The Strongest God

Chapter 221: Post-match summary (below)


After training Xiaoyu, the others were waiting for who the captain would train next. Liu Chuan said again, "A little while ago, tell yourself, why did you not do well in today's team battle?"

Jiang Shaoqing's consciousness is naturally higher than Xiaoyu's. After the game, he also knew what he did wrong, and quickly replied: "I originally wanted to get rid of everyone's negative state as soon as possible, but the other party's carefree The speed of the formation is too fast, I can't keep up with his rhythm..."

Liu Chuan said in a low voice: "Your biggest advantage is the overall situation, not the speed. You were obviously brought into his rhythm by the opponent's assistant today. Why do you want to fight with him for speed? The free-control formation method 'Tiangang Beidou Formation' is placed under your feet, and what formation does Xiaoyao put on the opposite side, can he help you?"

Jiang Shaoqing bowed his head in shame.

Liu Chuan revealed the key in one sentence, and he only thought of this later. As Liu Chuan said, if he could launch the "Tiangang Beidou Formation" in time, then the other party's happiness would not be able to help him in the short term, and he also It can buy Xiaoyu more time to relieve the team's lack of blue, so as not to be made worse by a chaotic array of Xiaoyao, and it will collapse directly.

As the team's assistant, not only did he fail to control the scene, but he was driven out of the rhythm by the opponent's carefreeness, and it was really stupid to compete with the opponent for speed.

Jiang Shaoqing's face turned slightly red, and he lowered his head, not knowing what to say...

Liu Chuan walked up to him and said: "After a while, you are still not confident enough. In fact, you did a good job, such as the awareness of cooperating with Zewen to win the first kill in the first game, and assisting us in several team battles later. , you are very well placed. However, once the opponent's support puts pressure on you, you will rush to deal with him because you are not confident enough, but unfortunately you are slow and can't keep up with him at all, so you will be in a hurry. In fact, you are completely You can calm down and ignore him directly and continue to fight according to your own ideas. You don’t need to pay attention to some of the other’s interference formations, you only need to guard the most critical formations. For the overall situation, you must There's a steel scale, what do you think?"

Jiang Shaoqing nodded immediately and said, "Team Chuan, you're right! I was too anxious today. In fact, I didn't have to rush to solve the weak formation at that time, even if the attack dropped for a few seconds, it didn't matter, to prevent the chaos formation. The most important thing is that Xiaoyao's chaotic array directly caused us to collapse. This is entirely my fault. I was thinking too much, and I was not calm and decisive enough. Instead, I was confused by his rhythm. I'm sorry everyone. …”

Jiang Shaoqing was a serious and prudent person, and his attitude of admitting mistakes was very good. Liu Chuan stopped talking about him and patted his shoulder with a smile: "It's good if you realize it, and have more confidence in yourself. I can't teach it by hand. When should you put what kind of formation, I can't take care of you at the critical moment, you need to trust your own judgment."

This man has always been down-to-earth, hard-working, and very soft-hearted. Because he chose the wrong genre at the beginning, he was abused by a young rookie for a year in the Qiankun team. Later, he was disbanded by the team and left the league in frustration. The older rookies that people want have gone through so many twists and turns, so they are seriously lacking in self-confidence. Even if they change schools and play as assistants under Liu Chuan's guidance, the fatal weakness of lack of confidence is still exposed in front of powerful opponents. .

The teammates around him are too strong, and Jiang Shaoqing always feels that he can't keep up. He has been training hard, but his hand speed is just slower than others. This is a natural flaw and cannot be changed. I still remember that Jiang Shaoqing was the first to stop when the entire Longyin team was measuring the hand speed. The hand speed of more than 200 was less than half of Chuan Shen...

Because of the slowest hand speed, he always had a faint sense of inferiority in his heart...

Liu Chuan is right, he is indeed not confident enough!

An excellent support must have its own ideas and rhythm, and cannot follow the support on the opposite side, but Jiang Shaoqing committed a major taboo for support players!

Although support players are not very noticeable, in fact, support is the key to turning the tide of the battle in many cases! The assistant standing at the back of the team is like a military advisor who controls the entire situation and rhythm on the battlefield. Just imagine, in a battle, if the military advisor is not confident enough, what will happen to the battle situation

Liu Chuan has emphasized many times before that Jiang Shaoqing should be more confident and trust his own judgment... But until today, Jiang Shaoqing has not realized that his deep-seated inferiority complex will be given to the team at critical moments. What a negative impact!

Facing this captain who was equivalent to "Bole" to him, Jiang Shaoqing was ashamed to find a crack to bury himself.

Seeing the remorse and remorse on this honest man's face, Liu Chuan couldn't bear to talk about him again. He patted him on the shoulder and said, "Go back and think about it, and pay more attention in the future."

Jiang Shaoqing nodded and said, "Yes."

Liu Chuan continued, "Li Xiang."

Li Xiang stood up immediately: "Yes! Captain, please scold!"

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "You didn't play well today, but it wasn't too bad either. It's mainly the last wave of teamfights. I asked you to go to the front row to control the opponent's support. As a result, you yourself On the contrary, it was controlled by Shaolin on the opposite side. Of course, it is not entirely your fault. The Shaolin on the other side is a professional player. It is normal for you not to grab the first move, and the remedial measures are not in place. The gap between the two needs to be practiced again." Liu Chuan looked back at Qin Ye, "Qin Ye, you've been bored lately anyway, so come and be his sparring partner."

Qin Ye nodded calmly: "No problem."

Li Xiang, who was lucky in disguise, immediately smiled and said, "Okay! Qin Ye has come to abuse me a few more times, and I will definitely improve!"

Liu Chuan walked in front of Wu Zewen, Wu Zewen raised his head and looked at him seriously: "Captain, what am I doing wrong? Just tell me."

When he met those bright eyes, Liu Chuan's heart softened, he patted his shoulder with a smile, and said, "You are the best performer today. Everyone sees your performance. I have nothing to say. Keep up the good work."

Wu Zewen nodded.

Liu Chuan was not partial. If Wu Zewen made a mistake, he would say it to his face, but Wu Zewen's performance today is really nothing to say, and he, the captain, is also very satisfied. Silan, Qin Ye, and Lin Tong didn't play, only Xu Ce was not named by the captain. Everyone's eyes couldn't help but turn to Xu Ce.

Liu Chuan stopped in front of Xu Ce.

When he joined the team, Qin Ye said worriedly, "Xu Ce is a wild horse that is difficult to tame, and he may become the second Yang Jian."

However, Liu Chuan didn't care about it at all.

Hard to tame? That boy Yang Jian was tamed by Liu Chuan, but Liu Chuan couldn't believe it. He couldn't take care of a Xu Ce? !

In today's teamfight, several other teammates showed their own shortcomings. Xiao Yu was chaotic and not calm enough. Jiang Shaoqing thought too much and was not confident enough. It is their own flaws that need to be adjusted and improved.

Only Xu Ce was the one who made Liu Chuan the most popular - acting without authorization and not obeying orders! Said to let him fight the flag, but at a critical moment he suddenly ran out to cut Xiaoyao, what does it look like? !

Liu Chuan wanted to kick him back at that time!

The previous game did not encounter too fierce confrontation. Xu Ce killed three, one kill and two fights very well. Today, when he met a strong team, Xu Ce's flaws also surfaced immediately - too strong self-awareness, team awareness too weak!

He is like a proud wild wolf. He is used to acting alone. If he is in a bad mood, he immediately rushes to bite his opponent. He used to be like this in online games, and he seldom listened to others in the arena. , there was no conflict between his actions and Liu Chuan's command. Liu Chuan thought he was calmer under the influence of Jiang Shaoqing, but only today did I know that once the captain's command conflicted with his own thoughts, Xu Ce Definitely not the kind of obedient person.

There are actually many players in the league who are too self-aware. The most typical example is the former Yang Jian. This kind of player is an extremely sharp warrior in the arena. In teamfights, it is a sharp double-edged sword that can easily mess up the team.

With Xu Ce's pride, scolding him in front of so many people might cause him to quarrel directly. It's not a good thing for the captain to quarrel with the team members, so...

Liu Chuan smiled and said: "Everyone go back to rest first, watch the video playback carefully, and reflect on it. Tomorrow morning, gather your energy, and we will continue to analyze the next opponent - Xu Ce, come with me."

Xu Ce: "..."

Is this what it means to be educated alone? !

Xu Ce turned and followed Liu Chuan with a stiff face. Everyone couldn't help but think about the scene where Xu Ce was dragged by the captain into the small black room and his face was bruised. The scene was so cruel that he was pulled over by the captain alone... take care.


Downstairs in Liu Chuan's room, as soon as Xu Ce came in, Liu Chuan closed the door with his backhand and said coldly, "Don't listen to the command at the critical moment, this is a taboo during the game, don't you know?"

Xu Ce said stiffly, "I just wanted to kill that assistant. He has been harassing him with various formations for a while..."

"You're too impulsive!" Liu Chuan interrupted him with a frown, "I know you and Jiang Shaoqing are old classmates. I can understand that you are anxious when he has a problem, but you thought you ran to save him, Jiang Shaoqing. Will he be grateful to you in a while? You don’t even think about it, will he be happy if he loses the game because of you?!”

Xu Ce: "..."

Liu Chuan went on to say: "You don't care about the rest of the team, and I'm not forcing you to treat everyone as a friend, but Jiang Shaoqing, you care, right? I don't believe how serious and hard you are during this period of time. You didn't see it! It's hard to get to this point today, because you lost the game on a whim, what do you think he would feel? Will he thank you? No! He will only think that you are a pig teammate, a Stupid fool!"

Xu Ce: "..."

Liu Chuan's words, like a bucket of cold water poured over his face, instantly woke Xu Ce up. Xu Ce stood there stiffly. No one had ever scolded him like this since he was a child, but Liu Chuan's words were reasonable, and he could not find a reason to refute...

Liu Chuan whispered: "If you really care about him, what you should do is to win this game, because in Shaoq's heart, becoming an excellent professional player is his greatest wish! Xu Ce, You can't distinguish priorities, have no sense of teamwork, act impulsive at critical moments, and destroy the hope of winning yourself! Other people's flaws are their own level problems, I can forgive them, but you do not obey the command and act without authorization, I I will never forgive you easily!"

Liu Chuan said calmly: "If you can't figure this out, you won't need to fight in the future."

"..." Xu Ce said in surprise, "Is this meant to replace me?"

Liu Chuan nodded: "That's right. Since you don't care about the team and only use your spirit, then you can rest for a while. I want to play with a team. The most important thing for the team is to work together. You can't do this, I can't. Keep your time bomb by your side to injure your teammates at any time."

Liu Chuan has always had a good temper, and he is very patient when the team members make mistakes. However, Xu Ce's principled mistakes will never be tolerated!

Ignore the team? Well, then you don't have to play teamfights!

- This is how Liu Chuan deals with the team members who don't obey the command. He is very decisive and merciless.

Xu Ce was silent for a moment before frowning and said: "You replace me, I have no opinion, then... how about a while?"

Liu Chuan said: "Jiang Shaoqing will also be replaced temporarily because he is not mature enough. We have entered the loser bracket, do you think we can lose again?"

Xu Ce: "..."

Liu Chuan's rhetorical question left Xu Ce speechless. That's right, they've already entered the loser's bracket, and they can't lose any more, otherwise they'll lose all their achievements...

Liu Chuan went on to say: "There can be no more mistakes in the following games, so the next game will be supported by Silan, which is also the decision I made after discussing with him today. With Silan there, at least not in an emergency. There will be chaos, Jiang Shaoqing lacks experience, just learn from Silan, we will make sure to qualify first. After entering the league smoothly, there will be more than 30 games in the two rounds of the regular season, and some opportunities will be given to Shaoqing. Get on the field and practice."

Liu Chuan paused, then said, "As for you, before you think about it, even if you are in the alliance, I won't let you play teamfights, you go back and calm down."

Xu Ce: "..."

The tall man walked out of Liu Chuan's room with a stiff back like this, his depressed head drooping, a bit like when the big dog he raised was bullied. Liu Chuan couldn't help laughing when he looked at his dejected expression—

Having been the captain for so many years, what kind of player have I never seen before? I can't cure you


When Xu Ce returned to the room, Jiang Shaoqing was sitting on the stool and watching the video with his notebook open. He was watching the video replay of the match between Longyin and Canglan. Even after the meeting was over, he was still there carefully. Studying this game, because of the mistakes in the teamfight, the expression on his face is obviously very regretful.

Seeing that scene, Xu Ce felt like a knife twisted in his heart!

Yes, what Liu Chuan said is not wrong. If he really cares about Shaoqi, what he should do is to win this game instead of impulsively saving Shaoqi!

Jiang Shaoqing once resigned to train with the Qiankun team, and finally ended up disbanding the team and leaving the league. Now, he has once again resigned from a stable job and followed Liu Chuan to play games, precisely because his biggest dream is to become a player. Excellent professional player. He was a little inferior because of his low strength. For today, what he has paid is definitely the most in the Longyin team!

However, he was enthusiastic and lost the chain at a critical moment, causing everyone to lose... How should he face him

Jiang Shaoqing heard the footsteps behind him, paused the video on the computer, and turned around and asked, "Are you okay? What did the captain say to you?"

Xu Ce's throat choked for a moment, and suddenly he stretched out his hand and pulled Jiang Shaoqing into his arms.

"..." Jiang Shaoqing was stunned, and asked doubtfully, "Xu Ce?"

Xu Ce whispered, "I'm sorry..."

The man put his chin on his shoulders, wrapped his arms around his chest, his arms tightly tucked, and hugged Jiang Shaoqing tightly from behind, as if he was afraid of losing something. A hint of despair.

Jiang Shaoqing froze for a moment, patted his hand softly, and asked softly, "What's wrong? The captain scolded you?"

Xu Ce choked up and said, "After a while, if you cannot enter the professional league because of my fault, will you... hate me?"

Jiang Shaoqing said: "Don't think like that, you are not alone in losing the game today, and Xiaoyu and I also have a great responsibility. If it wasn't for me who didn't prevent the chaos, if Xiaoyu could solve the situation in time, In fact, you and Zewen have already won the flag..."

Xu Ce knew that Jiang Shaoqing was soft-hearted and would not blame him, but he hated himself completely!

Liu Chuan was right, he was really impulsive today! However, at that time, he was affected by the chaotic state, and slashed at Jiang Shaoqing several times in a row. The knife attacked, and the knife saw blood. He almost hacked Jiang Shaoqing to death. I can't control myself calmly...

For so many years, from the beginning of his love when he met Jiang Shaoqing in his youth, to his deep admiration for Jiang Shaoqing when he grew up, he has always set his sights on Jiang Shaoqing, and has formed a habit. It's hard to change people's habits.

After losing the game, Xu Ce felt very uncomfortable. However, the emotions that had been hidden for many years were deeply ingrained in his heart like vines. He had no way to suppress his emotions with rational thinking, so he would only be passionate at critical moments. top.

Liu Chuan's words just now made him wake up completely.

He regretted that he was hot-headed and did not listen to the command, and also hated that he missed the opportunity because of his impulsive impulse... But he regretted it later, it was too late.

If his admiration for Jiang Shaoqing becomes a weapon to kill Jiang Shaoqing, and if his feelings for Jiang Shaoqing become a burden that drags down the entire team, then Xu Ce, what face does he have to stay in Jiang Shaoqing? What about in a few moments

He had always hoped to have a good time for a while. Because Shaoqing likes to play games, he put aside his work and joined the team. He just hoped to spend more time with Shaoqin, but he didn't expect that his emotions would affect the result of the game. Ce personally ruined everyone's chance to advance smoothly!

Xu Ce, who held him back like this, Xu Ce, who made Jiang Shaoqing sad... made Xu Ce feel extremely disgusted by himself.

Facing Jiang Shaoqing who worked hard, Xu Ce's heart was full of guilt, he hugged Jiang Shaoqing tightly, and whispered, "It's time for me to leave too, you apologize to the captain for me, in the future... You follow the Sichuan team to play well, I can't accompany you anymore, and I don't want to affect you anymore."

Jiang Shaoqing was stunned for a while, then looked back at him in surprise: "What did you say? Are you leaving?"

"..." Xu Ce didn't answer.

Jiang Shaoqing said: "Team Chuan also scolds you for the team's consideration, don't take it to heart, don't get angry with the captain, okay?"

"It's none of the captain's business." Xu Ce interrupted him in a low voice, "I should go by myself."

"...Why do you say something like this out of nowhere?" Jiang Shaoqing said patiently, "Just now Vice-Team Lan told me that he will play support in the next few games. I think this arrangement is more secure. There are Silan and Chuan. The two professional gods of the team are in charge, we should be able to advance smoothly, why do you have to be emotional?"

"… "

It's really a chicken-and-duck talk.

Xu Ce suddenly felt very sad. Every time he spoke, he couldn't express his meaning clearly, and every time Jiang Shaoqin failed to grasp the point...

He chose to join the team in order to spend more time with Jiang Shaoqing; now he chooses to leave because he does not want his emotions to affect Jiang Shaoqing's next games; his investment in the team is for Jiang Shaoqing After retiring in the future, you can continue to stay in the team and do what you like to do.

He always put Jiang Shaoqing in the most important position in his heart, but Jiang Shaoqing knew nothing about all this...

Xu Ce was silent for a moment, then whispered, "I want to go by myself, don't ask."

After he finished speaking, he let go of Jiang Shaoqing and turned to pack his luggage. Jiang Shaoqing immediately stood up and stretched out his hand to hold him in a hurry: "Xu Ce, don't be impulsive, I'll go and call the captain over and say something if you have something to say... "

"It's nothing to do with the captain!" Xu Ce suddenly turned around and stared at him fiercely, his eyes were red and bloodshot, like a severely injured beast, "I want to leave because You—I joined the team because of you! Do you understand?!"

"..." Jiang Shaoqing was frightened by his loud roar, his heart trembled, and his tongue began to knot: "I-I understand... what?"

Xu Ce stretched out his arm, pulled Jiang Shaoqing into his arms, lifted his chin, and kissed him fiercely.

- Since you want to understand, let you understand! Anyway, we will never be able to!

Xu Ce simply closed his eyes in self-denial, hugged the person in his arms tightly, pried open his teeth, and kissed deeply.

"Well… "

The man's tongue forced his way into his mouth and kissed him frantically like a wild beast. Jiang Shaoqing was dumbfounded, and his mind went blank.