The Strongest God

Chapter 232: Alliance Review Team


After all the members of the Longyin team arrived in Changsha, they took a day off and started to organize the dormitory to prepare for the next alliance review. In order to make the current residence look more team atmosphere, Lan Weiran ordered a few Longyin team logos to hang on the wall. The standard of Silan's room layout has been praised by his teammates. This room is indeed more like a team dormitory, and as soon as you enter the door, you have a warm feeling of returning to the team.

Wu Zewen wanted to suggest that Liu Chuan rent an office building and renovate the training room as soon as possible, but Liu Chuan said with a smile, "No hurry, wait until the review is over." A good impression? However, Liu Chuan had other thoughts in his heart. He touched his chin and smiled like a sly fox.

As a result, when the alliance review team arrived at the headquarters of the Longyin team, a group of people were shocked. Although the dormitory was very warmly decorated, the team's team logo and the martial arts game icon were pasted on the wall, which looked like that. Boy, what happened to the training room

- It's too shabby to have two rows of long tables in the living room as a training room

Every year, Chairman Li Hanzong, the reviewer of the new team, will be present in person. Liu Chuan followed him and said with a smile: "Chairman, you see, our team has no money, and the training room can only do this."

Li Hanzong looked at the two rows of computers and felt really sad!

They just came from the Canglan team. The conditions of the Canglan team are much better. It is a professional team. The old cat dared to lead the team to transfer because of the sponsorship and support of the merchants. The Canglan team's dormitory is managed by an apartment. Upstairs, there is a whole floor of spacious and bright, which makes people feel happy as soon as they enter. On the other hand, on Longyin's side, a group of people set up two rows of desks in the living room and put the computers on it, which is the training room, just like a black Internet cafe.

Li Hangzong walked around the room, patted the eldest apprentice on the shoulder, and said, "Thank you for your hard work. You don't have to worry about the training room. The alliance will give you a fund."

Liu Chuan said, "Can you give me a little more? We can't even open the pot."

Li Hanzong said: "I will try my best to help you fight for it."

Liu Chuan said with a smile, "Thank you, Chairman!"

Wu Zewen: "..."

He finally understood Liu Chuan's intentions. This was deliberately pretending to be poor in front of the chairman, to win sympathy, and to apply for more sponsorship funds, right? ! Liu Chuan is so cunning!

The league has a financial support plan for the new team itself. After Li Hanzong saw the headquarters of the Longyin team, he felt that the Longyin team was so shabby and pitiful, so he went back and discussed with the senior management of the league and doubled the sponsorship funds for the new team. .

Liu Chuan accepted the money happily, and then accompanied the review team to see the competition venue.

Over the years, e-sports events have developed rapidly. Many big cities have e-sports venues. Naturally, there are also venues for e-sports events in Changsha. However, there used to be no league teams here, so the venues are often empty. Yes, at most, you can use it to hold civil events such as urban competitions. As for large-scale national events such as TGA, the host city can only take a turn once in a few years across the country.

The people of the league review team had a conversation with the local e-sports association, and the association happily agreed to rebuild the venue and use it as the home of the Dragons during the regular season of the professional league, which would not do them any harm!

As long as there is a home court, all the strong teams in the professional league will play here when they play against the Longyin team, Qixingcao, Luohuaci, Tongque, Shengtang... So many strong teams, so many star players, tickets, sponsorships , Surroundings, are you worried about not being able to sell it

This is a win-win for everyone.

After the two parties reached a consensus, they discussed the renovation plan of the venue. According to the conditions of the Wulin League, the venue for the competition should accommodate at least 10,000 spectators. There should also be a formal soundproof room on the big stage, and the front desk should also have a special commentary seat for live broadcasts. There must also be a player lounge, media channels, etc. in the backstage. It will take a while to arrange these. Fortunately, the thirteenth season will not start until March next year, and it is still too late to arrange it.

The review team stayed in Changsha for three days. Liu Chuan accompanied Chairman Li to meet many people from the e-sports association, and all aspects were properly settled, making sufficient preparations for the thirteenth season.

He originally chose this city as the headquarters of the Longyin team. The most important reason was that there was no martial arts alliance team here. As long as their Longyin team settled in this city, they could enjoy the advantages of the weather, the location, and the people.

Many e-sports businesses choose to sponsor local teams. Sure enough, as soon as the news of Longyin's qualification came out, Liu Chuan received a lot of cooperation intentions from sponsors in just three days.

You also need to be careful in choosing sponsors, otherwise the quality of the endorsed products will be smeared for the team. After Liu Chuan returned, he called Xu Ce over to discuss it. After all, Xu Ce is a businessman, and he knows more about Changsha than Liu Chuan. , After Xu Ce read the information of some sponsors, he asked his assistant to check the details and black history of these businesses, and decisively eliminated a few e-commerce companies with poor reputation, and finally selected three relatively large scale. company to discuss cooperation plans.

Liu Chuan and Xu Ce went to negotiate together. There was a company that paid a lot of money, but asked the Longyin team to be named. The title team means that the sponsor's name and even the team's logo must be on the team uniform during the game. This request was decisively rejected by Liu Chuan.

Liu Chuan said with a smile: "Don't look at us as a new team now. In the future, Longyin is going to win the championship. I don't want to let the merchants name it casually. We will consider this matter later."

Even if the opponent is rich and powerful, Liu Chuan also has his own arrogance. When he sees the new team, he wants to bully him. How can he make them wishful? When Longyin team achieves good results in the future, are you worried that they won't be able to get better sponsorship

After discussing with Xu Ce, Liu Chuan and Xu Ce finally chose the sponsorship of a gaming notebook brand, and agreed to show up in person to shoot commercials. As for who to choose as a partner, Liu Chuan thought about it and finally decided to let Lin Tong go. It's rare, dragging Lin Tong out can also give the team more popularity.

On the day when the two went to shoot the commercial together, a few people from the Longyin team who were idle also ran to watch.

The stylist put on make-up for the two of them, and also found matching new clothes for them to put on. Liu Chuan was already handsome, but he was dressed up by the stylist, and his gestures were very star-like; Lin Tong also dressed up. It is refreshing and neat, and the capable image is very eye-catching.

The idea of the advertisement is to let two people use a gaming laptop to play the martial arts arena. Shooting from the side will clearly capture the details of the fingers, keyboard, and computer screen. Intense arena battles, coupled with hot-blooded music, Liu Chuan and Lin Tong actually fought in the arena for a few rounds. Their fingers tapped quickly on the keyboard, as gorgeous as their fingertips danced on the keys. .

Probably because Liu Chuan and Lin Tong were very involved, the final advertising effect was very good, and the sponsors were very satisfied.

Next, Liu Chuan and Lin Tong shot some promotional posters together. Liu Chuan pretended to be cool in front of the camera, and Lin Tong was also generous and not shy at all. The photographer couldn't help but praise them for their potential to be stars. The filming process went very smoothly. The sponsor generously gave Longyin team 10 gaming laptops, one for each person. Even the team leader Jiang Xue got them, which made Jiang Xue very excited.

With brand new notebooks, everyone returned to the team in a happy mood. What awaited them was a table of fragrant delicacies prepared by Aunt Sun. Such days are really fulfilling and happy.

That night, Liu Chuan went to Wu Zewen's room and gave all the sponsorship funds he got today to the housekeeper.

Wu Zewen carefully calculated the remaining funds. He has several tables in his computer dedicated to the team's accounts. If he enters it, the result will be calculated quickly. He has nearly 10 million funds in his hand, which should be enough for next year. .

Liu Chuan said with a smile: "Go to the office building opposite another day. It's time to renovate the training room as soon as possible."

Wu Zewen nodded and said: "By the way, don't forget the team uniforms, we need to make a set of short sleeves and a cold-proof jacket. I saw the plan designed by Silan today, white team uniforms, ice The blue Dragon Yin team icon looks beautiful."

Liu Chuan said: "I know, the matter of the team uniforms will be left to Silan."

After speaking, he turned around and lay down on Wu Zewen's bed.

Wu Zewen saw that he was comfortably stretching his limbs and lying in a "big" shape, he couldn't help but walked over and said, "Aren't you tired after shooting an advertisement for a day?"

Liu Chuan complained: "Yeah, I'm exhausted, and my back is sore... This is my first time shooting an advertisement. I can't help it. The sponsors called me to come forward. For the sake of the team, I had to sell my body... "

Wu Zewen glared at him: "Nonsense."

Liu Chuan sat up with a smile, gently hugged Wu Zewen from behind, put his chin on his shoulder, and said, "Don't be angry, my dear, I won't talk nonsense, I belong to you alone, no matter how much money you have. Sell."

"..." Wu Zewen's ears turned red, and he was really helpless to this man's thick skin. He wanted to pick up the iPad next to him and beat him hard, but seeing his tired face, he couldn't bear to start, so he had to touch his Hair, and said softly, "If you're tired, take a shower and go to bed earlier."

Liu Chuan hugged him and refused to leave. Wu Zewen said suspiciously, "Aren't you tired? Go to sleep."

Someone still refused to leave, so Wu Zewen had to turn around and kissed his lips lightly with red ears: "Good night kiss, are you satisfied?"

"Not satisfied." Liu Chuan smiled and kissed back, put his tongue into Wu Zewen's mouth, and kissed gently.

When the kiss was enough, he let go of Wu Zewen and went back to his room contentedly to sleep.

"..." Wu Zewen touched his lips and thought helplessly: if Liu Chuan's face is peeled off, he can directly build a city wall, right? Why is it so thick? !


The next day, Liu Chuan went to the opposite office building with Xu Ce and Lan Weiran to rent the 9th floor, then went to the decoration company to finalize the decoration plan, and then asked the clothing manufacturer to make the team uniforms for the team members. The preliminary preparation work continued. After a busy week, I finally settled down.

The finished team uniforms were also sent to the team's headquarters a few days later. Liu Chuan distributed them to the team members, and everyone put on the team uniforms. Lin Tong's boyfriend, Mr. Xiong Yi, happened to come to visit the team and acted diligently. Photographer, take a group photo for everyone.

The Longyin team wearing uniform uniforms, ten people standing side by side, white uniforms and ice blue dragon-shaped team emblem, neatly lined up, looks very eye-catching, the whole team feels full of vigor, full of hope.

The clothes designed by Silan are not inferior to Lun Shen, who is a professional in clothing design. Liu Chuan smiled with satisfaction when he saw the neat appearance of the team members in their uniforms.

Everything is developing in a good direction, and the Longyin team will face the thirteenth season with a brand new look!