The Strongest God

Chapter 231: Welcome back


The next morning, all members of the Longyin team gathered downstairs in a good mood. Captain Liu Chuan was naturally complacent, and even Xu Ce, who had been in a low mood all this time, seemed to have changed his mind and looked full of energy.

When Lan Weiran went downstairs, Jiang Xue ran over and showed him a video recorded last night. In the video, Lan Weiran was teaching with chopsticks and looked extremely funny. Lan Weiran was very concerned about his dark history after being drunk. He didn't mind at all, smiled and said, "You can keep such a precious video private, don't put it on the Internet to ruin my reputation."

Jiang Xue said with a smile, "Got it, Teacher Lan!"

Lan Weiran said suspiciously: "Who sent me back later? I remember someone carrying me?"

Qin Ye walked over and said, "I'm your good apprentice."

Lan Weiran smiled: "It turned out to be Xiaoye, so he saw you? Was he surprised?"

Qin Ye said, "No, your apprentice is very calm. Say goodbye to the league."

Liu Chuan came over and called everyone to gather: "Let's go everyone, go to the airport!"

The group got into the car and headed to the airport, and flew back to Changsha on the same day. The Longyin team will be reviewed by the professional league in December, and they must be fully prepared for the next review.


The main purpose of the Wulin Official City Tournament is not only to mobilize loyal Wulin players from all over the world to participate in the competition to create a good atmosphere for national competition, but more importantly, it is naturally to send fresh blood to the professional league.

Next year, the professional alliance will expand its scale and add two new teams. Therefore, the first-place Canglan team and the second-place Longyin team have directly obtained the registration qualification of the alliance team, while the third and third place in the city competition will be After waiting for the end of the professional league game at the end of the year, then compete with the two eliminated teams for the league's admission ticket.

This large-scale private event finally came to an end after months of fierce competition.

The official press corps used a large-scale feature to report the course of the city competition, and the website also put together a collection of wonderful footage edited from various videos. Liu Chuan and Li Cangyu, two top gods of the Tangmen puppet genre, won the game. It was praised by countless audiences.

The location of the Canglan team is set in the beautiful Hangzhou City, and the Longyin team has already occupied a site in Changsha City. It can be seen that in the thirteenth season, the regular season cycle will add these two cities. main arena.

The fans of martial arts games in both places are very excited, which means they can buy tickets to watch the game live!

The reporters interviewed the captains of other teams about the results of the city competition—

Team Seven Star Grass, the reporter asked, "Team Xiao, the city competition has come to an end. It is said that Team Canglan and Team Longyin have joined hands to qualify and will participate in the professional league for the thirteenth season. Do you know about this?"

Xiao Sijing said calmly, "I know."

The reporter wiped his sweat and said, "What's your impression of these two teams?"

Xiao Sijing said: "Team Canglan was transferred from the FTD team from Miracle's side, and it has the qualities of a professional team. Naturally, I will not underestimate them. Although there are many newcomers in the Longyin team, there is a lot of room for newcomers to grow. It's like a piece of white paper, what will be written on the white paper depends on Liu Chuan's ability."

"Thank you Team Xiao." The reporter handed the microphone to Su Shilun again, "What do you think of Lun Shen?"

Su Shilun smiled and said, "Old Cat and Chuan Shen are both top-notch players. I'm not surprised that Canglan and Longyin join hands to qualify. The joining of these two new teams in the league will definitely have a great impact on the professional league. , I'm really looking forward to the 13th season next year."

When Su Shilun spoke politely, he couldn't pick out a single fault. After the brief interview, the captain and vice-captain of Seven Star Grass smiled at each other and left side by side, as if all the wind and waves in the outside world could not affect them.

On the side of the Snow Wolf team, Fang Zhiyan said with a smile: "The thirteen seasons starting next spring should be the season with the most masters in the history of the league. By then, the strong teams will be like clouds, and the game will definitely be more exciting. Yin will definitely bring a new style of play."

The reporter handed the microphone to Yang Jian, Yang Jian scratched his hair and said, "My brother... ahem... I mean, my brother is also a fan of Chuan Shen. I am very happy that Chuan Shen can come back."

Fang Zhiyan looked back at him, and Yang Jian immediately remained serious, pretending that he had no slip of the tongue.

After the reporter left, Fang Zhiyan smiled and leaned over to ask, "Who is your brother?"

Yang Jian hurriedly said: "My brother is my brother, and he also plays martial arts... Cough, let's not talk about this, let's study how to play in the following games."

This clumsy acting that diverts the topic and wants to hide it is simply frustrating. Fang Zhiyan smiled and didn't ask any further questions, just a little curious in his heart - why are you so excited when you mention Liu Chuan? Yang Xiaojian seems to have something on his mind to hide from the captain

For the Bronze Sparrow team, Lu Xiang said happily: "Welcome back! It's great that Master is back! I gave him his keyboard! By the way, he still owes me a meal. I will definitely go to Changsha to compete in the future. Looking for him to invite me to dinner..."

Lu Xiang began to discuss eating seafood, hot pot, dessert or western food. The reporter was hungry because of what he said...

Shao Zehang looked back at him and whispered, "Would you like to eat Hunan cuisine later?"

Lu Xiang said excitedly: "Okay!"

The two turned to leave, and the reporter hurried to catch up: "Shao team, Shao team, don't you have anything to say?"

Shao Zehang turned his head and his eyes were cold: "The strength of the Longyin team is not yet easy to evaluate, and the players are not sure. Let's wait for the league to meet."

reporter:"… "

Team Shao's words were not leaking, and the reporter said that he could not refute it!

In the prosperous Tang team, Chen Junfei said with a smile: "Chuanshen is back? What's so surprising? I recognized his ID in the online game a long time ago, and announced the news in the professional league group. I knew he would come back! Right, Master?"

Chen Junfei turned his head to look at Tang Yufeng, who nodded in agreement with a paralyzed expression.

Chen Junfei went on to say: "I'm more curious about the teammates of Chuanshen, but the reporters didn't dig up his teammates' identities? I also watched two games, and that Xiaoyao named Lan is definitely a first-class master! It's nothing! Is news digging?"

"..." The reporter couldn't help laughing and laughing. Deputy Team Chen was more like a paparazzi than a reporter!

Chen Junfei waved his hand: "Go and dig up the news, what's the use of interviewing me, go and interview Chuan Shen!"

Tang Yufeng nodded in agreement.

The master and apprentice turned around and left, and the reporter hurriedly chased after him: "Tang team, Tang team, do you have anything to say?"

Tang Yufeng glanced at him with sleepy eyes and said, "No."

reporter:"… "

Tang Yufeng's deadly arrow caused 100,000 points of damage to the reporter, and the reporter was seriously injured.

In the national color team, Leng Meiren captain Zhou Mu calmly greeted Chuan Shen and Cat God, and Qi Feng, the captain of the Fenghuo team, also politely said that he was looking forward to the performance of the two great gods. The more transparent teams in the top eight have never had much sense of existence. But in fact, since Xu Xinran joined, the national color's performance has been steadily rising, and the beacon team's play style also has its own characteristics.

After Luo Hua resigned from the team, Ye Chenxi was still the polite gentleman, and said to the reporter with a smile: "The strength of Chuan Shen is obvious to all. He is not only very strong in himself, but also very strong in attracting people. The Yin team will definitely surprise us."

Team Ye's speech is always so unfathomable. The first sentence "I'm waiting for him in Shanghai" made people confused, but this time the sentence "The ability to pull people into the team is also very strong", which made everyone very confused.

Who the hell did Chuan Shen pull in? Can't you just say it outright

For Liu Chuan's return, the Chinese team must have reacted the most. Therefore, on the day Longyin team decided to qualify, everyone in the Huaxia team who had just finished the game was surrounded by reporters.

A female reporter put the microphone in front of Liang Haibin and said, "Team Liang, Team Sichuan and Team Longyin have returned strongly. As the current captain of Huaxia, what do you think of the old captain's practice of leaving Huaxia to form a new team? Woolen cloth?"

Liang Haibin said with a good-natured smile: "Team Sichuan has always been the captain I admire the most. Of course I welcome him back with the new team."

The reporter said: "Then will you feel uncomfortable when you play against Longyin on the field in the future? After all, he is the old captain of Huaxia, and many people in Huaxia were brought out by him. Wouldn't it be very uncomfortable?"

Liang Haibin looked back at Xie Guangyi, the vice-captain. Xie Guangyi took the microphone and said calmly, "Team Sichuan has brought a new team back, and it is sure that everyone feels uncomfortable when they haven't returned to Huaxia. However, since he chose this I hope everyone can be rational and respect his choice. As Xiao Liang said, no matter what, he is the old captain of our Huaxia and the person we admire the most."

Xie Guangyi's remarks are powerful, and they seem to be helping Liu Chuan to disperse the pressure. Huaxia fans don't say much even if they have opinions. When Chuan Shen retired, many Huaxia fans shed tears. Now he is back, although he has not returned to Huaxia. , but at least he's still here, still in the league...

As Vice Team Xie said, he will always be the best captain in China, and everyone should respect his choice.

Of course, there must be some fans who turn to black and scold Liu Chuan, but the overall trend of public opinion is still towards Liu Chuan, probably because Liu Chuan is very old in the league and very popular, plus the support of Huaxia and other team captains , those sarcastic, mocking voices were quickly silenced by most of the cheers.

—Welcome back, our sea is inclusive!