The Strongest God

Chapter 222: Youthful Youth (Part 1)


The emotions that have been pressing in my heart for many years, at this moment, seems to have finally found an outlet to vent. Xu Ce's emotions were obviously very excited. There was a kind of desperate madness in the kiss, and the arm that hugged Jiang Shaoqing also tightened forcefully, as if to merge the two people into one.

Jiang Shaoqing was so frightened by his sudden action that he didn't realize what was going on for a long time. After he returned to his mind, Jiang Shaoqing suddenly blushed and pushed him away with a frown. Ugly said: "Xu Ce, what are you doing?"

The kissed Jiang Shaoqing was originally very angry, but when he raised his head to meet the man's deep eyes, Jiang Shaoqing's heart suddenly trembled - Xu Ce's eyes were bloodshot, and the expression on his face looked like I'm so sad, I feel like I'm about to cry...

This kind of Xu Ce made Jiang Shaoqing suddenly unable to bear to scold him, but the feeling of being kissed was not good, Jiang Shaoqing wiped the corner of his lips a little embarrassedly, and said as calmly as possible: "Xu Ce, calm down first. Come down, okay?"

Xu Ce was silent for a moment, then lowered his head depressedly, and said in a low voice, "Don't you understand? After a while... I like you."

Jiang Shaoqing: "..."

This sentence shocked Jiang Shaoqing even more than the kiss just now!

-What is he saying? like? Jiang Shaoqing only felt that all the chaos in his mind.

Xu Ce's voice was a little choked: "I didn't intend to say it at first, but since this is the case, let me tell you..."

Taking a deep breath, Xu Ce finally calmed down. Looking at Jiang Shaoqing in front of him, he said earnestly and word for word: "Shaoqing, I like you, since when you were at the same table in high school, I've always secretly liked you."

Jiang Shaoqing: "..."

"I was discovered by a professional team before, and many people dragged me to play games, but I refused to go because I wanted to stay with you in the online game... Later, when you were dragged away by the Qiankun team, I was so angry, It's also because I don't want you to leave, and I'm worried that you will suffer a loss... You plan to play with Liu Chuan, the reason why I joined the team is also for you, because I want to stay by your side for more time..." Xu Ce paused, Then he said, "You always don't understand why I'm suddenly interested in the Pro League, right? In fact, I'm not very interested in the Pro League, and I'm here to stay... because of you."

Jiang Shaoqing looked at Xu Ce in disbelief. He was obviously a good classmate, and both of them were men. How could they suddenly talk about their love

Seeing the surprise in Shangjiang Shaoqing's clear eyes, Xu Ce had to look away awkwardly.

He has never had such a troubled moment. He has been so proud since he was a child, he doesn't pay attention to anything, and is used to being alone. He never thought that one day he would fall in love with someone he shouldn't like... In In front of Jiang Shaoqing, he couldn't put on that proud posture at all. The moment he said the words "I like you", he seemed to hold his heart in front of the other party with both hands for inspection. In the same way, Jiang Shaoqing's words were enough to make him fall into hell!

Jiang Shaoqing was silent for a moment before he said softly, "We are classmates, and I'm a man, Xu Ce, I didn't expect you to..."

Sure enough, he only regarded him as a classmate. Xu Ce suddenly felt that his heart felt as if Jiang Shaoqing had slammed onto the ground and stepped on both feet, otherwise, why would he feel so heartbroken? For so many years, he has been secretly liking his tablemate, but in Jiang Shaoqing's heart, he will always be just a tablemate.

Xu Ce wiped his face in embarrassment and said, "Don't worry, I won't force you to promise anything. I said it today, and I am ready to be rejected by you. I just want you to know that I have never When you're a classmate or a friend, but... but always... like you."

Jiang Shaoqing: "..."

Xu Ce paused and said in a low voice, "That's why I want to leave. I can't keep calm by your side. Today I lost the game on a whim, but if I did it again, maybe I would still do it... If it goes on like this, I will only become a shortcoming of the team, I don't want to affect you... Do you understand?"

Jiang Shaoqing met his red eyes, and his nose suddenly became sore.

This man, who has always been arrogant, rarely explained anything patiently in such a low voice...

Although Jiang Shaoqing only had classmate friendship with Xu Ce, but Xu Ce confessed with red eyes, Jiang Shaoqing couldn't help but soften his heart, let alone hate Xu Ce.

- It's just that he doesn't quite understand why Xu Ce likes him


In high school, Xu Ce raised his chin proudly all day long, like a wolf with its tail raised, and did not take stupid humans in the eye.

That young man with sharp eyes and a cold and arrogant expression was a loner every day. Many students in the class did not dare to approach Xu Ce. Jiang Shaoqing was arranged by the teacher as his tablemate. He slightly irritated the person next to him, and was torn to shreds by Xu Ce who was in a bad mood.

Their high school is a key middle school, and the exam pressure is very high. The school arranges a monthly exam every month, and also ranks the whole grade and holds a parent meeting...

There are unfinished homework and exam papers every day. Jiang Shaoqing's IQ is not top-notch, and his grades have always been at the middle level in the class. After the self-study was over, he took it home and continued to do it. Because of staying up late, in class the next morning, he could not help but feel drowsy and was often called by the teacher to answer questions. It will turn red, and it will look like a frightened little animal...

When the teacher called up to answer the question, the whole class would look at where they were sitting. It was a question that was just discussed, but Jiang Shaoqing would not answer. Xu Ce frowned impatiently and wrote him the answer. After a while, he answered the question according to the answer on the note, and the teacher let him go.

Jiang Shaoqing, who was relieved, sat back in his seat, turned around, looked at Xu Ce gratefully and said, "Thank you..."

Xu Ce snorted, turned his head in displeasure and continued to look at the blackboard.

At that time, Xu Ce hadn't thought of anything else about Jiang Shaoqing, he just felt that this deskmate was a little stupid, and he was silently calling Jiang Shaoqing "stupid" in his heart.

Later, once after school, Xu Ce left the classroom with a schoolbag on his back, because he left a book and went back to pick it up. When he walked to the door, he heard two classmates who were on duty saying to him: "Xu Ce has passed the test again this time. No. 1." "No wonder he is so arrogant when he takes the first test every time, let alone a classmate, he doesn't care about the teacher." "What's so good about it, isn't it because the family has some money?"

Xu Ce's discussion behind the back of his classmates is not surprising, and he never cares what others say about him. Anyway, he has long planned to go abroad after graduation. He doesn't care if he has friends in this school, because he takes the test every time. First, many people were unhappy with him. In fact, he knew very well that the criticism behind this only made Xu Ce annoyed.

Xu Ce was about to turn around and leave when a clear voice suddenly sounded in the classroom: "Don't talk about him like that, Xu Ce is actually a good person, he just doesn't like talking to people, I didn't know a question yesterday. Yes, he patiently wrote me the detailed steps..."

—It was the voice of Jiang Shaoqing at the same table.

Xu Ce was slightly startled and stopped.

The classmate next to him said, "Soon, don't defend your deskmate. Everyone is saying that Xu Ce is used to being the eldest young master, and he is used to being served at home. We are not at all in his eyes. It's worth mentioning that if you defend him, maybe he will think you want to flatter him..."

Jiang Shaoqing said seriously: "I didn't want to curry favor with him, I just thought he wasn't as bad as you said. On the way home yesterday, I saw him rescue a puppy that was almost killed, and gave it to the puppy. The dog is fed, and if he's the kind of person you're talking about, how could he save a dirty dog?"

Another classmate said: "Okay, don't talk about Xu Ce, hurry up and mop the floor!"

The three started mopping the floor swiftly. Xu Ce stood outside the door and was silent for a long time. At that moment, he suddenly felt a little awkward. He never cared what others thought of him. However, Jiang Shaoqing defended him in front of his classmates. , so that his originally calm heart, inexplicably rose a trace of warmth.

—Sure enough, what is there to argue about? No matter how much you talk, people who don't like me will still look at me.

It seems that from that day onwards, Xu Ce had a slight improvement in Jiang Shaoqing. When the fool at the same table encountered a problem that he could not do, he would also talk to the fool at the same table by the way. Whenever Jiang Shaoqing said to him gratefully When he said "Thank you", Xu Ce felt in a good mood.

When Jiang Shaoqing was in high school, he was more introverted and cautious, so he didn't have many friends in the class. After a long time, he gradually got to know Xu Ce. Projects that are carried out in groups will also stand together consciously...

Jiang Shaoqing felt that his relationship with Xu Ce seemed like friends, but Xu Ce's attitude towards him was sometimes good and bad, which made him unpredictable.

Therefore, Jiang Shaoqing still gets along with Xu Ce cautiously and maintains this common desk-mate relationship. Apart from summoning up the courage to ask him questions that he cannot do, he usually tries not to provoke him.

That summer, the school held a track and field meeting. Xu Ce signed up for many events, including sprinting, long-distance running, and relay. After all, he played well in the relay race, won the first place in the class, and everyone cheered and applauded him.

Xu Ce got off the track, and Jiang Shaoqing stepped forward and said, "You have to participate in the 10,000-meter long-distance run in the afternoon. Will it be a problem to consume physical energy like this?"

Xu Ce said, "It's fine."

Although he said that, Xu Ce still felt very tired during the long-distance running in the afternoon. According to his usual level, there was no problem in winning the first place, but today he was not in the best condition, and felt that his leg muscles were a little stiff at the beginning. .

On the sports field under the scorching sun, Xu Ce sweated like rain. In front of him was the crimson track and field, and his ears were deafeningly cheering. The 10,000-meter long-distance running needs to pay attention to the distribution of stamina. You must not fight at times, you must save your strength to sprint at the end.

Xu Ce kept soaking at an even speed, and ran down lap after lap. Many people couldn't hold on and started to fall behind. Xu Ce still ran in the first echelon with gritted teeth...

Time gradually passed, and more and more people were left behind. After 8,000 meters, Xu Ce felt like his feet were filled with lead. Every step was very hard, and the air in his chest seemed to be drained. , the scorching sun above the head made the whole body hot, and the throat was almost smoking...

Many classmates from the class went to the sports field to accompany and cheer for their friends. Xu Ce has always had a bad relationship, and he never expected anyone to cheer him up. He just watched the players around him have friends to accompany him. Running, his heart is also faintly envious...

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in my ears: "Come on, Xu Ce."

The voice had a unique softness that belonged to a teenager. Xu Ce turned his head and met Shang Jiang Shaoqing's clear eyes. Those eyes were full of encouragement: "Come on, there are still the last few laps. Let me run with you."

"..." Xu Ce nodded.

So, Jiang Shaoqing just ran beside the runway and slowly accompanied Xu Ce to run.

You don't need to run too fast in the 10,000-meter run, so Jiang Shaoqing can keep up with Xu Ce even with average sports performance. The two jogged forward side by side, and the finish line was still out of reach, but Xu Ce felt very motivated!

From childhood to adulthood, he has never had many friends, and he is used to being alone, but at that moment, he found out that it feels so good to have someone to accompany him.

He even had a strange thought—

If this runway never ends, Jiang Shaoqing, will you run with me for the rest of your life

The 10,000-meter long-distance run finally came to an end, and Xu Ce suddenly burst into full force in the final sprint stage, surpassing three competitors in a row, and won the first place in the men's group!

The moment he crossed the finish line first, hearing the deafening cheers in his ears, Xu Ce immediately turned his head to look at Jiang Shaoqing. Jiang Shaoqing had already been left far behind by the hard sprinting man, but he was still slowly moving towards Jiang Shaoqing. Running before, seeing him take the first place, a smile appeared on his face.

After the long run, he couldn't stop immediately. Xu Ce adjusted his breathing, slowed down and continued to run a few steps forward. Jiang Shaoqing also quickly caught up and said, "You are the first, great!" As he said, he handed him a bottle of water, "I just bought it, here it is, you must be thirsty."

Xu Ce took the water bottle, unscrewed the cap, and poured half of the bottle down.

Jiang Shaoqing hurriedly said, "Drink slowly..."

Not only did Xu Ce not slow down, he simply drank the bottle of water in one breath. Jiang Shaoqing looked at him speechlessly, Xu Ce licked his lips, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, which was obviously an ordinary one. A bottle of mineral water, but when I drink it, there is an inexplicable sweet taste in my heart.

- That was the first time he smiled at his classmates since he left home to study in high school.

At that time, Xu Ce was still young and didn't know what this feeling meant. He just suddenly felt that Jiang Shaoqing looked very good when he smiled, he liked it very much, and he wanted to hold this person impulsively. Hand, but forcibly held back because there were too many classmates around.

Later, they entered the second year of high school together, and the courses became more and more heavy. There were many topics that Jiang Shaoqing could not do. Xu Ce also explained to him patiently, and the relationship between the two seemed to be more like friends.

At that time, Xu Ce's parents were preparing to immigrate abroad. He stayed at his uncle's house to study. Every morning and evening, he walked home by himself, just right on the way with Jiang Shaoqing.

When the two came home from school, they habitually walked side by side. Xu Ce was not very good at talking, and Jiang Shaoqing was not a talkative person. The two of them were silent most of the time, but Xu Ce always remembered how they went home from school. That section of the road—the wide street, the warm yellow street lights, the small shop selling barbecue on the street, and the people around him—that scene became the clearest part of his high school memory.

When he was young, Xu Ce was actually very rebellious. He was thrown to study in the city where his uncle lived. He was full of hostility to everything around him, like a beast forced to leave his own territory. Jiang Shaoqing made him feel pleasing and reassuring...

The idiot who always bites the pen and can't answer the questions at the same table, carefully maintains his tablemate in front of his classmates, and accompanies him to run the last part of the road when he is almost exhausted. After school every night When I go home, I will wait for his deskmate at the door of the classroom...

During the three years of high school, Jiang Shaoqing became the only attachment in Xu Ce's heart.