The Strongest God

Chapter 33: Red Maple Villa


Li Xiang was in good luck today. Every time he touches the boss, he loses at least three purple outfits. Five times the hero comes down, and the equipment on the four of them has changed a lot, especially Daochang Qingfeng. , After a few times, all the purple outfits are complete.

The weapons between the three major schools of many sects are completely different, such as the whip and insect flute of the five poisons, the bow and arrow and hidden weapon bag of the Tangmen...

Only Wudang is special. The positioning of Wudang in the game is the martial arts of swordsmanship, so the weapons of the three major schools are all long swords. The specific school will be marked on the weapon in detail.

Wudang is divided into three schools: Jianzong, Qizong and Taiji. Jianzong can be understood as a high-explosive melee swordsman, relying on the superposition of sword intent to quickly strike opponents, the skills are released instantly, and the sense of strike is extremely strong.

Qi Zong is a long-range occupation, which can be understood as a long-range mage, relying on sword energy to hurt people from a long distance, with a long attack distance and high damage.

The Tai Chi genre is quite special. It is a field-controlling genre that uses slow and fast games. It relies on various gossip formations, Taiji formations, and other field-controlling formations to assist teammates. Many skills need to be read and released, which is easy to be interrupted. , requires a strong ability to predict and see the big picture.

Which genre does Daoist Qingfeng play, Liu Chuan couldn't tell after watching it for a long time.

When he first joined the group, he was wearing Sword Sect's equipment. After entering the dungeon, he changed into Qi Sect's equipment without Liu Chuan's reminder. Obviously, he quickly saw Liu Chuan's intention to use the ranged class to fight mobs. Among the three schools of Wudang, Qi Zong is the ranged mage. The two schools, Jian Zong and Tai Chi, are not suitable for their team's current configuration. .

Daoist Qingfeng's comprehension ability has reached the point where he can instantly grasp team cooperation without the need for the captain's instructions at all...

Moreover, he has a very deep understanding of the major guilds and major teams. Li Xiang said that he is "Jianghu Baixiaosheng" is really right!

This Wudang is not easy!

After five consecutive dungeons, Daoist Qingfeng has been silently observing the operation and command of Tangmen, why hasn't Liu Chuan been secretly paying attention to the operation and consciousness of this new teammate? A level 30 dungeon has limited room to play. However, a master's sense of smell is very sensitive. After a few dungeons, the two of them probably know each other's level in their hearts.

After five dungeons, it was only half an hour before 12 in the morning. Liu Chuan once again took a few people to the Jiangling Chamber of Commerce area to find equipment. By the way, he traded all the unnecessary equipment from the dungeon today to Qingfeng, so that He hangs it in the shop and sells it.

After a few hours, the blue equipment of Qingfeng shop was almost sold out.

Liu Chuan asked: "Master, do you want to upgrade the shop to Level 2 first? Is there enough money for the upgrade? I still have some money here."

Daoist Qingfeng said, "Enough is enough."

The first-level shop has only 16 grids on one page to store goods, while the second-level shop has 32 grids on two pages, and continues to rise. The highest is the tenth-level shop, with 10 pages of space, a total of 160 grids.

After the store is upgraded to the second level, you can add another manager.

After so many hero dungeons, Daoist Qingfeng had already made a judgment on the level of this Tang Sect, and without hesitation, he directly added Liu Chuan to do shop management. Store management has the authority to deposit and withdraw funds, deposit and withdraw goods, modify the price of goods, etc., except that it cannot log out and upgrade the shop, it is almost the same as the authority of the shop owner.

Addition management must be cautious. In the old area, there have been cases where shopkeepers used people carelessly, and the funds of large shops were looted. Therefore, Daoist Qingfeng is so cautious, and Liu Chuan said that he can understand it very well.

Daoist Qingfeng chatted with Liu Chuan privately: "You can put the equipment in the store and try it. The management password is 7963."

Liu Chuan was no longer polite. He directly opened the shop panel, entered the password, and logged in as a manager. Sure enough, he could store the goods. Liu Chuan quickly put all the equipment in the bag and marked the price.

Li Xiang said on the team channel: "Daoist, you opened this Qingfeng shop? It's amazing, and its reputation ranks in the top three!"

Daoist Qingfeng called a word: "Well."

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "I'm also managing it now, and everyone works together to make money. Master, you don't understand this, so go and practice your skills first."

Li Xiang:"… "

Li Xiang, who was despised, scratched his head silently.

Wu Zewen recommended himself very seriously: "Do you want to do business? I can help you."

Liu Chuan couldn't help laughing.

This little money fan is really interested when he encounters financial problems!

Li Xiang echoed: "That's right, the math of the Five Poisons is particularly good, and he is the best at accounting!"

Daoist Qingfeng said: "Second-level shops can only be managed by two. When the shops are upgraded to level three, I will add you to manage them."

After saying this, Daoist Qingfeng was a little surprised himself. Why did he believe these three people inexplicably? It seems that I have only known these people for less than three hours, right? Probably because the master is too second, he doesn't look like a liar with deep scheming...

Li Xiang was completely unaware that he had received another "second-hand" evaluation, and said happily: "Partnership to make money together, this feels really good!"

Wu Zewen is also very interested in doing business, he carefully looked through the store's transaction records, and carefully analyzed: "In the early stage, everyone upgrades quickly, the blue equipment is bound immediately after equipment, and it will be thrown away after wearing it for three or four days. Not high. Purple equipment is not bound, and can be traded twice, but the price is very expensive, and ordinary players can't afford it, but there are many rich players in the game who pursue the quality of equipment, are they willing to spend money to buy purple equipment?"

Liu Chuan said, "That's right. There are still quite a few local tyrants in this game."

Wu Zewen said: "I see that the Taoist priest's shop is full of blue clothes, which will make the rich players not even interested in opening the Qingfeng shop. After a long time, it is easy for these people to see the name of the shop and skip it directly. It’s not very good for future development. I think it’s possible to hang the blue outfit and the purple outfit together at a ratio of 3:7, which will not affect the flow of goods in stores, and can also attract the attention of high-end players who want to buy purple outfits.”

The academic tyrants analyze problems with sufficient arguments.

Liu Chuan saw the line of words that Wu Zewen typed seriously, and couldn't help but smile, sent a thumbs up and said, "My wife is right."

Daoist Qingfeng: "..."

Every word of a wife, are you strict with your wife? Are you...

Liu Chuan said with a smile: "Daoist, just as my wife said, let's hang all the purple clothes in. Our store will go into the high-end material market in the future, and now it's right to slowly attract the attention of local tyrants."

Daoist Qingfeng also had no opinion, and put all the purple clothes that he had just typed out at a price and put them in.

While talking to his teammates, Liu Chuan quickly searched the firm to buy a batch of purple clothes he needed, and traded them to Wu Zewen and Li Xiang respectively.

Li Xiang was surprised: "Why do you spend money to buy it? We can just brush a few pieces by ourselves..."

Liu Chuan said: "Don't forget that we want to record the copy. In the evaluation of the copy's performance, the rating of the equipment is also a very critical item."

Daoist Qingfeng said: "Yes, if we can make a record, the rewards will be very rich. The time is tight in the early stage, and the 30-level copy of the famous sword pavilion will be played for about a week, so the sooner we get the purple equipment, the better. Sell."

Wu Zewen quickly figured it out: "At this upgrade rate, we will exceed level 35 in 3 days, and there will be no reward for playing Ming Jiange."

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "So, let's use these three days to make a little money first!"


0:00 in the morning quickly arrived, and a new day began.

The number of dungeon entries in the upper left corner was reset, and the number of entries in Mingjian Pavilion became 5 again. Liu Chuan also brought in the two Wudangs, Moon Grass and Mimosa, called his teammates to gather at the entrance of the dungeon, and sent a trade invitation.

Moon Grass expressed his flattery: "What are these purple clothes?!"

Liu Chuan said: "I gave it to you, keep it. There is always a lot of hard work to play the copy, and you can't let it be in vain."

Moon Grass happily accepted it, and the equipment that Tangmen Captain gave him was exactly what he needed.

Heartbroken Grass is quite calm, and he is also the president of a guild, so he has no idea about this low-level purple outfit.

The six people rectified at the door, and then Liu Chuan said: "Okay, ready to enter the book. We must race against time to record the record, everyone is concentrated, and we cooperated almost just now, we will try to brush the record for the first time. There will be rewards for refreshing later.”

The six entered the book together, and then, a line of large characters suddenly appeared in the center of the screen—

"I heard that the Red Maple Villa sent a mysterious killer to sneak into the famous sword pavilion. Please be careful!"

Li Xiang said in surprise: "Is this a hidden mission?"

Liu Chuan was also a little speechless. Just as he was about to brush the record, he encountered a hidden mission. Today, he is considered to be full of character.

In the hero mode dungeon, there is a 5% probability that a hidden mission will appear. Once the hidden mission appears, the play style and plot of the entire hero book will also change accordingly.

Different from ordinary dungeon bosses, you can get up and continue to fight if you can't finish the group and destroy it. Hidden bosses can only be played once. The rewards of hidden bosses are much richer than ordinary bosses, and of course, the difficulty will be greater. Hidden bosses will not only drop purple equipment, but also valuable materials, which is more valuable than purple equipment.

"I heard that the Red Maple Villa sent a mysterious killer to sneak into the famous sword pavilion. Please be careful!"

The big word prompt in the middle of the screen flashed three times in a row.

Liu Chuan said: "When encountering a hidden mission, the record will definitely not be able to fight. Let's think about how to fight this boss first."

Li wanted to say, "I haven't encountered it before, and I don't know how to fight. Captain, don't you know?"

Liu Chuanhan: "I forgot."

Li Xiang:"… "

The probability of encountering a hidden boss is too low. With a 5% probability, it is possible to encounter one after 20 dungeons. Basically, after 20 dungeons, everyone will upgrade to the next dungeon. Therefore, one encounter in the novice stage is considered to be the case. Bumped into great luck.

Liu Chuan may have played once or twice a few years ago. After so long, he has long forgotten what the hidden boss of Mingjian Pavilion is.

Red Maple Villa, set in the game is a kind of neutral force in the rivers and lakes. It is said to be a concentration camp of killers established by mysterious people. Players can pay to issue a reward order here to hunt down their enemies, and capable players can naturally also receive a reward order. Help to kill, and you can get a bounty if you kill it successfully. Red Maple Villa is a killer intermediary organization that collects intermediary fees from players and only recognizes money, not people.

Red Maple Villa's "both good and evil" characteristics have led to the fact that many of the hidden bosses in the game are the killers they sent. These killers may come to kill the player, or they may help the player kill the boss directly...

Anyway, no one can guess the magical place of Red Maple Villa.

Everyone was silent for a while, and Liu Chuan said, "How about we pause for a while and go to Baidu Soso Raiders?"

Daoist Qingfeng said, "I remember how to fight this boss."

Liu Chuan said simply: "That Daoist, you are here to direct."

Daoist Qingfeng said: "This killer was sent by Red Maple Villa to kill the deacon of the Blood-clothed Sect. He will kill the first and second bosses first, and then, because we are witnesses, he will also kill us. To kill the mouth. What we need to do is to follow behind him to help him kill the two bosses, and then kill him at the end.”

Everyone: "… "

This magical plot is worthy of being produced by the unpredictable Red Maple Villa.

Daoist Qingfeng continued: "It's a pity that our team doesn't have a nanny. This killer is a crispy skin and can easily be killed by the boss. If he is killed by the boss, we will go back to the beginning of the plot, and the hidden mission will fail. ."

The most depressing thing in the world is not that you can't meet the hidden boss, but that the hidden boss is clearly standing in front of you, but you can't fight.

Without a nanny, this is really impossible...

Everyone was silent for a moment, and Liu Chuan suddenly said with a smile: "Who said that our team doesn't have a nurse? Our team obviously has a god nurse."

Daoist Qingfeng called a question mark: "Where?"

Li Xiang was also very puzzled: "God milk?"

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Wife, hurry up and mend the sky, and prove to everyone if you are the god's milk."

Wu Zewen nodded calmly: "Okay."

Everyone almost fell!

Is there really a nanny here? !

The author has something to say:

[small theater]

Liu Chuan: My family Zewen can play and control the triathlon! A must-have for home travel :)

Zevin squinted at him.

Liu Chuan: Of course, I am also vulgar, arrogant and domineering in triathlon! He will also warm the bed for his wife, which is really a must-have for home travel :)

Zevin picked up the iPad…

Liu Chuan: Death!

Zewen: ... You died so fast, I didn't want to hit you today.

Liu Chuan: I'm sorry! Conditioned reflex!