The Strongest God

Chapter 234: It's Spring again


After the end of the 12th season, the major teams rested for a few days and then collectively set off for Nanjing to participate in this year's TGA Winter Grand Prix. Of course, this event has nothing to do with the Longyin team. After Liu Chuan led the team back to Changsha, he put the players into the nightmarish pre-match training mode. As the captain, he would naturally pay attention to the TGA events, mainly to watch See if each team has any newcomers worth paying attention to.

After the half-month TGA Grand Prix, all the major teams took a long vacation, and all the professional players went home to accompany their families.

The training intensity during this period was quite high. Liu Chuan carried out targeted strengthening training according to the weaknesses of several team members. He practiced repeatedly until he developed conditioned reflexes. Ten hours of monotonous training every day made everyone feel very hard, but The competition is approaching, the three great gods will be their sparring partners, and the newcomers are embarrassed to have any complaints.

Soon it will be the end of the year. On the 29th day of the twelfth lunar month, Liu Chuan told everyone to disband and go home. A few people packed their bags and prepared to go back for the Chinese New Year. The air tickets were all booked in advance by Jiang Xue. As the team leader, Jiang Xue took care of all the chores of the team. Come over and let the team members train without distractions. Liu Chuan is full of gratitude for this responsible girl. Jiang Xue has indeed shared a lot of pressure for his captain.

The other team members had to go home for the Chinese New Year, but Xu Ce did not ask Jiang Xue to book tickets for him, saying he wanted to stay.

Lan Weiran patted Xu Ce's right shoulder and said, "Then you can spend the New Year here with JOJO."

Liu Chuan patted Xu Ce's left shoulder again and said, "Your son is so good, you stay in the team to accompany him, and watch the house for us by the way."

Xu Ce: "..."

I rely on! Do you treat me like a big dog and give it back to you to watch the house? ! Also, when did JOJO become my son? !

Xu Ce and JOJO looked at each other, the latter wagged his tail innocently at him, Xu Ce patted its head, and said gloomily: "Anyway, I don't want to go back, so I'll just stay in the team to celebrate the New Year. It's time to gather, going back and forth will be troublesome."

The reason why Xu Ce doesn't want to go back to Shanghai is also because there is no one at home in Shanghai. His parents are abroad, and they just happened to travel abroad recently. Xu Ce doesn't want to go abroad, and it's really troublesome to hold a JOJO so big back and forth. It's better to stay here. The team and JOJO celebrate the New Year together.

It was only a few days off, and Xu Ce was too lazy to toss back and forth.

Liu Chuan and Wu Zewen went back to Beijing together that afternoon. In Room 303, Jiang Shaoqing was about to go out with his luggage when he saw Xu Ce watching TV in an empty room with his big dog alone, and couldn't help saying: " Do you really plan to celebrate the New Year alone in the team?"

Xu Ce gave a gloomy "um", and even JOJO lowered his head in a low mood, as if he had been abandoned.

Jiang Shaoqing's heart softened, and he couldn't help but say, "Why don't you go to my house, my house is near here, it will be there in an hour."

After speaking, both of them were stunned.

Xu Ce looked at him in shock, Jiang Shaoqing blushed even more embarrassedly - Damn, how could he make such an invitation? !

The teammates all left. Seeing the pitiful appearance of Xu Ce and JOJO staying together, Jiang Shaoqing softened his heart, thinking that every family will have a New Year's Eve dinner on the evening of New Year's Eve, and Xu Ce is alone in the team with the big dog. However, this is too pitiful... Since his parents are not in China, and he doesn't want to go back to Shanghai, why not ask him to go home for a New Year's Eve dinner

Such urges rush out without careful thought, and it's too late to take them back...

Xu Ce immediately stood up and said, "That's great, then I'll go to your house for a New Year's Eve dinner."

Then the man went back to his room to pack up his luggage, and in a blink of an eye, he packed up and changed his clothes, and stood in front of Jiang Shaoqing with JOJO.

Jiang Shaoqing, who was unable to ride a tiger, had no choice but to bring Xu Ce and JOJO home together.

The city where Shaoqing's family lives is only an hour's drive away from Changsha. Xu Ce has a very vague impression of this place. His uncle's house used to be here. When he was in high school, his parents left him here to study for three years. Unfamiliar with him is because he was rebellious and went his own way back then. He seldom went out to play with his peers. He only acted in the two-point and one-line area between the second uncle's house and the school, and he didn't know anything about other places.

On the way with Jiang Shaoqing along the street to the community, Xu Ce couldn't help but said, "It's changed a lot here."

Jiang Shaoqing said, "Yes."

Xu Ce walked to the gate of the community, looked left and right, felt very familiar, and said, "I rescued the dog back then. It seems like it was here, right?"

Jiang Shaoqian nodded.

So, kissing you for the first time should also be here...

Xu Ce didn't say these words, but he just missed the days of high school. Jiang Shaoqing's heartbeat suddenly became faster. He didn't think that he and Xu Ce would have more feelings than classmates before, but when he revisited the same place, he was surprised to find that those past events were deeply imprinted in his mind. Inside, Xu Ce's presence is so strong that Jiang Shaoqing clearly remembers everything about Xu Ce...

Do you also like Xu Ce a little bit? ! Otherwise, why do you remember it so clearly

The more Jiang Shaoqing thought about it, the more frightened he became. His head was in a mess, and he walked forward silently. Xu Ce led JOJO obediently and followed Jiang Shaoqing without arguing or making trouble. Xu Ce, who came to visit as a guest, was very self-aware - absolutely not. Make the master angry, or he will be miserable if he drives him to sleep on the street in a short while.

The two soon arrived home, Jiang Shaoqing opened the door, and a gentle-looking woman came out of the kitchen wearing an apron. Seeing a tall, handsome man with a big dog next to her son, she was a little surprised: " After a while, this is?"

Jiang Shaoqing hurriedly introduced: "Mom, he is Xu Ce, a teammate of our team, his parents are not in China, he wants to stay in Changsha to celebrate the New Year alone, I will bring him home for a New Year's Eve dinner..."

Mama Jiang smiled: "So that's the case, come in quickly."

After Xu Ce entered the room, he stepped forward actively, handed over the gift he had bought, and said with a smile, "Auntie, hello! I am Shaoqing's teammate and his high school tablemate. Happy New Year to you!"

He didn't expect Jiang Shaoqing to ask him to go home, so the gifts for New Year's greetings were bought at the supermarket after arriving at the station.

Jiang's mother took it and said with a smile, "You are Xu Ce? I remember your name, and I often mentioned you to me a while ago. Seriously, his grades improved so fast in high school, thanks to you, who was at the same table. "

Xu Ce looked back at Jiang Shaoqing in surprise, Jiang Shaoqing said embarrassedly, "Mom, stop talking, let's eat first."

Jiang Shaoqing often mentioned Xu Ce in front of his parents. It was indeed because Xu Ce in high school often explained various complicated topics to him. His grades improved so fast, and Xu Ce deserved the most credit. Originally, he just mentioned to his parents that he was at the same table who was helpful to him, but when he met Xu Ce's surprised look, Jiang Shaoqing suddenly felt a little guilty.

Jiang Shaoqing's parents are both working class, and their tempers are very gentle. It is no wonder that Jiang Shaoqing is so soft-hearted. Obviously, he was influenced by his kind parents. Jiang Shaoqing is an introvert, and he doesn't have many friends at first, and he has never brought friends to his house as a guest. This time he brought Xu Ce home for the Chinese New Year, and the second old man was naturally very enthusiastic about his son's high school tablemate. And the beautiful JOJO is also very good. She keeps rubbing the palm of Shaoqing's mother with her big furry head. Shaoqing's mother keeps laughing and praises that JOJO is very majestic.

After the happy dinner, Jiang Shaoqing was called by his father to question him. His father was obviously a little worried and frowned and said, "I heard from your mother that you quit your job to play again? You are not too young. Don't be so impulsive."

Jiang Shaoqing said: "Dad, I'm not impulsive. I want to be a professional player. We have already completed the city competition and become an officially registered team. I also signed a contract and will have a fixed salary every month."

Xu Ce also spoke to Jiang Shaoqing next to him: "Don't worry, uncle, he now owns 10% of the club's shares, even if he can no longer play in two years, he can continue to stay in the club. Management, you just treat us as a partnership to do business."

Father Jiang said suspiciously, "Can your club still make money?"

Xu Ce said: "Of course it can. The current advertising sponsorship cost has reached nearly 10 million, and it will get better and better in the future."

With Xu Ce's assurance, Dad Jiang was relieved and nodded with a smile: "That's good, I don't know anything about doing business, and I don't pay attention to e-sports competitions. You young people have a good idea. Do it well."

Jiang Shaoqing nodded seriously: "Don't worry, Dad."

The next day was New Year’s Eve, and Shaoqing’s parents started to prepare the New Year’s Eve dinner at noon. Xu Ce diligently helped Shaoqing’s mother wash and cut vegetables, Shaoqing’s mother was in charge of chopping the meat, and Jiang Shaoqing and his father cooked together. Dumplings, JOJO is running around in the living room wagging his tail, and the TV is broadcasting Spring Festival entertainment programs. The warm and happy atmosphere is very like a family.

Jiang Shaoqing looked at Xu Ce's busy figure going back and forth, and his heart couldn't help but feel a little sour - Xu Ce, the eldest young master, probably didn't do much housework since he was a child, and he did so diligently in front of his parents. Chu.

It's just... can they really be together? For this question, Jiang Shaoqing did not have a clue in his heart.

The dinner was very rich. A few people gathered around the table to eat while watching the party. Jiang Shaoqing's parents didn't want to watch the Spring Festival party halfway through and went back to the house early to sleep, but Xu Ce and Jiang Shaoqing continued to stay in the living room. Be prepared to stay awake until the early morning.

Team Longyin's Q group has been constantly swiping news. This group of people using their mobile phones to open QQ to explode their hands is also a bully. They are all comments on all kinds of complaining parties. Xiaoyu and Li Xiang are the main force of complaining. , Lin Tong and Wu Zewen watched the play calmly, Liu Chuan said something irrefutable from time to time, Qin Ye's comments were extremely sharp, Silan was still so lazy, he was too lazy to type and added "Agree!" "Queue" "Plus one! "That's right!"

After a few hours of the Spring Festival Gala, the chat records of the Longyin team's QQ group exceeded 10,000, which shows how strong the skills of this group of people are when they are bored.

When it was almost midnight, Liu Chuan suddenly asked in the group: "By the way, what about our team mascot JOJO? Don't you want to express your opinion?"

Xu Ce: "..."

Liu Chuan said, "JoJo, it's daddy, how are you in the team alone? It's so pitiful, I've been living with JOJO for the Spring Festival, and I don't even have to eat New Year's Eve." After adding a "stroking the dog's head" emoticon picture, the dog's head is still according to JOJO's head was customized, of course, from the pen of Lan Weiran, a professional painter of Longyin team, and it looks really realistic.

Everyone immediately copied and pasted, lining up to stroke Xu Ce's dog's head.

Xu Ce couldn't help but say, "Who said I don't have to eat? I'm at Shaoqing's house, and I just had a New Year's Eve dinner, and the dishes made by Shaoqing's mother are even better than those made by Aunt Sun." The triumphant tone was quite The true biography of Captain Liu Chuan's hatred.

Liu Chuan was very puzzled: "A few moments? Xu Ce is at your house?"

Jiang Shaoqing came out and said embarrassedly, "Well, I'll take Xu Ce back to my house for a New Year's Eve dinner."

Liu Chuan concluded: "I am still the most caring for a while, and I am willing to take in these two pets, one big and one small." Then he added a "stroking the dog's head" emoji. Everyone responded to the captain's call and continued to line up to stroke Xu Ce's dog's head.

Xu Ce: "..."

Really depressing!

JOJO is regarded as the mascot of the team by everyone. His owner, JOJO, is also regarded as a big dog by everyone without knowing it. Voices like "Where's JOJO's father?" makes people laugh and cry.

Although it was a little uncomfortable to be regarded as JOJO's kind by everyone, the happy atmosphere in the group made Xu Ce feel inexplicably warm in his heart.

- This is the best Spring Festival he has ever spent.

Perhaps, he did not regard the members of the Longyin team as friends before, and he did join the team for Jiang Shaoqing's sake, but after so many things, he has been with these people for a long time. However, Xu Ce found that he was gradually getting used to the atmosphere of the Longyin team.

I'm used to the captain's heartlessness, the vice-captain's laziness, Qin Ye's decisiveness and sharpness, Li Xiang's enthusiasm and sunshine, Wu Zewen's rationality and calmness, Xiaoyu's off-line, Lin Tong's neatness, and more. Jiang Shaoqing is soft-hearted and gentle under his strict exterior.

This is a warm group.

Only now has Xu Ce felt what the so-called "sense of belonging to the team" is all about.

Although the teammates laughed at him in the group, they took the initiative to ask him how he was celebrating the New Year alone. Isn't it a kind of concern for him

Xu Ce is a very proud person, and he doesn't easily say "thank you" to people, so he had to calmly send a sentence to the group at the moment of zero o'clock: "Happy New Year everyone."

Other teammates responded immediately: "Happy New Year!"

"good luck!"

The words of blessing and the expression of setting off firecrackers instantly drowned the QQ group of Longyin team. Although they were in the world, their hearts were united at that moment.

Seeing the excitement in the Q group, Xu Ce couldn't help laughing. He looked back at Jiang Shaoqing and said, "Let's go out for a walk now."

Jiang Shaoqing was stunned: "What?"

Xu Ce said, "Go outside and get some air."

The two went out together in thick coats, but JOJO insisted on following, pulling Jiang Shaoqing's trouser legs and holding on, Jiang Shaoqing looked at it worriedly: "If you let it go out in the middle of the night, will you catch a cold?"

Xu Ce said: "It's okay, the Alaskan dog is a very cold-resistant animal. You usually go out for a walk and dress it up, spoiling it."

JOJO wagged his tail in agreement, Jiang Shaoqing had to lead it out together.

In the early hours of the morning, it was another special day like the Spring Festival. There was not a single pedestrian on the street. It was very empty and silent. Two people walked side by side on the road, followed by a majestic big dog. Dazzling fireworks.

Xu Ce stopped outside the community and said softly, "After a while, do you still remember, the day you invited me home for dinner after the monthly exam, you took me to the gate of the community and saw the poor stray dogs…”

Jiang Shaoqing searched for that memory in his mind and quickly recalled it. The street lights that night were also so soft, Xu Ce squatted down to feed the puppy, he also leaned forward to touch the puppy's head, and then Xu Ce turned around and kissed him...

Xu Ce also seemed to be caught in the memory, and his eyes became very gentle: "...that was the first time I kissed you, at that time I was too young and too nervous, I didn't dare to say it, and I was afraid it would affect your studies, so I secretly hid this feeling in my heart.”

Jiang Shaoqing turned his head in surprise, and suddenly crashed into a pair of dark and deep eyes.

Xu Ce looked at him and said word by word, "A little while ago, I'm not telling you this to force you to respond, I just want you to know that there is a person who, for so many years, has always been fond of following you."

Suddenly, a cluster of fireworks exploded in the night sky overhead, and the dazzling colors splashed in the air. The original hard line of defense was completely blown to pieces...

—There is such a person who, for so many years, has always been in love with you…

What kind of feeling is that? Jiang Shaoqing looked at the serious man in front of him, his back trembled slightly, but he couldn't say a word.

Xu Ce came over and stopped an inch away from his lips. The faces of the two were close at hand, and the tips of their noses were touching. In the cold winter night, the warm breath they exhaled was like a cloud and mist, blending with each other. together.

After a while, seeing Jiang Shaoqing not evading, Xu Ce leaned forward and kissed him tenderly.

Jiang Shaoqing stood there stiffly, his lips trembling slightly, Xu Ce pried open his teeth and gently put his tongue in, the gentle kiss seemed to soothe his emotions, and the flexible tongue slowly swept Passing through the teeth, sliding through the gums, leaving Xu Ce's breath everywhere in the mouth...

Jiang Shaoqing only felt that his mind was blank, and he couldn't do the simple action of "push him away"... Xu Ce's kiss was too gentle, gentle... It was like kissing his most cherished treasure...

After the kiss was over, Xu Ce withdrew and said softly, "After a while, I like you."

"..." Jiang Shaoqing came back to his senses, met Xu Ce's eyes, and immediately looked away in a panic, but when he turned back he found that JOJO had been lying obediently beside him, wagging his tail and looking at them curiously, Jiang Shao Qing's face instantly turned red, and he quickly grabbed JOJO and said, "Go back."

Seeing the back of Jiang Shaoqing fleeing, Xu Ce couldn't help touching his lips, thinking excitedly - Shaoqing didn't push him away at all, that is to say, Shaoqing did not dislike him, and could even accept such an intimate contact ? ! What is the answer, do you need to ask

Xu Ce was in such a good mood that when he received the text message "Happy New Year, good luck!" sent by Liu Chuan, he rarely complained. If the captain sent a group text message to harass him when he was confessing just now, Xu Ce would definitely want to slap it. Luckily, Liu Chuan's text message was five minutes late because of the communication delay during the peak period, which just staggered the time when Xu Ce confessed to Jiang Shaoqing.

Xu Ce replied in a good mood: "Captain, you are also very lucky."

After taking back the phone, he took a deep breath of the cold winter air, and the corners of Xu Ce's mouth finally lifted up happily.

- This is really a "good luck" Spring Festival!