The Strongest God

Chapter 189: Teachers meet


Lan Weiran walked to the gate of the community and saw a white private car parked there. A slender man opened the door, smiled at him, and walked forward.

Lan Weiran looked at the man in front of him in surprise, almost didn't dare to recognize him...

I haven't seen him for four years. The thin and pale boy from the beginning has grown into a tall and handsome adult man. The little boy who used to sit quietly by his side and called him Master, who was only as tall as his shoulders, can now look at him at the same level, and his eyes are much deeper than before.

Ye Chenxi stood still in front of Lan Weiran, smiled and said, "Master, long time no see."

The low and soft tone belongs to the voice of an adult man, no longer the young boy in my memory...

Lan Weiran took a careful look at him, his eyebrows still had the same appearance in the past, but after these years of experience, the childishness of his youth has all faded away, and now he has a trace of calmness in his gestures. , worthy of being the captain who led Luo Huaci to win two championships.

Lan Weiran met his deep eyes, smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and patted his shoulder lightly, and said, "It's been a long time, you've grown so big."

- This natural tone of "senior to junior", in the closeness, has opened a little distance.

Ye Chenxi's eyes darkened, but the smile on her face did not diminish, and she said, "Master, you are still the same as you were back then."

He was the same lazy and unrestrained as he was back then, and he was just like the man who appeared over and over again in his dreams. He likes to walk in the sun, his face is always full of sunshine, and the way he walks always reminds people of a leopard walking leisurely in the forest - gorgeous, but full of danger.

Four years later, Lan Weiran still hasn't changed much, but Ye Chenxi is no longer the boy he used to be.

The two masters and apprentices looked at each other, and there was a sense of "things are different from people".

Ye Chenxi was silent for a moment, and asked in a low voice, "Have you had lunch?"

Lan Weiran said, "I have eaten."

Marven Ye said, "How about going for a cup of coffee? Let's catch up by the way."

Lan Weiran said: "Okay, you treat me."

Ye Chenxi smiled and said, "That's natural, let's go."

Ye Chenxi walked to the passenger seat and opened the car door for Lan Weiran in person. Lan Weiran looked back at him, and sure enough, as Liu Chuan said, Ye Chenxi has changed a lot, and he is no longer the little apprentice in his memory. Ye Chenxi's gentlemanly gentleness made Lan Weiran, a master, amazed.

After getting into the car, Ye Chenxi thoughtfully turned on the heater and handed him the seat belt.

Lan Weiran fastened his seat belt and asked, "This looks like a new car, right? Is it your aunt's car?"

Ye Chenxi said, "I just bought it a year ago. This time I came to my second aunt's house for New Year's greetings. Because Wuhan and Changsha are close, I drove my parents here."

Lan Weiran praised: "Yes, it cost a lot of money to buy such a good car, right? Luo Huaci won the championship. Your captain's bonus should be quite high, right?"

There was a sudden tingling in Ye Chenxi's heart.

Lan Weiran said this in a very relaxed tone, obviously without any other meaning, just teasing him for getting a bonus to buy a car. But Ye Chenxi felt that discussing with Luo Huaci's former captain and his most beloved master about Luo Huaci winning the championship was like slapped him in the face with a slap.

- I did win the championship with the words of falling flowers, and I also won a very large amount of prize money.

- But so what? Without you by my side, somewhere in my heart is always empty.

Ye Chenxi started the car in silence, and Lan Weiran didn't ask any more, leaning on the seat comfortably and yawning.

Ye Chenxi turned around and said, "Are you sleepy? If you are sleepy, sleep for a while. It will take a while for me to drive to the city."

Lan Weiran smiled and said, "Okay."

He didn't get enough sleep at noon. At this time, sitting in the warm car, a burst of drowsiness struck, and he quickly fell asleep while leaning on the back of the chair.

Ye Chenxi looked at his profile, her mood was extremely complicated.

Back in the days when Luo Hua resigned from the team, Lan Weiran liked to bask in the sun on the seat in the corner of the training room, and sometimes fell asleep there when he was sleepy. Ye Chenxi was worried that he would catch a cold, so he always tiptoed to give him Cover blankets…

Today, he still likes to sleep like he did in the past, with a relaxed and comfortable expression on his face, and he has no guard against the apprentices around him...

In contrast, the self who had such sleazy thoughts towards him seemed so despicable and shameless.

If Lan Weiran is the most gorgeous and dazzling sunshine, then Ye Chenxi is the dark shadow behind him.

Ye Chenxi's hands clenched the steering wheel fiercely, resisting the urge to lean in and kiss him... At that moment, the smile mask on this young man's face had all faded away, his gloomy complexion and dark and deep eyes - this It is the real Ye Chenxi.


When Lan Weiran woke up, the car was parked on the side of the road. The winter sun made him lazily want to move. He was covered with a warm blanket. Lan Weiran stretched and looked back at Ye Chenxi. Ask: "How long have I slept? Why didn't you wake me up?"

Ye Chenxi looked at him with a smile: "It's hard to wake you up when you fall asleep, have you forgotten?"

"..." Lan Weiran couldn't help laughing. In the past, when Luo Hua resigned from the team, he, the captain, liked to sleep late. The way, that time has passed for too long, and the memory is a little fuzzy in retrospect...

Lan Weiran took the blanket to the side, looked at his watch, and said, "Let's go have coffee first. After drinking, it's dinner time. Let's have dinner together, and then you can take me back."

If the people in the Luohuaci team heard that someone dared to order their captain like this, they would definitely be shocked.

However, Ye Chenxi was content, and involuntarily there was a hint of tenderness in his eyes, and said in a low voice, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

The two got out of the car together, and Ye Chenxi took Lan Weiran to a nearby cafe.

The environment of this cafe is very good, not many people are there at this time, it is very quiet. Ye Chenxi chose a seat by the window on the second floor, and the sunlight could just pour in through the floor-to-ceiling windows. Ye Chenxi knew that Lan Weiran would definitely like it.

Sure enough, after Lan Weiran sat down, she narrowed her eyes and didn't want to move.

Ye Chenxi picked up the menu, called the waiter to order Lan Weiran's favorite latte, and told the waiter to bring two more packets of sugar.

Soon, two cups of hot coffee were served. Lan Weiran added all the sugar packets and stirred the coffee with a spoon, but Ye Chenxi didn't like adding sugar. He preferred to taste the bitter taste of coffee.

The two drank a few sips of coffee, and Lan Weiran smiled and said, "Xiaoye, do you have nothing to ask me?"

Marven Ye whispered, "Will you not say anything else today? I asked you to come out to meet, but I just miss you a little."

Lan Weiran was slightly startled.

Ye Chenxi's eyes are too deep, and there seems to be a lot of unpredictable things in them. Being watched by those eyes tenderly made Lan Weiran a little uncomfortable... But when he came out to see Ye Chenxi, not only The meeting between master and apprentice is so simple, and he still has something to explain to Ye Chenxi.

Lan Weiran touched his nose and said, "Let's talk about something else, you are in Changsha because you happened to come to the second aunt's house to pay New Year's greetings, and I am in Changsha because the headquarters of our new team is here. The sky is my little boy. No, I joined Liu Chuan's new team and plan to come back with him, you guessed it?"

Ye Chenxi was silent for a moment, and then said in a deep voice, "I know."

Lan Weiran was a little curious: "That's it? Aren't you going to persuade me to go back to Hua Ci?"

Ye Chenxi smiled slightly: "Is it useful to persuade you?"

Lan Weiran: "..."

Ye Chenxi looked up at him and said word by word, "I know your temper, and no one can change the decisions you make. When you wanted to retire, you didn't listen to anyone's advice. Now you plan to Come back with Liu Chuan, you can't listen to my advice anymore. Even if I hand over the position of captain Luo Huaci to you now, you can't go back to Luo Huaci again, am I right?"

Lan Weiran: "..."

He originally thought that after seeing Ye Chenxi today, Ye Chenxi would try his best to persuade him to fall back, but he didn't expect that Ye Chenxi would say nothing... Because Ye Chenxi knew him too well and knew that he could not persuade him. Move, so don't open this mouth at all.

Lan Weiran was silent for a while before he said, "I team up with Liu Chuan, I have my own considerations, I hope you can understand."

Ye Chenxi's smile was a little cold: "Even if I don't understand, you won't change your mind, will you?"

Lan Weiran glanced at him, looked away, and said, "Yes, I won't change my mind."

Ye Chenxi's heart suddenly throbbed, as if a hand was holding his heart hard. Sure enough, Lan Weiran had already made up his mind, and the decision Lan Weiran made was impossible to change. So, it's too late to say this now, Lan Weiran is destined to stand in the camp on Liu Chuan's side and stand in the opposite position...

The two fell silent, only the sound of a spoon and a coffee cup colliding gently in their ears.

After a long silence, Ye Chenxi said, "Master, I will respect your decision. If you don't want to go back to Luohuaci, then I will continue to lead this team."

Lan Weiran raised his head, met the man's serious eyes, and couldn't help feeling a little moved... At the moment when he was too stressed to retire, it was Ye Chenxi, who was only 18 years old, who supported the Luo Huaci team that was on the verge of disbanding. As a master, he taught Xiaoye everything he should teach, and he is considered a qualified master. But as the captain of Luo Huaci, he owes Ye Chenxi something after all. He threw a bunch of messes to that young man, and it must be difficult for Xiaoye to support it alone at a young age, right

Thinking of this, Lan Weiran also felt a little distressed about his apprentice. He couldn't help reaching out and gently shook the back of Ye Chenxi's hand across the table, and said, "Thank you for your hard work."

Ye Chenxi's fingers froze slightly, and the look in her eyes was extremely complicated.

Lan Weiran ignored his gaze and continued: "Little Ye, you are a very good captain. I went to see you in Harbin before to lead the team to play a game. To be honest, you are more suitable to be Luohua than my master. Resigned captain. Your progress surprised me, but also very pleased. Accepting you as an apprentice is the most correct decision I have ever made."

After saying that, he smiled and took his hand back, looking as if nothing had happened.

Ye Chenxi's fingers clenched gently, and the body temperature from Lan Weiran made him reluctant to let go. He even wanted to grab Lan Weiran's hand hard, but he couldn't, and he didn't dare... Admiration for Master Love, he can only force it to the bottom of his heart, otherwise, with Lan Weiran's temper, once this layer of window paper is pierced, they will not even be masters and apprentices, even ordinary friends, Lan Weiran will definitely seem to avoid Avoid him like the plague...

Ye Chenxi suppressed the strong bitterness in her heart, pretended to smile calmly, and said, "Don't worry, Luohuaci is a team you built with your own hands, and I won't let it be destroyed in my hands."

His eyes were firm but confident, Lan Weiran finally felt relieved, smiled and said, "That's good."

After dinner, Ye Chenxi drove Lan Weiran back again.

On the way back, a song was played in the car, and the voice of the female singer was very clear and melodious—

"The farther you fly, the less you see, your bright smile in the sun

Between the sky and the sea, the boundary, slowly walking away

you were my horizon

Do you miss a little bit, we were together last summer

There is a feeling of love, in my heart, so strong

And it all seems like it was yesterday

I just found out that I love you more than I thought

I just accidentally missed you

In the dead of night, I honestly analyze myself

still undeniably

I love you more than I thought…”

Lan Weiran felt a hint of despair from this song, and couldn't help but ask, "What song is this? Why haven't I heard it before."

Ye Chenxi said, "I love you more than I thought."

"..." Lan Weiran looked back at him in surprise, but found that Ye Chenxi was smiling, as if he really just said a song title.

Lan Weiran ignored the awkwardness in his heart, listened to it for a while, and commented, "It sounds good."

Ye Chenxi raised the corner of her lips slightly, and a trace of pain flashed in her deep eyes.

—You know, Lan Weiran, I love you more than I thought, but maybe I can’t say this in my life.

At the gate of the community, Lan Weiran got out of the car, and Ye Chenxi followed, walked in front of him, and whispered, "The next time we meet, maybe it will be on the field?"

Lan Weiran nodded: "That will also be next spring, and this year we will also play the city competition."

Ye Chenxi said, "I'll wait for you."

Lan Weiran smiled, turned around, waved his hand dashingly, and said, "Go back, goodbye."

Ye Chenxi said, "Goodbye."

The dusk sun cast a circle of pale golden light and shadow on that person, and Ye Chenxi kept watching Lan Weiran's back disappear from sight.

He suddenly felt very funny.

He has been waiting for Lan Weiran to come back. After waiting so stubbornly for so long, he kept the exclusive seat for the Luohuaci team, thinking day and night, hoping that person can return to Luohuaci and his side... He has been around since the eighteenth He took over as the captain of Luo Huaci since the age of 19. He has been leading the Luo Huaci team conscientiously all these years, and has overcome difficulties in the professional league, just for a promise to Lan Weiran back then... He once personally defeated Liu Chuan to avenge Lan Weiran, He also personally defeated the strong team Qixingcao this season... He led Luo Huaci to win two championships and is the youngest and most accomplished captain in the entire professional league...

However, there was always an empty space in his heart, as if something had been pulled away.

Even if he has made great achievements now, the master he respects and loves is long gone.

Ye Chenxi hopes that one day, Master can come back, just like before, sitting in the position closest to the sun in the Luo Huaci team, squinting his eyes and putting on earplugs, basking in the sun comfortably. He can help Master take care of everything about the team. Master only needs to play games easily. Today, he is already a very responsible captain, no longer the young man who used to take care of himself.

At the most difficult time, 18-year-old Ye Chenxi desperately hoped that he would become stronger quickly and have enough strength to protect the people he wanted to protect the most.

However, when one day, he is really strong...

The man no longer needed him.

That person has come to his opposite and will be his strongest opponent.

How ironic is this

What is your perseverance over the years

Ye Chenxi looked at the direction where Lan Weiran disappeared, her dark eyes became deeper and deeper, and her fists were clenched tightly.

A gust of cold wind blew through, raising the corner of his clothes, and the black shadow behind Ye Chenxi also seemed to suddenly enlarge, revealing a trace of indescribable loneliness.