The Strongest God

Chapter 21: Not enough money


Want to fight me? Are you sure

Li Xiang was so excited by this sentence that his whole body was on fire!

Wu Zewen, who is sitting next to him, can see him gnashing his teeth and gearing up...

However, judging from Wu Zewen's calm analysis, if Li wants to fight this Tang Sect, he will definitely die. Haven't seen this Tang Sect easily solved the siege of the three grasses

Li Xiang obviously ignored this, and was excited by the law.

When Tang Sect saw him rushing over, suddenly a shadow escaped and disappeared directly in front of him...

Li Xiang said angrily, "Don't hide if you can!"

Liu Chuan walked away lightly, but still had time to laugh at him and mocked him: "Why don't Tangmen play with Tangmen without being invisible? You think I'm you..."

Li Xiang:"… "

Li Xiang, who was so angry that his chest hurt, took a deep breath, and when he saw his appearance, he immediately turned around and a flying crane soared into the sky, chasing after him! The hand speed exploded and frantically pressed the keyboard, and a few Qinggong flew over one after another!

Tangmen continued to run in circles, Li Xiang was out of breath after chasing, and the mobs in the entire bandit village were disturbed by the two, and they jumped.

Sankecao and Wu Zewen stood in the middle to watch the battle, looking a little unbearable...

Ahem, this picture looks like the owner is walking the dog...

Li Xiang, who was taken for a walk around the audience as a pet, became more and more angry!

What is even more hateful is that the more he chases, the farther and farther the distance between him and Tangmen is, this is too painful!

Finally, Li Xiang's Qinggong stamina dropped to 0, and he couldn't catch up.

Only then did Tangmen stop on a tree in the distance, and sent a smile: "Is your stamina running out?"

Li Xiang was shocked! How did he know

Tangmen continued to laugh: "Using light energy doesn't count as stamina, and you're not afraid of falling from the sky and dying, hehe..."

Li Xiang:"… "

Li Xiang felt depressed in his heart, but unfortunately his level was too far behind, let alone fighting this Tang Sect, he couldn't even catch up...

Tangmen quickly flew to Li Xiang's side and sat down. While meditating to recover, he also sent a message to a nearby channel, saying, "Sit down to restore stamina, and when it's full, fly around the bandit village with me again, and I'll teach you how to play. ."

Li Xiang:"… "

Wait, I'm still on Vendetta, so you just sat down beside me

Is this the contempt of Chi Guoguo

Li Xiang looked at Tang Sect, who was sitting next to him casually. He didn't want to fight, and he didn't fight. He sent a row of expressions that were blasted into black ashes on a nearby channel to express his inner entanglement.

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "If you want to fight me, come back after you reach full level. Your level is too bad now, and I don't even bother to abuse you."

Li Xiang:"… "

He suddenly found that this Tang Sect's speech was particularly irritating, and his ability to change the subject was also extremely powerful! Originally a bloody vendetta PK, inexplicably, he was taken to the calculation of light power and endurance, which made Li Xiang who started vendetta very embarrassed.

After a while, Liu Chuan typed and asked, "Is your stamina full?"

Li thought: "...full."

Liu Chuan said, "Let's go and follow me."

Different from the direct influence of health bars and blue bars on character attributes, the endurance value in the game only affects the operation of light work. The total endurance is 100 points. When the endurance is exhausted, all light work can no longer be released. If you are flying high in the air, Suddenly found that the stamina is gone... I'm sorry young man, we can let you experience the pleasant feeling of free falling and falling into patties!

The novice in the game, because they don't know how to calculate the stamina of light work, there are countless people who fall to their death when they fly halfway.

Stamina only recovers slowly over time. There is no medicine or skill that can restore stamina. The recovery speed will only be faster when you meditate in place. When a master fights, it is very important to master the endurance, especially in a profession like Tangmen that requires frequent use of Qinggong to move around. If the stamina is quickly exhausted, the Tangmen who cannot use Qinggong will be as effective as a crab without two legs. sharply decreased.

The Qinggong in the game includes the general Qinggong of Jianghu and lakes, as well as the special Qinggong of each school. If you want to master all of them, you will naturally need to practice repeatedly. Li Xiang's light work operation is not a big problem, but he obviously doesn't know how to calculate endurance, and he doesn't know how to save endurance.

Liu Chuan was operating Tangmen to control his position in the air, while quickly typing to teach Li Xiang—

"Don't use the wind chasing step here, the wind chasing step consumes stamina too fast..."

"It would be more appropriate for you to take a ride in the wind just now..."

"No, here use Ruyan Jue to adjust the position in the air..."

"Don't rush to the ground, use the snow and clouds to jump over the obstacles in front of you..."

Li wanted to play Qinggong with Tangmen, and he found that the consumption of stamina was much less than before. After going around the bandit village, there were still more than 20 points left, but it was exhausted just after the lap.

Liu Chuan sent a thumbs up: "Learn very quickly, do it again, pay attention to the details I told you."

Li Xiang:"… "

The rubbing hands just now turned into a red face.

Classmate Li Xiang, who ran to kill himself and hit the gun, was very embarrassed. He didn't expect how the plot would develop like this. He wanted to kill Tangmen with a vendetta, but Tangmen inexplicably taught him how to play. Easy to come...

Another trip down, stamina saved 30 points.

Liu Chuan sent a smiling expression: "I'm progressing very fast, I can practice more when I have time."

Li Xiang:"… "

Should he say thank you

He's still running a vendetta, it seems...

Li Xiang quickly shut down Vendetta.

Cough, I'm sorry Zewen, it's not that I don't want to be a bodyguard, but the enemy is too powerful.

just sacrifice...

After Liu Chuan taught Li Xiang this second-hand guy, he chatted privately with Wu Zewen and said, "What, is there anything to be gained by watching?"

Wu Zewen nodded seriously: "Yes."

This guy still cherishes his words like gold, so Liu Chuan had no choice but to continue dialing the small spinning top: "Have you memorized several kinds of Jianghu Qinggong?"

Wu Zewen replied: "Well."

Liu Chuan continued to dial the top: "Come and listen?"

The small top was finally willing to turn, and typed seriously: "Actually, it is not difficult to remember the literal meaning, Feihe Chongtian and Ruyan Jue are both upward light exercises, Feihe Chongtian is suitable for jumping from the ground, and generally used for light work. Starting hands, Ruyan Jue is more suitable for jumping up in the air, and it can be used for connecting and transitioning in the middle. What you said about drifting snow and piercing clouds is a light technique for rapid advance in the high air, which is very suitable for use when overcoming obstacles and chasing in the air. "

- A person with high savvy is a peace of mind!

Liu Chuan said with satisfaction: "It seems that you have almost studied the theory. If you have time, I will take you to practice practice. You still need to practice more light exercises. The ideal master is that there is no problem with the operation, but the consciousness is messed up. You are the theory. I figured it out, the operation is messy."

Wu Zewen's ears couldn't help but turn slightly red.

This Tang Sect really hit the nail on the head. In one sentence, he pointed out his and Li Xiang's respective shortcomings, and the tone of his speech was like a lesson...

However, he does have the qualifications to teach others. Just now, Wu Zewen couldn't help sighing when he saw his smooth and smooth operation of light skills. If there was a camera next to him, the pictures taken would be like the masters in martial arts movies.


At this time, not far from the bandit village, someone did set up a camera.

Of course, it is not the camera on the set, but the video recording function that comes with the game.

Broken Heart Grass, the branch president of the Seven Star Grass Guild in Telecom District 7, was shocked by the video recording function in the game, and took a picture of the scene just now. While recording the video, he also quickly privately chatted with Nepenthes: "Little Pig Little Pig, what's going on?!"

The pitcher plant said blankly: "I don't know either, Tangmen and Wudu got married, and then that Shaolin suddenly quit the team and started a vendetta..."

Broken Heart Grass frowned: "Is it still a triangular grievance with deep sadomasochism?"

Nepenthes scratched his hair with a headache: "It doesn't look like it! After Shaolin's vendetta, Tangmen took him for a walk around the bandit village, and then the Tangmen began to teach Shaolin to play Qinggong..."

Heartbroken Grass: "..." What's the situation

Nepenthes said: "The two of them were in vendetta mode, and while discussing how to save light work stamina, they flew around the bandit village for two full laps... Then they went to meditate side by side to regain their stamina."

The words of Nepenthes were followed by a row of expressions of vomiting blood.

It is a red name that shows up in Vendetta, and Master Ideal quit the team to start a vendetta. Therefore, the ideal that the Nepenthes and the others see is also a red name that can be attacked. Then Tangmen actually sits side by side with the enemy of the red name and sits down to meditate to restore their stamina... And what about the five poisons? The five poisons that served as the fuse were calmly watching from the side, without saying a word.

Nepenthes was really tight in his chest. He found that his human brain was completely unable to understand the thinking of these three people.

Heartbroken Grass was also confused, "What the hell is going on with these three people? Didn't it say that Tangmen brought two Xiaobai relatives and friends?"

Nepenthes said: "It looks like a group of relatives and friends, but it doesn't look like it. When Shaolin was talking in the team, he kept calling him 'Big Brother Tangmen', and he seemed to have known him for a while. And he just opened up after a word of disagreement. It's a vendetta, I don't know it anyway!"

Broken Heart Grass sorted out her thoughts, "Then Tangmen and Wudu are married now, right?"

The pitcher plant said, "Well, just got married."

Broken Heart Cao thought about it carefully, and he felt a little shocked just by watching Tang Sect's Qinggong move. Experts and ordinary people are really good at distinguishing the operation of certain details. This Tang Sect really is as Nepenthes said - a great master!

It's all light work!

The connection is like flowing clouds and flowing water, without even a pause, flying over the eaves and walls, just like a line hanging from the body, and flying directly to the audience, the focus is quite accurate!

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, Broken Heart Grass would have mistakenly thought it was an official promotional video that was cut and pieced together after video processing...

Such a top expert, it is rare that he has not yet joined the guild. As the president of Seven Star Grass, it is absolutely necessary to draw him over!

After thinking for a while, Broken Heart Grass finally stepped forward and chatted with Tang Sect privately: "Hello brother, let me know, I am the president of the Seven Star Grass Guild Branch in the Seventh District of Telecom."

Seven Star Grass is coming to pull people again

Liu Chuan opened the trumpet account to enter the online game, just to bring Zewen and Erxiang. He never thought about disturbing these big guilds. Unfortunately, it happened to be a book. Outside the bandit village, he happened to meet the amusing trio of Qixingcao, and he died alone. The three of them obviously caught the attention of the management at Seven Star Grass.

Liu Chuan reluctantly replied: "Hello, does the president have something to do with me?"

Broken Heart Grass wisely changed the subject: "Listen to my little pig, brother, you just got married? Congratulations!"

Liu Chuan smiled: "You're welcome."

Heartbroken Grass said: "When will the wedding be held? Let's join in the fun, shall we?"

Broken Heart Grass is worthy of being a trade union president who is good at diplomacy. This doesn't even mention the trade union thing. Let's start with the wedding. The so-called people are in good spirits when they meet a happy event. When someone says they want to congratulate you on a happy event like a wedding, are you embarrassed to refuse

As a result, the Tang Sect was embarrassed to refuse, and typed directly: "Will you still have a wedding? Is marriage so troublesome?"

Heartbroken grass almost kneeled!

Is it common sense to have a wedding? Married to such a beautiful five-poison daughter-in-law, are you too embarrassed to not have a wedding

Broken Heart Grass endured the twitching of the corners of his mouth, and suggested, "Is it better to do it? Marrying a daughter-in-law always has to be beautiful. If you have a grand wedding, your daughter-in-law will be happy too!"

Liu Chuan said, "Oh, how much does a wedding cost?"

Heartbroken Grass said: "520 gold coins."

Liu Chuan flipped through his backpack and said, "Not enough money :("

Broken Heart Grass slipped and knocked over the cup on the table, spilling a keyboard of water.

master? Is this really a master? What about the aura of a master who spends a lot of money for his daughter-in-law? !

Generally, the picture of a master marrying a daughter-in-law is: Today my wedding, my brothers are all here! Come join us! ! The world sends an invitation, whoever sees it has a share! My wife I love you! Full 520 posts to express my love for my wife! ! - Then everyone on the server knows that the master is getting married today.

The master in front of him is: Getting married is so troublesome and not enough money: (Is this what a master should say? What is the trouble with a sad emoji behind it

The heartbroken grass finally understood why the little pig classmate who was sent to pull people was so miserable and kept vomiting blood.

This master brother's thinking is really far from the average online game master...