The Strongest God

Chapter 32: Team Guild


The clan guild is stationed in online games to help the clan become famous and unite fans. The most important thing is to find potential newcomers to replace the team, to add fresh blood to the clan, so as to avoid the phenomenon of lack of connection after the main team of the clan retire.

For example, Lu Xiang, who was a good seedling discovered by the Huaxia team in the online game that year, was recommended to go to the Huaxia youth training camp. When he met Liu Chuan, he became a god in one year!

As the captain of Qixingcao, Xiao Sijing is a visionary, and the youth training camp of Qixingcao is very formal. Many of the outstanding players in the youth training camp are talents discovered by the Seven Star Grass Guild from online games.

Liu Chuan guessed that the three people of Nepenthes suddenly changed their attitudes. This must be the president who saw that he was good and sent to win him over.

The so-called cannibalism is soft-hearted and short-handed. He accepted the red envelopes from those people in the Seven Star Grass Guild. Now that the other party is coming to pull people, it is not very good to refuse directly. Besides, this time it is the guild leader who personally dispatched, he will always give some points. Face... Rejection has to be tactful.

Liu Chuan thought for a while and said, "President, thank you for your kindness. For someone like me who likes to cause trouble, if I join your guild, I will definitely bring you a lot of hatred, so let's forget it..."

Broken Heart Grass said boldly: "Put hatred? This is not to be afraid of! We are a professional PVP guild, and we have never been afraid of anyone. What enemies do you have? Tell me, joining the guild is your own brother, and your enemy is my enemy. "

Liu Chuan couldn't help laughing and crying!

Do you know who my worst enemy is? He is the captain of your seven-star grass team!

If Xiao Sijing knew that you guys actually dragged your nemesis Liu Chuan into the Seven Star Grass Guild, he would definitely beat you to death...

Liu Chuan reluctantly said: "It's really not good to join the club, why don't you do it like this, President, you must be interested in playing the 40-level world boss, right? It happens that I am also interested, why don't we have a cooperation, I will help you fight the boss, you see how?"

Broken Heart Grass looked at this line of news in shock.

World boss? He's not dazzled, is he

Broken Heart Grass asked solemnly, "World Boss? Brother, are you kidding me?"

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "No kidding, I'm a real person."

Heartbroken Grass was speechless.

World bosses, that is, the bosses who roam around the world map, the refresh time is random, and the difficulty is quite large. The top-level bosses that can kill a group of people with a wave of their sleeves. The level 40 world boss is wandering in the southern border area. He is the traitor Qianzhu Elder of the Five Poison Religion. The most abnormal part of this person is to summon spiders, big spiders and small spiders. There are countless spiders, and all players are wrapped in spider webs and poisoned to death. Super hard to beat!

The value of this kind of boss is not simply measurable by a few thousand gold coins. The world boss is the local tyrant in the game. All players who participate in the killing can get a reward package, and the package will randomly open equipment, materials, gold coins, five elements of stone, and possibly even precious mounts!

World bosses are not only difficult to fight, but before the boss fights, the fight between unions is a bloody battlefield. Every time the world boss is refreshed, the entire map is densely packed with heads, and the major guilds fight and kill, it is like a river of blood.

Every time a guild can win a world boss, there is usually a sharp commander who has a strong overall view.

Heartbroken Grass couldn't believe it: "Are you sure you can beat the World Boss?"

Liu Chuan sent a smile: "I have commanded before, and I know how each boss plays. However, to win the world boss, it depends not only on the ability to fight, but also on the competition between several guilds at that time. I need to understand first. , which PVP guilds are stationed in this area?"

This Tang Sect is actually the most rare commanding talent? ! Have you ever commanded a world boss? !

The heartbroken grass was immediately excited, and soon sent a document: "The great guilds stationed in this area will be: Seven Star Grass, Tongquetai, Huaxia State, Luohuaci, Prosperous Tang Dynasty, Chang'an Magic Night, Beacon Fire Wolf Smoke , the beauty of the country, the fragrance of the country,…”

Huaxia, Tongque, Prosperous Tang Dynasty, Chang'an, National Color, Beacon Fire, Falling Flower Ci, Seven Star Grass...

The quarterfinals of the playoffs of the ninth season!

Liu Chuan was speechless: "The top eight are here?!"

Broken Heart Grass sent a row of tears: "Yes, it's lively, right?"

Liu Chuan: "..."

Broken Heart Grass continued: "Anyway, the news will be announced soon, and I will not hide it from you. Starting next year's Spring Split, the alliance will expand the size of the team and add two new team places. This time, many team guilds have settled in the new area, just want to explore more from the new area. Some potential newcomers will add fresh blood to the team."

Liu Chuan naturally knew this, as the masters in the old area were basically poached by the major teams, so when the alliance expanded, it was normal for the teams to go to the new area to dig people.

Maxima often has it, but Bole doesn’t often have it. Every time a new area opens, there will be many newcomers Xiaobai who don’t know that they are suitable for careers and slowly upgrade from the novice village, such as Li Xiang and Wu Zewen. For newcomers, what the clan guild needs to do is to keep their eyes open to look for these Maxima, and when they encounter masters, they dig their own clan to cultivate.


The top eight teams are all here, is it a little exaggerated...

Liu Chuan wondered: "With so many guilds entering the new area, why is the World Channel so quiet? The only record in the dungeon is that Guose just scored a score of more than 52,000 points, which is a bit low... The dungeons of other guilds are all What are you doing?"

Heartbroken Grass said helplessly: "Because there are too many guilds, the guild leader who knows the news will choose to keep a low profile, and no one wants to be a standout! On the first day, everyone was watching, and the record of Guose will soon be broken. , Several elite groups of guilds are ready to enter the dungeon. Starting from level 40, the competition between the guild darts mission and the world boss is the real melee."

Liu Chuan was speechless for a while: "The top eight are here, it's difficult to grab the boss..."

Heartbroken Grass is very depressed: "Not only that, some guilds have even come to the president and the elite group of the old district."

Liu Chuan wondered: "How do you know so clearly? You have sent undercover agents in all major guilds?"

Broken Heart Herb sent two embarrassed expressions.

Liu Chuan smiled: "Don't be embarrassed, other guilds must have undercover in your Seven Star Grass."

Broken Heart Grass sent a handshake expression: "It's good that you know the master. It's not easy to be the president! This area is really against the sky, just in time for the reform of the tournament, I guess the major teams have also greeted the guild, everyone I want to take the opportunity to catch more newcomers…”

Liu Chuan asked, "When you Qixingcao came to the new district, did Team Xiao greet you?"

Heartbroken Grass said, "No, no, Team Xiao doesn't care about the guild, it's the instructions of Sister Sanse."

Liu Chuan understood now.

The president of the Seven Star Grass Guild, the three-color landscape grass, this woman is also a sharp-minded person with great vision.

In previous years, there would not be so many teams entering the Kaixin District at the same time. This time it is just the event reform. It is said that there will be two new team places in the spring competition next year. Many masters in the private sector will definitely take the opportunity to play in the professional league. Every time a new team is added to the alliance, it is a bloody storm. The new team is in the top position, many old teams are about to be eliminated, and the team rankings are reshuffled.

Sending the guild to the new district to poach people can be considered far-sighted.

Encountering a master to dig into your own team is better than being absorbed by a new team formed by the folks, right

The so-called masters are among the people. China is so big, and if you are not sure, you will kill a dark horse from somewhere...

Liu Chuan said that he wanted to help Qixingcao win the level 40 world boss, which was indeed a bit exaggerated. He originally thought that there would be at most three or four PVP guilds stationed in this area, but he did not expect eight at a time! Snatching the world boss from the other seven guilds is as difficult as snatching a piece of fat from the mouths of seven starving tigers... as difficult as going to the sky!

Liu Chuan thought for a while, and said, "Cough, President, let's see the situation at that time. Let's act according to the situation. I will try my best to help you grab it. If I can't grab it, I can't help it."

Heartbroken Grass can't help laughing and crying: "Brother, let's not talk about the world boss, I sincerely want to invite you to join our Seven Star Grass Guild. You are a master, you should understand, there are many big guilds in this district, and our guild is one of the best in the team guild. Yes. If you are interested in playing in the professional league, I can also recommend you to go to the youth training camp of Qixingcao for an interview.”

Go to Qixingcao's youth training camp for an interview...

Are you sure I won't scare Team Xiao if I go to Qixingcao for an interview...

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Thank you, President, for your kindness, no need."

Heartbroken Grass is depressed: "Master, do you despise our Seven Star Grass Guild?"

Liu Chuan said: "No no, I'm used to being a free man, and I have a few relatives and friends around me. We want to form a team to play dungeons by ourselves, and don't like to fight with the guild. I don't want to owe you favor, so I still Let's help you grab the boss, that's it."

Heartbroken grass had no choice, so he nodded and said, "Okay. If you can come to help the level 40 boss, I thank you in advance!"

Liu Chuan said: "You're welcome, let's talk about it if you can grab it!"

Heartbroken grass had to temporarily give up the plan to win over the master.

The president personally came to pull, which has already given him enough face. This expert is determined not to join the guild, and he can't help it. Fortunately, this master continues to remain free, at least not being pulled away by other hostile guilds, which is a good result!

Broken Heart Grass was about to retreat when a message from a Tang Sect master popped up in the lower left corner: "By the way, President, do me a favor!"

Heartbroken Grass wondered: "What are you busy with?"

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Your Seven Star Grass is a professional PVP guild. You can't compete for the dungeon records, right? I'm forming a team to play the dungeon, and there are two people missing. Can the people in your guild lend me two?"

Heartbroken Grass: "… "

I go! I have not succeeded in attracting you, but you have pulled people from my guild in turn

Liu Chuan said: "Just the three grasses! I remember that there are two Wudangs, and the operation is quite good. Let me record a copy."

Broken Heart Grass hesitated for a moment and said, "I'll ask them."

As one of the largest guilds, Seven Star Grass has never participated in the competition for dungeon records.

Because Xiao Sijing said, "What kind of copy? Real ink."

The management kneeled directly! Team Xiao’s words are domineering, and the Seven Star Grass has no longer competed for dungeon records. It has become a professional PVP guild, which specializes in recruiting sharp players in the arena. The Seven Star Grass Guild’s cohesion is very strong, and there are many violent people who will fight. Large gangs Battles are rarely lost. However, the dungeon aspect is relatively weak, and most people of Seven Star Grass do not like to play dungeons.

Nepenthes, Mimosa, and Moongrass, these three people are average in the Seven Star Grass Guild, and they are not experts but veterans. However, even if the level of these people is not high, it is not a big problem to play a small dungeon of level 30. The old players who have played for a few years are definitely not bad.

Broken Heart Grass thought for a while, and soon made up his mind, pulling the three Nepenthes into the team.

Nepenthes sent a puzzled expression: "What's wrong, President?"

Heartbroken Grass said: "Do you still remember that Tang Sect master from before? He lacks two people to play the dungeon, so let the two of you Wudang come over to help."

Moon Grass said: "Okay, I'm just idle."

Mimosa says, "I'm fine too!"

Nepenthes is depressed: "Don't you want me?"

The president said ruthlessly: "They have Shaolin in the team, and you are also Shaolin."

"..." Little Pig went to the side to vomit blood silently.

Heartbroken Grass said: "It's like this, I don't know what level this Tang Sect master is. He said that he commanded the world boss, and I want to see how holy he is. Mimosa, you keep your account number and password private. Chat with me, and I'll get on your account to make a dungeon with him."

When the chairman said this, Mimosa immediately nodded and agreed, and sent the account number and password on QQ.

Broken Heart Grass opened another game window to log in to his account: "Send me the verification code on your mobile phone."


Broken Heart Herb landed successfully and said, "Wait a few rounds before I return your number."

Mimosa sent a smiley face: "It's okay! President, you can play, I'm going to sleep, just give me the number tomorrow!"

This account happened to be a friend of Tang Sect, and Broken Heart Grass directly right-clicked to request to join the team, and it was quickly approved. In addition to the previous Tangmen, Wudu, and Shaolin three people in the team, there was another Wudang named "Qingfeng Daochang", and Broken Heart Grass came to the door of Mingjian Pavilion with doubts.

Li wanted to see acquaintances, so he said hello: "Is it three grass? Captain, did you call them?"

Liu Chuan said with a smile: "Instead of calling some unreliable strangers in the world, it is better to call them, at least the operation is more reliable."

Li wanted to ask, "What about that little pig?"

Moon Grass said embarrassedly: "He is Shaolin..."

Li Xiang gloated: "Oh, I'm Shaolin too. Our team doesn't have his place, and the dungeon rewards don't have his share."

Moon Grass showed Xiao Zhu a screenshot of this sentence, and Xiao Zhu continued to vomit blood.

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Come on, the two newcomers gather together, first listen to me on how to play, and then start playing directly after entering the book, and see how far away the score recorded in the copy is."

Liu Chuan carefully explained the dungeon's style of play to the two new Wudangs. The more they listened, the more shocked they became—

This kind of play is completely unheard of, right

In the first stage, everyone is safe in the flying roof. In the second stage, the guards are controlled by Tangmen and Wudu. What the two Wudang need to do is very simple, that is, the maximum intensity of brainless output is enough to brush DPS...

Moon Grass couldn't help chatting privately with its own president: "President, I have never heard of this style of play."

Broken Heart Grass frowned and said, "I've never heard of it either. This Tang Sect is a bit interesting, let's go ahead and play a round before we talk about it."

Liu Chuan is still explaining patiently: "This dungeon will be easier to play if it has a remote school. The two new Wudangs will cut the Qizong school, sort out the equipment and skills, and if there is no problem, enter the book."

The four of Liu Chuan have worked together three times before, and the cooperation has already been very tacit. In addition, the long-range career that Liu Chuan came up with will not suffer too much damage as long as he stands in a good position. Shaolin, who is the most stressed, needs to grasp the limit rhythm and eat. Red medicine sucks...

Heartbroken Grass is frightened to see that the blood of the Shaolin master has been maintained at 5% immortality!

Playing a copy does not actually form a nanny? !

Although he is a professional PVP player and doesn't like to play dungeons, he at least knows that playing dungeons is usually a configuration of one T, one milk, and four outputs! This wonderful team doesn't have a wet nurse. Poor Shaolin eats the red medicine by himself like a baby without a mother, and is stuck eating red medicine for 30 seconds! If he is a little bit inattentive, he will die after missing a second or two!

What's even more tangled is that this Shaolin is struggling on the line of life and death, while still having time to type there...

"Hey, that Wudang, your skills are empty! Don't be distracted! Recording, be serious!"

The heartbroken grass almost spurted out a mouthful of blood.

As the president, he was actually taught by Xiaobai...

The mobs in the front yard were so frightened that they were killed. In the first boss stage, everyone avoided the pursuit and passed easily. The mobs in the backyard were directly attacked and killed in groups, and the guards who added blood to the boss were all pulled away by Tangmen and the five poisons. The speed of the blood is like a blood collapse...

Soon, the copy was successfully completed. It took 20 minutes and the score was rated at 45,000 points.

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Forty-five thousand points, that's not bad! The current record is 52,000 points of the National Beauty and Heavenly Fragrance Guild. After going out, adjust it and try again. Don't paddle Mimosa."

The president with a Mimosa account: "… "

The six people entered the book again. After the run-in just now, the speed of the fight was much faster this time. When the boss fell, the score was rated at 49,000 points, which was only 3,000 points away from the record. It should be no problem to update the equipment.

Liu Chuan said with a smile: "Okay, the four of us have run out of times today. Let's gather again at 12 o'clock to start the fight."

Broken Heart Grass said in surprise: "Isn't the limit five times a day?"

Liu Chuan said: "Before you entered the group, we have already brushed three times."

Heartbroken Grass: "… "

four people? The four of them went to the hero book? Four people without a nurse go to the hero book? Have you successfully passed the level three times

A mouthful of old blood from the president got stuck in his throat again...