The Strongest God

Chapter 26: persist in


Lu Xiang: "… "

Master suddenly appeared in a cool way, and Lu Xiang expressed his shock.

When Liu Chuan said these words, not only Lu Xiang but also the captains of the major teams were shocked.

Liu Chuan continued to say hello: "Yo, there are so many acquaintances today."

"… "

"… "

"… "

The room channel suddenly brushed out a large row of ellipses.

Acquaintance, your sister, acquaintance, we are not familiar with you!

A group of people are scolding Lu Xiang in their hearts: You poor second-hand, who is not good to summon, you have been summoning people from the puppet genre here, and you have summoned the big bastard Liu Chuan back!

However, while scolding in the bottom of their hearts, the captains invariably explained to the team members—

"Team Chuan is going to fight in the arena, so keep your eyes open and look carefully!"

"Speed up the video! Record it and study it slowly!"

In the game, a newcomer boldly asked, "Didn't you retire, Chuan Shen?"

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "This is an online game."

The person who asked the question immediately blushed, and was so excited by Liu Chuan's appearance that they forgot that this was an online game, not a competition suit!

Players who retire from the competition server must log out of their data and accounts. If you retire from the online game server or not, everyone can play...

Some newcomers want to secretly add god friends, but found that this person has turned off the function of adding friends... Also, this Haina Baichuan is Liu Chuan's big name, the former captain of the Huaxia team, who once led Huaxia to win the annual Grand Slam, create A legend of a glorious era.

A group of people looked at this ID, which was once very familiar and now very unfamiliar, and couldn't react for a while.

Liu Chuan continued to say with a smile: "Xiaolu get ready, isn't he asking for abuse? Master is here to abuse you."

Xiao Luxiang was excited and jumped off the field immediately: "Come on, I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

Liu Chuan also went down to the ring area and started a battle with Lu Xiang.

A group of people hurriedly clicked to check his attributes, only to find that he did not change the orange weapon at all.

Lu Xiang obviously also found out: "Where are you Orange Martial Arts?!"

Liu Chuan said: "...I want to change it too, but unfortunately I don't have enough points."

God, your reasons are so real!

Everyone was speechless.

But this is also understandable. Since he retired, he has not logged in to the arena, and he has not played qualifying for a whole year, so the points are definitely not enough.

Liu Chuan smiled and said: "What's the hurry, I will still torture you without Cheng Wu."

As soon as Lu Xiang heard this, he swung his stick and rushed over: "Look at the move!"

Lu Xiang's style of play is very enthusiastic and aggressive, giving full play to the characteristics of the stick-type beggar gang as a field-controlling melee professional. The dog-beating stick in his hand is simply dazzling. His style of play seems to be messy, but in reality It is extremely calm, and the angle of every shot is very precise!

Therefore, Lu Xiang is a very magical person. He is obviously an idiot. He often walks in the wrong direction. He bumps around like a headless fly all day. His personality is simple and confused—

But when it comes to fighting, it is fast, ruthless, and accurate, which makes people have to obey!

Liu Chuan's understanding of Lu Xiang is too deep. At the beginning of the game, he walked away with ease, and placed seven human-shaped puppets around Lu Xiang at a very fast speed—

Puppet besieged!

The puppet Tangmen's middle-level skills, all the puppets quickly rushed to the surrounded target, and exploded near the target, causing a lot of physical damage to the target!

This is the sharpest encirclement formation of the puppet genre. The more puppets are released, the higher the damage will be!

Players in the online game can put two or three puppets at the limit in such a short period of time, but Liu Chuan can put seven at the same time!

You must know that what he is facing is not a static stake, nor is it an ordinary rookie, but the first beggar gang in the alliance known as the god beggar!

Lu Xiang's positioning and skills are already at the top level of the league, but even such a fast-moving expert was surrounded by Liu Chuan's extremely fast speed, and he was killed by a puppet. The damage, the blood volume quickly dropped by one third!

Lu Xiang was very calm. He knew that Liu Chuan would definitely fall within his attack range after releasing the puppet siege formation. With a glance out of the corner of his eye, he saw the figure in front of the left, and immediately rushed over—

The dragon comes out of the water! Bad dog blocking the way!

Using the Beggar Gang's Qinggong Jiaolong, he rushed out of the water and quickly rushed forward, and immediately connected with the forcible blocking skill, the evil dog blocked the road to cut off Liu Chuan's retreat, and then hit the dog's head with a stick - one of the most important attack skills of the Beggar Gang, hitting the opponent's head with a stick Department, causing a lot of physical damage and a stun effect!

The three moves in a row were released in an instant within 1 second. The onlookers only felt that Lu Xiang's beggar gang had already jumped in front of Tangmen like a shadow!

Seeing that the stick was about to be smashed down firmly, unexpectedly, Liu Chuan seemed to have guessed it long ago, and suddenly jumped off at the moment when the sharp stick hit him head-on—

Flying cranes soar to the sky!

One of the Jianghu Qinggong, jumping from the ground to a certain height.

Tangmen, dressed in dark blue clothes, jumped up, and the hem of his clothes was flying, as unrestrained as a Dapeng spreading his wings!

Because of the timely jumping up, the stick hit the dog's head did not hit the head. Although the damage was eaten, the stun effect was eliminated! The consequences of being stunned by the Beggar Gang will be very uncomfortable. The damage of the Beggar Gang's combo is too strong. Liu Chuan's avoidance can be said to be extremely ingenious!

The onlookers were amazed! If it weren't for the serious face of his own captain, many newcomers would want to applaud!

Many people thought silently in their hearts, if it was me, would I be able to escape the move just now

The answer is mostly no.

Lu Xiang's attacking moves are very stern and hot. The moment the vicious dog blocks the road and blocks the retreat, he immediately hits the dog with a stick. The connection time is less than 0.5 seconds. It is not easy to react within such a limited time. Liu Chuan But it did...

The responsiveness of Chuan Shen is really admirable!

Everyone was still amazed at the ingenuity of avoiding tricks just now, when they saw that Lu Xiang also followed up immediately without showing weakness, and then swept thousands of troops with one move, and swept directly towards Liu Chuan's legs!

Sweeping thousands of troops, beggar gang range attack skills, sweeping the legs of the enemy in a circular range, can knock down all the targets in the range!

Liu Chuan's Qinggong is difficult to turn in the air during the process of rising. Lu Xiangfang is also a ranged group attack skill. The damage of this move is solidly eaten. At the same time, because of the effect of being knocked down, Liu Chuan is directly hit. Hit the ground.

Lu Xiang immediately followed, and he could hit it with a stick, but suddenly saw a flower in front of him—


The puppet Tang Sect's intermediate skills, the master and the puppet exchange positions immediately!

A small puppet appeared in Liu Chuan's position, but Liu Chuan himself had already moved to another corner of the ring!

Many newcomers onlookers were stunned...

When was the puppet released? It seems to be flying lightly? Or while in the air? Under such a fierce battle situation, he still has the intention to secretly put a puppet in the corner...

The crowd couldn't help but feel cold in their hearts.

Many people didn't notice that Liu Chuan put a small puppet there. With one move, the master and the puppet forcibly changed positions. Lu Xiang's early control of the field can be said to be in vain!

Lu Xiang continued to catch up and fight, Liu Chuan still followed the same routine at the beginning, puppet formation, siege, shapeshifting, light power...

The two fought hard, but everyone could see that Lu Xiang was gradually losing ground.

Not to mention that Liu Chuan's repeated light moves and shifts forced Lu Xiang to run after him. Moreover, Liu Chuan's kite-flying style of play would make the melee profession extremely irritable, and he would always chase after him. Chasing, chasing, but not being able to hit, it's just annoying!

Five minutes later, Lu Xiang used up his last blood and finally lay flat on the ground.

Liu Chuan came over and stood beside Lu Xiang's body, knocking on a row of smiling expressions: "Not bad, I've made progress. It only took three minutes to clean you up before, but today it's actually five minutes."

Lu Xiang was depressed: "When will you take care of me for three minutes! And you are not retired? Why did you suddenly run back?"

Liu Chuan continued to laugh: "Aren't you calling me? I heard your call, so I came here to see..."

Lu Xiang: "… "

Everyone couldn't help but laugh.

Xiaoluxiang took it upon himself, and recalled a big devil, and everyone did not sympathize with him at all.

Lu Xiang got up from the ground, "Come again!"

Liu Chuan said, "No, it's really boring to abuse my apprentice..."

Xiao Sijing suddenly said, "Then Chuan Shen is interested in having a fight with me?"

All the pros are excited!

Lao Xiao is finally about to go out!

These two have been mortal enemies for many years. Team Huaxia and Team Seven Star Grass are veteran teams that have been established since the first season. They have met in the finals many times, and they have killed each other in order to win the championship. Before Liu Chuan retired, he voted for the most popular team every year, and the two teams were still in a stalemate. Anyway, wherever there is competition, there will be these two teams...

According to league statistics, the Huaxia team and the Seven Star Grass team met the most in the finals, and they are called the league's strongest mortal enemy. The fans of both sides are naturally incompatible, and they want to fight each other when they meet!

Xiao Sijing told Liu Chuan to come down to fight, will Chuan Shen fight

The atmosphere in the room was a little tense for a while.

Liu Chuan said with a smile: "Fighting with you? It's not good. So many people are watching, how embarrassing you lose."

Xiao Sijing also smiled and said, "It's because you haven't played a game for a long time, and you're handicapped. You're afraid that it would be embarrassing to lose in my hands?"

Liu Chuan said: "No, no, you are actually too weak, I don't want to bully you."

Xiao Sijing said: "It's not necessarily who bullies who."

Liu Chuan said, "I won't fight you anymore, my wife is calling me, bye."

—Your friend [Haina Baichuan] is offline.

Everyone: "… "

your sister! Is this a decisive escape

I've heard of urinating, power outages, mom calling to eat, grandma being sick...

Wife escape? This is the first time in the professional circle!

Where is your wife from

Everyone in the audience was about to laugh at this cheeky Sichuan God.


Seven Star Grass Team Club.

Xiao Sijing asked the players to go back to their rooms to rest after the ring match. As the captain, he continued to stay in the training room and opened the official website to check the weapon information. He held the mouse in his right hand and a cigarette between the fingers of his left hand. The last two bites are refreshing.

At this moment, footsteps suddenly sounded behind him, Xiao Sijing said without turning his head: "Shilun, are you still going to rest?"

Su Shilun wondered, "How do you know it's me?"

Xiao Sijing turned around and said, "Who else is a man who cares so much about his appearance besides you?"

When Su Shilun met his gaze, he couldn't help but smile: "Isn't it better to be clean? Do you want me to be sloppy and sweaty all day?"

Xiao Sijing did not refute it. It is very unwise to quarrel with a poisonous tongue man. Besides, Su Shilun has serious cleanliness and pays attention to appearance. This is something that the whole professional circle knows. The faint scent on his body is very good. He was very familiar with this smell. As soon as Su Shilun appeared, Xiao Sijing didn't even have to look at him, he could recognize him with his nose.

Knowing that he hated the smell of cigarettes, Xiao Sijing consciously put out the cigarette butt in the ashtray and asked in a low voice, "What? Are you worried?"

Su Shilun said, "You said that Liu Chuan had already retired, and he suddenly appeared at this time. Do you want to explain something?"

Xiao Sijing said: "Although he has retired, he will not really leave the league. After all, he has paid so much effort, how could he give up easily."

Su Shilun sat down beside him and listened carefully.

Xiao Sijing continued: "Liu Chuan came back today. Obviously, he saw the news from the professional player group, and stopped by to see the weapons. He is also very interested in the 24 weapons updated this time."

Game masters are interested in top weapons just like professional drivers are interested in top racing cars. Even if Liu Chuan retires, he cannot be indifferent to this large-scale weapon update.

Su Shilun nodded: "Look at him PK with Lu Xiang today, he is in good condition, and his hand speed is similar to before. When he retired, didn't he say that he couldn't continue the game if his condition declined? I always thought it was very strange. ."

Xiao Sijing smiled and said, "The state has declined? It's just an excuse, he will come back when it's time to come back."

Su Shilun was surprised: "You mean... will he come back? Will he go back to China?"

Xiao Sijing said decisively: "No. Even if Liu Chuan returns, he will have to wait until next year. Huaxia's current tactical core has completely changed. Liang Haibin took over as captain. With Liu Chuan's temper, it is impossible to go back. Liu Chuan's style You also know that the current strong team does not have a suitable position for him, and if he does choose to return, it will definitely bring a brand new team to the league.”

Su Shilun smiled and said, "You really know him."

Xiao Sijing also smiled and said, "The person who knows you best is not necessarily your teammate, but often your strongest opponent."

Xiao Sijing turned his head and glanced at the new special effects weapons of the Tangmen puppet genre on the computer screen—

Soldier: Phantom's Fall

Quality: Seven-star orange weapon

Genre: Tangmen, puppet genre

Additional Skill (Puppet Dance): Simultaneously release seven human-shaped puppets in any direction. Each puppet inherits 70% of the owner's attributes and takes full damage for the owner. Each puppet can cause a grounding effect to a single enemy within 3 meters in front of it for 5 seconds. During the grounding period, the enemy cannot move. Unless the puppet dies, the grounding effect cannot be lifted.

Seven puppets can be placed in any seven positions at the same time. If the operation is sharp, the seven puppets can even ban seven people at the same time.

This weapon... It's like it was tailor-made for Liu Chuan.

Xiao Sijing believes that one day, this weapon will meet its best master and exert its greatest power!

Su Shilun glanced at the data of the weapon and said, "If this weapon is obtained by Liu Chuan, it will definitely become an artifact. If according to what you said, Liu Chuan really brings a new team back, we will need more seven-star grass in the future. A formidable enemy."

Xiao Sijing said, "What are you afraid of, Seven Star Grass still has us."

Su Shilun raised his head, met the man's confident and firm gaze, and couldn't help but smile.

—Yes, what are you afraid of! Seven Star Grass and them, they have never been afraid of anyone!

Xiao Sijing, Master Sansi, the league's first punch Shaolin, the captain of the Seven Star Grass team, no matter in character or style of play, he is always so stable, sophisticated, decisive and straightforward. For those powerful opponents, he will only give respect, but never not be afraid.

Su Shilun, reincarnation, vice captain of the Seven Star Grass team, extreme hand speed, serious cleanliness, and appearance control, these are the initial impressions of him, but only those who have played against him know that this always loves to smile. How scary the man is.

Xiao Sijing, Su Shilun, the two ace of the Seven Star Grass team, the top god of the professional league!

It is said that they will fight side by side and never give up. The two have been fighting in the league since the establishment of Qixingcao. They have accompanied the Qixingcao team for nine whole seasons, and have been named the best partner for many times in a row. Liu Chuan led Huaxia with one hand, but Xiao Sijing and Su Shilun also led Qixingcao with one hand. Although they did not have the brilliant record of the Grand Slam as the Huaxia team, they were also a strong team in the league that no one dared to despise.

After so many years of walking side by side, the Seven Star Grass team has had the glory when they won the championship, and also had the trough that they could not enter the playoffs. No matter when, there is always this person by their side, they have never given up their team, and they have never given up their dreams when they were young.

Fight for the seven-star grass, fight for the champion!

That's why they insist.

Xiao Sijing quickly sorted out all the weapon data, turned off the computer, and stood up.

The man's always sharp eyes softened when he met the smile on the face of this comrade-in-arms who had accompanied him for many years.

Xiao Sijing stretched out his hand, gently wrapped his arms around Su Shilun's shoulders, and whispered, "Don't think too much, Liu Chuan'ai can go with him, and Qixingcao will train as usual here. I have to go to the airport tomorrow morning, and I will be early tonight. sleep."

Su Shilun smiled and nodded: "Well, you too, go back and rest early, don't stay up late."

The two returned to the dormitory together, and the conversation gradually drifted away.

The dim lights of the club elongated the figures of the two, and the backs walking side by side looked indescribably warm.