The Strongest God

Chapter 229: Sweep the lower bracket (qualified list)


After Liu Chuan removed the keyboard and mouse, he looked back and saw Xu Ce sitting there alone. He couldn't help but walk up to him with a smile and said, "Mr. Xu, do you want to invite everyone to dinner?"

Xu Ce touched his nose: "...Okay."

The captain was obviously going to blackmail him, but Xu Ce couldn't refuse it. Besides, everyone was in a good mood today, so it was right to have a meal together.

So, Xu Ce drove everyone to a well-known local restaurant, packed a private room, and ordered all kinds of Shanghai food to treat everyone. Xu Ce was a rich man. He paid for the guests, and everyone was naturally polite. When the dishes were served, they began to feast on the food.

After the dinner, Liu Chuan briefly summed up today's game and praised everyone's performance, and everyone returned to the hotel happily.

Xu Ce naturally acted as a driver again and sent everyone to the door of the hotel. Liu Chuan asked, "I plan to hold a meeting at night to discuss the next game. Do you want to participate? Is there anything else at home at night?"

Xu Ce glanced at Jiang Shaoqing and pretended to be calm: "It's okay, since it's a meeting, then I'll join it too."

So, the cheeky Xu Ce followed everyone to room 709 to participate in the team meeting.

Liu Chuan glanced back at Qin Ye and said, "Qin Ye, come and tell everyone, you've been studying videos for the past few days, have you found anything?"

In addition to tutoring Lin Tong for the past three days, Qin Ye watched the videos of the city competition to study the characteristics of several other opponents. After hearing Liu Chuan's question, he said, "The next opponent, Team Miracle, will play a bit like a professional. The League's prosperous Tang team has two Tangmen archers who like to use long-distance kite tactics to consume opponents. The core player is their captain, whose ID is called 'Miracle Dragon'. Of course, this Dragon's level is higher than Tang Yufeng's. It's too far away, and the hit rate of the fatal arrow is not high. The overall strength of this team is higher than that of the Chenguang team.

Qin Ye clearly sorted out the characteristics of his opponent. Liu Chuan nodded and said, "When encountering a kite team with such a large number of remotes, the key is to kill their core output. This task is done by me, and I will be invisible. Dash into the opponent's lineup and firstly drop the opponent's archer, Li Xiang, you attract the opponent's firepower in the front row, and Lin Tong assists me by the side, allowing me to successfully break through."

Liu Chuan looked back at Yu Xiangyang again, "Xiaoyu remember to fill me with the Qingxin Mantra in advance, and keep it, and add it when I have residual blood. If I rush to the opposite side, I will definitely be set on fire, and I will be out of the treatment range. , Tangmen's defense is weak, and it's easy to die... If I accidentally hang up, don't mess up, Silan will continue to command."

Everyone nodded in understanding.

Liu Chuan then turned on the computer again, and called up the video of the game for everyone to watch it carefully, and then it was over to let everyone rest.


After returning to the room, Wu Zewen was about to turn around to take a shower, when Liu Chuan suddenly hugged him and said with a smile, "Why do you want someone to give me your head today?"

Wu Zewen was stunned, his ears couldn't help but redden slightly, and said, "No..."

Liu Chuan smiled and rubbed Xueba's head: "Do you think your little tricks can fool me? You can poison the opponent, but you deliberately calculated the poisoning time and blood loss, and waited for me. Use puppets to kill them, isn't this intentional to make people head? If you hadn't stopped on purpose, how could I have won six kills in a row?"

"..." Wu Zewen's ears turned even redder, but he couldn't hide it from him, so he had to explain honestly, "I saw a lot of spectators at the scene today holding 'Hainan Baichuan' fluorescent signs, they must be fans who came to cheer you on, I think , if you can take down the six-kill Super God, they will be very happy."

Wu Zewen paused, raised his head, and looked at Liu Chuan seriously: "After losing to Canglan last time, I know you are under a lot of pressure, and there are also many negative comments from the media, saying that your state has declined and you can't beat Cat God. ... I just want to help you prove that you are still as strong as before, and you are still the dazzling cosmopolitan."

When Wu Zewen said this, his eyes were extraordinarily bright. He looked at the person he liked, and his eyes were full of trust and admiration.

He believes that even if he loses to the cat god, Liu Chuan is still the admirable person who is tolerant of all rivers and can still shine on the field!

As Liu Chuan's partner, Wu Zewen is willing to help Liu Chuan achieve supernatural brilliance, just as Liu Chuan deliberately gave him his head to build his confidence.

Listening to Wu Zewen's words and meeting his clear eyes, Liu Chuan's heart couldn't help but be moved, tightening his arms and holding him into his arms forcefully.

Liu Chuan achieved the superhero achievement of one kill and six, which shocked the audience, but he did not know that it was the unknown Wu Zewen beside him who was the strongest help for him to win the superhero - with such a caring partner, what else could he say? What to say

The two hugged each other tightly, the sweet warmth flowing in each other's hearts.

Whether it's success or failure, it's such a great feeling to have this person by your side...

After a long time, Wu Zewen suddenly raised his head from Liu Chuan's arms and asked softly, "By the way, did Xu Ce and Jiang Shaoqing quarrel?"

Liu Chuan said with a smile, "Detective Wu, what did you see?"

Wu Zewen ignored his jokes and said seriously: "Xu Ce doesn't have something to do at home, right? There's no reason to be okay during the day and something to do at night? Besides, when he and Shaoqian sat on the bench today, there was a deliberate gap between them. Location, they used to sit together naturally. Also, Xu Ce and Shaoqing said a word after meeting each other these days, and Shaoqing seemed to be avoiding him on purpose, and the atmosphere was a bit strange."

Liu Chuan nodded, "You're right, I also think that Xu Ce's sudden departure that day was not against me, but because of a quarrel with him. However, they are high school classmates. What kind of grievances did we have in the past? I don't know, just let them go."

Wu Zewen looked at him suspiciously: "You are the captain, the team members have a conflict, you don't care, just let them make trouble?"

Liu Chuan said with a smile: "There's no need to worry about it, but I made them embarrassed. Anyway, he was so soft-hearted for a while, and Xu Ce had a hot temper. They were old classmates. of."

Then Wu Zewen nodded with confidence, and then approached Liu Chuan's arms again, enjoying this rare alone time with peace of mind.

At this moment, Jiang Shaoqing in the next room looked at the neat bed that belonged to Xu Ce next to him, and felt a little strange in his heart.

Xu Ce drove home alone after picking up everyone in the team for several days in a row, probably because he was afraid that it would be embarrassing for the two of them to face each other in the same room at night... His house is far from the hotel, and he picks up everyone every day, he must get up early to catch up Come here, and it was almost half past eleven after the meeting tonight, Xu Ce still drove home silently.

Driving back so late, there shouldn't be an accident on the road, right

Jiang Shaoqing couldn't help but start to worry, but he was too embarrassed to ask him. After Xu Ce's confession, the relationship between the two was extremely stiff, and they didn't say a word for four consecutive days. Jiang Shaoqing was a little overwhelmed by this embarrassing situation.

He didn't want to cut off contact with Xu Ce completely, but he didn't know how to respond to Xu Ce's love... It was really a headache.

Jiang Shaoqing had no choice but to sleep with the quilt. Strangely, a picture of his high school days appeared in his dream. He sat at the same table with Xu Ce, and every time the teacher called up to answer a question, Xu Ce secretly passed him a paper Article... And on their way home together after school, Xu Ce would always feed the stray dog...

Those pictures were as clear as yesterday. It turned out that he had never forgotten them.


In room 709, Lan Weiran went to take a shower after the meeting. Qin Ye was sitting by the bed watching a movie. Li Xiang refused to leave. Qin Ye looked up at him, "Is there anything else?"

Li Xianghe smiled and scratched his head, and said, "Would you like me to give you a massage?"

This time in Shanghai, Li Xiang lived with Xiao Yu, and Qin Ye lived with Si Lan, so they didn't have much chance to be alone with him, which made Li Xiang very depressed. Rarely, the big light bulb Silan ran to take a bath, and Xiaoyu also went back. Li Xiang sat down beside Qin Ye with the cheek, and said, "I'll give you a squeeze on your shoulders."

Qin Ye cooperatively turned around and said, "Okay."

It's been a long time since I've been served by Li Xiang, and Qin Ye also misses it a little. Li Xiang's massage technique is really becoming more and more professional. The gentle movements of his hands help Qin Ye relax the muscles on his shoulders. Qin Ye's massage is very comfortable. He couldn't help but slightly raised his lips.

The sci-fi movie was still playing on the TV. The protagonist drove the mecha to fight the enemy in the universe. The booming explosion sounded endlessly. Li Xiang looked at Qin Ye's white neck in front of him, his heartbeat could not help speeding up a little, thumping. The heartbeat sounded, as if to accompany the explosion on the TV.

Qin Ye suddenly asked, "By the way, who taught you the trick to commit suicide by jumping into the swamp?"

Li wanted to come back to his senses and said, "Cough, no one taught me, I figured it out myself."

"..." Qin Ye remembered the happy scene of the guy jumping into the swamp to commit suicide, and couldn't help but smile, and said, "Good understanding."

Li Xiang, who was praised, was very happy, and his subordinates moved even more vigorously, helping Qin Ye pinching his shoulders and beating his back. Qin Ye sat comfortably beside the bed and enjoyed his massage, while he opened his mouth to instruct him: "It's not just swamp maps where you can commit suicide, the principle of air combat and water combat maps is the same, when you see yourself dying, you can Jumping from a mountain to your death, or jumping into a river to drown…”

Li Xiang said depressedly, "Do you mean that I should be ready to commit suicide at any time?"

Qin Ye said, "Who told you to play Buddha Shaolin? This is a genre that sacrifices itself and protects teammates."

Li Xiang's heart moved and whispered: "Actually, the teammate I want to protect the most is you..."

"Is this a fan confessing the truth to an idol?" Lan Weiran came out after taking a shower with wet chestnut hair, "Am I disturbing you?"

"..." Li Xiang rolled his eyes, you know you're bothering us! And disturbed so arrogantly!

Lan Weiran wiped his hair and went back to his bed. Looking back, he saw that Li Xiang was massaging Qin Ye, and couldn't help joking: "Li Xiang, you continue to press, Qin Ye was talking about not having you massage him for a few days. , he's not feeling well..."

Qin Ye frowned and interrupted him, "When did I mention it?"

Lan Weiran said: "You didn't talk about it, you must have thought so in your heart."

Qin Ye looked back at him: "You know what I'm thinking? Can you see through your eyes?"

Lan Weiran squinted his eyes: "I don't have perspective, but I have studied psychoanalysis. Your present performance is clearly a guilty conscience."

Qin Ye said, "Is your cheap talk infected by Liu Chuan?"

Lan Weiran said, "No, I'm just bored and want to bicker with you."

Li Xiang:"… "

When the two were arguing, the others couldn't get in at all. Li Xiang wiped his sweat and said, "Ahem, stop arguing..."

Qin Ye gave Lan Weiran a blank look, then turned around and said, "Li Xiang, you can go back, it's almost twelve o'clock, go to bed early."

Li Xiang nodded and turned to leave.

After he left, Qin Ye gave Lan Weiran a cold look again, and said, "I'm too lazy to care about you." Then he turned to take a shower.

Regarding Qin Ye's icy eye knife, Lan Weiran expressed that he was not afraid at all, smiled and waved at him, then dried his hair and fell asleep with his pillow in his arms.

The phone next to the pillow suddenly lit up, Lan Weiran picked it up and saw that it was a text message from Ye Chenxi: "Winning today is beautiful."

Lan Weiran said, "Aren't you playing the game in Harbin? Is there still a city game with ATC on our side?"

Ye Chenxi replied: "It was over in the afternoon. I just watched the replay of the city game. I rarely saw you play support before, but I didn't expect you to play support so well."

Lan Weiran said: "Your master, I am proficient in the three elements of Xiaoyao. I am very good at assisting, long-range, and melee combat."

Seeing his triumphant tone, Ye Chenxi couldn't help but smile and said, "Yes, you are amazing, I look forward to surprising those old friends when you come back."

"Of course." Lan Weiran closed her eyes happily and fell asleep quickly.


Time passed quickly, and another two days passed in a blink of an eye, and the second round of the resurrection match of the loser group between Team Longyin VS Team Miracle finally started!

Sure enough, as Qin Ye had studied, Team Miracle was modeled on the long-range kite consumption tactics of Team Prosperity Tang. Unfortunately, their core output was far worse than Tang Yufeng's, and their auxiliary output was not comparable to that of Prosperity Tang's vice-captain Chen Junfei.

Liu Chuan was very familiar with Junior Tang's style of play. As soon as the team started, he went invisibly under the protection of Li Xiang and Lin Tong, and instantly killed the opponent's core!

Because he was out of the treatment range, after Liu Chuan was hit by the opposing group attack skills, the blood loss was like a blood collapse. Liu Chuan calmly opened the puppet seven killing array to explode, and a set of combos exploded and killed the opposing archer. It is obviously a desperate play of blood-for-blood!

Seeing that there was only a trace of bloody skin left, it was about to hang up. At this critical moment, a white spider silk suddenly flew towards his position—

Spider silk pulling!

Wu Zewen released this skill without hesitation, and decisively pulled Liu Chuan, who was dying, to his side. At the same time, Xiaoyu had already held the fishing boat in his hand, Sing Wan, Yue Yang San Zui, Yang Guan San Die, three monomers. The ability to increase blood quickly fell on Liu Chuan, and Xiaoyu's hand speed advantage was brought into full play at that moment. I saw that three red lights appeared on Liu Chuan's body, and Liu Chuan's blood was instantly full!

Liu Chuan praised Xiaoyu with a smile: "This is the god's milk!"

Xiaoyu smiled awkwardly, he was actually very nervous, his hands were shaking, but he knew that he absolutely couldn't let the captain just hang up like this!

Although the team leader has an advantage even if they have lost their Dragon Yin team battle with four blues, the price of letting Chuan Shen exchange sacrifices with the opponent is too high, that's why Xiao Yu will Keep all the Dajia skills, and just wait for Liu Chuan to pull him back from the death line at the moment when he comes back!

The person on the other side didn't kill Liu Chuan after fighting for a long time, but his core collapsed. Such a situation is simply hopeless...

Liu Chuan's targeted tactics are obviously very successful. As long as the main output of the "kite consumption" lineup on the opposite side is dead, the entire lineup is like a kite with a broken line, which can easily be cut and scattered by others. Win again!

After the two-round resurrection of the loser group in the upper half of Groups A and C, Team Longyin and Team Canglan advanced to the semi-finals, and joined the teams B and D in the bottom half of the semi-finals!

On the afternoon of November 21st, the Canglan team played against the winner of the lower half and successfully defeated the opponent. With a complete victory record and the first place in the city competition winner group, the Canglan team took the lead in winning the admission ticket to the professional league!

On the afternoon of November 22, the Longyin team played against the BD two groups of the loser group, and directly eliminated the opponent with the six-kill super god of all rivers!

On the afternoon of November 23, the Longyin team played a knockout match with another loser group team that lost to Canglan yesterday. In the end, with the concerted efforts of the six people, they beat the opponent 10:8 without any risk, and the loser The first place in the group and the second place in the city competition won the registration qualification of the professional league!

This game, Lao Mao also came to watch the game. After the game, Li Cangyu took the initiative to walk in front of Liu Chuan, stretched out his hand and said, "Congratulations on the promotion."

Liu Chuan also smiled and said, "Tong Xi, see you in the alliance."

Li Cangyu nodded, turned and left: "Goodbye."

They were originally top masters, and they were not satisfied with the barren battlefield of the city competition. The Eagles should have a wider sky. What awaits them will be another confrontation of the professional league!

For everyone in the Longyin team, November 23 is undoubtedly a carnival night!

Everyone went out for a dinner to celebrate the joy of qualifying. At the dinner, many people were so excited that tears filled their eyes. The moment they lost to Canglan, they felt the despair of falling to the bottom of the valley - but they held on! They gritted their teeth and persevered!

After the storm, the sky seems to become extraordinarily clear and clear, and after the most humiliating failure, their hearts will become stronger! They finally lived up to the patient training of the Sichuan team, the trust of their teammates, and their efforts over the past year!

They made it out of the lower bracket with a hard time in the city game!

Liu Chuan raised his glass with a smile and said, "Cheers to our smooth promotion!"


Everyone stood up, raised their wine glasses, and ten wine glasses collided in the center of the table. At that moment, all ten of them felt the same joy!

They made the cut!

Longyin team is about to become the official registered team of the professional league!

The team emblem of Longyin's ice blue dragon-shaped totem will also be placed side by side with the team emblems of all the powerful teams at the opening ceremony of the thirteenth season!

Liu Chuan, Qin Ye and Lan Weiran looked at each other and smiled, and tacitly drank the red wine in the cup—

We're finally back, Pro League!