The Strongest God

Chapter 24: Deer Xiang


Qin Ye's login to the online game server this time was indeed here to change for Cheng Wu.

There are two ways to exchange the officially updated 24 new orange weapons. The first is to convert the arena points into Mingjiange points. The required points are 15,000. The second is the exchange of materials. The required materials are all very precious and rare materials. Most of the people who have this ability to collect all the materials and exchange them for Chengwu are the top masters of the major guilds. After all, Chengwu is very precious, and the exchange method is more difficult. The more it reflects its value.

Because the arena is a "win plus points, lose points" mode, the winning rate is more than 50% to save points. It is not easy to save points. Those who can save more than 10,000 points are basically the seventh battle rank. The super gods of , that is, most of the professional players.

The online game server and the competition server of this game are separate and do not affect each other. All equipment in the competition suit is free, and there are player channels, live broadcast channels, and referee channels. Unfortunately, the competition suit will only be opened during the league, and you cannot log in normally. The replacement of a weapon will definitely have an impact on the rhythm of the game. If you rashly go to the competition suit and directly take the new weapon on the field, let alone cooperate with your teammates, you are not used to using it yourself.

Therefore, every time the expansion pack is updated, many professional players will log in to the online game server to see the attributes of the new weapons, and by the way, they will practice their skills.

Qin Ye hadn't logged in on Tuba for a long time, so he forgot to hide for a while. As a result, an official announcement with a blinding golden light caused a sensation on the World Channel. Half a minute later, the World Channel was still lining up to worship Senior Sister Emei.

Qin Ye directly blocked the World Channel, and quickly posted a line in the QQ group "Wulin Professional Lianmeng"—

"Luxiang speed, ring number 1780, password 78789."

Before, Xiao Sijing found a bug in Emei's new weapon data in the experience server and submitted it to the official. The official repaired the weapon before opening the new area today. Qin Ye wanted to play a few games to try out the effect of the new weapon. Just a few familiar professional players also said that tonight, it is better to try new weapons, so Qin Ye made an appointment with them to play a few games in the arena.

The Lu Xiang that Qin Ye called in the group, the ID "Flying Deer Hero", the vice-captain of the Bronze Sparrow team, is also the youngest top god in the entire professional league - just passed his eighteenth birthday a few days ago.

The league has revised a regulation specifically for him: players under the age of 18 are not allowed to participate.

Before the fifth season, the league stipulated that adult players over the age of 18 can participate in the competition as professional players, and minor players under the age of 18 can only be trained in the youth training camp, and can only participate after the age of 18.

- Only the appearance of the talented young Lu Xiang completely overturned this rule.

At the suggestion of Liu Chuan, the top officials of the alliance held a special meeting to discuss, and finally lowered the limit of 18 years old to 16 years old.

Lu Xiang participated in the competition at the age of sixteen and became a god in one year!

Speaking of which, Lu Xiang's road to conferring gods was brought about by Liu Chuan.

At that time, fifteen-year-old Lu Xiang joined the Huaxia Guild in an online game. The president of the Huaxia Guild found that this guy was extremely fast, and recommended him to go to Huaxia's youth training camp for an interview. Lu Xiang happily ran to the Huaxia team and passed the assessment. Successfully entered the youth training camp of the Huaxia team. At that time, Liu Chuan had already led the Huaxia team to create a brilliant record of the annual Grand Slam. Xiaoluxiang was very afraid of life at that time. When he saw everyone in the team, he obediently called his predecessors, and this guy was a super idiot. He didn't wake up all day. It looks like, halfway through the game, I can lie on the table and fall asleep...

Fifteen-year-old child, thin and small, confused all day, not reliable at first glance...

So, the person in charge of the training camp directly sent Lu Xiang a bunch of videos and a bunch of small programs for basic training, and let him practice slowly first, and Lu Xiang just groped around in a daze...

Then it was another chance.

During the off-season of a winter vacation, Lu Xiang ran to the imperial capital alone. The subway line in the imperial capital was dazzling. Lu Xiang was also a super road idiot. He took the subway in the wrong direction and had to change lines halfway through At that time, the last train of the subway stopped running. Lu Xiang stood alone on the street blowing the cold wind. He couldn't get a taxi.

Liu Chuan, as the captain of Huaxia, was in Beijing again, and when he saw this news, he bubbled up in the group: "Where are you?"

Lu Xiang sent a row of tearful expressions: "Captain, my subway is halfway out of service, and I am now... I don't know the name of this street. There is a self-service bank opposite, and next to it is... "

After talking in confusion for a long time, he still didn't make it clear where he was.

Liu Chuan was helpless: "Just say which subway station you got off at, and you're done!"

"...I forgot, I'll go back and have a look." Lu Xiang quickly ran back to the subway station to take a look, this time he finally made it clear, "Captain, how should I go to get a taxi? It looks very deserted here, no Taxis and no bus stops."

Liu Chuan said with a headache: "Wait for me at Exit A of the subway station, I'll drive to pick you up!"

Everyone in the conversation group of the two saw it, and a group of people were silently laughing that Lu Xiang, a newcomer of the Huaxia team, was a super idiot.

Liu Chuan was really surprised when he saw Lu Xiang.

The skinny little child, who was less than 1.6 meters tall by visual inspection, had a face flushed red from the cold, rubbing his hands and stomping his feet there. Yes, when he saw Liu Chuan, he smiled and waved: "Captain, I'm here!"

When the little boy smiles, there will be two cute little tiger teeth in his mouth.

… is this the newcomer to our team

Liu Chuan was a little worried at the time. Did his parents allow such a small child to play in a professional league? As the captain, I didn't pay attention to this matter at all, it was really the captain's dereliction of duty.

In fact, Lu Xiang had only been in the Huaxia team for three months at the time, and Liu Chuan happened to be playing in a field, so it was normal that he didn't pay attention to the new recruits in the training camp.

Because it was too late, Liu Chuan simply took Lu Xiang to live at home.

When Professor Liu Boyuan saw that the child brought back by his son was actually playing games, he immediately frowned and asked, "How old are you?"

Lu Xiang replied obediently, "Uncle, I am fifteen years old."

Professor Liu's brows furrowed even tighter: "You started playing games at the age of fifteen, do your parents know?"

Lu Xiang scratched his head and said, "My parents passed away when I was very young. I was raised by my sister. My grades in school are very poor, and I definitely won't be able to get into college. I can play games well, and my hand speed is very fast. I want to be a professional player, my sister told me to try it out…”

Liu Chuan couldn't help but ask, "Your sister agrees with you to drop out to play games?"

Lu Xiang replied earnestly: "Well, my sister can also play games. She knows more about this aspect, so she agreed with me to join the Huaxia team."

Professor Liu's eyes swept over, Liu Chuan felt guilty for a while by his father, and hurriedly took the child to the upstairs room.

To be honest, he had been the captain for so long, and only in the matter of Lu Xiang, he suddenly felt a sense of guilt that he "didn't fulfill his responsibilities".

Liu Chuan borrowed his sister's laptop, turned on two computers at the same time, and asked Lu Xiang to go to the arena to play a few games with him. Comparable!

It's just that this guy obviously doesn't have a deep understanding of the game and lack of experience. He can't turn the basic hand speed into a real effective hand speed. As soon as his fingers are fast, he will press his hands randomly and make a pass.

Liu Chuan abused Lu Xiang for ten rounds, and Lu Xiang bowed his head in embarrassment and said, "Captain, am I being too naive?"

Liu Chuan smiled slightly and said, "You are indeed too bad now... But not necessarily in the future."

Liu Chuan closed the computer and walked in front of the young boy: "Don't be discouraged, you are very talented, and there is still a lot of room for improvement."

- A genius boy.

This is the conclusion that Liu Chuan and Lu Xiang came to after playing ten rounds.

Looking at the fifteen-year-old boy in front of him, he suddenly had the urge to accept an apprentice and give him everything he had.

Liu Chuan felt very distressed by this young boy whose parents died early, but he has always been strong and optimistic, a little crazy and a little confused.

It takes a lot of courage to come to play at such a young age. Many people in the e-sports circle don’t recognize it. Unknown players can’t make much money. Moreover, e-sports players have a limited career. The age of 18 to 24 is the peak period. After the age of 24, many people’s status has declined. Decline, have to retire, the way out after retirement is also a big problem.

The real society is cruel. In a society where college students are flooded, you can imagine how difficult it is for a high school graduate to find a job...

Lu Xiang didn't even graduate from high school, so he obviously bet everything he had to come to the game. If he can't succeed, he can't even stand in this competitive society at all.

—Since you have chosen this path, let me help you.

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Lu Xiang, why don't I accept you as my apprentice?"

"..." Lu Xiang was stunned.

He opened his mouth and widened his glasses, as if he had been hit by a five million lottery ticket. He couldn't believe it.

What did the captain just say? To accept him as an apprentice? The God of Sichuan, whom many people worship, wants to accept him as his apprentice

Liu Chuan looked at the big round eyes of the little boy, couldn't help but smile, reached out and rubbed his head and said, "How? The captain of the Huaxia team... Is he qualified to be your master?"

Lu Xiang immediately nodded his head like garlic: "Enough is enough! Enough is enough! Master!!"

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Then from now on, you will be my eldest apprentice?"

Lu Xiang was so excited that his eyes were teary, "Yes! Master!"

Liu Chuan rubbed his head and said in a low voice, "However, don't tell anyone about this for the time being. After returning to the team, you can continue to call me captain, and remember to keep a low profile. I'll accept you as soon as you join the team. Disciple, other youth training camps may be jealous, which is not good for you. I will not specifically guide you in the team. After training at night, go back to the dormitory and remember to go online, and I will teach you separately. "Lu Xiang is almost excited. I cried, and immediately nodded and nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

Liu Chuan said, "I didn't accept you as my apprentice, not because I sympathized with you, but because you were hardworking, brave, and talented in playing games..."

Liu Chuan paused, met the young boy's eyes, smiled and said, "As long as you are willing to work hard, one day, you will stand at the same height as me, and even surpass me."

Liu Chuan said these words very calmly, but Lu Xiang at that time thought that the captain was just comforting him.

The same height as Chuan Shen? At that time, he didn't even dare to think about it...


A year later, Liu Chuan suddenly submitted an application to the professional league, asking the league to change the age limit for players in the professional league to 16 years old, and brought Lu Xiang directly to the headquarters of the professional league, and asked Lu Xiang to play a few games in person for them. Look.

- Everyone was stunned.

- This is definitely a rare genius boy!

Liu Chuan said: "The careers of e-sports players are already very limited. Since there are talented teenagers, why use such rules to limit their chances of shining? There will be Lu Xiang today, and there will be more talents in the future. It's not fair to them if they are forced to waste a few years just because of age restrictions."

The chairman of the alliance and the senior management discussed for a long time, and finally agreed with Liu Chuan's suggestion.

In the fifth season, the Wulin Professional League changed the rules and adjusted the age limit of contestants to 16 years old, which shocked the entire e-sports circle!


On the day that Lu Xiang left the Huaxia team, in Liu Chuan's office, his eyes were red, and he looked at his master reluctantly.

Liu Chuan patted his head with a smile: "Go, the Bronze Sparrow team will give you a better stage."

The masters of the Huaxia team back then were like clouds, and the main players were all top gods. There was no chance for a rookie Lu Xiang to play. Therefore, Liu Chuan took the initiative to send Lu Xiang out to those who were eager for talents because of the retirement of the main team. Bronze Sparrow team.

Lu Xiang, a rookie in the youth academy, who is transferred to a team, will definitely not get a high signing fee. The manager of the Tongjae team gave Lu Xiang a contract with an annual salary of 60,000 because of Liu Chuan's introduction. 5% of the team's advertising endorsements are divided, and the future bonus will naturally depend on the situation of the game. This price is actually very high for a rookie who has never played a game.

Lu Xiang is a confused worm. He doesn't understand this at all. Even the signing of the contract is done by Liu Chuan for him.

Master arranged for him to go to the Bronze Sparrow team. Although he was reluctant to leave, he also knew that there were too many strong people in China, and it was difficult for him to have a chance to play in China.

Liu Chuan brought Lu Xiang to the Tongjae team, and only said a word to Shao Zehang, the captain of the Tongjae team: "Shao team, this is the apprentice I taught myself, and I will give it to you in the future."

Lu Xiang hid behind his master and peeked at the frost-faced Captain Shao.

After Liu Chuan left, Shao Zehang glanced at Lu Xiang coldly, and said solemnly and calmly: "It's gold, there will always be a chance to shine in the Bronze Sparrow team. It's trash, and I won't take your master's face. I'll take more care of you. You can do it yourself."

Lu Xiang: "… "

Shao Zehang is of mixed blood. It is said that his mother has European ancestry. Although he inherited his father's oriental face, his eyes are pale in color, which is different from ordinary people. Looking at him coldly with his pale eyes, there will be a feeling of chills down your spine as if your blood is about to freeze.

The two teams in the league are not easy to offend the captain, Team Xiao has sharp eyes, Team Shao has cold eyes, and many people dare not be presumptuous in front of these two.

Lu Xiang met the cold eyes of the new captain, and he didn't know how to answer for a while, so he could only stay where he was and raised his head, staring blankly at the man who was more than twenty centimeters taller than him.

Shao Zehang glanced at the dazed young man, frowned, and said, "Find me in the training room tomorrow morning at 8:00." Then he turned and left.

Lu Xiang: "… "

The confused little boy scratched his head, feeling that the new captain seemed a little too fierce...


In the fifth season, a sharp duo suddenly appeared in the league.

The extremely fast beggar gang and the extremely fast Mingjiao, the icy knife light and the violent stick technique, the dazzling and dizzying knife light and stick shadows, the double harvesting close-to-close combat style, gave countless strong teams headaches It was about to split, and even the giants Huaxia and Qixingcao almost stumbled, and they were placed in the hands of the new combination of the Tongjae team.

That season, Qixingcao won the championship, Huaxia won the runner-up, and the Tongjae team won the third trophy for the first time—for the Tongjae, who has never won a trophy, this trophy can be said to be a significant milestone!

Lu Xiang's annual salary has increased tenfold!

The cooperation between Shao Zehang and Lu Xiang has successfully brought the Tongjae team, which has been in the doldrums, into the ranks of the strong teams in the playoffs!

In the same year, in the official year-end inventory of the martial arts, Lu Xiang, a 16-year-old genius boy, became the representative of the brand-new beggar gang stick genre with extremely high popularity, and at the same time won the Best Rookie of the Year Award!

At the year-end award ceremony, Lu Xiang held the trophy of the Best Newcomer of the Year award, showing two little tiger teeth, scratching his head and giving his acceptance speech: "First of all, I am very grateful to Team Shao for their trust, Team Shao has withstood the pressure and let me A rookie played the main force and gave me the best chance... I would also like to thank my teammates for their concern and care. I have gained a lot in this year in Tongjak. Some people say that my arrival has made Tongjae team. In fact, It was the Bronze Sparrow team that made me!"

Lu Xiang paused, looked in the direction of the Huaxia team, and said seriously: "Here, I would like to thank one person in particular, and that is my master! Master, without you, there would be no Luxiang today! ... Thank you You, Master!"

Lu Xiang bowed deeply to the audience.

Then he added with a smile: "However, we will be in different teams in the future. If we meet on the field, I will not show mercy to you!"

Sitting under the stage, Liu Chuan smiled slightly and gave Lu Xiang a thumbs up.

Until this moment, everyone knew that there was such a powerful master behind Lu Xiang—the sea is open to all rivers!

The mentoring relationship between Liu Chuan and Lu Xiang has since become a legend in the professional circle.

It only took one year for Lu Xiang to become a god.

Some people say it's the halo of luck, some people say it's due to talent, and various coincidences have also become the content of the media often later, including the accidental encounter with the Sichuan team in the imperial capital, and Shao's admiration for him. Let the newcomer play the main force. and many more.

Without the help of the Sichuan team and the support of the Shao team, as a 16-year-old rookie, Lu Xiang would never have been able to make his mark.

Therefore, the title of the genius boy is often accompanied by a lucky boy.

Only the people around him know how hard this seemingly confused little boy has worked.

The reason why he loves to fall asleep is because he stays up late every day to train until late. The extremely high hand speed talent has finally been brought into full play!

In an interview with reporters, Shao Zehang commented on Lu Xiang, using a concise and comprehensive style, and summed it up in only one sentence: "I let Lu Xiang play the main force because he has this strength. Opportunities are only given to those who are ready."


Lu Xiang has been conferred a god since the fifth season, and is affectionately called "Xiang Shen" and "God Beggar" by fans. The combination of him and Shao Zehang is called the "Bachelor Sword Shadow" combination. The way they play looks very passionate and passionate. , giving people a very strong sense of combat.

Cold and sharp knife light, dazzling stick shadows, the two melee schools assist each other and have a tacit understanding. Being approached by these two people at the same time, it is almost necessary to give up their lives. Countless teams fell in front of the Bronze Sparrow duo, and the Bronze Sparrow team finally became one of the top giants and became a regular in the professional league playoffs.

Later, Lu Xiang encountered Liu Chuan on the field many times, and was repeatedly abused by Liu Chuan to tears.

During interviews, reporters always like to ask him: "Deputy Deer, didn't you say you won't show mercy to your master? Why do you always lose every time you meet your master?"

Lu Xiang scratched his head and said seriously: "My master is so sharp, it's normal that I can't beat him. Don't you know? Team Xiao, Team Tang, Team Lin, Team Ye, Team Chen... Many people have been abused by him. cried."

All the captains who were dragged into the water by Lu Xiang wanted to grab this bear boy and give him a good beating!

What's the matter with us!