The Strongest God

Chapter 175: Spring Festival (2)


The TGA Grand Prix will end soon. Compared with the official league, which takes three consecutive months to play in two rounds, this transitional event has a very short time. After two weeks, the storm caused by the Wulin Professional League is not a big deal. Big, many captains don't care much about TGA's results, and it is their purpose to bring some newcomers to gain insight.

The reporters are more interested in some of the new faces of the major teams. E-sports Weekly devoted a special issue to reporting on the rookies who made their first appearance in this TGA.

The most striking ones are undoubtedly Chen Xiaobei from Team Seven Star Grass, Ling Dong from Team Huaxia, and Hu Bin from Team Luohuaci.

Although these players are still young and their level is not stable enough, maybe there will be the top gods of the league in the future, and there is a precedent for the talented young man Lu Xiang. No one dares to look down on these young players.

The final winner of the TGA Winter Grand Prix was Qixingcao, the runner-up was Huaxia, and the third-runner-up was Tongjak.

Lu Xiang smiled and said: "We Tongque always win bronze medals, this is the fourth bronze medal..."

When this guy laughed, he would show two small tiger teeth. The reporter took a photo, and together with this sentence, it was enlarged into the news of the e-sports website.

The Bronze Sparrow won a championship a year ago, and almost all the medals won in other seasons are bronze medals. The Bronze Sparrow fans are a little depressed. Is it because the team name has the word "Bronze"? But on second thought, there are so many bronze medals, which proves that the Tongjae team has reached the semi-finals many times, which is much better than those teams that can't get the prize.

Lu Xiang was very happy, and took out the four bronze medals together and took a group photo.

After the TGA Grand Prix, the Wulin Professional League ushered in the first offseason of the new year.

From January 25th to February 29th, more than a month is an annual long vacation for the players. The winter break period is longer than the summer break period. The key is that because of the existence of the Spring Festival, the league has a holiday for the major teams. The players go home for the Chinese New Year, and they can also reunite with relatives and friends whom they have not seen for a long time.

Of course, before the offseason, those players who transfer will also report to the new team to arrange accommodation.

Yang Jian came to Harbin alone with a suitcase.

The last time he came to Harbin, he and Qin Ye brought the Changan team to play against the Xuelang team. Changan was beaten by Xuelang, but now, he came to the club as the vice-captain of the Xuelang team. The report, the feng shui turns, turns the world upside down in a blink of an eye, which feels quite ironic.

The manager personally came to the airport to pick him up, obviously he still attached great importance to Yang Jian's arrival. Team Xuelang's arena competition has always been a weak spot, and they brought in Yang Jian, a strong player in heads-up, which is considered to have significantly improved the team's overall strength.

After the disbandment of the Chang'an team, Yang Jian has also matured a lot. The arrogant young man at the time has now become taciturn, and his eyes that were sharp as a sword have become deeper and more restrained, and the whole person seems to have grown up in an instant.

Harbin has been snowing continuously for the past few days. The scenery of this ice and snow city is quite different from that of Xi'an. Yang Jian felt very strange when he saw the pedestrians coming and going along the way.

The manager brought Yang Jian to the club. As soon as he entered the door, he heard a warm applause in his ears. Yang Jian raised his head and slammed into a pair of dark and deep eyes - the man still had a graceful smile on his face. When I saw him at the pre-match meeting for the first time, he also raised his glass with a smile and toasted the old captains as the new captain; the second opening ceremony upset Chang'an, he also walked over with a smile like this Shake hands with Yang Jian...

Last season's champion captain Ann was actually defeated by a new team that was promoted by the people, which is unique in the history of the league.

It was Fang Zhiyan who made Yang Jian disgraced, and it was Fang Zhiyan who made the Chang'an team a laughing stock in the eyes of everyone!

Yang Jian used to want to kill this man, especially when Fang Zhiyan smiled and shook hands with him every time he lost to the Snow Wolf team, he wanted to punch him and smack that smiling face. He has always looked down on Fang Zhiyan, and always felt that Fang Zhiyan was very hypocritical, but now, he has actually transferred to the Snow Wolf team to be the vice-captain...

Yang Jian felt that he was really ashamed. All his self-respect and pride had been trampled to the point of scum when the Chang'an team was disbanded.

He knows what the outside world thinks of him -- the worst captain in the entire league.

It's a shame to be thrown to this point, but he was still unwilling to leave like this, so he stayed cheeky, came to the team he once looked down on, and served as the deputy captain of the person he once hated. This is really a big joke!

Fang Zhiyan brought his teammates to welcome him. Yang Jian didn't want to give the captain face, so he stepped forward and said in a low voice, "Team Fang."

"Welcome, Yang Jian." Fang Zhiyan said with a smile: "I'll introduce everyone to you first, and you should also be familiar with the team."

A man suddenly stepped forward and said, "Guess if I'm the twin's older brother or younger brother?"

A person who looked exactly the same next to him frowned and said, "You're here again, it's not boring!"

Yang Jian: "..."

Seeing Yang Jian's embarrassed expression, Fang Zhiyan said: "Azhe, don't make trouble. This guy who likes to joke a lot is his elder brother Lv Mingzhe, and the one who always frowns and loves to fry his hair is his younger brother Lv Mingjie, you just call them ah. Zhe and Ajie are fine."

Yang Jian nodded, he was naturally impressed by the twin brothers, but he couldn't tell which was which.

Fang Zhiyan continued to introduce: "This is Wu Qian, the main healer of our team."

If Yang Jian remembered correctly, Wu Qian used to be the vice-captain of Xuelang. He grabbed this person's position as soon as he came. Feeling a little sorry, he took the initiative to extend his hand: "Hello."

Wu Qian was very gentle, and said with a smile, "Welcome to Vice Captain Yang."

Yang Jian nodded at him, and Fang Zhiyan continued to introduce: "Li Suyue, she is playing Whip Five Poisons. She doesn't appear many times. You probably haven't seen her."

Li Suyue extended her hand generously and said, "Hello, Vice Captain Yang."

"Hello." Yang Jian was indeed seeing her for the first time, this female contestant looked very calm...

Then, Fang Zhiyan introduced all the teammates in turn, and then picked up Yang Jian's luggage and said, "I'll take you to the dormitory."

The conditions of the Snow Wolf Club are not as good as Chang'an, probably due to limited funds.

The dormitory of the Chang'an team is apartment-style. Yang Jian used to live in a single room in Chang'an, but the dormitory of the Snow Wolf team was all double rooms, with beds, wardrobes, desks, very simple furnishings, and shared bathrooms and bathrooms, a bit like a student. The double dormitory of the times, fortunately the dormitory is very spacious and very clean.

Fang Zhiyan took him to the No. 1 dormitory. The bed next to him was obviously slept in, and it was neatly laid out. There was a computer on the table and a lot of books on the bookshelf...

Yang Jianzheng was puzzled, Fang Zhiyan closed the door and said with a smile, "This bed is mine, you will live with me in the future."

Yang Jian: "..."

Can you say no? I really don't want to live with him...

Fang Zhiyan put on a "it's decided like this" gesture, and said with a smile, "The dormitory conditions here are not as good as the Changan team, right?" Yang Jian frowned and didn't answer.

Fang Zhiyan continued: "I know that you have won the championship and experienced the blow of the team's disbandment, but, Yang Jian, those are over for you. From today, you are the vice-captain of the Snow Wolf team. , you need to get used to this new identity, get used to everything about the Snow Wolf team, and - get used to my existence."

Yang Jian: "..."

Although the man had a smile on his face, his eyes were extremely sharp at that moment.

Yang Jian met his gaze, and his heart trembled slightly. Although he didn't like Fang Zhiyan very much, he had to admit that Fang Zhiyan brought a brand-new team into the playoffs. It's not unreasonable that so many players of Team Wolf are obedient to this man.

Yang Jian's scalp was numb at the sight of him, he looked away in embarrassment, and said in a low voice, "Got it, Captain."

Fang Zhiyan suddenly said, "Yang Jian, don't you know? I actually suggested to the manager to dig you into Team Snow Wolf."

Yang Jian looked up at him in surprise.

Fang Zhiyan smiled slightly: "You should be very clear that the Xuelang team's arena is a weak point, and your participation can improve our probability of scoring points in the arena. At the same time, our team's lineup is not yet perfect, and the double-assistant play The law is a bit too soft, especially when we encounter long-range teams like Tang and Huaxia, we can't fight the late game at all. A single lineup is easy to be targeted, and your addition just makes up for our team. The biggest flaw—I dig you here, not just to let you play in the ring, but to make you the sharpest weapon of our Snow Wolf team.”

Fang Zhiyan stepped forward, patted Yang Jian's shoulder lightly, and said, "Yang Jian, don't make me regret making this decision."

"..." The shock in Yang Jian's heart was indescribable.

He had previously thought that Team Snow Wolf wanted him to come here just to fight in the arena, but he never expected Fang Zhiyan to think so thoroughly and long-term. Such a captain is a good captain. I have never thought about these things carefully before, and I am not qualified to be a captain.

Thinking of the former Chang'an team, and Qin Ye, the vice-captain who once worked hard for the team... Yang Jian's heart couldn't help but sting.

Taking a deep breath, looking up at Zhiyan's deep eyes, Yang Jian said with a cautious expression, "I know what to do, Captain."

At that moment, he decided to accept Fang Zhiyan as captain.

Even if Fang Zhiyan once slapped him in the face and made him feel ashamed of losing, even if he once hated this man deeply...

But from now on, they will be the best buddies.


The Spring Festival is coming soon, and every household is busy with the New Year's goods, and everyone's alleys are filled with a happy festive atmosphere.

Professor Liu Boyuan's national lecture tour is finally over. Yang Qiuning, a busy man, finally gave himself a week's vacation. He went home to reunite with his husband and children. Liu Boyuan and Yang Qiuning bought new clothes together. Liu Chuan and Liu Xiaomeng were two brothers and sisters. Every day, I drive my car to the streets to organize New Year's goods, and the family is very busy.

On the 30th day of the Chinese New Year, Liu Chuan had just finished buying fruit from the supermarket when he received a call from his mother Yang Qiuning: "Your grandparents have decided to go back to China this Spring Festival, buy more meat and celery, and come back to make dumplings. They love to eat celery stuffing. My son's dumplings."

Liu Chuan said in surprise: "Grandpa and grandmother? The two old people ran all the way back to China for the Chinese New Year?!"

Yang Qiuning said, "Well, at the airport in the afternoon, you can pick it up."

"..." Liu Chuan suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

At that time, when I went abroad after retiring, my mother drove me abroad to see my grandfather. Grandpa Yang Shengmin was an extremely stern person, and he spoke in a very serious tone. Liu Chuan had never seen him smile. Back then, he built the foundation of the Yang family from scratch. Everyone in the Yang family was afraid of him. Only Yang Qiuning, the only daughter, dared to fight against him...

Yang Qiuning is the second daughter of the Yang family, and Liu Chuan has an uncle and uncle, who are not currently in Beijing.

In the afternoon, Liu Chuan and Liu Xiaomeng went to the airport to pick up their grandfather and grandma. Although the old man was seventy years old, he seemed to be in high spirits, and he walked with a gusto. Grandma's complexion was also good, with a kind smile on her face, she walked over and said, "Our Liu Chuan is really getting older and more handsome, and Xiaomeng has become more beautiful."

Liu Xiaomeng happily rushed over and hugged her: "Grandma, you really know how to talk!"

Liu Chuan also smiled and said, "Grandma, you have such a good eye."

Grandpa Yang Shengmin glanced at Liu Chuan coldly, but did not express his opinion.

Liu Chuan took the initiative to walk forward with a smile, took the luggage from him, and asked the two old people to get in the car and go home.

When he got home, Liu Boyuan had already cooked and prepared dinner, a table of New Year's Eve dinner with chicken, duck, fish and meat, which looked extremely rich.

Everyone was seated in the restaurant. At this moment, a doorbell rang suddenly outside the door. Liu Chuan turned to open the door. As soon as he opened the door, he saw a tall man standing at the door with a gift. He was wearing a black coat. He was wearing a long black scarf, which made his face look very white, and his facial features combined were very handsome.

Seeing Liu Chuan, he was obviously stunned for a moment, then lowered his head in embarrassment and whispered, "Brother."

Liu Chuan laughed "Haha", stretched out his hand and patted his shoulder lightly, and said, "I really don't want to admit that I'm your brother... Yang Jian, you are too embarrassing for me."

"..." Yang Jian's head was about to drop to his chest.

Liu Chuan leaned over and said in a low voice, "The old man is here, be careful when you speak, don't mention anything about the team, I don't want to die with you, do you hear me?"

Yang Jian hurriedly nodded: "Got it."

Then Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Come in."