The Strongest God

Chapter 40: Lightweight practice


There are very few people in the novice area in the middle of the night, and there is almost no need to grab monsters. Qin Ye's own hand speed is fast, and his personality is decisive and straightforward. The speed of doing tasks is like driving a rocket. With Li Xiang helping fight monsters next to him, he quickly rose to level 15 and went to the martial arts to do the main task. Li Xiang naturally stayed by the side as a bodyguard.

Qin Ye and Li Xiang continued to upgrade their tasks, while Liu Chuan privately chatted with Wu Zewen and said, "Let's go, wife, I'll take you to practice Qinggong, your Qinggong is too bad, and there are still important tasks for you in the future, so you have to hurry up and practice. "

Wu Zewen wondered: "What is the important task?"

Liu Chuan said: "There is a boss called Elder Qianzhu at level 40. I accidentally said a big word and wanted to help someone take it down. Wife, you have to help me."

Wu Zewen didn't ask what Elder Qianzhu was, he nodded earnestly and said, "Okay, I'll go practice now."

Liu Chuan couldn't help laughing.

This natural stay! That is a level 40 world boss, the kind of top boss that bleeds into a river with a wave of his sleeve! Did you promise? Did you know that I might kill you...

At the gate of Jiangling City, Liu Chuan rode a black horse to Wu Zewen and sent an invitation to ride with him.

Wu Zewen accepted the invitation and saw that his five poisons were directly pulled to the horse by him, and the two rode the same horse. In order to attract couple players, the game development team designed this double riding posture to be very ambiguous. Tangmen's hands Directly from the waist, he gently hugged the five poisons into his arms.

Wu Zewen had no idea about this, but asked with some doubts: "Where did this horse come from?"

Liu Chuan said: "The system gift for marriage, the mount for two people, I just found out that it is in the mailbox of the messenger for a limited time of seven days."

Wu Zewen nodded: "Oh, do you have both?"

Liu Chuan said, "Only one horse will be rewarded, which can be traded. If you want, I will trade it to you later?"

Wu Zewen said, "It's okay, you can take it."

Liu Chuan said: "This kind of gift expires in seven days. If you are interested, we can catch it later. After level 50, you can go to the field map to catch the foal, and then feed it to raise it. This kind of raised horse is usually Two people can ride together."

Wu Zewen asked curiously: "Is there any white? I like white."

Liu Chuan couldn't help laughing. This guy seems to like white more when he wears clothes

Colts are generally brown, red, black, white, and yellow in five colors, most of which are variegated, and pure colors are more precious. Pure fiery red BMW with sweat and blood, pure black blast, pure white moon shadow, this is the least common level 7 BMW in the game, and the riding speed increases by 150%, which is invaluable.

With Liu Chuan's understanding of the game, he naturally knows several refresh locations for this kind of foal. Robbery? This is not difficult for Liu Chuan at all...

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "You like white, don't you? No problem, I'll get you one when the time comes."

Wu Zewen nodded: "Okay."

Liu Chuan rode a horse and took Wu Zewen from Jiangling to the Shaolin Temple.

It was already late at night, and the environment in the game had also turned into night. The scenery is different from what you see in the daytime. The Shaolin Temple at night is shrouded in a hazy moonlight. Along the way, there are bluestone green trees, green bamboos, the breeze blowing, and the bamboo leaves rustling in the ears. its borders.

Wu Zewen had just played the game, and the big maps he walked through were Wudu, Nanjiang, Chengdu and Jiangling. He had never been to the Shaolin Temple. At this time, he realized that the scenery of this game was really beautiful. The quiet ancient temple located in the mountains is like a paradise.

At the entrance of the Shaolin Temple, there were several NPC guarding monks who stopped the two of them, "The two benefactors, please stay behind..."

The major sects in the game usually have gatekeepers. The disciples of their own sects can come and go at will. If someone from outside wants to enter, they must talk to the disciples who guard the gate, and choose reasons such as "visiting friends" and "visiting the head". will let you in.

Liu Chuan has been playing Tang Sect and rarely went to Shaolin Temple. He discovered that this place to practice Qinggong in Shaolin Temple was because Xiao Sijing brought him here when he was PK with Xiao Sijing who played Shaolin. Only then did I know that the Shaolin Temple has such an interesting place.

- This place is called Plum Blossom Pile.

In a very wide open space, there are dozens of wooden stakes, some tall and some short, some thick and thin, and people can stand on each of them. There is a word "Buddha" written on it. The requirements for Qinggong's position are extremely high. If you are not careful, you will fall from the stake and fall into meat patties.

Liu Chuan stopped near the Plum Blossom Pile and said on the team channel, "Come on, come down."

"Yeah." Wu Zewen adjusted his perspective and looked forward, and immediately understood that practicing light exercises in this kind of place would definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

Liu Chuan explained to Wu Zewen: "This is the Shaolin plum blossom stake. The plum blossom stake is uneven in thickness and height, and the foothold of each stake is different. It is the most test of the level of light work. When the first stake reaches the highest point, your Qinggong will pass.”

Wu Zewen carefully observed the layout of the stakes and came to the conclusion: "There are a total of forty-nine stakes, and it is difficult to fly them in three minutes, right?"

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "It's okay, I'll practice with you, take your time."

As soon as he finished speaking, he manipulated his Tangmen number to the first wooden stake, adjusted the angle of view obliquely upward with the mouse, and simultaneously pressed the shortcut keys of Qinggong with the fingers of his left hand—I saw Tangmen one in the game. He jumped up and jumped straight onto the first stake.

Liu Chuan did not stop on the stake, but turned the camera around, jumped, and jumped on the second stake again!

Wu Zewen was surprised when he saw Tangmen adjust the angle again, flew up, and jumped directly onto the third stake!

Tangmen, dressed in dark blue clothes, shuttled back and forth between different wooden stakes under the moonlight, and was as light as a swallow, just like a master of Qinggong who climbed the mountains and read the mountains and walked on the ground in a martial arts novel.

Wu Zewen stared blankly at him jumping flexibly between the stakes. There were so many stakes, different heights and disorder... He used his light energy to fly around on the stakes, but... he didn't fall down once...

If it were me, I would probably fall off when I jumped on the first stake.

There is a huge gap between the expert and the novice. When will I be able to have such a level

Wu Zewen didn't know that Liu Chuan's sharp and light-hearted move meant that many professional players in the professional league would be resigned to the disadvantage, not to mention online game players. It's also strange that Wu Zewen met the great god Liu Chuan at the novice stage, and the start is too high...

Liu Chuan jumped all seven, seven, forty-nine plum blossom piles in one minute, and then he flew down gracefully, landed next to Wu Zewen, and said with a smile, "Come on, adjust the right mouse button up. For perspective, try to jump from the first one."

Having said that, he stepped forward to give a demonstration in person. Wu Zewen also walked to the first stake, adjusted his perspective, and jumped!

Tangmen accurately jumped to the stake, and the five poisons...

The five poisons slowly slid down holding the stake...

Wu Zewen typed on the team channel: "The distance is not well grasped, it should be a little further."

Liu Chuan couldn't help laughing.

The posture of the five poisonous royal sister sliding down holding the stake is really funny...

This guy, Qinggong can't bear to look straight, clumsy either flying over his head or not flying.

Liu Chuan thought about it seriously, how should he teach him

By the way, the drop points of the plum blossom piles here are very similar to three-dimensional space coordinates. For a science student like Wu Zewen who is very sensitive to numbers, if they follow the theory of three-dimensional graphics, is it better to understand

Thinking of this, Liu Chuan hurriedly typed: "Actually, you can imagine the foothold of Qinggong as three-dimensional coordinates, the horizontal x-axis, the vertical y-axis, and the three-dimensional z-axis. When you press Qinggong, each time you press the button, the distance Qinggong moves. The value is fixed, calculate the distance, how many times to practice?"

Wu Zewen's eyes lit up immediately.

He likes space coordinates the most!

The distance calculation between two points is very simple for him, why didn't he think of this

If you imagine the position you are standing on as the origin every time, then the foothold of the wooden stake not far away is a three-dimensional space coordinate, horizontal, vertical, vertical, xyz three-dimensional coordinate axes, three directions of vector operations can be calculated. The position of any coordinate in this space!

Wu Zewen was suddenly stunned!

I quickly calculated the position of the first stake in my mind, and a spatial coordinate axis and a displacement curve between two points automatically appeared in my mind... According to the calculated results, a light work directly flew up five meters, and then flew forward. Three meters, sure enough, both feet landed on the first stake almost precisely!

Liu Chuan: "..."

I go! Does the method of calculating coordinates really work

Wu Zewen jumped so successfully for the first time, and he was also a little excited. He stopped at the first stake for a while, stretched out his hand to support his glasses, adjusted his perspective, and looked at the second stake in front of him.

This distance is…

One meter up and two meters to the right.

Pressing down with two light efforts again, it flew directly to the second stake!

Still very precise!

The third, the fourth, the fifth, the sixth...

Liu Chuan knelt down directly...

He just gave a casual reminder, but Wu Zewen suddenly became enlightened, and then calmly calculated the coordinate displacement of the entire seven, seven, forty-nine stakes! Although it took a while, but…

He has calculated it according to the coordinates, does it need to be accurate

Almost every time I land, it falls right in the center of the stake...

Wu Zewen is really sensitive to numbers. His way of calculating coordinates in space is exactly the way the game development team designed Qinggong. The development team used this algorithm to design a light-gong route, so that every spatial position in the game could fly up and stay with light power.

Liu Chuan couldn't help but send a row of applause expressions on the team channel: "Wife, you are so strong!"

Wu Zewen said calmly: "It turns out that this is the principle, I know."

After a pause, he said, "This is also the principle of the maze in the game, right?"

Liu Chuan wanted to worship: "Yes, that's right! In the future, there will be maze challenges in daily activities. Wife, take me through the maze!"

Wu Zewen said: "No problem."

Liu Chuan is so happy!

This time, I really found a baby!

With Wu Zewen there, in the labyrinth challenge event of this expansion update, they don't have to worry about no rewards at all!

Seeing Wu Zewen jumping back to his side precisely, Liu Chuan couldn't help but wonder: what the hell is in this guy's head? He usually looks dumb and doesn't speak much, just like a small spinning top and turning a circle...

But when it comes to math problems, this guy's head turns faster than a computer with 8G memory? !