The Strongest God

Chapter 34: Hide the plot


Because of the emergence of the hidden mission, the entire plot of the dungeon has changed. Everyone first followed the previous play method and cleaned up all the 60 mobs in the five batches in the front yard, and then the hidden plot was triggered.

The beautiful boss of the Blood Clothes Sect gracefully descended from the sky, and her lines were still the same as the previous lines: "A few chivalrous men came here late at night, but they came to me?!" After speaking here, he paused and suddenly turned back: " Who is sneaking, get out of here!"

In the middle of the night, the boss's tone changed inexplicably, and several people couldn't help being shocked.

Of course, it was definitely not them that the boss asked to get out, but the hidden boss.

A masked man in black suddenly appeared in front of everyone like a ghost, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, the icy scimitar exuded a frightening cold light under the moonlight, and a red maple leaf mark was printed on the back of his hand.

The beautiful boss sneered: "Huh, so it's from the Red Maple Villa? It's not your turn to meddle in the matter of my blood-clothing religion!"

The male killer said indifferently: "Sorry, someone offered 10,000 taels of gold to take your sister's head! Today is the death of your two sisters!"

While the two bosses were arguing in the yard, Liu Chuan and others quickly adjusted their positions.

Daoist Qingfeng reminded: "Because of the hidden plot, the No. 1 boss will no longer randomly chase the player as before, she will fix the hatred and desperately hit the killer, the nurse must add the killer's blood, and the others will directly output the hit. Just the boss."

Wu Zewen nodded seriously: "I know."

When the two bosses finished their conversation, a prompt popped up in the center of the screen at the same time—

The hidden story of the famous sword pavilion opens, please assist the mysterious killer of the Red Maple Villa to kill the deacon of the blood-clothed teacher, the countdown is 600, 599, 598...

Li Xiang said in surprise, "There's still a countdown!"

Liu Chuan hurriedly said: "Hidden plots are all time-limited tasks, everyone fires with all their strength!"

The captain gave an order, and all the output occupations immediately threw all kinds of moves at the boss as if they were dying. Li Xiang also cut the Shaolin style with the highest attack, and slashed at the boss one by one.

This time, Wu Zewen, who is a nurse, is under great pressure.

The setting of this killer is a Mingjiao with dual swords. Dual swords and lumens are considered as close-range assassins in the game. They are crispy with high attack and low defense. The boss beats him desperately. The blood of this killer is like a blood collapse. .

Wu Zewen cut back and added blood to the five poisons in the sky. The killer's blood line jumped up and down, which was frightening.

Liu Chuan typed a reminder: "You have been using the group plus skills to brush his blood, be optimistic about the rhythm of the boss's ultimate move, and prepare for the single-level plus in advance..."

As soon as I said this, I saw Wu Zewen throwing a big plus immediately, and the killer suddenly recovered from the 5% red blood state to the 50% blood line.

Liu Chuan sent a thumbs up with relief: "That's it, very good!"

He knew that Wu Zewen was definitely fine. When it comes to the calculation of blood volume, who can calculate it more accurately than the science master

Wu Zewen calculated the cooling time, the amount of HP and the boss's skills, and quickly combined a relatively safe way to increase the HP. It seemed that the killer's blood kept dropping and seemed to be dying, but every time Before he was about to die, Wu Zewen would take the time to release a single skill that would greatly increase his bloodline...

At first, the teammates were frightened. They always felt that the nanny could not be added, for fear that the hidden boss would die like this. After several times in a row, I found that the five poisons were so calm and calm, not nervous at all...

Everyone was a little speechless, feeling a little like the emperor was not in a hurry and the eunuch was in a hurry...

Moon Grass couldn't help but send a row of thumbs on the team channel: "The five poisons are really amazing! I admire and admire!"

Heartbroken Herb also said, "It really is God's milk!"

Li Xiang said proudly: "Nonsense! My family's five poisons can be beaten, and the triathlon!"

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Is he from your family? Going aside, it's obviously mine. Right, wife?"

Li Xiang:"… "

Wu Zewen: "..."

This guy is addicted to molesting people, but Wu Zewen is very calm, and he is selectively blocking someone's molesting remarks...

Soon, under the fire of everyone, the No. 1 boss was killed by everyone. Before dying, he said: I will not let you go if I am a ghost... Of course everyone ignored her and continued to let Li want to go. Touch the equipment, and then march to the second boss in the backyard.

Hidden bosses are actually quite fun. Not only does the plot change, but the way of play will also change, and when you encounter this kind of hiding that helps players kill bosses, it's really a multiplier, and it's easier to beat bosses.

When the No. 2 boss, because Wu Zewen cut off the nurse, he couldn't use the whip to control the guards, so Daoist Qingfeng took the initiative to say, "I'll control the guards."

Liu Chuan was naturally very at ease with him: "Okay, we two control the guards, and the other two Wudang concentrate on fighting the boss."

Boss No. 2 has to assign two people to control the guards in the audience, so the fight is slow. Liu Chuan dragged the guards around while typing and said, "Master, by the way, tell everyone about this hidden style of play."

"Yeah." Daoist Qingfeng typed quickly, "This killer is invisible and often loses his target. He needs to consume him slowly. Every 10% drop in his HP will split into three phantoms. If you lose blood, I'll find the real body, and everyone can follow me to fight the real body."

"When the HP reaches 5%, he will go berserk once, split into six phantoms and assassinate us from behind. Everyone quickly adjust their positions and don't be cut from behind by him. It is basically a move and a second to cut from the back. The last round The violent damage can only be resisted head-on."

The crowd quickly understood.

The key point is to find the real body. Since Daoist Qingfeng said he can find it, other people can just follow him directly. As for the final frenzy stage, adjust your position in time, and don't be killed by the boss's phantom.

At the same time that the second boss was killed by everyone, the killer who helped the player beat the boss suddenly said: "Ye Yunfei in the Red Maple Villa, thank you for your help. It's a pity that only dead people can keep secrets..."

The hidden boss picked up the blood-stained machete and turned around: "So, you should die."

Everyone: "… "

The boss who was still helping just now turned his face and didn't recognize anyone, and everyone had no choice but to start fighting.

The annoying thing about assassin bosses is that they are agile, and they have to hide from time to time or go around behind you, and let the player accompany him to hide and seek. Fighting this kind of boss requires a lot of patience. If he is invisible, you have to wait patiently. He appears...

Ye Yunfei is a Ming Cult traitor. He uses all Ming Cult moves. The biggest difficulty is splitting the phantom. If he can't find the real body at the first time, if he keeps playing the phantom, he can't be killed before the countdown ends, and it is easy to fail to hide the plot.

Fortunately, there is Daoist Qingfeng in the team, and he can find his true body from three phantoms every time.

After successfully finding the real body five times in a row, Li Xiang couldn't help but admire: "The Taoist priest has a very sharp eye, and every time he finds the real body."

Daoist Qingfeng said, "Have you ever PKed with Mingjiao?"

Li Xiang said calmly: "My PK level is not very good, and the Tangmen number I played before reached the fourth battle rank in the arena..."

In the past, Li Xiang always felt that he was very good. When Liu Chuan first came to the dormitory, he said with a proud face: "I am very familiar with Tangmen, you come to join me in the game, I will cover you!", Now that he has met these great masters, he realized that he is really looking at the sky and short-sighted. With his PK level as a kindergartener, he has no power to fight back in front of the masters.

He only knew about the Ming Cult sect, and he had never met a Ming Cult master. After all, the fourth battle rank was relatively easy. The arena matches opponents according to the battle rank. …

Taoist Qingfeng explained: "You can watch the subtle movements of his three phantoms. When the real body uses skills, the phantom will freeze for a short time, which is the action delay of the phantom. The delay time does not exceed 0.5 seconds. distinguish."

Li Xiang exclaimed while studying: "0.5 seconds! This is also a test of eyesight!"

Daoist Qingfeng said: "0.5 seconds is already a big loophole. The IQ of the boss set by the system is not high, so there will be a delay of 0.5 seconds. When encountering the master Mingjiao operated by the player, the phantom will be more difficult to distinguish, and it requires a lot of Judging by experience, and sometimes relying on luck.”

Li Xiang nodded thoughtfully: "Daoist priest, do you often PK with Mingjiao? You are so familiar with Mingjiao."

Taoist Qingfeng was silent for a moment, then said, "I used to have a friend who was a master of Mingjiao."

Li wanted to say, "Oh, no wonder!"

Because there is a sharp Daoist Qingfeng in charge, the phantom of this boss is just like a paper made of paper in front of everyone. It is clear at a glance, and the real body can be accurately found every time, so it is quite easy to fight.

When the boss was about to reach 5% health, Qingfeng reminded on the team channel: "Prepare to adjust the position, the boss is going to be violent."

As soon as the words fell, the man in black suddenly sneered, his body was divided into six, and the six phantoms rushed to the back of the six people, the scimitar in his hand raised at the same time, the knife fell in his hand, and the knife would definitely move his head down!

Fortunately, Daoist Qingfeng reminded in advance that everyone immediately performed lightly and tumblingly, without being decapitated by the boss from behind.

The sneak attacks of the six phantoms were unsuccessful, the boss was very depressed, and the phantoms gathered again.

The boss's defense value dropped significantly, everyone concentrated their firepower, and a round of outbreaks took them away!

"Congratulations to the players: Famous Forever, Misty Swamp, Ideal Master, Daoist Breeze, Moon Grass, Mimosa, for taking the lead in killing the hidden boss [Ye Yunfei] of [Yetan Famous Sword Pavilion]!"

Everyone was shocked when the golden word announcement in the center of the screen came out.

Li Xiang couldn't believe it and said, "We are actually the first kill! It's so handsome!"

Liu Chuan didn't expect the result to be like this. He casually flipped through the list of martial arts heroes and took a look, and found that Ye Yunfei, the hidden boss of Mingjian Pavilion, did not have a kill record.

Liu Chuan said with a smile: "I'm lucky, the dungeon just refreshed at 12:00 in the morning, we encountered the hidden."

Li Xiang was a little puzzled: "But yesterday so many guilds were playing hero books, haven't they encountered this hidden?"

Daoist Qingfeng said calmly: "The Famous Sword Pavilion dungeon was just opened yesterday, each team has only five chances, and the probability of this hidden boss appearing is too low, it may be that a strong team just didn't meet it, and the team that encountered it was of a good level. It's not enough to kill you, so we picked it up cheaply."

Li Xiang happily said: "Yes, the character has exploded! Let's see what rewards are there!"

Liu Chuan said: "Master, go and touch it. You always touch the equipment I use. Come and touch me a Tang Sect weapon."

Li Xiang:"… "

Li Xiang stepped forward in a tangled mood and touched the package, and a reward message popped up on the screen—

Weapon: Folding Fan; Weapon: Lyre: Weapon: Purple Jade Insect Flute: Armor: Frost Clothing: Armor: Wisteria Soft Armor: Gold, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth Stone (Level 3) × 60; Su Embroidery × 12; Brocade × 12; Moon Shadow Line×1; Cold Iron Fragment×1; Exquisite Jade Fragment×1…

Everyone looked at the large list of rewards that popped up, and their eyes were dizzy.

This feeling of being hit by a reward is such a blessing!

Wu Zewen was puzzled: "Why so many? It's twice as much as the copy just now."

Daoist Qingfeng said: "The first kill team has additional rewards, and it is also a hidden boss, so so many are dropped."

Liu Chuan was also very satisfied: "Not bad! Three weapons, two clothes, three orange rare materials, and a pile of five-element stones. The value of this boss is comparable to that of our hero book ten times."

Heartbroken Grass couldn't help but ask: "Master, do you sell orange materials?"

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "This one is not for sale, President."

A mouthful of blood from Heartbroken Herb got stuck in his throat again!

How did he know I was the president! The account I opened is obviously a Mimosa account...

Liu Chuan sent a private chat, followed by a smiling expression: "President, what do you think of my level?"

Heartbroken Grass: "… "

Liu Chuan smiled: "It's okay, after all, everyone doesn't know me. You doubt my level. It's normal to open a trumpet to see this. Your operating skills are more than one grade higher than that of Mimosa. It's too obvious, President."

Heartbroken grass burst into tears, it turns out that the master has already seen it!

Fortunately, in order to cover up his level, he deliberately paddled the water when he beat the boss...

Being recognized, Broken Heart Grass had to ask cheeky: "Cough, brother, do you sell this orange material?"

Liu Chuan said: "The materials are not for sale. Why don't you do this? The two of you also helped fight this boss, so you can't give you nothing. The gold coins are divided equally, the purple clothes are divided according to the occupation, and you can choose one of the three orange materials. Why? Sample?"

Orange materials are the most precious things in the game, and these materials will be needed for post-production jewelry, which can be said to be invaluable.

The equipment in the game is divided into three categories: weapons, armor and jewelry. Weapons can only be exchanged with various materials and points to the famous sword pavilion; armor has five parts: hats, clothes, belts, pants, and wristbands. The martial arts suits are available for players to choose from, or they can go to the dungeon to break apart pieces to wear. How to match it depends on what you like. Jewelry is the most ever-changing equipment. There are three kinds of jewelry, including necklaces, rings, and bracelets. The attributes of the dungeon drop are not good. Jewelry is almost entirely handcrafted.

The high-end jewelry market is also the most profitable place after reaching the full level, and the orange material used to create jewelry has therefore become extremely precious.

The things dropped by this boss are nothing else, and the real treasures are these three orange materials—

Delicate jade shards are a must for crafting exquisite bracelets. No shadow line is a necessary material for making various necklaces. Shards of cold iron can be used to create molds for various rings. These orange materials are invaluable in the later stage, and some materials may even be out of stock. Broken Heart Grass saw the orange material, and just habitually asked if it would be sold. I didn't expect that Tang Sect would give it to him for free, but it made him feel embarrassed to be the president.

Liu Chuan said with a smile: "You're welcome, president, take it as you should, and I want you to continue to help record the record. Choose one of the three, which one do you like, president?"

When the other party said this, Heartbroken Grass had no choice but to say, "Then give me the pieces of the exquisite jade. It's fine for the purple outfit and the gold coins, you can just divide it up."

Liu Chuan called a good word, and distributed the exquisite jade fragments to the mimosa, and by the way, gave the moon grass a few five-element stones, which made the moon grass very happy.

The rest of the team also had no problem.

When Liu Chuan called these two people to help, he told the other three that if he produced the materials, he would have to give them some hard work, so he couldn't let the president of the dignified Seven Star Grass Guild come to work for nothing, right