The Strongest God

Chapter 22: Unreliable groom


In fact, Liu Chuan hadn't played online games for a long time, and he had almost forgotten about these rules in online games.

Six years ago, when Martial Arts was just open to beta testing, he and a few good buddies were playing online games in Yijiangnan in the Telecom Zone 1. At that time, there was no wedding in the game, and there were no husband and wife tasks. There was only a simple mentoring system and gangs. system.

One year after the Wulin public beta, the game passed the review of the e-sports league, and the first season of the official professional league officially started. In the annual expansion update of that year, multiple online game servers and competition servers were opened at the same time. "Wulin official professional league area" ”, the level cap has been raised from level 60 to level 70, new sects of beggar gangs and Ming sects have been added, and a marriage system and a worship system have been added. The background setting of the “eight major schools” and “twenty-four schools” of martial arts is the real thing. perfect.

Most of the professional players in the first season were masters from online games. Liu Chuan took the Huaxia team to collectively evacuated from the Yijiangnan server in Telecom District 1, and began to concentrate on training on the game map. He also paid more and more attention to things in online games. less.

The reason why he knew that he could get married at level 30 was because he went to an online game to practice a few trumpets, mainly to understand the characteristics of the newly added beggar gangs and various schools of Mingjiao. Only then did he realize that at level 30, he could get married. getting married...

As for weddings, gifts, red envelopes, such things, he really doesn't know!

Broken heart grass reminded Liu Chuan that he was interested. After a search on the official website, he found out that marriage is complicated!

After the marriage proposal is approved by the other party, even if the two are free to marry, the poor can not have the wedding, and the rich can have a large wedding.

The scale of the wedding is divided into general level and luxury level. The general level wedding scene is small, and only 10 guests can be invited, which is suitable for small groups of relatives and friends, while the luxury level wedding scene is huge, and the number of guests can be invited up to 1,000, and the system will give 100 invitations If you want to invite more people, you will naturally have to pay for the invitations yourself. This kind of wedding is especially suitable for big people such as rich local tyrants and guild presidents. In luxury weddings, the groom will also lead the bride on a horse. The sedan chairs are paraded in the main city, and beautiful fireworks are displayed throughout the parade, and the World Channel will also announce it, which is simply blinding to the eyes.

The cost of a general wedding is 520 gold coins, but a luxury wedding needs 1314 ingots - ingots are naturally recharged, 1,314 yuan in real gold and real silver.

The official attitude is very clear: we just want to make money, local tyrants quickly bring the money!

After reading the description of the wedding on the official website, Liu Chuan calmly turned it off.

Have a wedding in the game with 1314 yuan? It's better to buy a better mechanical keyboard. Liu Chuan has never liked this kind of formality.

However, the wedding with 520 gold coins can be considered.

Liu Chuan aimed at the ordinary-level wedding, not for the wedding format, but for the discount store at the wedding scene.

Because the invited guests all want to give the bride and groom a little red envelope, so the official also has some feedback. The discount store at the wedding site has the first-class five-element stone with rebates that can be bought, which is half cheaper than the outside store. This thing is a strengthening equipment. necessities.

The problem now is that Liu Chuan only has 100 gold coins in his backpack, and there is not enough money for the wedding...

This game is not like ordinary free online games that can directly exchange RMB for gold coins, time-based games, the gold coins in the game are to be earned by the players themselves, doing tasks, copying, and later life skills, etc. You can get a certain amount of gold coins, but in the early days, the life skills have not been opened, and you can't make much money if you only do tasks. Moreover, Liu Chuan was too lazy to finish the tasks and ran to the bandit village to farm monsters...

What if I have no money

Liu Chuan thought for a moment, and then sent a sentence without blush: "Would you like to lend me some more?"

Heartbroken grass almost sprayed water.

Master, you are too miserable! To hold an ordinary wedding, you have to find someone to borrow money, it really doesn't have the temperament of a master at all = =

Liu Chuan sent a smile: "Lend me 520 gold coins."

Broken intestine grass is still coughing.

Seeing that he didn't reply, Liu Chuan changed his words: "How about borrowing 420 from me? I still have 100 in my bag!" followed by a row of smiling faces.

Heartbroken grass is speechless.

well! As a master, it is really pitiful to be so poor! There is only 100 gold in the bag, it is really distressing to be so shabby!

Anyway, the main purpose of looking for him is to win him over, and giving him money just makes the relationship go further.

Broken Heart Grass simply traded the 520 gold coins in her bag to Liu Chuan, and said proudly, "You don't need to pay it back, just treat it as a red envelope to congratulate you on your happy wedding, brother."

Liu Chuan accepted it rudely: "Thank you, President, what a big red envelope :)"

Heartbroken Grass hurriedly said, "You're welcome, you're welcome!"

As the chairman of Seven Star Grass, this amount of money is really nothing to him. In the early stage, everyone is in a hurry. If it is in the later stage, let alone 520 gold coins, even if it is 52,000, he will not feel distressed. In order to win over the masters, such a price is still affordable.

Liu Chuan accepted the money, typed happily on the team channel, and said, "Wife, come with me."

Wu Zewen didn't realize who he was calling for a while.

Li Xiang vomited blood next to him, "Wife? You sounded so good!"

Liu Chuan laughed: "They're all married, what's the name of a wife if you don't?"

"..." Li Xiang was so blocked that he couldn't speak, and he was depressed.

Wu Zewen reacted to who he was calling. He thought it was called that in the game, so he didn't mind, and replied, "Where are you going?"

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Have a wedding, walk around, and watch the fun. I haven't seen the wedding scene yet."

Wu Zewen has not seen it either, but he is not very interested in this kind of wedding in the game. He married mainly to do tasks and upgrade faster.

Liu Chuan simply set up a team, added Heartbroken Grass, and pressed the team follow button to let everyone automatically follow behind him, and then he rode the lowest-level little yellow horse with everyone. Go to the couple relationship management office in Gangneung Fortress.

After walking around there, Liu Chuan asked suspiciously, "Where is the NPC who organized the wedding? Why can't I find it?"

Everyone in front of the computer fell collectively!

The heartbroken grass twitched: "Brother, you have gone to the wrong place. There is a husband and wife mission, and the NPC for the wedding is in the Yuelao Temple outside the city..."

Liu Chuan sent a smile: "Oh."

—Have you ever seen such an unreliable groom!

Heartbroken grass has never been seen before, and the other Nepenthes and others seem to be used to it, silently following behind Tangmen and vomiting blood silently.

Liu Chuan dragged a group of people to Yuelao Temple again.

He handed in 520 gold coins for incense money at Yuelao Temple, and a lot of lines like "I wish the two old men stay together forever" appeared on the top of Yuelao's head, and then gave Liu Chuan a prop to open the wedding copy and 10 cards Wedding Invitations.

Liu Chuan threw the invitations to Li Xiang and the other four, and there were five remaining, so he asked, "There are five more invitations, what should I do?"

Heartbroken grass looks so sad!

Doesn't this master even have 10 friends who can attend the wedding? so poor...

So Broken Heart Grass shouted on the friend channel: "Brothers who are idle near Jiangling are here to attend a friend's wedding, hurry up and join me in the group!"

Several people responded immediately.

The ones who can see the group leader's group messages on the friend channel are basically the elites and old players of the Seven Star Grass Guild. The elite group is either doing quests or downloading dungeons at the moment, but there are many veterans who are not very good at operations such as pitcher plants, but are very loyal to the guild. There are five people coming soon. Name The format is XX grass.

Li Xiang asked suspiciously on the team channel: "Your names are so unified, are they all from the Seven Star Grass Guild?"

Although he didn't know much about the big guild in the game, the head of Broken Heart Grass had the title of "Seven Star Grass Guild President" written on it. Looking at the unified name, he immediately realized it.

Broken Heart Grass replied: "Yes! Brother, do you know our union?"

Li Xiang replied, "I know Team Seven Star Grass. Shaolin from Team Xiao is playing very sharply. I was still watching the video of Seven Star Grass."

Heartbroken grass is happy to hear it.

It turns out that this master is Team Xiao's brainless fan, so it's much easier to pull it together now!

Also, how many people who play Shaolin do not know about our Xiao team? The pride in the heart of Broken Heart Grass...

Li Xiang continued to ask, "Are the members of your guild all fans of Team Seven Star Grass?"

Broken Heart Grass replied: "The management is all die-hard fans of Seven Star Grass, and most of the other members also like the Seven Star Grass team. We are actually a team support guild. The president works in the team, mainly to help the team start in the game. Famous, by the way, we will recruit fresh blood and recruit some potential newcomers, and I will also recommend going to the youth training camp of Qixingcao to train and cultivate, and then I can play professional leagues with the team."

Li Xiang understood now, "Oh, it's actually like a... an official support group, right?"

Broken Heart Herb sent a smile: "Yes!"

The two chatted casually for a few words, and Broken Heart Grass already had a lot of confidence in it.

Seeing that this master is so interested in Seven Star Grass, he must be Team Xiao's brainless fan! Does it need to be said to draw over? Now that the Tang Sect is going to have a wedding, it's not easy to talk about the trade union. When the wedding is over, when the time is right, the three of them will be brought into the guild together. It seems that there is a 99% chance of winning!

However, the heartbroken grass has forgotten that there are unforeseen circumstances in the sky, and disasters and blessings for people...

99% of the odds, unlucky will turn into the 1% of the accident...

After the guests arrived, Liu Chuan pressed the props in the backpack, and a group of people were sent to the wedding copy.

The wedding scene is very beautifully done. The weather in the scene is late at night. A full moon hangs high in the night sky. The water-like moonlight gently sprinkles in the antique and chic courtyard. There is a lotus pond in the courtyard. The stone bridge is covered with a thick red carpet, and there is a table in front of it. The table is lit with red festive candles, and the whole yard is also covered with cheerful red lanterns.

The official is also quite kind, and the ordinary wedding scene is so exquisite.

As soon as you enter the wedding scene, the screen automatically switches to 3D animation mode. The newlyweds put on the wedding dresses presented by the system, Wu Zewen's bride had to put on a red hijab, and Liu Chuan's groom had a big red flower tied on his chest. The two walked hand in hand on the red carpet amid the sound of firecrackers. Cross the arch bridge…

The ancient Chinese wedding process was simulated very realistically, and the host of the wedding began to shout: "The auspicious time has come, worship the heaven and earth!"

"Worship heaven and earth!"

"Two thanks to the high hall!"

"Bye husband and wife!"

After a while, the ceremony was completed, the animation ended, and the guests entered the toast and blessing session.

Everyone who returned to the game scene was suddenly shocked to find that—

Groom and bride are gone!

Broken Heart Grass asked in surprise on the team channel: "What about the groom and bride?"

Those with sharp eyes noticed: "That Shaolin is gone too!"

When the pitcher plant was spawning monsters before, I added these three friends. When I looked at the friend panel, there was a piece of gray head portrait.

Nepenthes said helplessly: "The three are not online."

Heartbroken Grass is speechless: "Wouldn't it be that all three dropped the line?"

Nepenthes said weakly: "Looks like..."

Heartbroken Herb vomited blood: "Half of the marriage knot dropped, I rely on it??!!"

The brothers who came to cheer stared wide-eyed, and collectively burst into tears.

The newlyweds both disconnected, leaving the crowd who came to watch the ceremony in the lonely wedding scene...

Have you ever seen such an unreliable groom and bride? !

The author has something to say: [Small Theater]

Liu Chuan: It's too troublesome to hold a wedding, wife, why don't we omit those troublesome preludes, how about we go directly to the bridal chamber

Zevin: Okay.

Liu Chuan (so talkative?)

bridal chamber scene

Liu Chuan: My wife came to kiss (cheeked up and kissed)

Wu Zewen picked up the iPad and successfully blocked it

Liu Chuan: Wife...

Zewen: Block block block.

Liu Chuan: ... at this time, can you stop playing Rhythm Master

Zewen: I want to practice hand speed.

Liu Chuan: … It was the biggest mistake of losing the iPad to you in the first place. Shooting and blocking me with an iPad all day: (Zewen: Do you want to win back

Liu Chuan: If I win, will you let me kiss

Zevin: Hmm.

Rhythm master level 10 song is on!

Zewen: The first song, full marks.

Zewen: The second song, full score.

Zewen: The third song, full score.

Liu Chuan: ... Die!


Its daybreak.

Li Xiang: How did you spend the candle night in your bridal chamber

Liu Chuan: Hahaha, of course we fought all night...

(The rhythm master who fought all night would I say)

(And also lost!)

Help: My wife is a piano player, and the rhythm master can't beat him. Shall I knock him down? Will he get angry if he is directly overwhelmed? PS: My wife is a scholar, and her thinking is different from that of ordinary people. Help netizens, urgent! Wait online!

Answer: You should sleep in the study tonight. By your homeschooler.

Landlord: ... daddy!

Brother Chuan died twice today!

He is too domineering in the text, the author likes to bully him in the small theater ^-^