China does need backup forces, and you should bring more new people."

As for the other two, there is no need to introduce them. Everyone knows that Lu Xiang is Liu Chuan's eldest apprentice, and Chen Junfei is Tang Yufeng's apprentice.

Today, the entire division is the first time to gather together.

Liu Chuan greeted: "Everyone sit down, let's go to the first activity first..."

After speaking, he rang the service bell, the lights in the room suddenly went out, the door of the private room was opened, and a waiter came in with a cart, with a big cake on it, filled with birthday candles of various colors, beating The candlelight illuminated everyone's face, and everyone's face was full of smiles.

Liu Chuan took the lead, and everyone sang the birthday song together, except that Junior Brother Tang was seriously out of tune, the atmosphere was quite harmonious.

After singing the birthday song, several talents said in unison: "Happy birthday!"

Li Hanzong stood up and said with a smile, "Oh, today is my birthday. I've been so busy these days that I almost forgot, thank you for remembering."

When he was about to blow the candle, Liu Chuan hurriedly stopped him: "Don't worry, make a wish first."

Li Hanzong put his hands together and made a wish, hoping that these disciples and grandchildren will be well...

After making a wish and blowing out the candles, Ling Dong, the youngest, consciously ran to turn on the lights, and everyone sat down. Li Hanzong was too lazy to cut the cake and asked Liu Chuan to do it for him. Liu Chuan cut the cake into eight portions, which happened to be sent to each person. one serving. Today, he is the boss of organizing a party. In addition to the rare gathering to chat, the most important thing is to help Li Hanzong celebrate his 50th birthday.

This Chairman Li is usually too busy, and he has to worry about the whole alliance. He is so busy that he even forgot his birthday. His wife and daughter are abroad, so he can't accompany him on his birthday. Several of them are apprentices to celebrate together. It should be.

Liu Chuan took out a gift from the bag and handed it over with a smile: "Master, this is a gift that a few of us put together to buy for you."

In fact, it was Liu Chuan, Xie Guangyi, Tang Yufeng, Lu Xiang and Chen Junfei who put together the money. Li Xiang and Ling Dong were newcomers. Liu Chuan added their names directly on the greeting card without asking them to pay.

Li Hanzong took a look and saw that it was actually a famous Swiss watch, which was obviously of great value. After all, he was the chairman of the martial arts alliance. He wanted to participate in various meetings in the e-sports circle. . These people are all captain-level figures, and they also have some money in their hands. When Liu Chuan came to handle this matter, Li Hanzong naturally knew very well that this eldest apprentice would not have any omissions in his work.

Master's 50th birthday, they should spend a little money, so Li Hanzong put on this watch with a smile.

The disciples, disciples and grandchildren gathered together, and Li Hanzong was obviously in a good mood.

Although they first met on the Internet, Liu Chuan, Xie Guangyi, and Tang Yufeng came to play in the professional league, but they were greatly influenced by this master. When it comes to understanding Tangmen, no one can compare to Li Hanzong. He is a master-level figure in Tangmen. At the beginning, Liu, Xie, and Tang Shixiong happened to play the three major genres of Tangmen separately. It was also rumored in online games for a while, but later in the professional circle, they had a few scruples. When it comes to identity, it is not easy to match the master and apprentice in public, but the friendship between the master and the apprentice has always been in their hearts.

The dinner party was very lively. Except for Lu Xiang and Ling Dong, who didn't drink alcohol and used drinks instead of alcohol, several other people took turns toasting Li Hanzong. Li Hanzong was half drunk and pulled Liu Chuan and said, "I can wait for you. When you come back, how's your team going?"

Liu Chuan said with a smile, "Don't worry, I won't embarrass you."

Lu Xiang leaned over and asked, "Master, who is Xiaoyao called Sky in your team? Shao team told me that he must be a master, why do you keep it mysterious? Can't you do it?"

Xie Guangyi and Tang Yufeng also looked at him together.

Liu Chuan said: "It's boring to say it too early. I'd better leave it in suspense and give you a surprise when that time comes."

Chen Junfei said: "Surprise? I'm afraid it's a shock!"

Liu Chuan smiled and said: "What's the hurry, you will know when I come back, my team is almost formed, this winter vacation starts training, you should also be busy with the next TGA Grand Prix, right? It's rare for everyone to gather together. Together, let’s not talk about the professional circle, come here, have a drink, respect Master, and everyone, and wish you all the best next year!”

The boss took the lead, and everyone stood up in cooperation, raised the wine glasses, drank them all.

This is the first big gathering of Liu Chuan's division. Perhaps after many years, after Lu Xiang, Li Xiang, Chen Junfei, and Ling Dong, these new generation players have matured and have their own apprentices. At that time, their divisions will definitely grow stronger.

After the meal, because Liu Chuan also drank alcohol and was not good at driving after drinking, he simply called Liu Xiaomeng to drive the car home. He stopped two taxis and asked Master and a few professional players to go back to the hotel with him. Then I took a taxi with Li Xiang to find the school team.

Li Xiang was obviously a little excited to see so many senior gods today. Liu Chuan glanced at him and said, "You have heard of the other people before, and you have played against Lu Xiang and Tang Yufeng... Today's Ling Dong, It's the first time I've seen each other, both newcomers, what do you think?"

Li Xiang said, "Deputy Xie accepted him as his apprentice. He must be quite talented, right?"

Liu Chuan said with a smile: "It should be a genius boy like Lu Xiang back then. I paid special attention to his hands today. The proportions of his fingers are perfect, and he is a pair of hands that are very suitable for playing games. Xie Guangyi has never accepted apprentices. , because he didn't meet a talented junior, this time he took Ling Dong, this kid is obviously not easy, I guess Xie Guangyi wants to take this little boy out of the division as soon as possible, so that he can help Huaxia play the next game. "

Li Xiang nodded: "Ling Dong told me that he just passed his sixteenth birthday, and now the league can participate in the competition at the age of sixteen, right?"

"That's right." Liu Chuan said, "In fact, Xiao Sijing also has a talented apprentice, who is about sixteen or seventeen years old. He can play. That is a magic weapon that he has never used. These captains have hidden many secret weapons. , in the future, the road of our Longyin team will not be easy."

Liu Chuan had a very strange premonition that Xiao Sijing's apprentice and Ling Dong, the young apprentice Xie Guangyi brought today, might become sharp weapons against them in the future.

It is no longer a secret that he is going to return to the league, and it is impossible for the major teams to remain indifferent...

The result of Qixingcao was not stable this season because Xiao Sijing pulled a bunch of new recruits to train there, including his beloved disciple, Chen Xiaobei, the legendary successor of Qixingcao. On the prosperous Tang side, Tang Yufeng is also training several new players. The reason why Luo Huaci won the championship is precisely because the average age of their entire team is only 19 years old, and the captain of Ye Chenxi is only in his early 20s. Luo Huaci completed a big change in the year when Silan retired. Now there is no need to go through the alternation of new and old players, and the lineup is the most stable.

The old players in the same batch as Liu Chuan, retired from retirement, married and married, the alliance has now become a world for new people...

But so what

Liu Chuan had to take a group of veterans to kill them back, and let the newcomers see what it means to "veteran players, one top two"!