The Strongest God

Chapter 198: The qualifying match of chicken flying dog jumping


Xiao Sijing was also very helpless about this. He waited for two minutes before going to the ranking, just so that he could avoid Liu Chuan when the system was matched. Who would have thought that Liu Chuan also waited for two minutes? As a result, the two of them went together again. This strange "tacit understanding" and "fate" is really a headache.

Liu Chuan said with a smile, "Continue to command this game, it will be a shame if you lose again!"

Xiao Sijing said, "I have a headache, you should come."

Liu Chuan said, "I have a stomachache, come on."

Xiao Sijing said, "I'll go to the bathroom, and I'll leave it to you."

Liu Chuan said, "I'm going to pour a cup of tea, and I'll leave it to you here."

The two gods began to cheat on each other, Su Shilun was still tossing about his appearance and fashion, Wu Zewen continued to check the news of his teammates seriously, and said to Liu Chuan: "The other two have a winning rate of about 65%, one is called 'walking the horse' and the other It's called 'Yunyan in the past', Liu Chuan, do you know them? "

Liu Chuan glanced at the team list, and sure enough he saw two IDs. "Take a look at the flowers" is the treatment of the five poisons in the sky, and "Yunyan in the past" is the assistant of Taiji Wudang. I don't know if the two are together. He didn't say a word, just watched silently.

Liu Chuan said: "Whose trumpet are you two? The winning rate is so high?"

Looking around: "Hey, Chuan Shen, guess ^_^"

In the past, Yunyan called with a smile and said, "Sichuan God will take me, I'm just a passerby."

Liu Chuan: "..."

Since they can recognize the ID "Liu Fang Bai Shi", they are obviously people in the professional circle, but these two obviously don't want to reveal their identities, so Liu Chuan doesn't ask anymore.

Soon, the map was loaded successfully. The matching map this time was very special. It happened to be the new swamp map "Mist Swamp" that was released when the expansion pack was updated. It was exactly the same as Wu Zewen's ID. Liu Chuan turned his head and said, "It's a coincidence. , you are just learning how to play swamp maps."

Wu Zewen nodded.

Liu Chuan Laipi refused to command, Xiao Sijing was helpless, so he had to type again: "Take a look at the flowers and the past Yunyan, you two go to the middle road. God Chuan will take your family's five poisons down the road, and the six people on the opposite side, I guess again. It's the trumpet team of a certain team."

Liu Chuan pressed the TAB button to look at the opponent's information, and found that the names of the 6 people on the opposite side were all eaten, such as sweet potato, braised eggplant, halal sea bass, sweet and sour pork ribs, couple's lung slices, mapo tofu...

6 people have meat shields, assassins, two output plus support and treatment, the lineup configuration is very complete and comprehensive.

It is also because there are 6 people on the opposite side, although some people's winning rate is only about 60%, but when 6 people form a team, the system determines that the overall strength of the team will increase by a certain amount, so the matching opponent will be stronger.

Sure enough, as Lao Xiao said, from the opposite side, there is a group of people from a certain team playing a trumpet. It is impossible to judge which team it is. Many teams are not a single lineup, and occasionally they will open a trumpet to test the water in the game. For the other new lineups, there are the Beggar Gang and Mingjiao on the opposite side. Liu Chuan's first impression is that of the Tongjae team, but if he remembers correctly, the treatment for the Tongjae has always been the five poisons treatment, while the opposite treatment is Emei, plus two The number position has also been changed to Mingjiao, and the Tongjak has never played a double Mingjiao lineup...

Liu Chuan was puzzled, and Xiao Sijing also typed and said, "Will there be the Bronze Sparrow team on the opposite side?"

Liu Chuan said: "I don't know, you have to fight to know."

Xiao Sijing said, "Okay, let's take a look at the situation first."

Everyone rushed to the junction of the map, and the person on the opposite side obviously had a professional commander.

Both sides fought steadily, so before the 1-minute command flag refresh, there were no small-scale team battles in the upper, middle, and lower lanes. Although Liu Chuan couldn't see where the Kongming lanterns on the opposite side were placed, he had a strange intuition. The three-way vision must have been set up, and the commander on the opposite side obviously recognized them and was quite calm.

Xiao Sijing must have discovered this, and immediately put a warning signal on the minimap, while typing on the team channel: "Withdraw!"

If the opponent gathers on a certain road at this time to form a 6-on-2 situation, it is very likely to kill those 2 people and put them in a disadvantageous situation. Since the opponent is so calm, Xiao Sijing doesn't want to take the risk and asks everyone to withdraw. The 6 people After gathering, start again.

Xiao Sijing's 6 people went to the road, but still no trace of the enemy was found.

Liu Chuan marked a signal on the minimap and said, "They are going down the road."

As for why he knew, it was because he set up a field of vision at a key position in the bottom lane, and the opponent immediately cleared the field of vision after arriving. Although Liu Chuan’s field of vision in the bottom lane turned dark, he knew that since the field of vision After being cleared, there are naturally people there, but I just don't know what they are doing.

Xiao Sijing said decisively, "Just take the flag."

So everyone quickly started to play the flag, wanting to get the flag on the road first.

As a result, just halfway through the fight, a beggar gang suddenly jumped out beside him—

Total Annihilation!

The beggar gang waved a stick and would forcefully knock down nearby enemies. If Liu Chuan hadn't retreated fast, he would have almost been swept down by him!

The blue flag on the road will increase the negative state of the person who hit it, and lose a lot of blue every second. When they hit half of the command flag, the amount of blue is obviously insufficient, and many skills cannot be released. The opponent is attacking at this time. Too insidious.

Following the beggar gang, there is another Mingjiao, with a sharp sword in his hand, he disarmed close to him, and first controlled Taiji Wudang, who was playing support, because Taiji Wudang could release the Sanqing Formation and give the whole group a lot of feedback. Lan, as soon as the assistant was caught, Liu Chuan and the others lacked blue, and they couldn't release their skills...

At this critical moment, there was a flash of green light in front of him, and I saw that Su Shilun and Wu Zewen summoned their own poisonous snakes almost at the same time, and then sacrificed them instantly!

The poisonous snake sacrifice will restore 10% of the mana to nearby teammates. Two people sacrifice together, the effect is superimposed, and everyone's mana immediately returns to 20%!

20% blue is enough for Liu Chuan to play!

With a slight tug of the silk thread in his hand, four human-shaped puppets immediately appeared around Liu Chuan. The puppets moved exactly according to the master's instructions, and instantly surrounded the beggar gangs who were attacking from four directions from east, west, north and south - cross besieging!

The reaction of the beggar gang was extremely fast, and their movements were also extremely agile. As soon as Liu Chuan summoned the puppet, a "flying crane soaring to the sky" immediately jumped up to avoid him. Seeing that his attack distance was sufficient, Wu Zewen quickly threw a few thousand spiders and ten thousand poisonous hands at him. , hit a three-layer poisoned state, and the blood blue of the opposite beggar gang began to fall.

Wu Zewen and Liu Chuan fought the beggar gang together, but Su Shilun was dealing with the Ming Cult, 20% of the blue, and his skills were limited, but Lun Shen's sacrifice exploded in a short period of time, and the output was simply amazing, and a wave of outbreaks would kill him. The Mingjiao on the opposite side lost 1/3 of his blood, but unfortunately, after he finished a few skills, he ran out of mana again, and the five poisons' ability to sacrifice poisonous snakes and return to mana had a long cooldown time limit...

It was a 6-on-2 situation, but because of Lingqi's negative state, and the fact that the beggar gang and the Ming sect on the opposite side were strong, and they cooperated very well, Liu Chuan and the others could not take advantage of it at all!

To make matters worse, Lingqi's negative state is still affecting their mana, and the mana is greatly lost every second, and they can't make up for it!

It must be resolved as soon as possible!

Liu Chuan suddenly said: "Zewen, wait for the beggar gang to land later, you use the spider to pull him over!"

They have very little blue left, and the skills that can be released are limited, so they must calculate and match them carefully. Although Liu Chuan can also use his son and mother to grab the opponent, he keeps the blue and other explosive outputs, and the task of pulling people is handed over. After giving it to Zewen, Wu Zewen immediately nodded earnestly and said, "I know!"

The Beggar Gang used the "Flying Crane to the Sky" light technique to fly to the sky just now. As soon as he landed, Wu Zewen immediately summoned his spider. A strand of white spider silk suddenly flew towards him, wrapped around him directly, and quickly pulled him to the ground. in front of yourself!

"very good!"

Liu Chuan praised Wu Zewen, and at the same time, his hand speed exploded. In just two seconds, he set up an astonishingly effective seven-killing puppet formation, directly killing the beggar gang in front of him!

-[Liufang Baishi] killed [Mapo Tofu], the first kill!

Wu Zewen was very happy when he saw this news, because he knew that Liu Chuan's first kill was the result of his cooperation! Until this moment, he had a feeling of "we are partners", and he was able to keep up with Liu Chuan's rhythm and help Liu Chuan. The training during this period was really effective!

After the beggar gang hung up, the Mingjiao immediately disappeared, lurking over a set of back-circling combos to explode, directly taking the residual blood's assistance and treatment away!

A prompt appears on the screen: The enemy has captured the red flag.

Xiao Sijing frowned and said, "Is this a four-two push?"

Liu Chuan said: "Obviously, this tactic is quite bold."

The so-called 4/2 push means that 6 people are divided into a group of 2 and a group of 4. When the enemy and us are just staggered in the top and bottom lanes, the group of 2 will try to entangle each other and interfere with the opponent's holding. The group of 4 people quickly grabbed the flag on the other road. In this way, at least one of the flags can be won on their own side, and at the same time, the other flag can be kept from being successfully captured by the other side. Walk.

Just like just now, the 4 people on the opposite side were holding the flag on the bottom road, and 2 people came to interfere with the road. Liu Chuan and the others were under the influence of the negative state imposed by the flag, and the 6 people collectively lacked blue, and they were beaten by the opposite 2 people. Very depressed .

However, this tactic is too risky. Among the four-two-point push, the most important thing is the "duo". The two of them must have a strong tacit understanding and their own level must be very high, because they have to face each other. Yes, it is likely to be the siege of the other six people!

There are also different variants of this tactic, such as three-point push, single-player interference, etc. The principle is the same, that is, when holding the flag, divide it into two groups, and perform tasks separately to ensure that they can hold the flag. Interfere as much as possible.

The beggar gang on the opposite side was killed by Wu Zewen and Liu Chuan. The Ming Cult was very powerful. After stealing and killing the support and treatment, he was able to escape!

Xiao Sijing said, "This is obviously a bronze sparrow, right?"

Liu Chuan also agreed with this inference and said, "Team Shao and Xiaolu."

Besides, he couldn't think of any other beggar gang and Mingjiao in the professional league that could be so powerful and cooperate so well!

Obviously, Lu Xiang was ready to sacrifice. He suddenly rushed over to sweep the thousands of troops and first brought down the old Xiao in the front row, making himself the target of Liu Chuan's fire, thus providing a certain amount of time for Team Shao to sneak into the enemy camp. At the same time, Shao Zehang was full of blood, and he was stealthed around his back to fight the almost empty assistance and treatment here. Naturally, it was very easy. Lu Xiang was killed by the focus of the fire, but Shao team retreated—perhaps it was them all. The two negotiated in advance.

Since the opposite is the trumpet team of the Tongjae team, Shao Zehang is obviously taking command in person. Liu Chuan and the others suffered from the big loss of this sneak attack.

Soon, the 4 people who finished playing Lingqi in the bottom road also returned to the city to fill up the blood and blue, and then came to the road with the resurrected Lu Xiang. Liu Chuan and the others also wisely went back to the city to replenish the blood and blue, and temporarily gave up the command flag. Otherwise, if they continued to fight the command flag, all the 6 people on the opposite side would be present, and they were likely to be grouped with various negative states. Destroy!

- However, after all 6 people gathered, they still couldn't take advantage of this wave of team battles!

The opposite side is indeed a team, and their actions are orderly as if they are twisted into a rope. Xiaolu and Shao team cooperate to beat Xiao Su and the two can just tie, and other support and treatment can also keep up with their rhythm. On the other hand, the two random passers-by, "Walking Horses Watching Flowers" and "Gone With the Eyes", don't know which team's players' trumpets are. The cooperation with Xiao Sijing and Su Shilun always falls off the chain, and Liu Chuan and Wu Zewen are also new. The formed partner is still in the running-in stage...

As a result, Liu Chuan and his team were destroyed again, the second flag was taken away by the bronze sparrow, three flags were taken away and two were taken away, and the system directly sentenced them to lose.

The dazzling red characters popped up again in the center of the screen: "Failure!"

Everyone exited the arena collectively and returned to the room of 12 people.

Liu Chuan said with a smile, "I lost again. It's a shame to play qualifying with you."

Xiao Sijing was very speechless: "Is it my fault?"

Liu Chuan said: "You are the commander, and of course it's your fault if you lose."

Xiao Sijing said, "You will definitely lose even more if you come to command."

Liu Chuan said, "That's not necessarily true. I'm much smarter than you."

Xiao Sijing said, "It's true that you are much thicker than me."

The two began to dislike each other again, and Su Shilun and Wu Zewen watched the two gods spat at each other speechlessly.

Before the people in the opposite team had left the room, Liu Chuan couldn't help but say, "That beggar gang called Mapo Tofu didn't say hello when he saw your master?"

Mapo Tofu said, "I'm not Lu Xiang! Why are you saying hello!"

Liu Chuan: "..."

This guy still refused to admit it, Liu Chuan said with a smile, "Okay, you are not Lu Xiang."

After a pause, Liu Chuan typed again and said, "By the way, has your Shao team returned to China?"

Mapo Tofu said, "Not yet."

Everyone: "… "

Idiot, he is deliberately lying to you, how can you admit it!

The people of the Bronze Sparrow team were very speechless.

Xiaolu is still too simple, where is his opponent, a master who is full of bad water? Liu Chuan revealed his identity in just two sentences.

Shao Zehang reluctantly chatted with him privately and said, "It doesn't matter if you are recognized. Anyway, the new season will start soon. We will always be seen with a configuration like ours."

Only then did Lu Xiang scratch his head, type with a smile and say, "Master, why are you playing in the rankings every day?"

Liu Chuan said: "I'm working with my family's five poisons to practice, but unfortunately, every time in qualifying, we meet the pig teammates Lao Xiao and Lun Shen, and we have lost two games in a row."

Xiao Sijing said, "You are the pig teammate."

Su Shilun said, "You are the pig teammate."

Everyone: "… "

These two people typed this sentence at the same time, Liu Chuan really convinced them, and often the brainwaves send the same message at the same time, probably this is the tacit understanding that has been cultivated by long-term partners, right? Xiao Su and the two have a tacit understanding that is incomparable to many people.

Liu Chuan couldn't help but glanced at Wu Zewen next to him and thought: When can I have such an enviable tacit understanding with the five poisons in our family

Unexpectedly, as soon as he turned his head, Wu Zewen just turned to look at him, and the eyes of the two were exactly opposite each other...

Perhaps this is also a tacit understanding

Liu Chuan smiled and said with admiration: "You played very well just now, and you don't blame us for losing, we can only say that the new lineup of the Bronze Sparrow is quite powerful. They played four-two-point push tactics, Lu Xiang and Shao team to interfere with the other side, the formation of these two people is really difficult."

Wu Ze nodded.

Liu Chuan said: "I estimate that in the trumpet team of the Tongque today, there are two players from Chang'an who were transferred from the past. Shao Zehang brought them to practice, obviously preparing for the next season."

Wu Zewen thought about it and said, "Is it the one named Ding Rong and Feng Chao?"

Liu Chuan said in surprise: "How do you know?"

Wu Zewen said: "I read the official announcement when the Chang'an team was disbanded. Two players, Ding Rong and Feng Chao, were transferred to Tongque, and another named Song Siyuan was transferred to Qixingcao. Xu Xinran went to Guose. Yang The sword went to Snow Wolf... I remember correctly?"

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "That's right, Xueba, your memory is really good."

Wu Zewen's ears were reddened by his praise, he quickly looked away, and pretended to be serious: "You always lose when you line up with Team Xiao. Let's wait five minutes before we line up this time?"

Liu Chuan nodded and said, "Okay, I just happened to go to the bathroom."

It is inevitable that Xiao Sijing and Liu Chuan would rank together again and dislike each other. Su Shilun suggested, "I'll make a decision this time. Let's wait 3 minutes before queuing."

Xiao Sijing smiled and said, "Okay, listen to you."

The decision made by Su Shilun and the decision made by Wu Zewen obviously did not reach an agreement, and this time they finally did not line up together.

3 minutes later, Xiao Sijing and Su Shilun were matched together in the qualifying room. There was no familiar ID of "Liufang Baishi" in their teammates. Xiao Sijing was in a good mood and said, "I didn't play with him, I should be able to win this time. ."

Sure enough, Xiao Sijing won the game very smoothly this time, and Liu Chuan's side, who matched all the strangers, also won the game smoothly.

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Look, I said Lao Xiao and Lun Shen are pig teammates. Without them, we would have won."

Wu Zewen: "..."

Perhaps, Team Xiao is also saying the same thing

The two of them always disliked each other and complained about each other like this, but Wu Zewen clearly remembered the words that Xiao Sijing said after the Seven Star Grass Guild suspected Liu Chuan's identity and recognized Liu Chuan in the online game——

See you in the final.

These three simple words made Wu Zewen extremely shocked.

That powerful man is always full of confidence in himself, and he is also full of appreciation and affirmation for Liu Chuan, his opponent. The phrase "see you in the final" is his gauntlet to Liu Chuan, and perhaps it is also the two of them who are strong. agreement between.

If there is a day when Xiao Sijing and Liu Chuan, who have been rivals and friends for many years, meet in the finals, Xiao Sijing has the most tacit partner Su Shilun, and Liu Chuan will also have the most intimate assistant— Wu Zewen.

Wu Zewen couldn't help thinking: Lun Shen is so powerful, as Liu Chuan's partner, he must become stronger as soon as possible!