The Strongest God

Chapter 339: Summer Carnival (6)


This wave of tactical arrangements of the red team is indeed very clever. The front row is there to delay time, let Chen Junfei hide behind the enemy, and then complete the collective teleportation in an instant when Chuan Shen and Xiaolu are resurrected, and cooperate with the two Sichuan cats. The fourteen puppet formation and Zhou Mu's improved attack formation, as well as everyone's big moves, smashed and killed the remote and healers in the opposite back row!

In just ten seconds, the red team successfully completed the reversal from the initial disadvantage!

Lan Weiran is also helpless. Liu Chuan and Xiao Sijing can still be so tricky together. He really has nothing to say. There are too many people on both sides. In the scuffle of 20 people, he did ignore Chen Junfei's whereabouts. There is one less person, and the positions are scattered. In addition, Chen Junfei's Tangmen can be invisible. In fact, it is difficult to find such details.

- It can only be said that the tactics of the red team are too clumsy, and they are simply let down.

The blue team excluded Ye Chenxi's "Xiao Yaoyou" running fast, and the other 4 people were all destroyed. Shao team and Yang Jian, who had just hung up, were naturally resurrected, but they were still going to the center of the map. on the way.

Since the red team killed more than 5 people, the flag on the tower in the center of the map was finally refreshed!

The attributes of the command flag brushed in the Carnival Challenge are similar to the "black command flag" refreshed at the end of the team battle in the league. That is to say, players within the range of the command flag will be inflicted with a negative state of "black flag curse". It loses blood and blue at the same time every second.

When the red team saw that the flag was refreshed, ten people immediately went to the tower in the center of the map.

The blue team just killed four, and the remaining four, as well as the revived team Shao and Yang Jian, immediately rushed to the center of the map.

The tower is located in the center of a swamp. What is worrying is that this swamp is a corrosive swamp similar to the league map "Cry Swamp". If it falls into it, it will be corroded and die within 5 seconds.

Fighting in such an environment can be said to be very thrilling.

The tower has a total of 3 floors. The bottom floor is about 10 meters from the ground, the second floor is 20 meters, and the highest floor is 30 meters from the ground. Players can jump to the third floor to attack the flag, and the lower two floors can defend.

Xiao Sijing took a look at the topography of the tower, and immediately arranged his tactics: "The lowest level of melee combat, the middle of the treatment control field, and the high point in the distance!"

This arrangement is also convenient for mutual cooperation. He and Xiaolu are on the bottom floor, which can prevent the blue team from chasing up to the tower, while Zhou Mu, Qi Feng, Lin Yufan, Fang Zhiyan, the field control and treatment are on the second floor in the middle. Assisting the teammates on the upper and lower floors in time, as for Liu Chuan and several other attackers on the top floor, it is natural to take the command flag for the fastest speed.

Everyone understood and immediately flew up to the tower according to Team Xiao's arrangement.

The audience couldn't help applauding when they looked at the handsome Qinggong of these people! If it were an online game player, with such a steep terrain and such a narrow foothold on the tower, it is estimated that many people would not be able to jump up at all, and it is very likely that they would fall to their death after half-jumping.

On the other hand, the professional players were neatly buffered by a few "flying cranes soaring to the sky" and "walking on the sand", jumping several times in the air, as light as a swallow, and quickly ascended the tower!

At the top, four attackers, Liu Chuan, Li Cangyu, Liang Haibin and Chen Junfei, began to attack Lingqi.

The bottom layer Lao Xiao and Xiaolu control the field to intercept, and the middle layer is the three assistants and healers Fang Zhiyan. Fang Zhiyan is standing in a position that can take care of the teammates on the upper and lower layers at the same time, remove the negative state and add blood to everyone.

Liu Chuan and the four attacked Lingqi at high speed, and the blue team finally arrived at the scene.

Lan Weiran saw the three-tiered situation and knew that the red team had already made a defensive deployment. He did not rush over, but waited for a few teammates to come back from resurrection, otherwise they would easily fight with less. Destroyed here.

Several resurrected teammates also rushed here quickly, and they arrived very quickly.

Su Shilun summoned the spider without even thinking. The target was Xiao Sijing!

He wanted to drag Lao Xiao into the water, but Lao Xiao also guessed it. The moment Su Shilun's spider silk was thrown, Xiao Sijing also slid sideways to avoid it. The level of understanding was like a script that had been rehearsed in advance. !

While Su Shilun was helpless, he was also in a complicated mood. Team Xiao could always guess what he was thinking. He didn't know whether he should be happy or depressed. In short, this control skill failed, and Su Shilun couldn't do anything about it. Fight with Xiao Sijing.

Qin Ye suddenly said: "Xin Ran follow me to deal with Team Xiao, Yang Jian stuns Xiao Lu! Let's go!"

Although Yang Jian's tactical literacy is not very high, he still has a very thorough understanding of the situation. Hearing Qin Ye's words, he subconsciously nodded, and the three of them acted at the same time!

Xu Xinran and Qin Ye flew to the bottom of the tower, one after the other, and they joined forces to fight Xiao Sijing at the same time, and Yang Jian also smashed directly at Lu Xiang with a "human sword in one", and Xiao Lu Xiang was hit by the smash. , Immediately stunned for 2 seconds, Yang Jian's long sword suddenly pulled up a sword flower, and started the fastest and most violent combo of Jianzong Wudang!

This scene brought tears to the eyes of many fans of the Chang'an team. Xinran, Ye Ye and Yang Xiaojian fought side by side. This scene is the classic formation of the Chang'an team - Xinran, who always stood firmly in the front row, shot ruthlessly. The dark night and the ferocious sword marks erupted. The former Changan team also relied on such cooperation to win the league championship. Unfortunately, the prosperous Changan can no longer be reproduced.

Everyone can only occasionally see their cooperation at the carnival.

Xu Xinran and Yang Jian's moods are also very complicated at the moment. It's been a long time since the three of them fought side by side. I didn't expect this kind of tacit understanding from the old teammates to still exist... But they didn't have time to think about it. Old Xiao was very difficult to deal with, Xinran It was only by joining forces with Qin Ye that he could barely hold him down. Lu Xiang was also very flexible, and Yang Jian barely managed to draw a tie with him, so he could not be distracted at all.

Fortunately, the blue team had enough output. The three of them joined forces to suppress Lao Xiao and Lu Xiang, giving other teammates a chance to rush over!

Sure enough, Si Lan and Shao Zehang in the front row quickly passed Xiao and Lu without any hesitation, and joined forces to break through to the second floor of the tower!

Xiao Sijing and Lu Xiang at the bottom must not be able to stop the blue team from so many close fights. Xiao Sijing has long known this. The reason why he has three layers of defense is just to buy more time for his teammates at the top. , so that Liu Chuan and the others can take down the flag as quickly as possible!

After Lan Weiran and Shao Zehang arrived at the middle level, they immediately dealt with the four assistants in the middle level.

As soon as Lan Weiran's weapon "Blue Frost" comes with the ultimate move "Aoxue Lingshuang", the fan-shaped group attack skill decisively smashes the four people in the middle tower, and the audience is shocked that at this moment, standing Ye Chenxi under the tower is actually another trick "long wind blows snow"!

The snow-white straight-line attack was slanted at a 45-degree angle and shot upwards, which coincided with the central axis of Lan Weiran's fan-shaped range skill. The two were far apart, one was in the tower, the other was underground, but once again a terrifying unrelenting combined attack was produced - ice and snow. !

This combined attack skill directly freezes all the mid-level support players.

The tacit understanding between the master and the apprentice is simply amazing, and the difficult joint strike done at a long distance also made the audience stand up and applaud with excitement!

Fortunately, Fang Zhiyan dodged this move quickly, but just as he was about to help his teammates get rid of the control, Xie Guangyi also quickly came to the first floor of the tower, and the chain in his hand was thrown upwards, directly throwing it away. Fang Zhiyan hooked it down and threw it into the swamp!

Fang Zhiyan: "..."

The tragic team is not to mention the release of control, it is really difficult to protect itself at this moment.

The blue team began to break through to the top of the tower layer by layer, while the red team, Liu Chuan and the four were in the rush to hit the flag at this time.

The blood volume of the black command flag is rapidly declining. However, unlike the calculation of the ownership of the seasonal flag in the professional league, the command flag of the carnival is a bit like the calculation method of the ownership of the wild map boss in the online game. That is to say, which side the black flag belongs to is determined by both parties. The amount of damage caused by Lingqi is calculated. For example, if the red team destroys 49% of Qi's health, and the blue team destroys 51% of its blood, then Lingqi belongs to the blue team.

Of course, the first hit and the last hit account for a very high proportion of damage. The red team has already played the first hit first, so the blue team must quickly climb to the tower to output the command flag and grab the last hit!

In a place like the high tower, Liu Chuan and Li Cangyu are actually very limited, because their puppets can't be placed, and they can't release their big moves. They can only rely on quickly blasting one or two puppets to achieve the output effect.

The main output is still Chen Junfei and Liang Haibin, but Liang Haibin is good at remote control and slow play, allowing him to explode his hands and quickly explode the output. This slow guy can't explode very high, so the ranking of Lingqi's output data is Chen Junfei's hidden weapon Tang. The door is in the first place.

However, at this moment, a flashing green arrow suddenly shot up from under the tower!

- Deadly Arrow!

Tang Yufeng has a long hand and the tower is only 30 meters high. He stands under the tower and can attack people on the top of the tower even if he does not go up the tower. Tang Yufeng narrowed his eyes and aimed at Liu Chuan, which was a deadly arrow. Liu Chuan was shot by the younger brother Right, the blood volume suddenly fell a lot.

Liu Chuan: "...You are amazing."

Because the space at the top of the tower is limited and there is no need to control too many puppets, Liu Chuan still has time to type here.

It seems that in order to agree with his brother's sentence "You are amazing", Tang Yufeng narrowed his eyes again, and then shot Liu Chuan with a "cloud-piercing arrow".

Liu Chuan had just been crippled, this move hit again, and the blood bar began to flash red.

Liu Chuan hurriedly said, "What about the treatment? It's blood! I'm going to die!"

The audience burst into laughter, Chuan Shen and your team's treatment can no longer take care of you.

Fang Zhiyan: "..."

Fang Zhiyan, who was hooked into the swamp and was about to be corroded to death, could not laugh or cry.

Liu Chuan was helpless, so he had to walk around here with a little bloody skin, so as not to be shot to death by the younger brother as a target again.

On the Longyin team's side, Xiaoyu asked, "Team Chuan killed so many people just now, so the red team should be able to win, right?"

"Not necessarily." Wu Zewen adjusted his glasses and analyzed carefully, "This kind of erected tower terrain is very unfavorable to the red team. First of all, Liu Chuan and the cat god rely on puppet blasting output, which is more suitable for placing in a wide place. Out of the puppet formation, the top of the tower is only a small area, and their attack level can only play one-tenth. When Liu Chuan kills five people and has a 25% status bonus, the output data is not comparable. Chen Junfei, it can be seen that his level is difficult to display in such a place."

Wu Zewen continued to analyze: "Zhou Mu's field control formation and Lin Yufan's field control formation are also more suitable to be arranged in a wide area. Now they are all crowded together. From a vertical perspective, the red team stands on top, middle and bottom. The third floor seems to be scattered, but in terms of the unit area of the map, in fact, everyone in the red team is equivalent to standing at one point, and now it is the smallest area, and the advantages of the red team cannot be fully exerted."

Xiaoyu looked at Xueba with a look of admiration: "It really is!"

Wu Zewen's analysis is right, and the people from the blue team also know this. In such a terrain, the blue team has a huge advantage. First of all, Ye Chenxi is under the tower and Lan Weiran is on the tower. The two can cooperate to complete a 45-degree angle. The counterattack! And Tang Yufeng can also put arrows under the tower to interfere with Liu Chuan and the others at the top. The straight-line penetrating obstacle attack of these two people is enough to cause great trouble to the red team.

In addition, Xie Guangyi decisively dragged the red team's treatment Fang Zhiyan into the swamp, Qin Ye, Xinran and Yang Jian joined forces to suppress Lao Xiao and Lu Xiang, Lan Weiran and Shao Zehang joined hands to suppress the middle-level support, Xie Guangyi stood directly In the middle-level output of the command flag, although the red team has the advantage to fight the command flag first, gradually, the red team exposed the weaknesses analyzed by Wu Zewen.

In this wave, except Fang Zhiyan was killed by Xie Guangyi's hook, the others did not sacrifice. Everyone was tacitly madly grabbing the output of the command flag. The output of the two Sichuan cats was greatly discounted due to terrain factors. The blue team's output to Lingqi finally successfully reversed, counter-pressing the red team!

51%: 49%!

There was only a small gap, but unfortunately, the five words "Carnival Lingqi" on the top of the flag finally turned blue!

"Congratulations to the blue team for winning the ownership of the carnival flag!"

When the news was shouted out by the host, the audience immediately cheered thunderously.

Today's 10V10 game lasted for more than half an hour. Regardless of the final win or loss, everyone saw the legendary Tangmen Fourteen Puppet Formation, Xiaoyao Perfect Combination Skill, Ultra-long-distance Deadly Arrow, and 10-person teleportation. , as well as the unforgettable moments such as Xinran, Yeye, Jianhen's reunion, and Xiaolu's ultimate move to bring down the four, the audience is already very excited and satisfied!

At the end of the game, all 20 great gods stood up, turned around and walked back to the big stage.

Although the red team lost, the expressions on everyone's faces were quite relaxed. It doesn't matter whether this entertainment project wins or loses, and they are very aware of the influence of terrain, configuration and other factors. It is normal for the red team to lose this time.

-However, what is even more exciting is the next whole person session.

It really doesn't matter if the carnival wins or loses. There is no trophy and no results are recorded. However, the loser will be punished, and the winner will have the right to choose anyone to harass them. This is what the audience likes to watch the most.

The host took a step forward, picked up the microphone excitedly and said, "The next step is the much-anticipated whole-person session! Each player of the winning blue team has a chance to randomly select a player from the red team for him to do. Anything, be careful, it's anything!"

The host's emphasis made the scene scream immediately.

Liu Chuan glanced at Xiao Sijing helplessly and said, "Old Xiao, let's prepare to be killed."

Xiao Sijing said calmly: "With you here, they will definitely bully you first, and others don't have to worry too much."

Chen Junfei said with a smile: "Yes, it is good to have the God of Chuan, this hatred is stable!"

Fang Zhiyan also smiled and said, "The people on the other side must want to rectify the God of Sichuan, so we can feel at ease."

Lu Xiang also said happily: "Master just won the five kills, and the five people you killed will definitely punish you!"

Liu Chuan: "..."

You people! Is it the only time to discover the benefits of my master T? !