The Strongest God

Chapter 293: Gift


At the same time, in Qingdao, the Qixingcao team's training room.

Xiao Sijing said simply: "The next game of Longyin will be directed by Liu Chuan. We will play according to the previous thinking of playing Huaxia. Also, Longyin will definitely choose a very tricky map at home. Everyone must be prepared for a protracted battle. Prepare."

Su Shilun looked back at him and said, "Are you sure it's Liu Chuan's command? Why not Lan Weiran?"

Xiao Sijing said calmly, "Lan Weiran is too lazy and Liu Chuan is too cheap. It is more logical for the two of them to take turns."

Su Shilun: "..."

Seven Star Grass crowd: "..."

Team Xiao summed up in one sentence, this reason is simply irrefutable.

Lan Weiran was too lazy, he definitely wanted to rest after commanding a game; Liu Chuan was too cheap, and the endless tricks and tricks made people hate him. In the last match, Liu Chuan deliberately sat on the bench to rest and stunned countless audiences. In this match against Qixingcao, he wouldn't be sitting on the bench again, right

Su Shilun couldn't help laughing and said, "You know Liu Chuan, then we will mainly focus on Liu Chuan's play style, but we must take more precautions. You can’t always be prepared for nothing.”

Xiao Sijing nodded, glanced back at the team members, and said, "Xiao Xue, Xiao Bei, is there any problem with the two of you continuing to enter the ring?"

Shark said calmly, "No problem."

Chen Xiaobei raised his head and glanced at the master with big eyes, and said, "I'm fine."

Xiao Sijing said: "Very good! Liu Chuan and Lan Weiran are both old rivals. In this game, we have to think carefully about how to play."

- They are all old rivals, and they fought countless times back then, but don't think I'll be afraid of you when you form a group!

—Xiao Sijing has never been afraid of anyone.

Su Shilun looked at the confident and firm gaze of the man beside him, smiled slightly, and said, "I just finished the game this afternoon, I think everyone is tired, why don't you let everyone go back to sleep and have a good night's meeting tomorrow morning? how?"

Su Shilun's so-called "everyone is tired" is just an excuse, in fact, he is worried that Xiao Sijing is tired.

In the afternoon, the fierce battle against the Bronze Sparrow lasted for an entire hour. Team Xiao was a little tired after the game, so Su Shilun wanted this man who had been spinning all day to relax and have a good night's rest.

Looking at Su Shilun's gentle eyes, Xiao Sijing nodded immediately and agreed: "Okay, then according to what the vice-captain said, everyone go get a good night's sleep first, keep your spirits up, and come back to the training room tomorrow morning to prepare for the battle."

When everyone heard this, they immediately dispersed and walked away in an instant.

Only then did Su Shilun walk in front of Xiao Sijing, help him tidy up the wrinkled corners of his clothes, and say, "Look at you, your clothes are soaked with sweat, go back and take a shower, so as not to catch a cold."

Xiao Sijing looked at the man in front of him who lowered his head to help him organize his clothes, the corners of his mouth could not help raising, and he said in a low voice, "Okay, I will listen to you."

In front of the team members, Xiao Sijing is always the calm and domineering captain of the Seven Star Grass, but in front of Su Shilun, this man occasionally has a gentle side.

Xiao Sijing rubbed his temples wearily and said, "I'm really tired, let's go and go back to sleep."

After saying that, he wrapped his arms around Su Shilun's shoulders and walked to the dormitory side by side with Su Shilun.

In the corridor, I happened to hear that Xue Ke and Chen Xiaobei were discussing to play a few arena PK games in the evening. The young people are energetic, and the two young apprentices played very well in the game this afternoon. They are not tired at all. Continue to practice in the ring.

Looking at these two serious and hard-working teenagers, Xiao Sijing and Su Shilun looked at each other and smiled with relief.


The members of the Longyin team returned to the team headquarters in Changsha at around eleven o'clock in the evening.

It was very late, and Liu Chuan asked everyone to go back to the dormitory to sleep. He took out the key and opened the door on the third floor, but when he turned on the light, he was startled—a huge dog suddenly rushed towards him, almost knocking Liu Chuan over.

Liu Chuan hurriedly supported the wall and stood up, patted the big dog on the head and said, "Pushing on the wrong person, your father is here."

Only then did JOJO let go of Liu Chuan, wagging his tail and walking in front of Xu Ce, raised his head and looked at his master tearfully.

Xu Ce: "..."

The corner of Xu Ce's mouth twitched, but Jiang Shaoqing met the big dog's tearful eyes, and his heart softened. He squatted down and touched its head gently, and asked softly, "What's wrong, JOJO? It looks like Aggrieved?"

JOJO rubbed his head hard against Jiang Shaoqing, whimpering and wagging his tail.

Wu Zewen adjusted his glasses, looked around the house, and said, "Is it hungry? Look at the bowl where it eats being licked clean."

Jiang Shaoqing turned his head and said, "Xu Ce, didn't you leave food for him when you went to Shanghai yesterday?"

Xu Ce lowered his head depressedly, and said with some guilt: "I... I left in a hurry, as if I forgot."

JOJO also bowed his head aggrievedly. The dejected appearance of the owner and the pet was carved out of a mold.

Seeing Xu Ce bowing his head and admitting his mistake, Jiang Shaoqing didn't want to talk about him anymore. He turned around and went to the refrigerator to find some spare ribs that had been prepared before and put them in the basin for JOJO to eat.

The guy was clearly starving, and was almost chewing his bones.

Seeing this scene, Liu Chuan couldn't help but said: "We often go out to compete, and it is not an option to leave JOJO alone in the team. Otherwise, let Aunt Sun come back to take care of him when we go out to compete in the future."

Before going out to the competition, Liu Chuan would give Auntie Sun a holiday, and she didn't need to come back to cook, but Aunt Sun would occasionally come back to help everyone clean up. This time, it happened that she didn't come back due to something at home, and Xu Ce forgot to leave some food for JOJO. So that the poor JOJO was left in the team and starved for a day, and was so wronged that he almost cried.

At this time, eating the fragrant pork ribs that Jiang Shaoqing gave him, his mood felt better.

After he was full, JOJO licked his mouth contentedly, ran to Jiang Shaoqing's side and rubbed his hand, leaving the master Xu Ce aside.

Xu Ce frowned and said, "Don't rub it, you've rubbed the hair all over your body for a while."

JOJO didn't listen to him, instead he wagged his tail to demonstrate.

Liu Chuan said funny: "The father doesn't leave food for his son. Your son is going to betray. He obviously prefers Jiang Shaoqing who gave him ribs."

Jiang Shaoqing's face flushed slightly, and he said, "Stop joking, Team Sichuan, it's just starving and throwing a little temper."

Xu Ce suddenly said: "It likes you so much, why don't I give it to you."

Jiang Shaoqing said in surprise: "This... You have raised it for so many years, how can you give it away casually?"

Xu Ce said: "It's okay, you are so careful, I am more at ease if you take care of it. Besides, our JOJO seems to like it more for a while, right?"

JOJO immediately cooperated with the master and nodded vigorously.

Xu Ce smiled and patted its head, gave it a "really smart" look, and said, "From today onwards, you can change your surname to Jiang."

JOJO barked happily twice, then turned around and bit Jiang Shaoqing's trouser legs.

Jiang Shaoqing: "..."

Is this really the rhythm of changing the surname Jiang

After taking a shower that night, the Longyin team's WeChat group suddenly rang. It turned out that the captain announced a major news in the group: "Our team's mascot JOJO has changed his surname, and his surname is Jiang today."

Lan Weiran replied: "This person is already asleep, something is burning paper."

Liu Chuan sent him a burning incense emoji. Lan Weiran threw the phone aside and pressed mute, then continued to sleep peacefully.

Qin Ye frowned and said, "Do you want to change your pet's surname? Liu Chuan, what are you doing?"

Liu Chuan said, "It's none of my business. It was JOJO's father who didn't want it and gave it to Jiang Shaoqing."

Li Xiang was giving Qin Ye a shoulder massage when he saw this WeChat message popped up in Qin Ye's phone, and he accidentally squeezed a row of finger prints on Qin Ye's shoulder. Qin Ye was in pain."呲" he snorted and looked back at him.

Li Xiang busy reached out and rubbed his shoulder, and said, "I accidentally missed it just now... Does it hurt?"

Qin Ye turned his head and said coldly while looking at his phone, "I'll chop off your hand if you dare to miss it again."

"..." Li Xiang ignored his threat, gently pinched his shoulder, and said with a smile, "Are you willing?"

Qin Ye didn't speak.

I really chopped off my hands for a second, and I was really reluctant. After all, this guy's massage skills are getting better and better.

Li Xiang smiled and helped him massage the muscles of his shoulders and back. The movements of his fingers became more gentle. Seeing Qin Ye squinting his eyes comfortably, Li Xiang was also very happy. He knew that Qin Ye had a bad mouth and a good heart. I don't give him a good face, but in fact Qin Ye also cares about him very much.

There was still trouble in the WeChat group, so Qin Ye was bored and started the group to watch a play.

Lin Tong appeared suspiciously and said, "JoJo is going to change his surname?"

Jiang Shaoqing said: "Xu Ce is just joking, everyone ignore him."

Xu Ce said: "No kidding, I said I will send you off."

Yu Xiangyang sighed: "This is the style of a local tyrant. A purebred Alaskan dog will be given away if you give it away! Have you received it in a while?"

Jiang Xue also came out to join in the fun and said, "Can't we call Xu Ce JOJO's father in the future?"

Liu Chuan suggested, "Then call it a vampire. Isn't that what all Xu Ce fans call it?"

Xu Ce: "..."

Jiang Shaoqing, who was in the quilt, looked at the chat records in the group, and was very confused. What does it mean that Xu Ce suddenly gave him his pet that he had kept for many years

At this moment, Jiang Shaoqing's cell phone rang, and it was a text message from Xu Ce: "You like JOJO, he likes you very much, shall we raise him together in the future? You are more careful than me, at least you won't let him It's starving."

JOJO's tearful appearance when he rushed over today was really distressing. Xu Ce would indeed ignore this pet sometimes when he was busy, so it would be more assured that two people would take care of it. Jiang Shaoqing thought for a while and replied, "Then I will help you take care of it, and I will be responsible for feeding it in the future."

Xu Ce immediately took JOJO and called Jiang Shaoqing to the bathroom in a good mood, on the pretext that he wanted to give JOJO a bath. Poor JOJO was so sleepy after being washed by the master that he could not wait to fall asleep while standing on the ground, but the master insisted on taking it as his own. Shield stayed with Jiang Shaoqing for a while, and washed its hair back and forth three times, until it was black and white and spotless.

At that time, Jiang Shaoqing had no idea that he would jump into a big hole dug by Xu Ce. In the future, if they want to separate, he will definitely be reluctant to bear this mighty pet, but he loves to rub his big head with his big head while wagging his tail.

Xu Ce is slowly infiltrating his life.

Maybe when he finds this out one day, he'll be hopeless.