The Strongest God

Chapter 184: Daily training (1)


Liu Chuan can't count how many times this is the first time he has washed his face with cold water...

He had a very strange dream just now. In the dream, Wu Zewen slept obediently in his arms, raised his head to look at him, his eyes were black and clear, his mouth kept moving, but he couldn't hear what he was saying. , Liu Chuan looked at the light-colored lips that were close at hand, and a heat flow suddenly rose in his heart. Then, his body responded before his brain. When he came back to his senses, he had already kissed...

Half-dream and half-awake, he only felt that Wu Zewen's lips were very soft, and the touch was so good that he couldn't bear to let go...

So, he stretched out his arms and hugged him tightly, and kissed his lips hard.

The feeling was so real that he couldn't tell whether it was a dream or not, so he moved his lips away and tried to kiss again, but at this moment, his nose suddenly couldn't breathe oxygen. There was a strong sense of suffocation in his chest, Liu Chuan opened his eyes reluctantly, and saw Wu Zewen standing by the bed looking at him.

Liu Chuan was instantly stunned, and immediately looked away when he felt guilty, pretending to calmly turn to the bathroom, and desperately washing his face with cold water, but the heat in his heart could not be suppressed. It seems that the soft touch still remains on the lips, which is simply addicting...

Is it a dream or real? Shouldn't it be true? If you really kissed Zewen, that would be too damned!

Liu Chuan held a hand of cold water and poured it hard on his face.

Jiang Shaoqing passed by the bathroom and saw that Liu Chuan kept pouring cold water on his face, he couldn't help smiling and said, "Team Chuan, there is hot water over the red faucet, I turned on the water heater when I woke up in the morning, you can wash with hot water. "

Liu Chuan: "..."

Jiang Shaoqing kindly suggested it, then turned around and left. Liu Chuan was extremely embarrassed. Looking at himself in the mirror, he couldn't help thinking: What the hell is going on? Recently, I have always had this kind of dream that shouldn't be dreamed. Wu Zewen, such a pure and serious scholar, actually kissed him in his dream, which is unforgivable!

Liu Chuan took a deep breath, patted his face with cold water, calmed down, brushed his teeth quickly, and then turned to go out.

When he went out after washing his face, he saw a table of steaming buns and soy milk. Liu Chuan couldn't help but said, "After a while, did you even buy breakfast?"

Jiang Shaoqing smiled and said, "I didn't buy it... Did Zewen buy it?"

Wu Zewen nodded: "Yes."

Liu Chuan walked up to him and asked in a low voice, "Are you going out to buy breakfast alone early in the morning?"

Wu Zewen said, "I got up early and saw that you didn't wake up, so I went downstairs to buy breakfast."

The little housekeeper was so considerate, he had already bought breakfast, but he, the captain, was sleeping late in bed and had to wake Wu Zewen up... Liu Chuan felt a little guilty, looked at Wu Zewen and said, "I'll go buy it with you in the future. , I'll set an alarm clock to wake up early." Seeing Wu Zewen wearing only a thin sweater, Liu Chuan couldn't help frowning, "You're easy to catch a cold when you go out wearing so little, you know?"

Wu Zewen said: "It doesn't matter, I will wear a thick coat when I go out."

Liu Chuan didn't say anything more, looked at the clock on the wall, and said, "It's 7:50. Let's have breakfast first." After that, he sent a group text message: "Hot buns at 303 Wait for you, come downstairs and eat :)"

Seeing the hot buns, Xiaoyu rushed down immediately. After a while, Lin Tong, Liu Xiaomeng, Li Xiang, and Qin Ye also came downstairs, but Si Lan was not seen.

Liu Chuan asked, "What about Lan Weiran?"

Qin Ye frowned, "Sleep late."

Liu Chuan said, "Aren't you going to wake him up?"

Qin Ye shrugged, "I can't call you."

Liu Chuan couldn't help laughing: "I heard that Luo Huaci, the lazy captain of the team, has a superb ability to stay in bed, let's go see it together today.

After that, I took a few people upstairs and came to room 403.

Liu Chuan pushed open Lan Weiran's door, and saw that this guy wrapped himself into a zongzi with a quilt, with only one head exposed, and his whole body was tightly wrapped.

Qin Ye said, "I just knocked on the door for a long time. He pretended to be dead, but he didn't open the door for me."

"Why are you being polite to him, just go in and kick him." Liu Chuan walked over with a smile, kicked him with his feet, and said, "Silan, it's time to get up."

Lan Weiran rolled to the side wrapped in the quilt, avoiding Liu Chuan's feet.

Liu Chuan walked to the other side of the bed again and pushed him hard: "Si Lan, get up."

Lan Weiran ignored him and rolled to the other side of the bed again.

He just rolled around on the bed like this, but he refused to open his eyes, and everyone was speechless - this shameless bedtime skill is simply admirable!

Qin Ye became impatient and frowned, "Take the quilt off him."

After he finished speaking, he stepped forward, followed Liu Chuan to the left and right, and literally stripped off the quilt that Lan Weiran had wrapped around him.

As a result, Lan Weiran turned over again, lay on the bed, buried his head in the pillow to escape reality, and refused to open his eyes.

Everyone: "… "

Liu Chuan walked over and tickled him. He was not ticklish at all, and narrowed his eyes comfortably.

Qin Ye walked over to grab his ear again, and he slapped his hand away.

Liu Chuan looked at Qin Ye helplessly, and Qin Ye sneered, "You can't get up, right?" After that, he turned around to wash his hands and took a glass of cold water. He went back to the bedroom and used the cold water glass to icy blue Weiran's face, and said, "I Count to three, and if you don't get up again, I'll pour it down for you."

"1… "

"2… "

Lan Weiran finally opened his eyes reluctantly, rolled his eyelids, stretched his arms lazily, got up, and walked around the crowd like a sleepwalker. Something was wrong, so he stepped back, turned and walked into the bathroom.

Everyone: "… "

Liu Chuan said with a smile: "Lan Weiran likes to stay in bed very much, and his anger is very serious when he wakes up. At this time, it is best not to provoke him."

A group of people looked at Lan Weiran's back in dismay. After he washed his face and brushed his teeth, he was completely awake, straightened his hair and clothes in front of the mirror, and finally regained his senses. When he returned to the room, he saw that everyone was there, Lan Weiran. He slightly raised the corner of his lips and said, "I'm already awake, so I don't need so many people to wait on me."

Everyone: "… "

A group of people came to wake him up, it was indeed a bit like serving the emperor.

Liu Chuan stepped forward and said with a smile, "Your Majesty, please come to the third floor for dinner."

Lan Weiran said, "I see, Aiqing, let's go."

So, the vice captain of Lazy Worm was personally invited to the third floor by the captain and the team members. When they saw the hot and fragrant meat buns, everyone's eyes lit up. Liu Chuan smiled and said, "This is our little manager Zewen who went out to buy it early in the morning. breakfast."

Everyone immediately cast a grateful look at Wu Zewen.

Wu Zewen was a little embarrassed and said, "I got up early, so I went out and bought breakfast when I had nothing to do."

Lin Tong smiled and said, "Zewen, you are so sweet, whoever married you is really lucky!"

Yu Xiangyang also followed suit: "That's right, this is the model of a good man in the new century! Do you have a girlfriend, Zewen? Do you want me to introduce you to one!"

Wu Zewen was so praised that his ears were red, and he quickly said, "No."

Liu Chuan was a little unhappy. He looked back at Lin Tong and Yu Xiangyang, each of them stuffed a bun to seal it, and then leaned into Yu Xiangyang's ear and said, "Xiaoyu, what girlfriend are you introducing? Don't think about these messes all day long if you are a minor. , eat quickly!"

Yu Xiangyang smiled and said, "Oh," and obediently lowered his head to eat the buns.

Wu Zewen bought a lot of steamed buns. After eating hot steamed buns in the morning in winter, everyone was satisfied. After eating breakfast, everyone recovered their energy after replenishing calories. Yu Xiangyang came over and said that he was eager to try. : "Captain, should we start training now?"

Liu Chuan nodded and said, "There are ten computers here. Let's arrange the seats. Everyone uses one at a time, which is convenient for storing their own things."

Liu Chuan pointed to the computers in the first row and said, "Starting from my side, positions 1 to 6 are the same in the official game."

The number labels 1-6 were actually affixed to the computer, and the position of the computer was adjusted. There were 6 on one side and 4 on the other. Everyone was a little surprised. Yu Xiangyang couldn't hide his thoughts, and immediately asked. : "Captain, this number plate didn't exist yesterday, and the computer used to have 5 on each side... Have you changed it?"

Liu Chuan said: "Well, I adjusted it last night. The number plate was posted last night, so that everyone can recognize the computer."

Wu Zewen glanced at Liu Chuan, no wonder he slept so late, so he was busy with these...

Liu Chuan said: "From now on, everyone will sit in a fixed position. There are 6 computers in the left row, from position 1 to position 6 according to the team battle lineup. The 4 computers in the right row are The players and arena players used for adjustment. The remaining one is temporarily empty, and whoever has a problem with the computer will be replaced. Qin Ye, Lin Tong, Lan Weiran, the three of you sit on the right, and the rest follow the previous online games. In the teamfight position, sit in the row on the left."

Qin Ye moved his lips and was about to speak when Liu Chuan glanced at him and said with a smile, "Qin Ye, you have already joined by default."

Qin Ye: "..."

Liu Chuan counted Qin Ye into it by default, and Li Xiang echoed: "That's right, Qin Ye, you see that our team is so short of people, if you don't join, we won't have enough people to sign up for the league! Join in!"

Yu Xiangyang also followed suit: "That's right, God of Night! Join in!"

Seeing everyone's expectations, Qin Ye couldn't bear to say the words of rejection. Looking back at Liu Chuan, Liu Chuan patted his shoulder lightly and said in a low voice, "Training with everyone first, anyway, it's boring to be at home after you retire. If you really don't want to join then, I won't either. Force you."

Liu Chuan has said it to this point. As his friend, Qin Ye couldn't help but give him face, so he nodded and said, "Okay."

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Okay, let's all sit down!"

Everyone quickly sat down according to Liu Chuan's instructions. The six computers on the left, from No. 1 to No. 6, were Xu Ce, Li Xiang, Liu Chuan, Wu Zewen, Jiang Shaoqing, Yu Xiangyang, and the four on the right, from No. 1 to No. 1. -3 is Lin Tong, Qin Ye, Lan Weiran, and the 4th computer is vacant for temporary adjustment.

Liu Chuan didn't take his seat, but stood aside and explained, "There is no ring match in the city stage, only team battles. Qin Ye, because of his retirement, can't compete with us in the city match. My preliminary lineup is: Xu Ce will play No. 1. Assassin, Li Xiang No. 2 in the front row, Zewen and I are the 3rd or 4th main long-range output. We will play support for a while, and Xiaoyu will play the treatment. The six of us will now practice the cooperation of the lineup. It's over. When we get to the professional league later, Xu Ce, Lin Tong and Silan will go to the ring, Qin Ye will come back to play teamfights, and some teams have to make adjustments. Exchange with Lin Tong for a teamfight..."

Everyone turned on the computer, but consciously did not open any software, but seriously turned back to listen to the captain's arrangement.

Liu Chuan went on to say: "The number of registered teams in the professional league is 9 people. I don't plan to recruit new players for the time being. After entering the league and achieving good results, we will have the confidence to expand the team... The team is currently only 9 people, and in the future For a long time, it will be these nine people."

Liu Chuan paused for a while, then continued: "There are 9 of us, but there are many lineups that can be changed. The key is because of the existence of Silan. He is proficient in the three lines of the Xiaoyao School. He can play long-distance, control the field, and play. Close combat, plus the rich experience of the four blue competitions, can be quickly integrated into various lineups, so although our team is small, it is not inferior to those powerful teams with more than 20 people. However, at present, our most important It is still to enter the city game, so the six-man lineup I initially determined needs to hurry up to practice teamwork during this holiday.”

Liu Chuan sent everyone a reprinted schedule and said, "This is the training schedule that I have readjusted after discussing with Silan yesterday. Everyone's training schedule is different, and everyone should follow their own. Forms to target training.”

Everyone looked at their own arrangements, and then looked at the people around them. Sure enough, many places were different. It was a training plan tailored for everyone by the captain and vice-captain.

Liu Chuan said: "There is a folder called training software on the desktop of the computer. It is all kinds of training software that Silan and I installed yesterday. I will teach you how to use it first... Those who don't know how to come come to see me, everyone. Learn as soon as possible and start training."

Except for Si Lan, Qin Ye, and Shaoqing who have experienced professional players, no one else has seen these small software. Liu Chuan called them over and opened them in order from the first one, how to set the parameters, how to operate them, etc. Wait, patiently demonstrated one by one. After he demonstrated all the software, half an hour had passed. Liu Chuan asked everyone to return to their respective positions and start today's training plan.

On the first day, everyone had the same training plan in the morning, half an hour of steady hand speed practice, one hour of walking practice, one hour of operation accuracy practice...

At the moment of practice, everyone realized that, in fact, every professional player's daily life is spent in such boring training. Don't look at their brilliance on the field, but behind the brilliance, they are full of After all the hardships and bitterness, every achievement was earned by the players with their own sweat.

Even Liu Chuan, the strongest top player in the league, was sitting in front of the computer with these little transparent newcomers at this moment, opened the software for practicing hand speed, set the parameters and time, and tapped the keyboard repeatedly. There was no trace of impatience on his face.

The captain set an example, and the others did not dare to slack off, and practiced earnestly one by one.

Soon, in the living room of room 303, there was only the sound of "da da da" keyboard tapping, fast and slow, one after another, the sound of nine people tapping the keyboard seemed to merge into a crisp and pleasant song. 's movement.