The Strongest God

Chapter 224: Lineup adjustments


Although Xu Ce's departure from the team made Liu Chuan very surprised, since both Xu Jiang said something happened to Xu Ce's family, Liu Chuan also noticed that Xu Ce's mood was very unstable, so it would be better for him to leave the team temporarily to calm down. There is no harm.

Liu Chuan and Lan Weiran came to Jiang Shaoqing together, mainly to talk to him about the lineup adjustment.

After Xu Ce left, Liu Chuan said with a smile, "Sorry, Silan told you, right? He will be the assistant for the next few games. We will replace you temporarily, just because we can't in the next games. If there are any mistakes, Silan has more experience and is more stable than you. The most important thing for us now is to qualify for the city competition first. After entering the professional league, there are many teams stronger than Canglan, and Silan will have other things by then. Task, you are still the most suitable support in my heart. I came to you, and I want to explain it to you face to face, I hope you don’t mind. We are a team, and working together to win the game is the most important thing at the moment.”

The captain came to explain in person, Jiang Shaoqing nodded understandingly, and said, "I know, Sichuan team, let the deputy team play support, I just happen to learn more."

Lan Weiran said: "A little while ago, in fact, your character is very suitable for playing the support position. Your overall performance in today's game is not bad. It's just that you have not played against the master Xiaoyao many times, so you are temporarily confused by him. You don’t have to play the game, just look at it from the perspective of a bystander. From the analysis of the whole situation, it is also a rare learning opportunity for you. If you don’t understand anything, you can ask me in time.”

Jiang Shaoqing said: "Okay, deputy team, I will take a serious look at it!"

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "That's it, go to room 709 for a meeting tomorrow morning, and have an early rest tonight."

When the two walked to the door, Liu Chuan turned around and said, "By the way, is Xu Ce all right? You are familiar with him. If he gets into trouble, help me persuade him."

Jiang Shaoqing nodded awkwardly.

He couldn't say at all that Xu Ce was not making a fuss, but because he liked him and didn't want to leave the team temporarily because of emotional factors...

After returning to the room, Jiang Shaoqing watched the video on the computer, and his heart was numb for a while. The back image of Xu Ce's departure just now played back repeatedly in his mind. Thinking of the man's red eyes and sad face, Jiang Shaoqing was so upset. Just felt anxious.

Why was he so reluctant after he left? Do you also have special feelings for him

Jiang Shaoqing was taken aback by this thought, and he was completely drowsy.


Liu Chuan and Lan Weiran returned to room 709. This is the room that Ye Chenxi asked the manager to reserve for them. It has three beds and is also very large. After opening the door, Qin Ye was lying comfortably on the middle bed watching a movie. When he saw the two returning, he asked, "Is the inspection done?"

"Well." Lan Weiran stretched, lay down on the bed by the window, hugged the pillow and closed his eyes.

Liu Chuan walked over and kicked his foot: "Don't rush to sleep, I have something to tell you."

Lan Weiran opened his eyes reluctantly: "You captain is really long-winded, hurry up and leave, don't disturb my sleep."

Liu Chuan ignored his complaints and looked back at Qin Ye: "Qin Ye, Lin Tong doesn't usually participate in teamfights. I don't know her as well as you do. What do you think about her?"

Because Lin Tong was originally trained by Liu Chuan as a contestant in the ring competition, Qin Ye was mainly taking her during this period of time. He opened the ring every day to let Lin Tong come over for a heads-up fight. Liu Chuan was more responsible for the running-in of team battles. , his understanding of Lin Tong is naturally not as good as Qin Ye's.

Qin Ye is also Lin Tong's half-master. Hearing Liu Chuan's question, he said, "It shouldn't be a problem, Lin Tong's level and consciousness are no worse than other team members, and this girl has a very tough personality. Don't worry about it, take advantage of these few hours to let her play a team battle with you, she is a player I personally trained, don't worry that she can't keep up with you."

After hearing Qin Ye's words, Liu Chuan was relieved and said, "The beggar gang she plays is not good at fighting assassins, and Lin Tong can't fight as fast as Xu Ce, so we can only delay the later stage. Hit, Silan, you will be under a bit of pressure."

Lan Weiran waved his hand and said, "Don't worry about me, I'm still young, so you should worry about that little fish."

Liu Chuan smiled and nodded: "Xiaoyu's side... I will take more care of him, and it is just for him to hone his training. The next game is three days later, we still have three days to adjust, these three days must be Assault training, Silan, you are familiar with Shanghai, is there a suitable Internet cafe nearby where we can train?"

Lan Weiran touched his chin and said, "I just happen to be unfamiliar with this area... It seems that there are no Internet cafes?"

Qin Ye frowned and said, "You are really unreliable, ask Xu Ce."

Xu Ce has been staying in Shanghai since returning to China, and he is more familiar with Lan Weiran, who has been away for many years. Lan Weiran smiled, took out his mobile phone and sent a WeChat message to ask Xu Ce: "Xu Ce, is there an Internet cafe near the hotel where we are staying? It's better to have a private room."

Xu Ce quickly replied: "For team training?"

Lan Weiran said, "Yes."

Xu Ce said: "There is no Internet cafe near the hotel, and the nearest Internet cafe has to take five subway stops to get there."

Xu Ce sent a voice message, Lan Weiran pressed play, and both Liu Chuan and Qin Ye heard it.

Lan Weiran looked at Liu Chuan: "Will it be inconvenient for so many of us to take the subway?"

Qin Ye said bluntly, "What subway are you taking? Ask Xu Ce to send a car to pick you up. When the boss arrives at his site, he won't give him any indication?"

Liu Chuan also smiled and said, "That's right, let Xu Ce send a car to pick him up and leave this to him."

Lan Weiran replied: "Xu Ce, the captain asked you to send a car to pick us up, and the Internet cafe will be left to you."

Xu Ce: "..."

Although he has temporarily left the team, he can't completely ignore the team's affairs. The team really needs a better environment for training. Now is the critical moment. Personal feelings must be put aside first and let Longyin team qualify. At one point, Xu Ce's ideas were highly consistent with Liu Chuan's.

Xu Ce replied, "Okay, then I'll send a car to pick you up tomorrow morning. I'll make arrangements at the Internet cafe, so you can train with peace of mind."

Liu Chuan smiled, took Lan Weiran's mobile phone, and sent a message back to Xu Ce: "Thank you, President Xu! :)"

Looking at the familiar smiley face symbol, Xu Ce couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth and stuffed the phone back into his pocket.


After agreeing on all this, Liu Chuan turned around and went back to rest. When he returned to his room, Wu Zewen had already taken a shower and was sitting on the bed with his iPad looking down at things. Liu Chuan thought he was playing Rhythm Master again, and smiled and asked. :"what are you playing?"

Looking closely, I found that Wu Zewen was watching today's game video. It happened to be the Longyin people who were hit by the chaos in the last team battle. Xu Ce slashed at Jiang Shaoqing with a knife, Xiaoyu was running around, and Wu Zewen was also beating. With one pass, the entire team was like a collective cramp, and it looked very funny.

Liu Chuan sighed and said, "Don't be depressed, it's all over."

Wu Zewen said seriously: "I'm not depressed, I just recalculated Ling Qi's HP. At that time, Ling Qi's HP was still 30%. If Xu Ce came back to fight the flag, we would hit 10% at most, and it was still not enough. The way to get the flag, because after he was affected by the chaos, the mana was almost exhausted, and the output was not enough... So, it is not entirely his fault that he lost the game, and you should not be too angry. You called him alone today. Haven't you quarreled with him in the past?"

Seeing Wu Zewen's worried gaze, Liu Chuan's heart softened, he touched his hair with a smile, and said, "Don't worry, I know it all in my heart. It's not Xu Ce's fault that we lost today, but the whole team. The problem of cooperation is only the most obvious problem of Xu Ce. I called him over and gave him a training session alone. The key is his attitude. It is a big taboo not to obey orders. Let him calm down."

Wu Zewen shook Liu Chuan's hand lightly and said, "When you are the captain, sometimes you do offend people. I'm just worried that you will have a conflict with Xu Ce, which is not good for the team..."

Liu Chuan took his hand and said, "It's okay, I used to have conflicts with some extreme players when I was in Huaxia, but in the end they would understand, because they knew that what I said was for the good of the team. Captain, all my starting points are our whole. Although Xu Ce is arrogant and impulsive, he is not a fool and he will understand. He has not really integrated into our team yet, but in major events, he is still Know how to measure."

Only then did Wu Zewen feel relieved, and nodded lightly: "That's good."

Liu Chuan looked at him with a smile: "Don't you have anything else to tell the captain?"

Wu Zewen's heart skipped a beat at his gentle gaze: "Say, what did you say?"

Liu Chuan said cheekily: "You performed so well today, don't you need to ask the captain for a reward?"

After he finished speaking, he lifted Wu Zewen's chin and kissed him gently.

Wu Zewen was stunned for a moment, and understood the meaning of "reward", and his ears immediately turned red.

- Captain, can you make a face? !

Liu Chuan obviously didn't want to beg face in front of Wu Zewen, his tongue deftly pried open his teeth, and gently licked and kissed his mouth, Wu Zewen's voice was blocked by the kiss, so he stretched out his hand and pushed him gently: "Well... you're enough... ummm..."

There were only ambiguous voices left in the quiet room, and the "reward" from the captain made Wu Zewen blush.

The gentle and long kiss finally ended, and Liu Chuan hugged Wu Zewen gently, put his chin on his shoulder, and whispered, "Zewen, it's nice to have you by your side."

There was a strange hoarseness in his voice, and there seemed to be an indescribable exhaustion.

Wu Zewen was stunned for a moment, and immediately hugged him back in distress - in fact, Liu Chuan, the captain who lost the game, was the one who was most stressed. Although he seemed calm and calm on the surface, he didn't mind at all, but with such a With so many newcomers returning to the alliance, who can share the difficulties for Liu Chuan

The panic-stricken Xiao Yu, the lack of self-confidence for a while, the lack of skill Li Xiang, the impulsive Xu Ce...

With such a team, how could he be under less pressure

Liu Chuan always faced reporters with a smile and calmly reprimanded the team members, but in the dead of night, he would also feel... very tired, right

So many people put their hopes on the shoulders of his captain, but Liu Chuan is a human after all, not a fairy who can kill the opponent in one move. He never told anyone about his pressure and hard work, but Wu Zewen did. is clear.

For this powerful man, Wu Zewen admired and couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

Wu Zewen stroked Liu Chuan's hair as if smoothing his hair, and said softly, "Not only now, but in the future, I will always be by your side."

Liu Chuan's heart warmed, his arms suddenly tightened, and he hugged Wu Zewen tightly into his arms, reluctant to let go.

It's good that Zewen always stands by his side so firmly...

He is willing to accompany him to the final glorious throne, and is willing to accompany him to face all the ups and downs.

They can share joy and sorrow.

With this lover, what more could the husband ask for