The Strongest God

Chapter 252: Second round of the regular season


Wu Zewen killed Team Chixiao's first arena player, the Stick Beggar Gang, with 50% of his health, and then he had to face the second player. The second player sent by the opponent happened to be the Five Poison Gu Master. Wu Zewen belonged to the same genre, and the competition with the same door can best reflect the subtle differences in the players' operations. When Wu Zewen saw the opponent log into the competition room, he immediately prepared seriously for the battle.

The ID of the Five Poison Gu Master on the opposite side is called "Miao Jiang Poison Brother", and the character is also the male Five Poisons. Wu Zewen pressed the Tab key to check the other party's information. The clothes that Miao Jiang Poison Brother is wearing are the recently updated Five Poison Sect's top suit. , Like Wu Zewen, the matching of jewelry is completely different. Most of the jewelry that the opponent chooses is to increase poisonous attacks and hits. That is to say, the opponent likes a more stable play, and Wu Zewen's jewelry has a lot of added awareness effects. It is the short-term high-burst route.

Wu Zewen chose such jewelry in order to cooperate with Liu Chuan. Liu Chuan likes to use his big moves the second person the most. Wu Zewen naturally depends on his style, and he will try to cooperate with him as much as possible. In a short period of time, he will hit the highest damage and team up to kill the opponent in seconds.

Of course, a ring match is not like a team battle, and it is understandable that the opposing Five Poisons choose stable equipment.

Wu Zewen calmly looked at the direction his opponent was coming from. He fought the first player just now. Many of his ultimate moves were on cooldown, and the skills that he could use were limited, so he had to use the 50% of his blood to wear off the opponent as much as possible. More blood will pave the way for Lin Tong and Xu Ce behind.

Brother Miao Jiang walked to Wu Zewen, immediately summoned his own poisonous snake, and let the snake bite!

This player's style is obviously very aggressive. He calls the snake at the start. Wu Zewen sees him calling the snake, and he quickly summons his poisonous toad. Roaring is precisely the skill of the five toads to protect their masters—toad howl!

Toad Howl, can forcefully absorb the damage of up to 6 enemy targets within 6 meters to the owner!

Wu Zewen's hands were extremely fast, and he summoned the toad to forcefully absorb the damage, and all the attacking moves of the opponent's five poisons hit the toad!

Toad is a reliable bodyguard for the owner, a bit like a Shaolin meat shield to protect teammates. However, after all, Toad has limited HP and no active skills such as damage reduction and life saving, which is still far from Shaolin.

The hand speed of the poisonous brother Miaojiang is not weak, and the damage in a short period of time is extremely high. Wu Zewen's toad's blood volume fell madly, and it was about to die. Wu Zewen immediately sacrificed it without hesitation - Toad Xian The sacrifice can enhance the master's defense by 400%!

The big toad let out a "quack" and lay down on his belly in front of his master. Before he died, he didn't forget to give his master a "400% defense enhancement" buff.

Wu Zewen grasped the timing of summoning pets and sacrificing pets so well that the opponent's five poisonous beatings for a long time were equivalent to beatings for nothing!

What made the opponent even worse was that while Wu Zewen was operating the toad, he also operated his character to move sideways. His fingers quickly tapped the keyboard and pressed the shortcut key of the Thousand Spiders and Ten Thousand Poisonous Hands, and it disappeared in seconds with lightning speed. The other side's big snake!

There is a time limit for the summoning of five poisonous pets. After the same pet dies, it can be summoned again after an interval of 45 seconds. That is to say, during this interval, you can only use other pets, but cannot summon them. The one that just died. Wu Zewen took the opportunity to quickly kill the big snake, which is equivalent to directly abolishing the opponent's most aggressive pet poisonous snake!

The five poison players of the Chixiao team obviously did not expect Wu Zewen's speed to be so fast!

Two-line operation, summoning pets and attacking at the same time, Wu Zewen's strategy was methodical, and he dropped the opponent's big snake in seconds at the beginning of the game. Seeing that the opponent changed the summoning of spiders, Wu Zewen also immediately summoned the spiders whose cooldown time had just arrived - I saw on the big screen, Two big spiders followed the master majestic, two five poisons you pull me, I pull you, started a fast-paced tug of war!

However, the audience knows that such a tug-of-war is not good for the Chixiao team-because they have already sent their second in-ring contestant, while the Longyin team is still the first!

In the soundproof room, Qin Ye looked at the computer screen, touched his chin, and leaned into Liu Chuan's ear and said, "Zewen is very smart. If we keep grinding like this, our ring match will be won."

Liu Chuan smiled slightly and said, "That's right, our Zewen is a scholar. He must have calculated the damage very clearly. As long as he grinds the five poisons on the opposite side to residual blood, there will be no pressure on Lin Tong's side. ."

It sounded so proud.

Qin Ye couldn't help rolling his eyes: "I'm Kua Zewen's cleverness, what are you proud of?"

Liu Chuan said with a smile: "As the captain, I should be proud of having such a smart player, shouldn't I?"

"..." Qin Ye ignored him and continued to look up at the screen.

On the big screen, the battle between Wu Zewen and the opponent's five poisons has reached a white-hot stage. Brother Miao Jiangdu of the Chixiao team has already sweated in his palms. He found that it is difficult for him to keep up with the rhythm of this newcomer's five poisons. , dueling with the Misty Swamp makes him feel very difficult.

Even if his own blood volume is obviously more than the opponent's, but in such a fierce battle, the gap between the blood volume of the two sides is constantly narrowing!

No, it can't go on like this!

Team Chixiao has already killed a player. If the second place cannot establish an advantage, the ring match will definitely be lost...

Brother Miao Jiang gritted his teeth, and immediately raised his hand speed, sacrificing the spider, increasing his attack speed, and hitting the foggy swamp with residual blood with a combo of poison and attack. Seeing that the other party was starting to work hard, Wu Zewen immediately accelerated the rhythm. His mana was running out, and he could also release three "Thousand Spiders and Ten Thousand Poisonous Hands" skills and one "Vintimate Poisonous Heart" skill. If all four skills hit accurately , and can cause a lot of damage to the opponent.

Wu Zewen no longer hesitated, ignoring whether he had residual blood or not. He quickly pressed the keys with his fingers and quickly tapped four skills—

Thousands of spiders and poisonous hands! Heart-wrenching poison!

The four consecutive skills were released like lightning, and the audience immediately burst into warm applause!

Wu Zewen fought to his death, but he actually caused all four poison attack skills to deal critical damage, and the opponent's body showed four layers of poisoning!

Although the Mist Swamp fell at the feet of the opponent, the five poisons of the Chixiao team were in a state of poisoning on the fourth floor, and there was not much blood left.

Strictly speaking, Wu Zewen is equivalent to killing the opponent's No. 1 and maiming the opponent's No. 2. In the opening stage of the ring competition, he scored this result by one-on-two, and the enthusiastic applause of the audience was enough to prove Wu Zewen. How powerful is the performance.

After Wu Zewen stepped off the stage, all the members of the Longyin team stood up and applauded him.

With a smile on his face, Liu Chuan hugged him openly and said in a low voice, "Zewen, you are so handsome."

Wu Zewen looked away embarrassedly, looked back at Lin Tong and said, "There is still 30 seconds left for his blindness ultimate cooldown, Lin Tong, you have to be careful."

Everyone: "… "

- Xueba, do you want to count the cooldown time of your ultimate move!

Hearing the prompt, Lin Tong was slightly startled, and soon laughed: "Got it!"

The most powerful control of the five poisons is the blindness of the butterfly, especially for melee combat like Lin Tong, after being affected by the blindness effect, it is easy to be hit by the opponent's long-range kite for extremely high damage. The opponent had already used this skill in the battle just now. Wu Zewen wrote down the time. When he stepped down, the referee would suspend the game. Therefore, when Lin Tong played and restarted the game, the time for the cooling down of the opponent's ultimate move was just left. 30 seconds.

After Lin Tong came to power, he showed his bravery as a beggar gang and slapped the opponent's face with a set of palms. When he started to move, Lin Tong immediately flew up and quickly dodged to the side. At the moment when the overwhelming purple poisonous butterfly flew towards her, Lin Tong just avoided the control range of the blindness effect!

-so close! Thanks to Zevin for the reminder!

Successfully dodging the opponent's control skills, Lin Tong's spirit was shocked, and he immediately fought back. A set of beggar gang's combo directly brought down the opponent with residual blood at his feet!

Liu Chuan, who was sitting under the stage, saw this scene and was extremely relieved.

Zewen not only dealt with the opponent's first player very calmly, but also thoughtfully disabled the second player and calculated the cooling time of his ultimate move, making the most perfect foreshadowing for the teammates who appeared later.

At this time, Wu Zewen not only has precise positioning, skill prediction, attack calculation, and distance control, but more importantly, his grasp of the overall situation of a game is already approaching god-level players. .

Looking at his outstanding performance on the field today, who would have thought that this was the little rookie who was in the cottage outside Xincun Village and repeatedly bumped into trees with his big toad

Watching him grow step by step to what he is today, as the person who trained him personally, Liu Chuan couldn't help feeling very emotional.

Liu Chuan has trained countless new people over the years. Lu Xiang is the most talented one he has ever seen, while Wu Zewen is the hardest one he has ever seen. There is a kind of shocking strength and tenacity in Zewen. Liu Chuan found that he really appreciates and likes this serious and hard-working guy more and more.

I really wish I could put him in my pocket and take him with me everywhere...

Aware of the enthusiastic gaze projected by the captain, Wu Zewen looked back at him and said, "Lin Tong still has 90% of his health, and the opponent has already sent a third player to the field. It seems that today's arena will be won."

Liu Chuan touched his hair with a smile: "Yes, you have done a lot of credit, do you like to fight in the ring?"

Wu Zewen nodded: "Yes."

Liu Chuan said: "Many of your ideas are correct, but you still lack practical experience. In the future, I will send you to the ring more, fight with different opponents, and practice your skills well."

Wu Zewen said happily: "Okay."

On the field, after defeating the opponent's five poison players, Lin Tong faced off against the third in-ring player of the Chixiao team, the hidden weapon Tangmen.

The hidden weapon Tangmen genre is rarely seen in the arena, but it has a high appearance rate in team battles, mainly because the hidden weapon Tangmen is best for stealth and sneak attacks. Going face to face, if it is not a special obstacle-like terrain, it will be difficult to get around the opponent's back.

On a flat and wide terrain like today's "Butterfly Valley", it is extremely difficult to get around the opponent's back.

However, the player of Team Chixiao obviously also has two brushes. Using a combination of stealth skills and light power, he quickly circled behind Lin Tong. The moment he broke through the stealth, he immediately used the basic attack skill of the hidden weapon Tangmen - Soul Nail. !

When hitting a hidden weapon around the back, the damage will be increased to a certain extent. Lin Tong was hit by him with several layers of bleeding effects from behind. When he found the figure of the opponent, Lin Tong quickly turned his vision and rushed forward bravely!

- The dragon comes out of the water! Dragon Roar Nine Heavens!

-Flying flowers and picking leaves! Rainstorm pears!

The golden and dark blue skill light effects are intertwined, and the two of them have a melee and a long-range combat, and start a fierce confrontation where you chase after me. It's just that the male player from the Tang Sect was hiding behind, but it was the female player from the beggar gang who was desperately chasing after him. The style of this sturdy female beggar fighting against the weak young men made the audience a little speechless for a while.

Lin Tong has been chasing after him, and he used 90% of his blood to replace 90% of the opponent's health. When Lin Tong died, the opponent only had 10% of his health left, and the Longyin team finally entered the ring match. The third person - Xu Ce.

Seeing the ID of "Cema Jianghu" appearing on the big screen, several fans in the auditorium began to cheer enthusiastically. Sign: "Come on Vampire!"

After Xu Ce came on the court, seeing that the opponent had only 10% of the remaining blood, he didn't talk nonsense to the opponent at all, and simply played a set of combos at close range - draw the knife and slash! Silver Moon Slash! Break the air!

-[Cema Jianghu] killed [Tang Xiao]!

A set of spikes, no explanation.

Xu Ce took down the main flag and walked off the stage with a "really not fun" expression.

Audiences:"… "

Longyin team members: "..."

This kind of feeling was like Xu Ce went up majestically with a knife, chopped his opponent to death like chopping vegetables, and then turned to end.

Liu Chuan couldn't help but smile and said, "Zewen and Lin Tong have too many advantages. Our vampires have no room to play. You see his depressed face, and he must be complaining that you two didn't give him more blood."

Wu Zewen and Lin Tong looked at each other and looked at each other.

Indeed, the advantages established by his teammates are too great. When Xu Ce came out for the third time, the opponent was already red, and he had no room to play. He went on the field and hacked his opponent to death and then came off, just like passing by and playing soy sauce.

So, Xu Ce got a new nickname: "The one who makes soy sauce."

When Xu Ce swiped his phone and saw this Weibo, he immediately had the urge to open a small account to hack Weibo!

Can it be okay? One nickname per game, are you addicted to calling me nicknames? !