The Strongest God

Chapter 204: Longyin VS Conquest


After a week of preparation, on the weekend of the second week of June, all members of the Longyin team once again came to the "Tianzhiyu Network Club" in the city center to participate in the second week's weekly competition. Conquer the team", scheduled for the seventh match in the morning.

Liu Chuan checked last week's record on the official website. This "conquering team" also killed two opponents in a row with a score of 2:0 last week. Compared with last week's "Happy Family", their opponent's strength this week Obviously stronger, this is also a normal phenomenon, after the first week of knockout, many weak teams have been eliminated into the lower bracket, and with the round after round, the opponents who are promoted to the upper bracket will become more and more. powerful.

Liu Chuan took a few teammates to rest in the player rest area on the second floor, when suddenly a tall man walked towards them, stood still in front of Liu Chuan, and said, "Longyin team, right? I heard about you, You played well last week, it's a pity you're going to be in the lower bracket today."

This man couldn't hold his breath and ran to provoke him, Lan Weiran glanced at him, didn't bother to pay attention to him, and continued to lean on the sofa and yawn.

Liu Chuan looked at him with a smile and said, "Are you the captain of the conquering team?"

The other side said, "I'm the vice-captain. Our team is for the professional league, so I'm sorry brothers, no matter who we meet, we will beat them."

Liu Chuan smiled slightly and said, "Then wish you good luck."

The vice-captain of the Conquer team originally wanted to say a few words to scare the other side, so as to give Longyin team a disgrace, but the captain of the Longyin team was too calm, and smiled and said "good luck", but the man A little embarrassed, he touched his nose and turned back.

Lan Weiran yawned before saying, "Since it's for the professional league, this team shouldn't be weak."

Liu Chuan said, "It's a pity that this vice-captain is too impatient, how can he compare with our vice-team blue."

Lan Weiran said: "Their captain can't compare with you. You have such a thick skin that you are invulnerable."

Liu Chuan said, "Thank you for the praise from Silan."

The two started bickering, and Wu Zewen suddenly asked earnestly, "The opponent is stronger, do we need to make special arrangements?"

Only then did Liu Chuan get serious and said, "Let's see later, it's not clear what their lineup is yet."

This is also a feature of the city competition. The competitions in the city divisions from the beginning of June to the end of September are not broadcast live online. After all, there are so many venues across the country, and tens of thousands of teams start the competition at the same time. There are too many games that officials want to broadcast live. Only after qualifying from the provincial competition and going to the showdown in the four major competition areas will there be simultaneous live video on the Internet, and the media will follow up on the spot. Therefore, in the provincial competition stage, Liu Chuan also has absolutely no idea of the opponent's details.

As Silan said, since this "conquering team" is aimed at the professional league, its strength must be one of the best in the province. Although Liu Chuan has great confidence in the Longyin team, he can't be sloppy.

The morning's game quickly progressed to the seventh game, and it was the turn of the Longyin team VS the conquering team.

Players from both sides entered the arena in turn. Liu Chuan invited the referee to install the keyboard and mouse as usual. This time, they were the blue team and took the lead in choosing the map. Liu Chuan still chose the swamp map "Misty Swamp" that had been trained before the competition.

The game starts, and both sides refresh at the diagonal spawn points.

The biggest feature of this map is that the area of the fog of war is quite large. As a swamp in the foggy forest in the southern border, it is surrounded by purple miasma. Of course, there are many stones on the swamp that can be used as a player's foothold. But the foothold must be stepped on accurately, otherwise, after falling into the swamp, the player will be affected by the negative state of the "swamp", and the action speed will drop directly to 10%, instantly turning into a sluggish snail.

The advantage of the five poisons on the swamp map lies in the card position of the remote pets. Spiders and scorpions can be placed on a certain stone to attack the opponent from a long distance. The owner stands on the other side and forms a triangular position with the pet to cooperate with each other. Teammates attack from both sides. Considering that the opponent might be difficult to deal with, Liu Chuan simply changed his tactics and said, "I'll go down the road with Zewen, and the four of you will go to the top road. I guess the opposite side will be in a group on the top road or the bottom road, be careful, and first after encountering them. Don't fight!"

The reason why Liu Chuan guessed that the opposite party would form a group is mainly because this is a very complicated map. If the other party is not fully sure, it is easy to be caught by acting alone. The six people in a group can take care of each other, which will be more secure. This is a more commonly used method when choosing a difficult map.

Wu Zewen has practiced this map countless times, so after hearing Liu Chuan's instructions, he quickly followed Liu Chuan's footsteps, and the two walked down the road together.

On the big screen of the live broadcast on the first floor, it happened to be the field of vision of the Longyin team. The audience could see that Tangmen and Wudu were jumping with light energy, one after the other. It landed firmly on the stones in the swamp, one after the other, just as accurate as the program had set the foothold in advance!

The two quickly came to the dividing point in the center of the map as if they were walking on the ground!

The audience on the first floor couldn't help but applaud. The lightness of these two people alone is enough to make people admire, not to mention this kind of tacit understanding!

From the perspective of God on the big screen, it can be seen that the six people on the opposite side have already come to the bottom road in a group!

Liu Chuan suddenly said: "Zewen back up, don't put on the lights yet!"

Wu Zewen immediately retracted the finger that pressed the shortcut key.

The six people on the opposite side were not as fast as Liu Chuan and the other two. After reaching the bottom road, they placed the Kongming lantern to illuminate the field of vision, but they did not find any trace of the enemy. The reason was naturally that Liu Chuan and Wu Zewen just exited the lighting range.

The four people on the road also had a good vision nearby, and did not find the enemy, Li Xiang said: "No one is on the road!"

Liu Chuan said: "Then they should all be on the bot lane."

This is an inference made by Liu Chuan based on his rich experience. He did not place the Kongming lantern and asked Zewen to retreat together just to let the other party relax their vigilance. Because the person on the opposite side will definitely have the scouting eye, and the scouting eye can illuminate the light of the other party. As long as he and Zewen put the light on, the person on the opposite side will find that the Longyin team has a field of vision nearby, and they will definitely infer this. someone. On the contrary, if Liu Chuan does nothing, it will make the opposite commander have a wrong idea: "There is no one in the bottom lane!"

In fact, Tangmen and Wudu, who are in the bottom lane, are hiding in a blind spot that the opponent can't see, waiting for the opportunity like a calm hunter!

Jiang Shaoqing asked, "Captain, do you need support?"

Liu Chuan said decisively: "No, the four of you are waiting on the road. After the flag is refreshed, you can quickly capture it! Zewen and I will deal with the side of the road."

Several teammates immediately understood the captain's intention - this is to play a four-two point putt!

They have also tried this kind of tactic when they were training on weekdays. The four-two-point push was usually Liu Chuan and Wu Zewen to entangle the opponent together, and the other four quickly took the flag. After several attempts, this style of play has little effect, mainly because the cooperation between Wu Zewen and Liu Chuan is not so proficient. In today's game, since Liu Chuan dares to try such a risky style of play, it is obvious that he is quite fond of Wu Zewen. Have confidence.

When Wu Zewen heard the captain's instructions, he couldn't help feeling a little moved. The captain's trust in him made a heat flow in his heart, and it seemed that even the blood on his body suddenly burned. Liu Chuan believes in him so much, he must not be that pig teammate! This game is crucial, they can't lose!

Wu Zewen bit his lip, took a deep breath, and stared intently at the computer screen.

At that moment, only the familiar terrain of the map of Misty Swamp was left in his eyes. The three-dimensional coordinate scene that he had practiced countless times automatically appeared in his mind. In his ears, there was only the voice of the captain's command, and his heart was quick. Get rid of all distractions!

Wu Zewen's spirit is highly concentrated, and Liu Chuan is also staring at the timing box in the upper right corner...

55 seconds, 56 seconds... 60 seconds!

Refresh the flag!

Liu Chuan immediately commanded: "First take the flag on the road, and then open the attack array in a short while, and take it as soon as possible!"

The four people on the road immediately began to play the command flag. Jiang Shaoqing put down a four-image formation that improved attack and awareness. By the way, he released the Sanqing formation for everyone to return to the blue. Xu Ce burst out and rushed forward with Li Xiang. Let's fight the flag together, and the blood of the flag is falling rapidly.

Down the road, after waiting for 5 seconds, Liu Chuan said, "Zewen, fight!"

The commander of the conquering team was misled by Liu Chuan, thinking that there was no one on the opposite road, and they were fighting the flag. Suddenly, Liu Chuan and Wu Zewen put down two Kongming lanterns, one on the left and one on the right, and the surrounding vision was instantly illuminated, and Liu Chuan called out in seconds. Four puppets - cross siege!

The opponent's treatment was directly surrounded by puppets, and he couldn't move immediately. Wu Zewen released purple butterflies from behind at the same time. The group attack and blindness effect attached to the overwhelming purple poisonous butterflies caused the other six people to lose their vision at the same time!

"Damn it, sneak attack!" The captain on the opposite side was very angry, and immediately ordered, "Be careful!"

Liu Chuan said calmly: "Zewen, kill the treatment first!"

"I know!" This was also the thought in Wu Zewen's heart.

Because, the red flag will add a negative state of "bleeding" to the person who attacked it. The bleeding state of the six people on the opposite side has accumulated to three layers, and they are losing a lot of blood every second. As long as the treatment is dead, their blood will not increase. Coming up, Liu Chuan and Wu Zewen are likely to hold back the rhythm of their fight against the flag under the situation of fighting more with less!

Killing and healing has become the key!

Wu Zewen's eyes focused on the location of the other party's treatment, and the pet was quickly replaced by a poisonous snake. First, the snake bit her three times, and three layers of poisoning were superimposed on her body. Then she released a spider and quickly pulled her out of the crowd! The position where Wu Zewen pulled her out was exactly where Liu Chuan could attack! Liu Chuan quickly exploded the surrounding puppets. The damage of this wave of puppet blasting was too great, and the blood of the treatment had already started to flash red!

The other party's treatment lost his vision due to the influence of the poisonous butterfly, and his eyes were completely black. He didn't know what to do when the picture suddenly flashed, and he came back to his senses, only to find that he was pulled out by the five poisonous spiders, and beside him was It's the puppet organ of the Tang Sect opposite!

Surrounded by puppets, she couldn't move at all. As a result, the five poisons on the opposite side continued to use thousands of poisonous hands, and a burst of hand speed took her away!

-[Mist Swamp] killed [Conquer Leisure], first kill!

This system news is undoubtedly very inspiring to the people of Longyin team!

The treatment on the other side is dead, and everyone believes that with the level of the Sichuan team, it is not a problem to entangle the person on the opposite side!

Sure enough, after the opposite treatment died unexpectedly, several people were a little irritable, and wanted to quickly deal with these two guys who engaged in sneak attacks by fighting more and less. Shaolin rushed out with a dragon claw hand trying to catch Wu Zewen, but Liu Chuan suddenly threw out a chain, and the sound of the chain twitching sounded in his ear, but Shaolin, who wanted to catch someone, was hooked away by Liu Chuan!

Wu Zewen stood in the distance with peace of mind. On one side of the stone was his long-range attack pet, and on the other side was himself. The owner, pet, and Liu Chuan just formed a triangle position, while that Shaolin was located at the triangle station. Bit of the center!

Wu Zewen and the pet started at the same time, and the spider kept spitting out white spider silk to attack the opponent from a long distance, but Wu Zewen hit the opponent with a thousand poisonous hands, quickly stacking the poisoning state! Liu Chuan continued to summon puppets to surround the opponent tightly, not allowing the opponent to move, as if he had set up a human target for Wu Zewen!

All these changes happened in just three seconds!

The tacit cooperation between Tangmen and the Five Poisons made the conquerors of the team not react for a while. By the time they reacted, the master who was controlled was already dead!

-[Mist Swamp] killed [Master of Conquest], double kill!

In the disadvantaged situation of two to six, the two of them actually took advantage of the terrain and tacit cooperation to catch the other side by surprise, killing the opposite side's healers and meat shields in a row!

The audience watching on the first floor was stunned again!

Liu Chuan closed it when he saw it, and said, "Zewen, don't fight, save some blue, it's important to entangle them!"

"I know." Wu Zewen nodded knowingly.

The main task of him and Liu Chuan is actually to entangle the other party and prevent the other party from taking the flag smoothly. Killing is secondary. He just exploded too fast in order to kill the healer in seconds. They are all in a cooling state, and the mana consumption is also extremely serious. If you continue to fight the four opponents, you will definitely be powerless. You must pay attention to the battery life of the mana, slow down the rhythm and drag the opponent. This is the most important thing.

Liu Chuan and Wu Zewen exchanged positions tacitly, and the two cooperated with each other, constantly using the skills of the mother-in-law and the spider to pull away the opponent who came forward to fight the flag. Liu Chuan summoned the puppet at every turn. Trapped opponents, Wu Zewen made a few poison attacks from time to time, the opponents themselves were affected by the bleeding state, no one added blood after treatment, and the speed of blood loss was getting faster and faster...

The captain of the conquering team saw that he could not fight recklessly, so he had no choice but to order: "Withdraw!"

At the same time, on the road, the four members of the Longyin team successfully won the blue flag.

Looking at the blue icon lit up on the map, Liu Chuan smiled slightly and said, "Very good! All go back to the city, and gather on the road after the rest!"

Everyone immediately pressed the shortcut key to return to the city, returned to the spawn point to fill up blood blue, and then came to the bottom road.

On the bottom road, due to the sneak attack and entanglement of Liu Chuan and Wu Zewen, the other party did not successfully take the red flag. After the two sides met again, a large-scale team battle was immediately launched!

However, this map was practiced repeatedly by the Longyin team after all, and the puppets and pets that Wu Zewen and Liu Chuan summoned to run around the ground were really annoying. The conquering team persisted for a minute and finally lost, although they tried their best Killed the opponent's treatment and support, but the price paid was the annihilation of the group of six of your own!

Liu Chuan immediately ordered: "Take the flag!"

Even if the treatment is not available, it would be more dangerous for the four of them to continue to lose blood after they were in a bleeding state, but Liu Chuan believed that their blood was enough to hold on to the flag.

The four of them obeyed the captain's arrangement, and took the flag with their bloody bodies against the damage. Li Xiang, as a thick-skinned master, threw all the skills of "taking damage for others" to his teammates and helped them buy time to survive. In the end, the four successfully captured the red flag with a frightening blood volume of about 300 points!

The captain of the Longyin team's calm judgment on the overall situation and the accurate calculation of the flag's blood volume caused a burst of warm applause from the audience!


Large golden characters popped up on the screen, and the Longyin team took advantage of the terrain and won the first game directly 2:0!

The second game is to conquer the team to choose the map, they chose the water battle map "Lotus Lake".

This map is very familiar to everyone. At the opening ceremony of the tenth season, Fang Zhiyan used this map to defeat the Changan team. For the map of water warfare, Liu Chuan also asked his teammates to carry out various tactics. training.

The opponent obviously wants to use the tactic of suppressing vision, using the foggy area of the lake to conduct ambushes and sneak attacks, constantly fighting guerrillas, and then slowly suppressing the opponent back to the revival point—however, they simply don’t know that the vision suppression of water warfare maps. The law was originally created by Liu Chuan, the first captain of the Huaxia team!

Wouldn't it be ridiculous for them to play an axe in front of Liu Chuan

Liu Chuan's command is quite calm. The opposite side wants to ambush and attack, but he can't find where the Dragon Yin team is. You fight guerrilla, and I also fight guerrilla. Obviously, Liu Chuan is the originator of the originator of guerrilla warfare!

The conquering team was originally lying in ambush in the shadows and wanted to sneak attack. As a result, a group of poisonous butterflies suddenly flew behind them, and everyone's computers went black again!

-Nima, these five poisons are so annoying!

In just a few seconds when the group was blinded, Jiang Shaoqing's Taiji Formation and Liangyi Formation immediately fell, and the other teammates cooperated with the output to explode, and the conquering team was destroyed again!

In the second round of the water battle, the tactics of conquering the team were still completely suppressed by the Longyin team, and they lost the game in less than 20 minutes.

The referee continued to announce expressionlessly: "In the second week and seventh game of the Changsha Division of the City Tournament, the Longyin team won, and the Conqueror team entered the loser's bracket! At the end of this game, the referee announced that the results are true and valid, and the captains of both sides are requested to wait for the next one. Round game notice."

Several members of the Longyin team stood up happily and gave each other a high five to celebrate.

In fact, they are very clear that this conquering team may be one of the best teams in the Changsha Division, and its strength is not at the same level as last week's Happy Family. If it wasn't for Liu Chuan's calm command, they really wouldn't be able to win.

To win such a strong team, everyone is naturally more excited than the Happy Family who surrendered directly last week.

Liu Chuan turned his head to meet Wu Zewen's gaze, couldn't help but stretched out his arms, hugged him hard, and whispered, "Good job, Zewen!"

The key to the success of the four-two-point push tactics in the first game today lies in Wu Zewen's cooperation. If Wu Zewen hadn't assisted by his side, it would have been difficult for Liu Chuan to face the six opponents by himself.

Wu Zewen's ears turned slightly red, and he also reached out to hug him, and said, "You deliberately gave me your head, right?"

Every time the opponent has only a drop of blood left, Liu Chuan will stop and let Wu Zewen take the head. This is also Liu Chuan's way of encouraging Wu Zewen. Every time on the screen, there is a prompt of "Misty Swamp Kill XXX", it seems that It was Wu Zewen who was very powerful and brilliant, but in fact, Wu Zewen knew that Liu Chuan's strength was far superior to himself. Liu Chuan did this just to make his little white teammate build up his confidence as soon as possible.

Wu Zewen knew Liu Chuan's good intentions, and his heart was very warm. He couldn't help hugging him tightly and said softly, "Thank you."

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Thank you, it should be."

At that moment, Wu Zewen hugged him with a moved face, his cheek just pressed against his heart, Liu Chuan suddenly felt his heart tremble, and he couldn't help but gently tighten the arm that hugged Wu Zewen, he even wanted to keep going like this Hold Zewen and never let go.

It's very strange, as the captain, he has hugged many other players, but why does he choose Zewen...

Liu Chuan was thinking wildly when the room was suddenly pushed open. Apparently, someone from the conquering team came to shake hands. Liu Chuan immediately let go of Wu Zewen and stepped forward.

The captain on the opposite side stretched out his hand and said, "Congratulations on your promotion, brother, can you tell me what your origins are?"

Liu Chuan said with a smile: "We are also going to the professional league."

The man was surprised for a moment, and then suddenly realized: "No wonder! It turned out to be a master, I laughed."

The people who conquered the team turned around and left together. Obviously, their mood was very low after losing the game. Liu Chuan actually understood their thoughts. qualifications…

It's a pity that they met Longyin.

The game is so cruel, there are winners and there are losers, Liu Chuan just doesn't want to lose.