The Strongest God

Chapter 208: Get ill


When Wu Zewen returned to the room, he happened to bump into Jiang Shaoqing who was going to take a shower in the bathroom. Jiang Shaoqing saw him in a state of embarrassment and couldn't help worrying: "Zewen, what's wrong with you?"

Wu Zewen said: "It's nothing, I accidentally slipped."

When Jiang Shaoqing saw that he was soaking wet, he suggested, "Why don't you go take a shower first, be careful of catching a cold."

Wu Zewen said, "It doesn't matter, you can go and wash."

Jiang Shaoqing said with a smile, "You're welcome, it doesn't matter to me. If you get in the rain, you should wash it first."

Wu Zewen couldn't resist him, so he nodded, went back to the bedroom to get a towel and a change of clothes, then turned around and went to the bathroom.

Jiang Shaoqing had already boiled the hot water, Wu Zewen took off his soiled clothes, turned on the faucet and stood under the nozzle, letting the warm water wash his icy body, the hot water flowing over his skin made him shiver suddenly , he walked in the rain for too long just now, his whole body was completely cold, his hands and feet were so cold that they even seemed to be numb...

But no matter how cold the body is, it can't compare to the cold in the bottom of my heart.

He still remembered the scene just now, he asked Liu Chuan seriously: "For you, I'm just like other teammates, just your good partner, right?"

Liu Chuan replied, yes.

Liu Chuan really didn't feel anything special about him. In Liu Chuan's heart, he was really just a teammate and partner...

Although he had expected this for a long time, Wu Zewen still felt heartbroken when he heard Liu Chuan say it himself.

I like him so much, to play games for him, stay by his side firmly, and want to accompany him to realize his dream, but for Liu Chuan, Wu Zewen is actually no different from other teammates...

Wu Zewen closed his eyes and let the hot water rinse his hair, trying to wash away the shadow of Liu Chuan in his mind.

He stood under the shower head for a long time, until the hot water gradually ran out and the head suddenly poured cold water, then he suddenly came back to his senses, turned off the faucet, simply wiped his body and put on clean clothes. .

After taking a bath, Wu Zewen's mood was also much calmer. The moment he fell in love with Liu Chuan, he knew that this secret love would not necessarily end. It was his own choice to stay by Liu Chuan's side, no wonder anyone. Even if Liu Chuan doesn't like him, it's not Liu Chuan's fault, and emotional matters can't be forced, can he still force Liu Chuan

Running to say "I like you" to Liu Chuan, and then letting Liu Chuan affect his performance during the game because he is worried about his partner, so he can catch up with the entire Longyin team, this is not the result Wu Zewen wants. As early as the moment he decided to join the team, he decided to keep this feeling in his heart and help Liu Chuan to fulfill that dream...

This is something that has been planned for a long time, and why is there any reason to waver

Wu Zewen took a deep breath and calmed down. Although he was still a little uncomfortable, he quickly adjusted himself. When he came out of the bathroom, it was still as if nothing had happened. The expression on his face was extremely calm, only his lips The color is somewhat unnaturally pale.

Xu Ce and Jiang Shaoqing were watching TV in the living room, JOJO obediently lay beside him and wagged his tail, when Wu Zewen came out, the big dog rushed over enthusiastically and rubbed his head against Wu Zewen's hand. Everyone in the team is well acquainted. Whoever feeds it will treat it well. Wu Zewen often feeds it, so it runs over enthusiastically to show closeness to Wu Zewen.

Wu Zewen's wrist was just injured, and when it rubbed against it, he immediately retracted in pain.

JOJO, who was "disgusted", looked up at him with an aggrieved face, Wu Zewen softened his heart, touched its head with the other hand, and said in a low voice, "Go and play with Xu Ce."

JOJO then wagged his tail and ran back to Xu Ce's side.

Xu Ce looked up at Wu Zewen and asked, "Where's Liu Chuan? He just went out to find you, why didn't he come back?"

Wu Zewen said: "I don't know."

Then he turned back to the room.

Jiang Shaoqing and Xu Ce glanced at each other, Jiang Shaoqing couldn't help worrying and said, "Aren't they quarreling?"

Xu Ce said, "No, Liu Chuan is so cheeky that he can quarrel with people."

Jiang Shaoqing continued to look at the direction of Wu Zewen's bedroom worriedly, and said, "But I always feel that Zewen is not quite right these two days, and his mood seems to be very low, you say, could something happen to his family? "

Xu Ce carried JOJO over and whispered, "You'd better take care of the two of them."

Jiang Shaoqing looked at Xu Ce for unknown reasons, Xu Ce lowered his head and said to JOJO, "There are too many idiots here, but our JOJO is the smartest."

JOJO happily nodded in agreement.

Jiang Shaoqing frowned: "Are you scolding me?"

Xu Ce said, "No."

Jiang Shaoqing glanced at him, smiled helplessly, and turned to take a shower.

Only then did Xu Ce murmur in a low voice, "I'm just scolding you, idiot."

Liu Chuan returned to room 303, and as soon as he entered the door, he asked, "Where's Zewen? Are you back?"

Xu Ce gave him a cold look and said, "I'm back."

Liu Chuan ignored Xu Ce's obvious hostility, walked over, knocked on the door lightly, and asked, "Zewen, are you asleep?"

Wu Zewen said softly, "No."

Liu Chuan opened the door and saw that Wu Zewen was sitting on the edge of the bed bandaging his wrist. He was very skilled, biting a corner of the gauze in his mouth, and quickly wrapped the wound with his other hand, then tied a slipknot. … From childhood to adulthood, when his mother was away, he handled every injury by himself. When he was young, he was short-sighted and often bumped while walking. He was used to this kind of small injury.

Seeing that he was bandaging the wound, Liu Chuan immediately sat next to him and said, "I just bought you a disinfectant wine and sterile gauze. Is the injury on your hand serious? Will it affect the game?"

Wu Zewen was silent.

game... game again...

In his heart, the game is the most important thing.

Wu Zewen looked at his injured wrist, and there was a piercing pain from the wound, but it couldn't compare to the sadness in his heart. Wu Zewen lowered his head and pretended to be calm: "The next game is a week later, I don't know if my hand can be replaced or not, if it's not good by then, let the vice captain replace me first, so as not to affect the team's performance. score."

Liu Chuan was silent for a moment, and then asked again: "Have your wounds been disinfected? Use the iodine I bought to disinfect the poison. If it gets infected, it will be troublesome."

Wu Zewen said: "I have been disinfected. I know how to deal with this kind of small injury... I want to sleep, you go back."

Looking at Wu Zewen's pale face, Liu Chuan's heart suddenly felt a little distressed. He wanted to hug Wu Zewen, but he forcibly held it back. He didn't know how to comfort him, so Liu Chuan had to put the iodine and gauze in his hand. On the bedside table, he stood up and said, "Then... you should rest early, good night."

That night, Liu Chuan tossed and turned in the next bedroom until three in the morning before he fell asleep.

In the dream, the scene downstairs was replayed repeatedly. In the rainy night, the warm yellow street lights shone on Wu Zewen's pale face. Wu Zewen looked up at his eyes, which seemed to contain tears... His wrists were bright red The dazzling bloodstains, the skin that came into contact with was so cold that there was no temperature, and the back that turned and left looked so thin and thin that Liu Chuan suddenly had the urge to rush over and hug him tightly.

However, Liu Chuan in the dream could only stand there in a daze, watching Wu Zewen walk away gradually.

The street lamp stretched Wu Zewen's shadow very long. Liu Chuan desperately reached out to grab something, but he didn't catch anything. The strange feeling of emptiness in his heart made his dream become icy cold. , as if the cold rain was not hitting Wu Zewen, but himself.

When he woke up in the morning, Liu Chuan frowned and went to the bathroom again to wash his face with cold water. When they came out, Xu Ce and Jiang Shaoqing had already woken up, but Wu Zewen, who was the first to get up on weekdays, still had the door closed.

Liu Chuan knocked on the door, but there was no reply from the room, Liu Chuan pushed open the door and walked in, and unexpectedly found that Wu Zewen was still sleeping.

Wu Zewen's work and rest habits are very good. The biological clock formed over the years makes him get up on time before 7:30 in the morning, no matter whether it is cold or hot, but it is almost 8 o'clock today, and he has not woken up yet, which is obviously not normal.

Liu Chuan walked to the bed and found a layer of sweat on his forehead. He was wrapped in a quilt, and his brows were furrowed. He seemed very uncomfortable. Liu Chuan stretched out his hand to test the temperature of his forehead, and was immediately startled. Jump - this is a fever, right

Liu Chuan whispered, "Zewen, how are you? Can you hear me?"

Wu Zewen opened his eyes, the focus of his eyes gradually fell on Liu Chuan's face, then he struggled to sit up, rubbed his forehead and said, "Headache..."

Liu Chuan said, "Shall I take you to the hospital?"

Wu Zewen said: "No, it's just a cold."

At this moment, the teammates upstairs also came down and gathered in the restaurant for breakfast. Seeing Wu Zewen's room door open, Li Xiang walked in and asked, "What's the matter, Zewen... You look so bad, you're sick. ?"

Wu Zewen said in a low voice, "It's not a serious illness, it's just that I caught a cold yesterday because of the rain."

His voice sounded very hoarse and his face was ugly.

Liu Chuan touched his hair distressedly and said, "You can rest well, I'll go get you some medicine."

Li Xiang hurriedly said: "I have a medicine box there, all kinds of commonly used medicines, let's go upstairs to get them."

Liu Chuan nodded, and went upstairs with Li Xiang to get the medicine. Li Xiang turned over the medicine box and said, "Last time Qin Ye vomited and had diarrhea in the middle of the night and I was frightened, so I went to the pharmacy to buy a lot of commonly used medicines. I have all the medicines for headaches, coughs, stomachaches and diarrhea.”

Liu Chuan said, "Are you going to become the team doctor of our team?"

Li Xiang smiled and scratched his head: "It's better to buy more commonly used medicines, just in case."

Li wanted to pull out the cold medicine and hand it to Liu Chuan, and said curiously, "By the way, how did Zewen get wet? I remember it started to rain very late yesterday. He went out at night?"

Liu Chuan said: "I don't know what happened. He said he went out for a walk. When he came back, he got caught in the rain and fell injured."

Liu Chuan returned to the room with the medicine, poured a cup of warm water and fed it to Wu Zewen, and took off the gauze to look at the wound on his wrist.

When he saw the wound, Liu Chuan was immediately worried. Yesterday, he only saw blood bleed from Zewen's wrist. He didn't see what the wound was like. At this time, he found that the wound was so deep. He probably rubbed the sharp point when he fell. The stone or glass, the entire wrist was scratched with a long cut, although the blood of the wound has dried, but the scar looks a bit hideous, the more Liu Chuan looks at it, the more frightened he is...

Wu Zewen found that Liu Chuan's eyes were on the wound on his wrist, his nose was sore, he pulled his hand back, and said softly: "If the speed of my hand is affected, I can no longer accompany you, I will go back to Beijing Find a job…”

"Don't talk nonsense!" Liu Chuan hurriedly interrupted him, "You don't need to train for this week, so you can heal your injuries first."

"..." Wu Zewen fell silent.

For e-sports players, the hand is their life. He accidentally injured the most critical left hand that needs fast keys. He doesn't know if this injury will affect his hand speed in the future. He only knows that he It must not be Liu Chuan's dragging oil bottle - this is his last pride.

If there is such a day, his hands can no longer play the game, and Liu Chuan does not need to speak, he will take the initiative to leave.

Liu Chuan looked at Wu Zewen's pale face, and only felt a burst of pain in his heart, and a strong impulse suddenly appeared in his heart - he wanted to hug Wu Zewen hard, give Wu Zewen a little encouragement, and tell him not to be sad, I will always be there. Beside you... But when Liu Chuan stretched out his hand, he found that Wu Zewen had closed his eyes tiredly. Liu Chuan had to turn his direction, lightly stroked his hair with his fingers, and said softly, "Don't think about it, you It'll be alright, rest well, you hear me?"

Wu Zewen nodded.

Liu Chuan helped him lie down, covered him with the quilt, reached out to probe his forehead, and then took a thermometer to measure his temperature, and found that it was only a low-grade fever, so he felt relieved and turned around to close the room. Door.

To prevent his teammates from thinking wildly, Liu Chuan temporarily concealed the fact that Zewen's hand was injured, and only said that Wu Zewen had a fever in the rain and continued to arrange training for everyone.

Because there are still games on the weekend, it is uncertain whether Wu Zewen can recover. Liu Chuan temporarily changed his style of play, letting Lan Weiran come to play Wu Zewen's position, and change to remote Xiaoyao to play double cooperation with Liu Chuan's Tangmen.

Lan Weiran is worthy of being the top god of the professional league. Although he has no experience of cooperating with Liu Chuan, he has a first-class awareness and is clear about various tactics. The combination of the two people will soon be successful. He likes to hide behind Liu Chuan and let Liu Chuan kill people. He is happily lazy there. Whenever Liu Chuan says, "Si Lan, you should do it", Lan Weiran comes out to show his skills and complains while letting go. : "Don't bother me when you can solve it by yourself."

Liu Chuan: "..."

Silan's style is nothing like Wu Zewen's. He has a very strong view of the overall situation. When he knows that Liu Chuan can easily solve his opponent, he is too lazy to do it and likes to watch the play next to him. Unlike Wu Zewen, he will stand by Liu Chuan seriously no matter what the situation is, consider everything for Liu Chuan, and take "cooperating with Liu Chuan" as the first purpose.

Liu Chuan didn't realize until now that he had become accustomed to Wu Zewen's company before he knew it. Wu Zewen's weight in his heart was so heavy that after suddenly changing partners, even Liu Chuan, who was a tactical all-rounder, lost his mind for a while. Unable to adapt.

When Wu Zewen was not around, Liu Chuan always felt that he was not used to doing anything. Even if he cooperated with Silan without any problems, he still felt that something was not right, and his heart seemed to be empty. The name "Zeven" was called.

Hearing the captain suddenly call "Zewen", several teammates looked at each other in dismay.

Liu Chuan came back to his senses, touched his nose embarrassedly, and said with a smile, "Sorry, it's easy to say..."

Lan Weiran slapped him on the back and said, "Your good partner is sleeping in the bedroom, don't call here, he can't hear."

Everyone burst into laughter, but Liu Chuan couldn't help but heat up.

He has been the captain for so long, and he has never made a command error. I don't know what happened today. During the game, Zewen's shadow has always been in his mind. The way to calm down, and even worry about it - what if there is really a problem with Zewen's hand

Thinking of this possibility, Liu Chuan was heartbroken!

There have been players in the league who regretfully retired because of hand injuries. Wu Zewen's biggest advantage is hand speed. I don't know if this injury is serious or not...

No, he must not let Wu Zewen have an accident!

After thinking about it, Liu Chuan was still not at ease. That afternoon, he invited a family doctor to look at Wu Zewen's wound. The doctor took apart the gauze and observed it carefully, and then tapped Wu Zewen's fingers with a small hammer, as if After testing the reflex function of the muscles, after careful inspection, I came to a conclusion, saying: "Although the wound looks deep, it is fortunate that the tendons and nerves are not injured, and the function of the hand will not be affected. It is enough to change the dressing on time."

Liu Chuan finally felt relieved.

Wu Zewen was still in a deep sleep, still frowning uncomfortably, ignorant of all this. Sitting next to him, Liu Chuan helped him tug on the quilt. He stretched out his hand and touched his hair lightly, and said in a low voice, "Sleep well, I won't let you have anything to do."