The Strongest God

Chapter 179: Spring Festival (6)


Li Xiang originally planned to come to Qin Ye on the first day of the new year. As a result, this year their family reunion happened to be on the first day of the new year. A group of seven aunts and eight aunts came to their house for New Year's greetings. He couldn't leave, so he changed his signature. The air ticket early in the morning of the second day of the second day of the new year arrived at Xi'an at exactly nine o'clock.

Li Xiang sent a text message to Qin Ye last night, saying that he would come over today. Qin Ye thought he would arrive at noon or in the afternoon, but he was still sleeping late in the bed when the phone rang suddenly. Qin Ye answered the phone and said "hello" in a dazed way, only to hear a cheerful voice in his ear: "Qin Ye, I'm Li Xiang, and I'm already at the gate of your community!"

"..." Qin Ye suddenly rolled over from the bed and sat up, frowning, "So early?"

Li Xianghe smiled and said, "I wanted to see you earlier, so I changed the earliest flight in the early morning."

Qin Ye was silent for a moment before saying, "I'll pick you up."

He got up in a hurry, washed his face and brushed his teeth, then grabbed a sweater and jacket and put them on. Qin Ye stepped on his short boots and walked out the door.

When he went out, he found that it was snowing heavily outside, and the snowflakes were flying wildly in the air. The biting cold wind made Qin Ye sneezed violently. He hurriedly wrapped his coat and walked quickly to the gate of the community.

The security of this community is very strict. You must swipe your card to enter and leave. If there are visitors, the owner must pick them up in person.

Qin Ye's parents don't live here. This is a house he bought two years ago. After the New Year's Eve dinner, his parents decided to go to Singapore to see his sister. Qin Ye just came back from Singapore a few days ago. I was too lazy to go, so I just stayed in this small house by myself, playing games, watching movies, and spending a rare day of leisure time.

Unexpectedly, Li Xiang came directly to the door on the second day of the new year.

Seeing that the snow was getting heavier and heavier, Qin Ye immediately quickened his pace.

It snowed all night last night, turning the entire city into a world of ice and snow. Looking at the white scene, the snow on the road was very thick. Qin Ye stepped on the snow and quickly walked to the gate of the community. His vision became blurred, Qin Ye stopped to look around, and sure enough, he saw a familiar figure not far away...

Even though they were across the street, in the hustle and bustle of the crowd, Qin Ye still recognized each other at a glance.

The man was wearing a long black coat and a brown scarf, and seemed to be standing there waiting for a long time, with a pile of snow falling on his shoulders, and a large luggage bag in his hand. When he saw him, his face immediately showed With a sunny smile, he trotted over excitedly, stood in front of him, smiled and said, "Qin Ye, I'm here to see you."

Qin Ye: "..."

In an instant, like the melting of winter snow, Qin Ye's heart was inexplicably warmed.

Li Xiang is still so handsome and sunny when he smiles. In addition to wearing a long coat and slim trousers today, he looks taller and taller. His hair is covered with snow and he smirks at himself. Softly, he said reproachfully: "You just stand in the snow and wait, won't you hide?"

Li Xiang casually patted the snow on his hair and shoulders, and said, "It doesn't matter to me, I have never been afraid of cold since I was a child... But you, why do you wear so little?"

Seeing that Qin Ye was only wearing a sweater and jacket, Li Xiang hurriedly took off the scarf around his neck and wrapped it around him without a word.

The temperature from Li Xiang's body wrapped around his neck and cheeks that were about to freeze. Qin Ye couldn't help raising the corners of his lips and said, "Let's go."

The two passed the verification of the guard at the door and walked side by side towards the community.

The road in the community is very wide, and there is an artificial lake next to it, but the lake water is frozen. It was snowing heavily on the second day of the new year, and there were not many pedestrians on the road, which made it seem a little deserted. Qin Ye took Li Xiang through the woods along the path, and then came to the building where he lived.

The community was full of high-rise buildings. Qin Ye lived on the 21st floor. The two took the elevator upstairs together. Qin Ye took out the key and opened the door, then brought him a pair of slippers.

Li Xiang took pictures of all the snow on his clothes outside the door, and then turned around and went into the house to change his shoes. As soon as he entered the house, he found that the living room was a little messy. There were a lot of snacks on the table, and the computer was still on the carpet. Several game discs.

Qin Ye said calmly, "I was playing games in the living room yesterday, so I didn't have to tidy up."

When the visiting guests saw that the house was so messy, he looked calm, not embarrassed at all.

Li Xiang smiled understandingly and said, "I understand, I'm too lazy to clean up when I'm at home alone..."

Qin Ye asked him to put his luggage aside and asked, "Have you had breakfast?"

Li wanted to say, "No."

Qin Ye said, "Eat some milk and bread to deal with it, and I'll take you down to eat at noon, okay?"

Li Xiang smiled and scratched his head: "Is there anything to eat in the refrigerator? I'll cook."

Then he ran to the restaurant, opened the refrigerator, took a look, took out a few eggs, tomatoes, noodles and green vegetables, and turned to the kitchen.

Qin Ye was a little embarrassed. He didn't expect Li Xiang to come over early in the morning. He didn't clean up the house, and he didn't buy anything to eat. In the end, he had to go to the kitchen to get the food himself. This is really not the way of hospitality...

However, Li Xiangdao didn't mind at all, rolled up his sleeves skillfully, and started making breakfast in the kitchen.

Qin Ye leaned against the kitchen door and looked at him. Although this guy talked a little more, his first impression was not calm enough, but after getting in touch with him more, he found that this guy has a good heart, is warm-hearted, considerate, and is very good at taking care of people. The appearance of washing and chopping vegetables with his sleeves up has the demeanor of a "good man at home".

Qin Ye joked, "Would you like to wear an apron?"

Li Xiang turned his head and said with a smile, "I looked for it, but you don't have it here. You obviously rarely cook."

Qin Ye nodded and said, "I don't know how to cook. I bought these dishes when I passed by the supermarket yesterday."

Li Xiang knew by looking at the refrigerator. There were only eggs, tomatoes, vegetables, etc. in it. There were also many quick-frozen dumplings and glutinous rice balls that could be cooked and eaten directly. Obviously, they were emergency food when staying at home, such as chicken, duck, fish, etc. There is nothing that requires careful cooking.

Seeing that Li Xiang was swiftly making breakfast with his head down and hands and feet down, he couldn't help there, so he turned around and went to the bedroom, where he folded the quilt first.

When he packed up his bedroom and came back, Li Xiang's breakfast was ready.

A faint aroma came from the restaurant, and the hunger in his stomach made Qin Ye search for it immediately. Li Xiang put two bowls of hot noodles on the dining table. Seeing Qin Ye coming over, he smiled and said, "It's done. , come and eat."

Golden eggs, red tomatoes, green vegetables, and a simple bowl of noodles make people move.

Qin Ye sat down at the dining table, picked up his chopsticks and took a sip. The noodles tasted good and the soup was fragrant, so Qin Ye buried his head and ate happily.

Li wanted to see that he was eating with relish, and a hint of softness surged in his heart.

It's such a great feeling to make breakfast for someone you love...

If possible, he would even stay by Qin Ye's side forever and take good care of this person.

Qin Ye looks very strong and independent, but in fact, he put too much energy into the former Chang'an team, so that he didn't have much mood to think about himself. His house is messy enough, and the kitchen has not been used for a long time. Li I don't even know how he lived alone - ordering takeout every day? Or eat frozen food from the supermarket every day

No matter what happened in the past, Li Xiang only knew that from today onwards, he would be happy to take care of Qin Ye's responsibility.

After breakfast, Li Xiang diligently went to wash the pots and bowls again, and then came over to help Qin Ye clean up the living room. Soon, Qin Ye's living room became tidy, clean and brand new. The dormitory 301 can always take the first place in the hygiene evaluation every year. Li Xiang, the head of the dormitory, has definitely made a contribution. He is a small expert in housework, and he is very resolute in tidying up the house.

Qin Ye stood beside him, but felt that Li Xiang was the master here, but he was the guest...

"Thank you." Qin Ye was a little embarrassed, and always felt that it was not good to let guests from afar to cook, wash dishes, and tidy up the house. But looking at Li Xiang's willingness, he was not good at attacking this guy's enthusiasm.

Li wanted to turn around and said, "You're welcome."

At that moment, Qin Ye suddenly felt that the boy in front of him was smiling very handsomely. Because of the housework, a layer of sweat oozeed out from his face, and his wheat-colored healthy skin seemed to be covered with a lustrous luster...

Li Xiang met Qin Ye's gaze, scratched his head with a smile, and said, "When I was a child, my parents were very busy with work, and I cleaned up my room by myself. When I saw things scattered around, I couldn't help itching my hands. Clean up…”

"This is a good habit." Qin Ye smiled and said, "You are here to see the Terracotta Army, right?"

Li Xiang touched his nose embarrassedly. He used the lousy excuse of "I want to travel to Xi'an to see the Terracotta Warriors and Horses" to get Qin Ye to promise him to visit Xi'an during the Chinese New Year. Now he obviously can't hide it. Li Xiang simply said: "Actually, I made a special trip to see you."

Qin Ye was a little surprised: "Why did you make a special trip to see me?"

Li Xiang said: "Uh, it's actually... I want to invite you to join our team..."

Qin Ye's expression changed slightly, Li Xiang waved his hand and said, "Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean to force you, I just wanted to ask you... what is in your heart."

Qin Ye was silent for a moment, then turned around and walked to the sofa to sit down.

Li Xiang immediately followed him diligently, poured him a cup of hot water, and sat beside him and said, "Actually, each of us hopes that you can come back. I know that the Chang'an team is disbanded, and you feel bad. But , you have no problem playing the game in your current state, just leave like this, are you really willing?"

Qin Ye: "..."

Li Xiang went on to say: "Xu Xinran transferred to the national color team. You retired, and she must be very sad. If you can come back, she will be very happy."

Li Xiang has long seen that only Xu Xinran and Qin Ye are the best in the Changan team. Qin Ye probably regards Xinran as his younger sister, and has always taken good care of the female player. Xu Xinran also has great respect for Qin Ye, and many games have ended. After that, the rest of the Changan team ignored Qin Ye, only Xu Xinran, who brought him a bottle of his favorite iced Coke every time. Although the temperature of Coke was cold, that bottle of Coke was not Qin Ye. The only warmth in my heart

Li wanted to move Xu Xinran out, and sure enough, Qin Ye's brows were slightly wrinkled, and the expression on his face was a bit complicated.

Li Xiang carefully paid attention to his expression, and continued: "And Zewen, Shaoqing, Xiaoyu and the others, everyone already regards you as a good friend. When Chang'an disbanded, Xiaoyu was very uncomfortable, and he chased after him every day. When Liu Chuan asked about your whereabouts, Zewen also told me to let me persuade you. Everyone knows that you don’t need comfort, but everyone actually feels sorry for you. I hope you can cheer up and stand on the field again. Let's see how handsome Qin Ye is!"

Qin Ye: "..."

Li Xiang paused, looked at Qin Ye seriously, and said, "Qin Ye, you will always be the best professional player in my heart."

Qin Ye's heart moved slightly - the best professional player

He is not the best professional player, nor is he an excellent vice-captain, otherwise, the Changan team would not have gotten to where it is today. If he wasn't so proud and not good at expressing himself, if he could have a calm talk with Yang Jianxin, if they could have discovered that this kind of conflict had affected the foundation of the Chang'an team... it might not have been possible for the Chang'an team to disband like this.

Qin Ye felt that he was sorry for the old captain Lin Liming, and did not want to return to the arena. He was really tired, and he was already disheartened.

However, what Li Xiang said today made the flame in his heart burn again.

He is still young, he can play for another year or two, and he is really unwilling to retire like this...

But when he thought of the Chang'an team in the past, Qin Ye felt heartache. He couldn't completely ignore Chang'an and put the badges of other teams in front of his ID.

There were some contradictions and confusion in his heart, Qin Ye took a deep breath to calm down, turned around and said to Li Xiang, "I understand your kindness, I'm not in the mood to play games now."

Li Xiang looked into his eyes and said earnestly and firmly, "Retiring in such an embarrassed manner shouldn't be your final ending... Qin Ye, you obviously have a wider world, why do you keep yourself in that small corner? What? Xu Xinran, Yang Jian, don't they have feelings for Chang'an? But they all moved to other teams, why? It's because they didn't want to give up - and you gave up."

Qin Ye: "..."

Li Xiang put his hand on his shoulder, pressed it gently, and his tone became extraordinarily gentle: "Qin Ye, don't give up... You just need to take one step forward, just one step, and leave the rest to me, okay?"

Qin Ye: "..."

Li Xiang continued: "Our team is all acquaintances you know, and each of them regards you as their best friend. They will gather tomorrow. Everyone is waiting for you. If you don't go, everyone will be disappointed. of."

Qin Ye: "..."

Thinking of the care of his friends in the online game, Qin Ye's mood was very complicated. He found that he was shaken by Li Xiang's words. His original determination was extremely firm, but under Li Xiang's repeated persuasion, It was as if a gap had suddenly cracked in the ice.

The gap is getting bigger and bigger, and the originally complete ice surface has gradually appeared more and more cracks, and it is about to be pulverized...

Li Xiang added: "Even if you don't want to join for the time being, you can go to Changsha with me to see, anyway, you are bored staying at home during the winter vacation. You go to the team to see the house we have arranged and how we train. Think carefully and then make a decision... OK?"

Li Xiang's sincere expression and gentle voice made Qin Ye unable to say the word "no" at all.

He didn't have the heart to attack this boy who came from afar, and when he met the expectant gaze of the other party, his heart softened inexplicably. Qin Ye nodded involuntarily, and said softly, "...Okay."

Li Xiang thought he was hallucinating, and was stunned when he realized that Qin Ye actually agreed, and immediately became happy: "Great! I have already booked a return ticket for tomorrow, and we will go back to Changsha tomorrow! They will definitely be very happy when they find out. happy… "

Seeing Li Xiang's incomparably excited look, Qin Ye couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips slightly.

- Will your arrival make those people happy

Qin Ye wasn't sure.

All he knew was that he was suddenly looking forward to it. He wanted to see what Liu Chuan's team had become. He also wanted to see Daochang, Yu'er, Zewen, and Xu Ce. What did they look like in reality? look like.

That's right, just go and have a look. Anyway, after he retires, he will rest for a whole season, and it will not be too late to decide when that time comes.

Qin Ye just made up his mind and said, "Then let me pack my luggage first."

Li Xiang hurriedly said, "Okay!"

Seeing Qin Ye turn around to pack his luggage, Li Xiang's mood was beyond description.

Although on the surface it was just to see the team's situation, Li wanted to know that Qin Ye was willing to take this small step forward. Everything is difficult at the beginning. He believes that as long as Qin Ye comes to the Longyin team, one day, Qin Ye will be moved by their sincerity!

Li Xiang said silently in his heart: Qin Ye, you just need to take one step forward, and leave the rest to me. From now on, I will always stand by your side, accompany you, protect you...