The Strongest God

Chapter 3: School season


August 29, Guangzhou.

It's the opening season of the new year again, and the railway station is bustlingly pulling up long banners that welcome new students from major schools.

The person in charge of C University who came to the train station to welcome the new students today is the vice president of the student union, Jiang Xue, the fourth-year history department. A beautiful woman with long hair and long legs, she is straightforward and enthusiastic. She stood at the train station for an entire afternoon under the scorching sun. .

At 4:30 in the afternoon, Jiang Xue had just settled in several junior sisters from the liberal arts college, and when she looked up, she saw a tall boy not far away. The boy was wearing simple jeans and a black T-shirt. Because of his tall stature, he stood out in the crowd. He wears a peaked cap with a low brim, and a pair of large sunglasses on his face. His jawline is clean and neat, and there is a slight smile on the corner of his lips.

Seeing the banner at the Welcome Office of the C University, the boy walked towards it.

This classmate's appearance is a bit too cool, isn't it? A group of people couldn't help but look up at him.

The boy stopped at the welcome office, took off his sunglasses, and asked politely, "Excuse me, when will the school bus come?"

Jiang Xue was stunned when she met his gaze.

He was very handsome, with a smile on his face, and he seemed to be easy to get along with. The quality of this year's freshmen is quite high. Standing at the orientation all day, handsome guys and beauties emerge in an endless stream, but this boy seems to have a very special temperament... Is he really a freshman? Why isn't there any greenness and immaturity that a freshman should have

Although Jiang Xue had some doubts in her heart, she still answered enthusiastically, "I'll be there soon. Junior brother, which college are you from?"

The boy said: "The history department."

Jiang Xue smiled and said, "That's a coincidence. I'm also from the History Department. If you need help in the future, feel free to come to me. By the way, my name is Jiang Xue, and I'm the monitor of the fourth-grade class of the History Department."

At this moment, Jiang Xue's cell phone rang suddenly, and it was the classmate who was in charge of the shuttle who told her that the school bus had arrived.

Jiang Xue greeted the younger brothers and sisters to gather. Under her leadership, a group of people walked to the parking lot opposite.

Jiang Xue asked the freshmen to get on the bus one by one, and she was the last to get on the bus. I glanced at the car and found that the place next to the history department boy just now happened to be vacant, so I walked over and sat down beside him.

Looking sideways, the boy has put on earplugs and is picking up his mobile phone with his head down to play games.

He has a pair of very good-looking hands, with slender fingers and even knuckles. When his hands tap quickly on the screen, they are as dazzling as a pianist playing a difficult piece of music on the keys.

His expression was very focused, and the game he was playing was "Rhythm Master".

This is a very popular music game in recent years. Beat the beat with the rhythm of the music. Successful combos can increase the score. It is easy to get in a hurry when encountering fast-paced songs. very high.

Jiang Xue watched him play for a while, and saw that the number of hits on the screen was rising, but it didn't stop once.

At the end of the song, the dazzling golden words "All COMBO" popped up on the screen. Jiang Xue couldn't help but praise: "Junior brother, you are really good at playing Rhythm Master! I can play this song more than 400 times in a row at most. , you can actually hit more than 700 combos!"

The boy said: "The difficulty of this song is average. I can even make it even more difficult. I can even complete a song with 1200 notes."

Jiang Xue: "..."

This man is really not humble! More than 1,200 hits... Won't his fingers cramp

Jiang Xue couldn't help but took out her phone and said, "I'll add you on WeChat, let's play a game together."

The boy said, "You will lose."

Jiang Xue said unconvinced, "That's not necessarily true."

After scanning the QR code and adding his WeChat, Jiang Xue chose a song "Croatian Rhapsody" that he is good at... But he lost horribly! Not to mention missing a lot of buttons, the final combo count is less than half of his? !

The boy smiled happily: "I said you would lose."

Jiang Xue: "..."

Seeing his smiling face, Jiang Xue suddenly had the urge to vomit blood.

How can such a difficult song be able to hit all of them? What is his speed? Simply insane!

The depressed Jiang Xue saw that he continued to put on earplugs and tap the screen of his mobile phone with ease, and finally couldn't bear to send a message in the circle of friends to complain: "Today, I met a junior brother who is very good at playing rhythm, just casually. Even after hitting thousands and watching him play a few games of Rhythm Master, I almost don't know the game Rhythm Master! I feel tired and don't love it!"

The school bus finally arrived at the school an hour later, and the freshmen rushed to the registration counters of the major colleges downstairs with their suitcases to register. Only the boy just now carried his luggage and lowered his head as he went to the dormitory area on his own. go in the direction.

Jiang Xue kindly reminded him: "Junior brother, you have to go to the reporting office to register first, and then you can get the key to the dormitory after registration."

The boy said, "No need, I'll go directly to the dormitory."

Jiang Xue said in surprise, "Aren't you a freshman?"

The boy smiled and said, "I'm a senior, I just rubbed the school bus on the way, thank you!"

Jiang Xue: "..."

Seeing that he quickly disappeared with a suitcase in front of him, Jiang Xue was completely speechless.

Classmates, seniors are still riding the school bus with freshmen! Being so thick-skinned is also a realm! !


C University male dormitory area, Building 1, Room 301.

The boy who came back from the school bus walked to the door of the dormitory and found that the door of the dormitory was open, and a buddy inside was shouting: "Jihuo Nanny! Speed! Kill the nurse first!"

A roommate next to him is also shouting: "Go up, go up, kill them!"

"Take it away in one wave, beautiful!"

The gorgeous words "Victory" popped up on the computer screen, and the two boys clapped their palms excitedly. After hearing the sound of the door slamming, the two looked back and saw a tall and handsome guy standing at the door with his luggage, smiling at them and saying, "Hello."

The two people in the room froze at the same time: "Who are you?"

"New roommate." The boy walked into the room with a suitcase in his hand, stretched out his hand and said gracefully, "Grade 4 in the history department, Liu Chuan, please take care of me."

Liu Chuan thought that the boys' dormitory would be a mess and smelly, but when he walked into 301, he found that the dormitory was clean and tidy. The floor was obviously just dragged, the water was still wet, and several roommates had bed curtains hanging on their beds, and all kinds of luggage and sundries were covered by the bed curtains, so it looked very neat and orderly from the outside. The empty bed was also made clean, which made a very good first impression.

If these roommates are too lazy to clean up the bed and leave him a dirty place, he must do it himself.

A few roommates were good, and helped him make all the beds in advance.

Liu Chuan was in a good mood, and had a little more affection for several new roommates.

The boy who roared to kill the nanny first stood up, walked over and shook hands with him, and said with a smile, "Hello, the head teacher told us about this, you are welcome to come and live! My name is Li Xiang, I am the dormitory of dormitory 301. Chief, this is Zhu Xiaoyu, this is Yang Tao, the three of us are students from the Department of Physics. The vacant beds here are reserved for you. If you need help in the future, please let me know. Let’s live together. You're welcome!"

This boy named Li Xiang has an enthusiastic and straightforward personality at first glance. He smiles very brightly. He is also about 1.8 meters tall, about the same height as Liu Chuan. Although he likes to play games, he is not as full of acne as an ordinary otaku. , looks very handsome with thick eyebrows and big eyes.

-ideal? The name is a bit funny.

Liu Chuan nodded and said with a smile: "Okay, Li Xiang, you guys continue to play, I'll pack my luggage first."

Li Xiang said: "Then do it yourself! Let's continue to play games."

Liu Chuan pulled the box to the empty seat and put it down, and packed his luggage swiftly. Li wanted to sit back in his seat and continue to play games online with his roommates.

Ten minutes later, Li Xiang suddenly slapped the table hard: "I'm going, why did the nurse drop the line?"

Zhu Xiaoyu also patted the stool in cooperation: "Nurse dropped the call, this game will definitely be lost!"

Li Xiang said depressedly: "I finally won two hands, passers-by are really unreliable!"

Yang Tao said: "That's right, it's too bad luck to lose the last game!"

Hearing the indignation of the three roommates seemed to be depressed, Liu Chuan couldn't help but glanced back at their computers - at this sight, Liu Chuan couldn't help but be amused!

Martial arts…

The new roommate is actually playing this online game.

The interface on the computer is exactly the map of the online game arena of the martial arts arena. Li thinks that a few of them were killed by the opponent because of their teammates being disconnected, and they are tangled in the resurrection point.

Familiar with the incomparable game interface, familiar with the incomparable team battle mode...

Liu Chuan has fought in this game for many years, and at this moment, he is very kind.

Liu Chuan pretended to be very innocent and asked: "Are you playing online games? Is it martial arts?"

Li wanted to say, "Yeah, can you play this game too?"

Liu Chuan said, "Well, I played for a while."

Li Xiang turned back curiously and asked, "What martial art do you play?"

"Tangmen." Liu Chuan raised the corners of his lips and added, "However, I just started playing, and my level is relatively good."

Hearing that the new roommate also played Tang Sect, Li Xiang immediately became excited: "You can play too? Great!"

It's really hard to find a place to break through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it!

Li thinks that they are playing in the arena, but there are always not enough manpower, five are short of one, and passersby must be formed every time. Today is because the passer-by's nanny's network is not good, and the connection is always dropped at critical moments, resulting in repeated team elimination during team battles.

He wanted to drag the school tyrant Wu Zewen into the water to play this game before, but he didn't succeed in dragging it, now it's good, the new roommate can actually play it!

Doesn't this just happen to change from the "five missing one pit father mode" to "the sharp mode of the six-member fixed group"

However, he said his level was very good...

It doesn't matter, horizontal dishes can also be cultivated slowly!

Li Xiang immediately walked up to Liu Chuan and said enthusiastically: "It doesn't matter if you are a good cook, just play for a few more days. I have played Tangmen for more than a year, and I am very familiar with Tangmen. Why don't you come and find me in the game? , I'll take you to the arena!"

Liu Chuan waved his hand and said with a smile, "No need. They all say 'don't be afraid of a god-like opponent, but a pig-like teammate'. I'm afraid that my pig teammate will implicate you."

Li Xiang patted his shoulder cheerfully: "You're welcome! Just come and join me in the game, I'll cover you!"

"..." Liu Chuan smiled without saying a word.

In the "Memoirs of Li Xiang" a few years later, classmate Li Xiang recorded the scene where he met Liu Chuan for the first time—

That summer, in 301, Building 1, Student Dormitory C, there was a god-like expert standing in front of me, but I didn't know how to cherish it, and said to him: I will cover you.

… Ha ha.