The Strongest God

Chapter 28: Long Qingfeng Road


After coming out of the wedding dungeon, the three directly used the sect teleportation order to go back to the master's door to learn the skills of level 30, and then meet at the Chamber of Commerce in Jiangling City.

The Chamber of Commerce is divided into two parts: Free Trade Zone and Commercial Bank.

In the free trading area, all players can set up stalls to sell or purchase goods by themselves, and the Chamber of Commerce will collect a small amount of booth rent from the players.

Firms are more formal. There are many shops here. Players only need to pay a part of the start-up capital to open a shop of their own. certified official store.

The advantage of the store is that all the goods can still be bought and sold when the owner is not online, and there is a perfect search system, which is very convenient. The disadvantage is that the rent charged is very high, it is not suitable for small businesses, and it is easy to go bankrupt if it is not managed well. Shops are more suitable for merchants from various big guilds and veteran players in the game. Most of the shop owners who really make a fortune by buying and selling things are such shop owners.

When the reputation of the store reaches a certain value, the scale can be expanded. Many stores in the old district have been expanded into department stores with dozens of pages.

In the early free trading area, few people sold things, and Liu Chuan directly opened the firm to search.

He brought Wu Zewen and Li Xiang here, mainly to buy some level 30 equipment. The three of them are all level 25 equipment, and it is indeed a bit reluctant to play a level 30 dungeon. It's ok if you don't change your clothes, but you'd better change your weapons, otherwise you won't be able to hit level 30 bosses.

Liu Chuan set the search keywords, and quickly found a bunch of weapons of 30-level sects.

Most of them are blue ordinary quality weapons, but strangely, many of the weapons come from a "Qingfeng shop".

Liu Chuan was a little puzzled, so he simply opened the Qingfeng store to have a look.

The entire store is filled with all kinds of blue-quality weapons, including machetes, long swords, palm sleeves, and guqin. There are all eight schools. The transaction records next to it show that within an hour, the store's weapons will be sold. Went out a dozen.

What is rare is that in a short period of time, the price of a store with such a high reputation is quite fair, and it has not appeared in the new district's black heart price. The price of a level 30 blue weapon is marked at 50 gold, which is a very conscientious price.

—Is this a professional businessman

Liu Chuan couldn't help being curious, and chatted with the owner privately: "Where is the shopkeeper?"

The other party's reply was very simple and straightforward: "In the copy, there is no counter-offer."

Liu Chuan sent a smile: "I'm not here to bargain, I want to ask, how did you get these weapons?"

The other party replied: "A copy of the famous sword pavilion."

Liu Chuan suddenly felt that he was being educated as a novice!

Of course, he knew that the level 30 weapons were created by a copy of the famous sword pavilion, but the question was, how could there be so many

Liu Chuan continued to ask: "Famous Sword Pavilion dungeon has a daily limit on the number of times, can you hit so many weapons?"

The other party continued to regard Liu Chuan as a little white education: "I will swipe alone, and there will be additional rewards for single swiping."

Liu Chuan: "..."

One person only brushes the copy, buddy, you are really awesome!

Liu Chuan hasn't played a dungeon for a long time, and he almost forgot about this setting.

All the dungeons in the martial arts are divided into "normal mode" and "hero mode". The normal mode is relatively simple, and it can be passed by a group of six passers-by with normal IQ. The main purpose is to go in to gain experience, and there are very few equipment rewards. The dungeon of hero mode can only be entered five times a day, which is very difficult and may not be able to pass if a group of 6 people is full. However, after the dungeon of hero mode is cleared, the rewards are very rich, not only a lot of gold coins, materials, but also more advanced purple Equipment, in case of encountering a hidden boss, there will be additional surprises. The elite groups of the big guild are basically based on heroes.

The special feature of martial arts dungeon rewards is "floating rewards", that is to say, the rewards of dungeons are not fixed, and will be adjusted according to your clearance time and the number of teams. The fewer people and the shorter the clearance time, the more rewards will naturally be.

The reward for a single copy of a copy is the most generous, so some masters like to go to a single copy of the ordinary copy to upgrade.

However, although the ordinary book has the word "ordinary", it doesn't seem to be difficult, but after all, it is set up as a six-player dungeon.

This person can finish the normal dungeon alone, and it is really not easy to play so many equipment in a short period of time.

Although blue equipment is worthless and throws it away after a few days, his idea of running a shop is very clear. In the new area where Xiaobai and rookies are everywhere, purple equipment is too expensive, and many people cannot afford it. Instead, it is cheap and affordable blue equipment. The color equipment circulates very fast, and his price is very fair. Obviously, he is a professional businessman who wants to do long-term business and pays more attention to accumulating customer reputation!

Liu Chuan quickly clicked on this person's personal information to view—

Daoist Qingfeng, martial art: Wudang, level: 33.

At present, there is no guild-related information, indicating that this person does not belong to any major guild. He is there by himself to brush the dungeon, and when the weapon is brushed, it is sold in the store he opened, and he can make money while upgrading, without delay.

He has excellent technology, can play dungeons alone, and is also very experienced in the operation of shops - is this a top expert from the old area

Liu Chuan was suddenly a little interested in this Daoist Qingfeng, and couldn't help but send a friend request.

The other party called a question mark: "What?"

Liu Chuan said: "Don't play the ordinary book, join the group, and let's play the hero book together."

Daoist Qingfeng was very rude: "Can you pass the level of the hero?"

Liu Chuan replied: "Of course."

Daoist Qingfeng: "Don't talk big, I don't want to waste time by going to the hero's life and death, who are you in your team?"

Liu Chuanhan!

There are two little whites in the team, of course, I can't say this to the other party...

Liu Chuan said cheekily: "Anyway, you haven't used up the number of hero books today, so you might as well give it a try. If the team I lead can clear the hero book, you will give me the management authority of the shop, and I will take a stake in your shop, we will Let's manage and operate together, what do you think?"

Daoist Qingfeng fell silent.

This person is like a lion. As soon as he comes up, he needs the management authority of the store. How can there be such a cheap thing

You must know that his Qingfeng shop is currently the top shop in the entire firm. The circulation of goods is very fast. If there is no accident, it can be directly upgraded to a second-level shop tonight. With so much money in it, the two have never been caught On the other hand, is the management authority granted

Liu Chuan continued: "It's a good idea to sell blue equipment to gain credibility in the early days, but after all, the price of blue equipment is too low, and the accumulation of funds is too slow. It’s not enough to do big business and just sell equipment.”

Daoist Qingfeng was silent for a moment, and then typed a line: "Of course, the most profitable commodities in the later period are the Five Element Stones, various quest materials, and the precious output of advanced life skills."

Liu Chuan said: "Yes, after about a month in the new area, most of the people will have reached the full level. After the full level, the market demand for the production of life skills will increase exponentially, and the advanced five-element stones that strengthen equipment will be sold out. Even if it is expensive and out of stock, only these can really make big money. I think you are very ambitious, so you don’t just want to sell a few pieces of blue equipment in the early stage, right?”

Daoist Qingfeng replied very quickly this time: "It seems that you are also a veteran. I will trust you for a while, but you need to manage the authority when you speak. You should submit your name and name? You don't think, just say a few words, Will I agree to partner with you?"

Liu Chuan: "..."

This man is too cautious! Store shares also need to vote for a certificate!

But what he said was right. After all, what he said was useless, and he didn't know the character of the other party through the Internet. He only said a few paragraphs and separated the management authority of the store. That's really worrying IQ. In the old district, there was a case where the shop partners broke up because of the uneven distribution of the spoils. The big boss offered a bounty all over the world to hunt down the second boss. When it comes to money, it is better to be more cautious!

Liu Chuan found that he seemed to appreciate this professional businessman more and more! Calm, cautious and promising!

After thinking about it, Liu Chuan typed and said, "Isn't it easy to submit a certificate? I don't have much money on me now, but I can give you the supply of blue equipment. I'll go to the dungeon a few times and give you some equipment. Sell. Then you join the group, let's play the hero book a few times, you can check my level and character by the way, and then make a decision, what do you think?"

Daoist Qingfeng said simply: "Okay."

The reason why Liu Chuan took a fancy to this Qingfeng shop is very simple. The owner of this shop is not only of high level, but also a rare free person who is not linked to any guild. Although this kind of independent businessman does not have the source of goods from the trade union, he can A free man also has the advantage that he does not have to accept the management and restraint of the union, which means that he has the possibility to cooperate with any guild!

If the level is sufficient, such merchants can even control the circulation of high-priced goods in the market in the later stage!

Liu Chuan had an intuition that this Daoist Qingfeng had started accumulating funds by brushing the store's reputation so early, and his ambitions were not small. It is very easy to deal with such a master, and he can understand many things as soon as he says it. In addition, he has a very thorough understanding of the market conditions, and it is even more rare for an independent businessman with a vision.

Liu Chuan really wants to run a shop by himself, but he is back to school now, and his time and energy are limited. He has to bring Wu Zewen and Li Xiang out of school as soon as possible to participate in the college league. He is really too busy. It would be great to have a professional businessman as a partner!

Liu Chuan took a quick glance at the Qingfeng shop, and found and bought the hidden weapon Tangmen's level 30 blue weapon. Then he searched the equipment market again, and bought some level 30 weapons, clothes, etc. for Wu Zewen and Li Xiang. For shoes, etc., send a transaction application to Wu Zewen.

Wu Zewen looked at the equipment on the trading panel and asked, "How much?"

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Do you still need money to buy things for your wife?"

Wu Zewen said "Oh" and calmly accepted it.

Li Xiang was in a complicated mood next to him.

-What's the matter with this feeling of Wu Zewen being nurtured? !

Just as he was thinking, a transaction application suddenly popped up on the screen. Li Xiang clicked to agree, and saw Tangmen quickly put a bunch of blue equipment on him, Li Xiang expressed his flattery: "So many?! I didn't money..."

Liu Chuan said, "I don't want the money, just take what I gave you."

- Is this me being fostered too

Li Xiang looked back at Wu Zewen, and found that this guy had put on all his equipment calmly, and was still indifferent to the chat news of the team channel.

Li Xiang coughed and asked, "Zewen, do you think this Tang Sect seems to be taking care of us?"

Wu Zewen nodded: "Yes."

Li Xiang was mad: "Why are you so calm!"

Wu Zewen wondered: "Isn't it good to have a master belt?"

Li Xiang was silent for a while, then burst into tears!

He found that he could not refute Wu Zewen's words...

Liu Chuan sent a smile on the team channel: "You're welcome, I received a red envelope for the wedding, and I still have some money here."

Li Xiang had no choice but to accept it cheekily, "Thank you!"

Liu Chuan added: "These red envelopes are all given by people from the Seven Star Grass Guild. It is estimated that Heartbroken Grass is trying to pull us into the guild. If they contact you two, don't let go. The Seven Star Grass is also a troublesome thing, and I owe them to them. A large amount of human debt, I will think about what to do."

Wu Zewen didn't understand the entanglement of these big guilds, so he agreed when he saw the news: "Well, I see."

Li Xiang knew what the team guild meant, and quickly reacted: "Oh, I understand. The management of that kind of big guild is too strict, and there are quite a lot of hostile guilds in the Seven Star Grass. Fighting and killing every day is not suitable for me. , it's better to be free!"

Liu Chuan sent a thumbs up: "Smart."

After a pause, he said again: "You wait five minutes, I'll brush up the copy, and see you at the gate of Mingjian Pavilion later."

Li Xiang wondered: "You want to brush the copy? Why don't you go together?"

Liu Chuan said: "I'll go to the single brush a few times, first brush some weapons out."

Then, he retreated from the team in seconds under Li Xiang's shocked eyes.

Li wanted to stay for a long time before turning around and asking, "Zewen, did he just say... that he is going to do a single copy?"

Wu Zewen nodded calmly: "Well, what's wrong?"

Li Xiang was shocked: "Single-level 30 normal dungeons? Many guild masters can't do it! If you die after level 30, you will be punished and you will lose experience. He is so painful to single-play? Why don't we play together? …”

Wu Zewen said: "Since he dares to go, he must be sure."

Li Xiang was speechless.

Classmate Wu Zewen is so calm at all times, he can't refute every time!

Although he knew that the level of this Tang Sect was really good, he was still unable to determine how powerful this Tang Sect master was

Since Tang Sect said he wanted to play solo, I just took the opportunity to see his level!

Liu Chuan naturally knew that Li Xiang still didn't trust him, and that Daoist Qingfeng would also be suspicious of him...

However, their concerns will soon disappear!

-Prove your ability to your teammates, isn't that easy

5 minutes later, Liu Chuan came out of Mingjian Pavilion with two blue weapons in his bag, and then he sent a group message to Daoist Qingfeng, Wu Zewen and Li Xiang: "I'm out, see you at the gate of Mingjian Pavilion."

Qingfeng Daochang sent a string of ellipses: "... Finished brushing?"

Liu Chuan sent a smiley face: "Yes, luckily, I got two weapons."

Daoist Qingfeng was probably surprised, and he didn't reply for a long time. It's a bit too exaggerated for a person to finish a dungeon in 5 minutes... Didn't he buy two weapons from the market to make up the number

Liu Chuan lost a team invitation to the three of them, and Wu Zewen and Li Xiang soon joined in. Wu Zewen still didn't respond much because he didn't understand. Li Xiang said in shock: "Damn it! This is the end of the brush? I just came back from the toilet! You finished brushing in five minutes?"

Liu Chuan said with a smile: "For a level 30 normal copy, just push it all the way, it's very simple."

Li Xiang:"… "

Nima, how can you make those little white teams who have been tangled in ordinary books for half an hour

After a while, Daoist Qingfeng also joined the team.

Liu Chuan sent a smile: "Welcome to the new teammates."

Wu Zewen and Li Xiang cooperated in sending two emojis of applause and welcome.

Daoist Qingfeng was still very cautious: "You did it yourself? Five minutes?"

Liu Chuan was helpless: "You still don't believe it! Do you want me to videotape it for you?"

Daoist Qingfeng said, "No need."

Liu Chuan just thought he believed it, but he sent another sentence: "I will come to the door of Mingjian Pavilion to see you brush again."

Liu Chuan: "..."

your sister!

Liu Chuan was very helpless.

Daoist Qingfeng's calmness is different from that of Wu Zewen. Wu Zewen is a bit naturally dumb. He didn't understand the rules of the game when he played online games for the first time, and his personality was relatively gentle. No matter what he said to him, he would not have much reaction.

But the Taoist Master Qingfeng knew too much about the game, and because he knew too much about it, he knew very well that the masters in online games were able to play the copy of the famous sword pavilion alone, and the time was usually about eight minutes. Liu Chuanwu Finished in minutes, he must not believe it.

Liu Chuan had no choice but to send a smile: "Okay, come to the gate of Mingjian Pavilion and watch me brush with your own eyes. Coordinates 1733, 1892."

After a while, a Taoist priest wearing Wudang 30-level martial art equipment appeared in the sight of the three. His name was displayed in blue, indicating that he was a teammate who joined the team.

Daoist Qingfeng also saw these three people, so he sped up and flew over from a distance.

I saw that Wudang Daoist jumped up, and a neat and neat Ti Yunzong made a beautiful Tai Chi pattern with icy blue sword energy, and landed in front of the three of them like a Dapeng spreading his wings. The blue and white Taoist robe was turned up due to the movement of the landing, and the posture was neat and handsome.

Liu Chuan couldn't help but send a thumbs up: "Qinggong is quite handsome, Taoist priest."

Daoist Qingfeng said, "Go in and brush the book."

Liu Chuan: "... Okay, I'll go right now, I'll serve you!"

To be so questioned is simply unbearable!