The Strongest God

Chapter 171: TGA Winter Grand Prix (four)


After the competition in front of the players, Wu Zewen on the 16th finally came on the field. The top three players in the standings have been confirmed to enter the finals, but the fourth player is a little nervous. In case the last player plays If he surpasses him well, he will lose the qualification to enter the final.

Many people turned their attention to Wu Zewen.

However, Wu Zewen's expression was still calm, wearing earplugs, and immersed himself in his own world.

The familiar melody of the song "Yang Guifei" sounded, Wu Zewen put his hands on the tablet, with the rhythm of the music, 1724 keystrokes without interruption, ALL COMBO again, all combos! !

Seeing the perfect score of SSS popping up on the screen, thunderous applause broke out at the scene, and Liu Chuan was finally relieved!

Wu Zewen is really stable. The faster the rhythm and the more difficult the song, the less mistakes he will make. The stability is amazing!

Because of the excellent performance of the last song, Wu Zewen's total score jumped to the first place and successfully entered the finals in the afternoon!

Many players at the scene cast complicated glances at him. The girl who was ranked first was obviously a little surprised. She couldn't help but glance at Wu Zewen, but Wu Zewen took off her headphones and walked back to her place calmly. superior.

The commentator announced with a smile: "Friends from the audience, the preliminaries in the morning are all over. According to the total score, the top four are: No. 16 player Wu Zewen, No. 8 player Lin Tong, No. 3 player Chen Hao, and No. 6 player. No. player Zhang Zheng! Congratulations to the four players for entering the national semifinals of the Rhythm Master Project!"

The preliminaries in the morning were all over, and the audience began to leave in turn.

After Wu Zewen and Liu Xiaomeng stepped down, they walked towards Liu Chuan. Liu Chuan smiled and patted Wu Zewen on the shoulder: "Good job!"

Wu Zewen nodded at him, a trace of joy in his eyes.

Liu Xiaomeng said, "Brother, Zewen has entered the finals, can you treat us to a good meal?"

Liu Chuan said, "No problem, what do you want to eat?"

Liu Xiaomeng said excitedly: "I want to eat pizza..."

"Go aside." Liu Chuan interrupted her: looking back at Wu Zewen, he said, "Zewen, what do you want to eat?"

Wu Zewen said: "I can do whatever. Xiaomeng can eat pizza if she wants to eat pizza."

Liu Xiaomeng was obviously happy that Wu Zewen was on her side. Liu Chuan glanced at her sister helplessly, and had to take Wu Zewen to a nearby pizza shop.

Unexpectedly, the three of them had just ordered something delicious when they saw a familiar person walking into the store. It was the girl who played very well in the game just now, Lin Tong, the No. 8 player. The other party obviously saw them too, smiled slightly, and said hello.

However, Liu Chuan always felt that there was something wrong with the way she looked at Wu Zewen...

After Lin Tong ordered the meal at the service counter, he walked over to the three and said, "Wu Zewen, long time no see."

"..." Wu Zewen looked up at her with a blank expression of "who are you".

Lin Tong smiled slightly and said, "Don't remember? I'm Lin Tong, the one who learned the piano with you at the beginning, teacher Zhang Yuhua's student."

Wu Zewen: "..."

Wu Zewen then remembered that in junior high school, in order to let his son develop a good talent, his mother paid a sum of money to enroll him in a famous piano class in Beijing. The teacher is Zhang Yuhua, who is a very temperamental woman.

The name Lin Tong, when he thinks about it carefully, he has some impression. At that time, Teacher Zhang accepted five students to teach together. Wu Zewen made the fastest progress, and Lin Tong was the slowest. Lin Tong seems to have told everyone that she has no interest in the piano at all. She was forced by her parents to learn it. After only one year of learning, she couldn't keep going. She said goodbye to a few classmates, and then did not come to class again. A deserter in their piano class.

Wu Zewen only remembered that it was a girl with a ponytail. He couldn't tell exactly what it looked like. Coupled with the eighteen changes in the Women's University, the classmates who studied piano together in junior high school, after so many years, Wu Zewen himself has face blindness, how could he recognize it...

However, Lin Tong recognized Wu Zewen at a glance. Wu Zewen still wore black-rimmed glasses as he remembered. He was gentle and did not like to talk. In addition to his extremely fast hand speed, she immediately confirmed Wu Zewen's identity.

When Liu Chuan heard that she was Wu Zewen's classmate, he smiled gracefully and said, "Miss Lin, let's sit together."

Lin Tong sat down beside Liu Xiaomeng generously and asked, "Zewen, how are you learning the piano now?"

Wu Zewen said: "I got the performance level in the piano exam, and I haven't practiced for a long time since I went to university."

Lin Tong smiled and said, "You really have perseverance."

Wu Zewen asked, "What about you? Did you stop learning later?"

Lin Tong said: "At first, I thought it was too tiring to play the piano and sit there upright, and I couldn't sit at all. After I left the piano class, I went to learn the guitar and just sat on the floor, playing and singing. It's more suitable for me. At first, I learned folk guitar, and then I switched to classical guitar, and I also passed the tenth grade."

Wu Zewen nodded and said, "Then you are also very good. If Teacher Zhang knows, he will definitely be happy for you."

Lin Tong smiled and said, "Mr. Zhang used to criticize me. She said that I was the most unmotivated student I had ever met over the years, and she asked me to learn more from you."

Wu Zewen said: "That's because you are not interested in the piano. It is also very important to learn an instrument and choose what you like."

Liu Xiaomeng interjected: "That's right! I'm learning the guzheng, and I'm very good at playing ancient tunes. I'm not very interested in western instruments such as guitar and piano..."

The three began to talk about musical instruments, and Liu Chuan was completely left aside by Wu Zewen for the first time.

Liu Chuan looked up at Lin Tong a little unhappily, and found that her eyes were still on Wu Zewen. Obviously, Wu Zewen made her more interested.

This made Liu Chuan's heart feel a sour taste inexplicably.

Although the girl in front of her is not particularly beautiful, she is very attractive. A girl who learns guitar seems to have a dashing and casual temperament. She has a plain face without any makeup, speaks gracefully, and dresses neatly.

What made Liu Chuan unhappy was that she kept her eyes on Wu Zewen and chatted with Wu Zewen with a smile on her face. In addition, the two of them also had a history of learning piano together when they were in junior high school, which made Liu Chuan suddenly develop a kind of feeling. "Did she fall in love with Wu Zewen?" The strange sense of crisis.

However, Wu Zewen did not notice this at all, and continued to chat with Lin Tong about musical instruments and Teacher Zhang...

Liu Chuan took a knife to cut the pizza, and had a gloomy meal.

After the meal, the four of them came to the game together, Lin Tong and Wu Zewen made preparations, and Liu Xiaomeng watched the game with her brother offstage.

At 2:30, the finals of the rhythm master project officially started.

The 4 contestants stepped onto the stage one by one, and the information of each contestant was displayed one by one on the big screen, including name, gender, age, repertoire, honors, etc., which were usually filled out by the contestants themselves, and the other two contestants' "acquired" The "Honor" column wrote a lot of previous records, including "South China Division Tablet Group Champion", "National Challenge Champion" and so on. It seems that one is better than the other.

In Wu Zewen's award record, he wrote "Champion of the C University Campus Competition".

Seeing this line of information on the big screen, the audience who didn't watch the morning game suddenly laughed. This guy is obviously a novice. He wrote "Campus Competition Champion". Compared with the champions in the South China Division and the national champions, it's really good. poor look...

Liu Chuan also glanced at Wu Zewen reluctantly. He was too serious. In fact, this column can be left blank. Just leave it blank like Lin Tong did. In the end, he still filled it in obediently. In the national finals , writing about "campus champions" makes people laugh.

It's just that Wu Zewen's gentle face is very emotional. The audience laughed for a while, and thought this newcomer who didn't understand the market was very funny.

At the moment, Wu Zewen is wearing headphones and practicing seriously with his tablet, as if he had not heard the jeers from the audience.

After the two commentators on the scene introduced several players in turn, the referee signaled the four players to take their places.

There is a large white square table in the middle of the stage with the logo of the rhythm master on it. The four players should be separated in twos, sit face to face at the table, put the tablet in a fixed position and play the designated song. Chen Haohe Zhang Zheng's group, after the two sat down, the referee asked them to choose a song and said, "Start!"

The two started playing at the same time, and the left and right pictures on the big screen respectively showed the current first perspective of the two players.

The first song: "Purple Passion", four-button mode, hard difficulty.

The melody of this song is very good, so it is also very popular among players. The difficulty of the four-button mode is not very big. There are a few short buttons in the middle that fall quickly, which is easy to make people in a hurry. However, the person who can enter the national finals must have two brushes. The two players did not miss a key on this song. They dealt with it calmly. In the end, they both hit all 1428 combos. .

Next, Wu Zewen and Lin Tong played.

It is also playing the song "Purple Passion". Wu Zewen's face is always calm, and Lin Tong is also calm. The two of them tapped quickly on the tablet, pressing every key with great precision, and finally successfully won 1428 consecutive games. Hit, the score evaluation is also SS!

The female commentator said in surprise: "These two newcomers played very well in the morning competition. The final in the afternoon was still so stable, and their psychological quality seemed to be very good. Especially Lin Tong, it is rare for female players to enter the national competition. , this player is really surprising!"

The male commentator next to him smiled and said, "The songs that follow will be more and more difficult, let's see how they perform."

Sure enough, the second song became "Drama" in five-key mode, and the difficulty of the song instantly increased.

It's not easy to make all the combos in this song, because the whole song has a lot of scattered notes at high speed. If the hand speed of both hands can't keep up, it's easy to miss the keys. What's worse, the large notes The rhythm of the continuous fall is extremely fast, and it does not give people any breathing time.

The first player Chen Hao accidentally missed a key, and Zhang Zheng also missed one, probably because of the nervousness in the finals, their performance in the finals was far less than the preliminaries in the morning.

Lin Tong still played steadily, with a smile at the corners of his mouth, and his fingers played casually, looking very relaxed, and successfully hit all the combos of ALL COMBO! It is rare for girls to enter the national finals, and Lin Tong's performance won warm applause from the audience!

And Wu Zewen also calmly won all the combos of ALL COMBO, and got a high score of 770,000!

The audience who laughed at him just now as the "campus champion" couldn't help but glance at him - this boy's expression is really calm, who is the rookie who is participating for the first time? Why don't you look nervous at all? It is estimated that many people have this question in their hearts.

The female commentator was also excited: "It seems that the two players, Lin Tong and Wu Zewen, are the dark horses who participated in the competition for the first time. The next third song is also the song that decides the final fate of everyone. The 6-key mode "Girls" "Phantom Burial"! This is a very difficult song, can several players hit all the combos?"

The male commentator said: "Yes, in the end, all the notes of this song add up to nearly 3,000, and the rhythm is very fast! As far as I know, in large-scale competitions, there are very few players who can hit this song in a row! I hope today's few can bring us unexpected surprises!"

Because the two players, Chen Hao and Zhang Zheng, both missed keys in the second song, the audience paid more attention to Lin Tong and Wu Zewen. So far, the two of them have been completely connected. Hit, the last super difficult "Girls' Phantom Burial", can they still connect all of them

The two players, Chen and Zhang, who played first, began to miss keys when they played in the middle. The speed of the notes falling was so fast that it felt like a cramp when playing with both hands. The difficulty level of this song made the audience stunned. Tongue out!

In the end, the two players failed to achieve the full score. Next, Wu Zewen and Lin Tong played together.

The difference between the two of them is very close now, only about 10,000 points. Wu Zewen is temporarily ahead, but everyone knows that the third song is the key! The total score of the second song is only over 700,000, but the score of the third song is over 1.7 million! A button is not careful, it is possible to be overtaken by the other party.

The audience at the scene were all sweating for them...

However, Lin Tong and Wu Zewen, who were standing on the stage, were not nervous at all.

The familiar rhythm sounded, and the big screen released the first-perspective playing pictures of the two people. I saw their hands quickly tap the tablet with the rhythm of the music, and their flexible fingers seemed to dance a gorgeous song. dance!

Combo 500-1000-1500-2000!

The audience began to applaud uncontrollably!

In such a difficult segment just now, the two of them passed without frowning at the same time!

The voice of the female commentator was very excited: "The two players seem to be competing, and the combo has both exceeded 2000! Let's look forward to the next difficult segment, can they pass the level smoothly? The director takes a look at the big screen - the combo 2100- 2200! Passed again!"

The audience started clapping wildly!

The number of fast jumping combos on the big screen continues to increase, because the jump is so fast that everyone can't even tell what the number is. Many people are worried about whether the combo will be interrupted. Strike is the most important indicator, once it is interrupted, the deduction will be very serious, not to mention that the difference between the two of them is not big, and now it is a tiebreaker, as long as one key is broken, maybe the champion will be handed over. deliver…

The audience under the stage were all nervous for them, but Wu Zewen's mood was extremely calm, his mind was highly concentrated, his eyes were very focused on his tablet computer, and the familiar music in his earplugs made his fingers almost conditioned reflex Usually the quickest response...

Combo 2300… 2400… 2500… 2600!

At the last moment of the song, the messy notes descended rapidly, Lin Tong finally accidentally missed a key, and the combo was interrupted at 2601, but Wu Zewen burst out the highest hand speed with a calm expression, slender fingers to let Dazzling speed to hit every key with precision!

Lin Tong broke the combo, and on Wu Zewen's side, the number of combos in the middle of the big screen continued to increase!

2600… 2700… 2800…

The audience was stunned!


The calculation of the combo has finally settled on this number!

Wu Zewen's hands gently left the tablet, and the whole song finally ended!

The dazzling ALL COMBO words pop up on the screen!

The female commentator's voice trembled with excitement: "All combos! Actually all combos! 2,902 notes, all combos without missing a single one! Let's take a look at Wu Zewen's results - SSS! Perfect! Judgment, full score! Directly broke the global record for this song!"

Wu Zewen's tablet computer popped up the prompt "You have set a new record" and projected it on the big screen, and the scene suddenly burst into deafening applause!

You know, it may not be difficult to break records in normal times, but the bigger the event, the more pressure on the players. Just like the two Zhang Zheng and Chen Hao just now, they are actually very good players. It just doesn't work as expected...

However, Wu Zewen, even in the most stressful final, he still steadied, and his performance was perfect!

From this morning's preliminaries to this afternoon's finals, his expression has always been so calm, he only knows that he is completely immersed in his own world, doing what he should do, every note, according to the usual practice Playing it so earnestly, he left everything else behind.

Because of his concentration and no distractions, Wu Zewen scored a perfect SSS score in the final round of the TGA Winter Grand Prix National Finals!

With a high score of more than 1.7 million, he directly distanced himself from Lin Tong and won the championship without a doubt!

While most people applaud Wu Zewen, there are also many people who regret that Lin Tong missed a key in the end, but Lin Tong doesn't mind - because she knows that even if she doesn't miss a key, all the combos are not accurate in determining the accuracy. The results are still not as good as Wu Zewen.

Wu Zewen has an unparalleled talent in the sense of rhythm. He combines the musical sense of learning the piano with a very fast hand speed. Every key is pressed, it is just right on the rhythm point, just like the system design. Precisely as set!

Lin Tong usually plays this song, and the best score is SS, which is not as perfect as Wu Zewen's blind SSS.

If she was lucky in the first two rounds, then, in the last round, Lin Tong lost convincingly!