The Strongest God

Chapter 17: A combination of three grasses


Master's education made Li Xiang's blood almost burn, as if he had become a sharp master, saving the team in dire straits... Unfortunately, I haven't finished moving, just cut back to the game screen, I saw three familiar IDs appeared not far away.

Nepenthes, mimosa, moon grass…

I go! These three grasses were destroyed by Tang Sect masters, but they still have the face to come back! Didn't he bring a bunch of helpers to take revenge

Li Xiang immediately became vigilant, stopped pulling the monster, and stood under the tree in a defensive posture with a Buddhist bead in his hand.

Wu Zewen also stared earnestly in the direction not far away, picked up the whip and was ready to kill at any time.

Because they had just started a vendetta, the names of the three people were all on their enemy list, so as soon as those three people entered the field of vision, their names automatically became red names that could be attacked.

Li Xiang was gearing up for a fight, but he didn't expect the three to suddenly stop 20 meters away.

Li Xiang rolled his eyes and typed on a nearby channel: "Why? Dare to come and grab monsters after being destroyed?"

Nepenthes' face turned red and white...

Still Moon Grass is more cheeky, and sent a smiley face and said: "Three masters, misunderstanding! It was just a misunderstanding! Let's delete the enemy first, there is something to say, something to say!"

Li wanted to quit: "I jumped over to kill for no reason, but now I have something to say?!"

Wu Zewen didn't like to participate in this kind of disputes, he stood silently on the tree without speaking, looked at the three people in front of him calmly, and pressed his fingers on the keyboard, ready to take action at any time. Of course, Liu Chuan continued to watch the play next to him, heartlessly. Li Xiang is a hot-blooded person. He used to play Tangmen as a melee attack, and he was killed once inexplicably. How could he talk so well, and he was arguing with people on a nearby channel.

Li Xiang: "What are you doing? You haven't left yet? Do you want us to kill you again?"

Nepenthes: "… "

Nepenthes' face was almost the color of liver.

However, he also knew that among the three, Tangmen was the master, and the other two were absolutely novices, so he turned his attention to Tangmen and said, "Brother Tangmen, the three of you, and we are three, why don't you team up and fight together? Come on! I'll help you pull the blame!"

After saying this, my face was so hot!

It's a shame to be so shameless! It's all my fault that the president wants to win over a master...

Moon Grass continued to smile: "Delete the enemy, let's form a team together! Let's play a game, and there is no overnight hatred, do you think it is a master of Tangmen?"

Liu Chuan couldn't help but smile.

These three guys should be the most famous funny trio of the Seven Star Grass Guild, also known as the "Three Grasses Group".

Regarding this trio, he had only occasionally heard gossip people talk about it. The style of the Seven Star Grass Guild was influenced by the Seven Star Grass team, and it was also very low-key in the game and developed very steadily. Only a certain group of three owes a lot of money, and they love to grab monsters and fight in the wild, and offend many people. It is said that these three people have been inseparable for many years, their brainwaves are synchronized like one person driving three numbers, and the online and offline are also at the same time. They seem to be friends in reality. Arrived at the Water Dragon server.

The managers of the seven-star grass trade union, in order to add fresh blood to the seven-star grass team, use every means to win over the masters in the game and find substitutes for the team. Liu Chuan understood the attitude of these three people as soon as he saw them. It is estimated that these three grasses were sent by their president to pull people!

Liu Chuan held back a smile and said, "Little pig, I said you'll regret it, right? I told you to form a team earlier, but if you quit, did you come back after a long circle?"

"..." Your sister! Is that what you called Piggy

The pitcher plant was about to vomit blood, but President Naihe's task was extremely arduous, and he had to reluctantly say: "Master, can you do it with a lot of adults? I advise your friends to form a team to gain experience, everyone will benefit! All the lost materials will be given to you. You, we don't want anything."

Liu Chuan smiled and said on the team channel: "It's better to have less than one more thing. It's pitiful to set them up."

This kind of dispute over monster grabbing at the novice stage is really normal, and Li Xiang is not a person who cares about it. Since the Tang Sect master said so, he has no opinion. He typed two words: "Okay."

Liu Chuan said on a nearby channel: "Okay, anyway, you killed people, and we killed them back. It's even! Let's delete the enemies and join the team!"

After saying that, he simply threw the three teams away, and the team invitations popped up almost simultaneously on the computer screens of the three people.

Three Grasses joined the team with a complicated mood.

In order to express sincerity, Nepenthes took the initiative to say: "I'll go and pull the monsters, and bring a few more teams over!" Then they rushed to the bandit village diligently.

Moon Grass said, "I'll do the output!" and then consciously jumped to the tree.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he jumped up the tree lightly, Tangmen suddenly jumped down and asked in confusion, "Why are you jumping up the tree?"

Moon Grass was stunned: "Uh... Isn't it like this?"

Liu Chuan said with a smile: "The team of 6 people is full. What are you doing pulling monsters back and forth? Of course, go in and fight!"

Nepenthes running back to pull the monster: "..."

Moongrass actively jumping on the tree: "…"

The two suddenly felt as if they had suddenly become an idiot with a negative IQ.

- When everyone is together, what are you doing

The opponent's three-person team fights back and forth with card monsters. That's because it's more dangerous because there are fewer people. Card monsters can reduce damage as much as possible!

Now the group is full of 6 people, two masters have thick skin, four violent remote outputs, and they have to run back and forth to pull monsters, which is ridiculous...

Nepenthes and Moongrass couldn't help but blush.

Liu Chuan said with a smile on the team channel: "Let's go, go into the bandit village to fight! Little pig, go and pull the monsters, ideally cut the knife Shaolin, cut the five poisons to fill the sky and add blood, the output is absolutely enough, pull them all at once! "

The captain gave an order, and everyone immediately followed into the bandit village.

With such a simple assignment, it is already a qualified dungeon team. With tanks, nurses, and output, fighting mobs is extremely easy.

Liu Chuan asked Li Xiang and Wu Zewen to change their minds together, in fact, he wanted them to be more familiar with the skills of other schools of this sect. If you have been playing a genre in the early stage, it will often lead to limitations in operation and thinking. A real master must be familiar with all the skills of the twenty-four genres in order to know himself and his opponent when PK with others.


The mobs in the bandit village are in groups of three, patrolling back and forth, and the refresh rate is very fast.

Nepenthes changed the mind of Buddha Shaolin and started to pull monsters back and forth as a meat shield, while Li Xiang changed the mind of Dao Shaolin, focusing on output.

The three major schools of Shaolin include: Buddhist school, boxing school, and sword school.

Fo Shaolin majored in "Arhat Magic", which is the school with the highest defensive power among all schools. The weapon is Buddha beads, and there are various skills of "taking damage for others" and "forcibly attracting hatred", that is, the main T of the copy to resist BOSS and the battlefield The meat shield that attracts hatred.

Quan Shaolin majored in "Eighteen Arhat Fist". His weapon is boxing gloves, and he is a close combat professional. He has a lot of strong control skills such as grabbing and back throwing.

Dao Shaolin majored in "Rakshasa Sword Art", the damage is the highest among the three factions, the knife sees blood, and it hurts to hit people, and the corresponding control skills will be relatively small.

In short, Fo Shaolin majors in defense, Fist Shaolin majors in control, and Dao Shaolin majors in output.

The most common one in online games is Shaolin Buddha, because all kinds of dungeons require sharp masters to fight monsters, and Shaolin Buddha is very popular in online games. In the arena and professional leagues, there are more fist Shaolin and Dao Shaolin.

Xiao Sijing played Shaolin Boxing, and his apprentice Chen Xiaobei also majored in boxing.

Liu Chuan still doesn't know which faction Li Xiang is most suitable for, so he can only think about it himself.

Wu Zewen is quite worry-free. As soon as he enters the game, he recognizes the Gu worm genre, and his hand speed is up to the standard. If he builds it well, he will definitely become a master.

Liu Chuan was thinking carefully about how to hone the two little whites into masters as soon as possible. Over there, the three of Nepenthes fought monsters and set up a game discussion group channel, secretly chatting privately here.

Moon Grass: "Little Pig, did you tell Tangmen about the processing union?"

Nepenthes: "No. He has just changed from an enemy to a teammate, and he will definitely not agree to pull someone right away. At least we must cultivate our relationship first, get familiar with each other, and when we call him brothers and sisters, we will invite him to us at that time. Guild, he is embarrassed to refuse!"

Moon Grass: "The president said to bring people over as soon as possible, so as not to be taken away by other unions..."

Nepenthes: "I'm afraid of Mao, we have been following this Tang Sect, and there is a big guild to win him over, don't we see it?"

Moon Grass: "That's right!"

Mimosa, who rarely speaks, suddenly said: "We have been following him, will he think the three of us are sick?"

Nepenthes: "… "

Moon Grass: "… "

Nepenthes and moon grass vomited blood together. Classmates, don't be so blunt!

The task of pulling people as explained by the president is really annoying! Might as well just have the pleasure of being killed by him around the back a few times...

The depressed Nepenthes turned grief and anger into strength, and pulled all the mobs in the bandit village to beat them, leaving none of them left.

The efficiency of the team has suddenly improved a lot.

Because the full team has a 6% experience bonus, plus more and more monsters are drawn by Xiaozhu, the experience increases very quickly. Soon, the 6 people's bodies had the light of upgrading. Because Tang Sect did the quests faster before, he had been here for a long time by himself, so he had the highest level, he had reached level 28, the experience of the three grasses was synchronized, both were level 27.5, and Ze Wen and Li Xiang had just risen to 27. class.

Time passed slowly, everyone was fighting monsters, but the team channel was quite quiet.


Wu Zewen is boring.

The nanny is really boring, and Wudu is a team-type nanny. The low-level skills are range-based and blood-enhancing. In addition, the output of Shuangwudang and Tangmen is very high. Killed, teammates don't lose blood very much...

Most of the time, the nurse has nothing to do.

When Wu Zewen was bored, he simply windowed the game, opened the webpage and typed in Team Seven Star Grass, and went to the video section of the official website of Seven Star Grass to search for the video of the "reincarnation" that Tangmen said.

Entering the keyword reincarnation, I saw a video with the highest click rate: "Five Poison Gu Insects School Basic Consciousness Teaching".

I clicked on the link and found that there are tens of thousands of comments below the video, most of which are "Worship the Lun God!" "Line up to worship the Lun God!" "The Lun God is so powerful!" On behalf of the brothers and sisters of the Five Poisons, thank the Wheel God!"

- A video with such a high popularity must be very useful, right

Wu Zewen pressed the play button out of curiosity.

The video is recorded very clearly, and there is actually a good soundtrack, and text annotations are added, and the effect is very good.

A man with five poisons appeared in the picture, wearing high-grade equipment of the five poisons sect, purple clothes that did not cover his chest tightly, revealing a large white chest, silver earrings on his ears, silver jewelry on his hair, hands on his hands. He holds a worm flute in it and looks very enchanting.

"Hello everyone, I am the reincarnation of the Seven Star Grass team. I recorded this video mainly for the newbies of the Gu worm genre, and I hope it can be of some help to the newbies.

There are five kinds of Gu insects that the Five Poison Gu Masters can feed: Toad Gu, Snake Gu, Spider Gu, Centipede Gu, Butterfly Gu. Each of the five kinds of babies has two active skills, which will be brought to the master when they die. Come to a different state, you are going to be dizzy, right

It's actually very simple, you just need to remember like this-

Poisonous toads have the highest defense and are mainly used to protect their masters.

The poisonous snake has the highest attack and is mainly used to bite the enemy.

Spiders and centipedes are ranged pets that can control the movement of enemies.

Poison Butterfly is a group attack pet that can control the enemy's vision.

Knowing the basics, let me introduce to you how to use these five kinds of babies to poison those stupid Central Plains people ^_^"

- Vice Captain of the Seven Star Grass Team: Su Shilun, Game ID: Reincarnation.

This person is the sharpest representative of the Five Poison Gu worm genre. He always likes to smile when chatting online. It is completely different from their captain Xiao Sijing's watertight speaking style. Bo mocked the official: "We are too hot in Miaojiang, we originally wanted to wear nothing, and the people in the Central Plains were wrapped like zongzi, so we had to pull a piece of cloth and wrapped the key parts..."

Su Shilun studied fashion design when he was studying, so he was very concerned about the appearance of clothes.

When the official updated the equipment once, they made the Wudu sect suit extremely ugly, as if it was wrapped in two pieces of cloth. It was this person who took the lead to ridicule, which attracted countless Wudu players to line up to approve, and reposted on Weibo. After breaking through ten thousand, finally forced the artist to return to the furnace and remake, and changed the style of the five poisons suits.

- The person who forced the official to change the appearance of his clothes, this person is definitely the first person in the history of the league.

Most of the men in the e-sports circle are more concerned about the data of the equipment, it doesn't matter whether it looks good or not. Only Su Shilun is different. He can match all kinds of exotic parts very beautifully. If he can't bear it, he will go to the store to buy a non-attribute fashion to wear. Every time he plays, the five poisonous Clothes are also one of the highlights of the arena.

The team uniform of the Seven Star Grass team was designed by Su Shilun himself.

The clothes with a dark blue bottom and the silver seven-star grass team emblem on the shoulders and back reflect each other, which is simple and elegant. The sales of the same team uniform is extremely hot, and it is rated as one of the best-looking team uniforms among all the teams in the league.

Among the professional players, of course, the one with the strongest hatred is Liu Chuan. Those who have been killed by him can't wait to torture him a hundred times to relieve their hatred.

The second most stable is the Five Poisons Su Shilun...

However, what Su Shilun is drawing is not the hatred of professional players, but the hatred of the game officials.

People in the official art department especially hate him: "It's really annoying for a man to care so much about the appearance of his clothes!"

The players in the game like him very much: "This time the clothes are not good-looking, Lun Shen, come on, it's up to you!"

The author has something to say:

Write a small theater to celebrate:

Xiao Sijing is wearing a handsome suit, packing up and preparing to go out to attend the press conference of Qixingcao Su Shilun (looks at him with frown)

Xiao Sijing (turning back): What's wrong

Su Shilun (continues to frown): Did you notice that the tie is crooked

Xiao Sijing (innocent): Really? I don't wear a tie.

Su Shilun (unbearable): I'll help you,

Appearance obsessive-compulsive disorder Su Xiaoshou stepped forward and carefully helped Xiao team tidy up his tie and collar. He was still wondering, why does this man make his tie so ugly every time he goes out? What about basic aesthetics

I didn't notice the smile on Captain Xiao's mouth at all...

A captain with sharp eyes and a calm personality × a vice-captain who controls Aila's hatred with the appearance of a poisonous tongue.

These team gods are basically powerful opponents of the later protagonists :)