The Strongest God

Chapter 41: Seven Nights of Snow


On Liu Chuan's side, the two were happily practicing Qinggong, but Qin Ye's side was in a complicated mood.

As the most popular No. 1 Emei in the alliance, he was actually regarded as a rookie by this second-hand master, guiding him to do tasks hand in hand...

However, Qin Ye's personality was too lazy to care about others, and when someone helped to fight quest monsters, he was happy to relax, drinking coffee while following behind the master, clearing quests all the way, and rising directly to level 24 in less than two hours.

This upgrade efficiency is much faster than those of the newbies who do the tasks themselves. After all, Li Xiang's master is now level 33, and he is wearing a full set of purple equipment. He basically takes one move and a second to fight mobs, and there is no need for Qin Ye to shoot.

Qin Ye's body soon glowed with an upgrade, which was level 25.

When Liu Chuan saw the upgrade prompt on the team channel, he said: "Go to Chengdu Bandit Village, where the upgrade is fast, and it is too slow to do tasks after 25."

Li Xiang said, "Okay, I'll take Ye Ye to the Bandit Village to farm monsters."

Liu Chuan said, "Wife, let's go there too, and we can also practice Qinggong outside the bandit village."

Wu Zewen said: "Okay."

Even though he knew that Liu Chuan was not very shameless, Qin Ye was still a little uncomfortable to call his wife so eloquently. He frowned and asked, "You got married in the game, wouldn't you want to engage in online dating?"

Liu Chuan said: "You think too much, these two are my alumni, and I am taking them on a trumpet."

Qin Ye wondered, "What are you doing with the two alumni?"

Liu Chuan said: "Isn't this year a college league? Our school team is very short of people. The president of the e-sports association insists on pulling me to the game. I can't do it myself, so I promised the teacher to be a coach and train these two. I want them to represent the school in high school leagues."

Qin Ye was speechless: "High school league..."

Liu Chuan smiled and said: "The level of college leagues is definitely several grades lower than that of professional leagues, just like the difference between the Universiade and the Olympic Games. With these two guys here, I am confident that the school will get good results. After all, it is Alma mater, I also want to contribute a little by the way."

Qin Ye nodded understandingly: "So that's the case. The person you're looking for must be very talented, right?"

Liu Chuan said: "That's right. Wudu's hand speed is very fast, about the same level as me, and he is very smart. He is an academic player. He likes to study hard. If he is really interested in playing this game, based on his foundation, It should be able to reach the level of Su Shilun."

Qin Ye was surprised: "Su Shilun's level? Su Shilun can be regarded as a top expert among the five poisons. This is a bit exaggerated..."

Liu Chuan said with a smile: "The saplings have to grow slowly, and what they will look like depends on the cultivation of the master. With my master here, do you think it is impossible for my family's five poisons to become a top master?"

"..." Qin Ye was speechless.

Liu Chuan's personal guidance is really too extravagant, it's like asking NBA stars as sparring coaches in college basketball games...

He is not only a sharp master, but also a tactical commander. How could the apprentice he brought out himself be weak

Liu Chuan has brought a lot of newcomers, the most famous is the eldest apprentice Lu Xiang, Lu Xiang was a humble newcomer in the Huaxia team, a confused worm with no roots, and he was called a senior when he saw people, and he often lost his way and lost his head. It was Liu Chuan who discovered his talent and asked him to switch to the Beggar Gang, and because Huaxia's tactical system did not have a place for the Beggar Gang, Liu Chuan sent him to the Tongjae team in the fifth season, and Lu Xiang has since become a god. Become the first god beggar in the alliance!

Liu Chuan now says that these five poisons have the potential to become a top master...

Qin Ye had no reason to question at all.

Liu Chuan continued to smile and said: "This ideal master is also a good seedling. Although he speaks a little bit, his hand speed is quite fast. He is enthusiastic and refreshing, and he is loyal. The key is that he loves this game very much, and he is indomitable. With a more and more vigorous personality, he will definitely become an excellent Shaolin in the future. Most of the Shaolin masters have been abused, and he has just played Shaolin for two days, and his progress is also very fast."

Qin Ye was silent for a moment, then said: "I saw him pulling monsters just now, and his level is really good. While fighting monsters, he nagged and typed with me, and his hand speed was up to the standard. However, there are very few Buddhist-style players in the league. Shaolin, right? He seems to like the Buddha Shaolin who pulls monsters?"

Liu Chuan said: "That's right, Fo Shaolin is a tank meat shield, so it's not very good for singles, team fights are not bad, it can rush in front to resist damage, protect teammates, and provide teammates with the best output environment, there is Fo Shaolin in the team, If you add a nurse, it will be very stable."

Qin Ye asked, "Stable? This doesn't seem to be your style?"

Liu Chuan laughed: "I'm not too young, so naturally I like to be steady. That kind of hot-blooded play is still suitable for Yang Jian's stunned youth."

Qin Ye said helplessly, "Don't talk about it, I get a headache when I mention Yang Jian."

Liu Chuan changed the subject wisely: "You really don't go to bed? The flight at 8:30 goes straight to Beijing, can you bear it?"

Qin Ye said, "It's fine. If you're sleepy, you can sleep for two hours on the plane. The meeting doesn't start until three in the afternoon. You can also sleep in the hotel at noon."

Liu Chuan had no choice.

Once Qin Ye's insomnia problem is committed, he will definitely stay overnight. After thinking about it, he said, "Then I will come to the bandit village to help you level up, and the speed will increase to 30. If you have time at night, you can help me make a copy by the way. Our team is short of people, and it's very troublesome for me to find people everywhere now."

Qin Ye asked, "A level 30 copy? Is it a famous sword pavilion?"

As a professional player, Qin Ye's game experience is naturally very rich. Liu Chuan said this, he immediately understood, opened the records of the martial arts hero list, and he saw that the level 30 dungeon Ye Tan Ming Jiange's customs clearance results were brought by Liu Chuan. The team has maintained, and the current score is 75,000 points.

Qin Ye said, "Seventy-five thousand? This grade is not your true level, is it?"

Liu Chuan was helpless: "It's definitely not the number to play with your heart. However, if I make the record too exaggerated, I will be suspected. I didn't play the puppet Tangmen in the online game, and I have been playing the hidden weapon Tangmen, which is also the reason."

While speaking, Tangmen and Wudu had already rode to Chengdu Bandit Village together, Liu Chuan dismounted and used hidden weapons to quickly clean up the mobs.

Li wanted to ask, "Don't you need me to pull the blame?"

Liu Chuan said, "No, you two can practice Qinggong, and I'll fight. It's basically a one-shot move to clean up these level 25 mobs in purple outfits."

Li Xiang also discovered that Tangmen is now fighting mobs at a very fast speed, and the experience data above Qiyexue's head has been rising wildly, and he doesn't need to pull mobs anymore.

Qin Ye watched Liu Chuan fight for a while, and chatted privately, "I can't tell it's you with this kind of hidden weapon Tangmen's fighting style."

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "So even if someone doubts my identity, they will not think of Liu Chuan. Everyone knows that Liu Chuan plays the puppet genre."

Qin Ye was speechless: "You are so cunning."

Liu Chuan said, "Thank you for the compliment!"

Wu Zewen and Li Xiang were playing Qinggong with great enthusiasm, and they also studied the calculation method of Qinggong stamina while playing.

Qin Ye was too lazy to do anything, so he just sat under the tree and hung up to eat experience. Liu Chuan cleaned up all the mobs in the entire bandit village. Qin Ye's Emei was upgraded to level 30 at 6:30 in the morning.

Seeing the upgrade of the Emei girl in the team, Li Xiang suddenly had an idea, his brain flashed, and he sent a line of private chat: "By the way, Ye Ye, why don't we also get married and do husband and wife tasks?"

Qin Ye frowned, "What husband and wife mission?"

Li Xiang thought that the other party was Xiaobai, and patiently sent a series of introductions: "Starting at level 30, you can get married in the game, and after marriage, you can do husband and wife quests. The husband and wife quest is much simpler than the main story, and the reward experience is also very high. Your friend Tangmen and my friend Wudu got married just to do the husband and wife mission, why don't we both get married and do the mission?"

Li Xiang's hand speed is very fast, after finishing a large paragraph, followed by another paragraph: "Don't worry, we will do task upgrades together in the future, all the mobs will be handed over to me, and all tasks will be done by me, you I'm a novice, just stay by my side to gain experience ^_^"

Newbie you sister!

The corner of Qin Ye's mouth twitched, and before he could reply, Li Xiang sent a marriage proposal.

—Knight [Master with Ideals], level 33, sect Shaolin, request to marry you, do you agree

"I'm a man." Qin Ye frowned and typed out four words. Just as he was about to send it, this marriage proposal pop-up popped up on the screen. Qin Ye froze for a moment, then slipped his hand and pressed the wrong button to agree.

The World Channel also sent out a message in pink words: "Congratulations to the Shaolin chivalrous [great master] and the Emei woman [Qiye Xue], who are in love and tied the knot! I wish the two of you will grow old together forever!"

Qin Ye: "..."

Liu Chuan: "..."

Li Xiang was very happy, and said on the team channel, "That's great, Ye Ye and I are also married, and we can form a group to do husband and wife missions in the future!" Followed by a long line of smiling expressions.

Wu Zewen reacted and said, "It seems that we haven't done the task of husband and wife today?"

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Yes, wife, I'll do it later."

Li Xiang followed suit: "Wife, shall we do it too?"

"..." Qin Ye almost vomited blood.

After a moment of silence, Qin Ye poked at Liu Chuan in a private chat with a cold face: "I just came to the new district to take a look. Where is your classmate from? Why did you propose directly? I'm a man' four words didn't come out in a hurry..."

Liu Chuan sent a row of smiling faces: "I said he is a living treasure, you can keep it at ease. How good are pistachios!"

Qin Ye: "..."

Qin Ye rolled his eyes, poked Li Xiang in private chat, and said calmly, "I'm busy with work, and I rarely have time to play online games. If you want to find a wife for husband and wife tasks, you might as well find someone who is always online."

Li wanted to send a smile: "It doesn't matter. If you have less time, you can give me your number, and I will help you level up."

Qin Ye: "..."

This guy is really bad-hearted! Qin Ye didn't know how to deal with it either. He hadn't played online games for many years, and he didn't know when the marriage system was launched in the online games, let alone how to get a divorce. So... let's go.

Qin Ye reluctantly sent a line: "Let's talk about it when the time comes, I've ordered it beforehand."

Li Xiang said, "I'm done with it? Why don't you leave your account to me, I'll finish today's husband and wife task, and get you some equipment by the way."

This newly-trained account is completely worthless, so Qin Ye simply sent it to him: "Account qiyexue1028, password 10281028."

Li Xiang asked curiously, "So many 1028? Is October 28 your birthday?"

Qin Ye said, "Yeah."

Li Xiang said: "Oh! Then you go off first, have a good sleep, and come back after resting!"

Qin Ye was really having a headache, so he called Liu Chuan directly: "I'll withdraw first..." Then he went offline.

Li Xiang logged into Qin Ye's account with a double-player game. After entering the account password, he received a system prompt: "Please enter the mobile phone verification code."

At the same time, a text message popped up on Qin Ye's mobile phone: "Your account [Qiye Xue] is logged in at the seventh district of Wulin Telecom [Shui Longyin]. The random verification code for this login is 521521."

Then came another message from Liu Chuan: "Master Ideal asked you how much the verification code is."

Qin Ye really had a headache! !

He directly forwarded this text message to Liu Chuan, and then went to the bathroom to wash his face. While washing his face with cold water, he thought depressedly, why did he suddenly run to the new district to find Liu Chuan? Just know that every time Liu Chuan is involved, there is nothing wrong!

The author has something to say:

[small theater]

Li Xiang: In order to fight alongside Qin Ye, I will become the sharpest master! (Take off your shirt, take the beads, Amitabha, and play cosplay)

Qin Ye: Are you looking for death again? Come here, I will meet you.

Li Xiang: T_T... What should I do if my wife is angry

Liu Chuan (smiling): Master taught you a good way. When your wife is angry, you can just overwhelm it.

Wu Zewen: What did you say

Liu Chuan: Cough, cough! Why are you here…

Wu Zewen: What did you tell Li Xiang just now

Liu Chuan: Well, I mean, when my wife is angry, she can just die :)

Wu Zewen: …

Liu Chuan: All right! I know you're angry, but I'll die!

Li Xiang: I am me! I'm dead too!

Wu Zewen: It's troublesome to watch them come and go all day long. Do you want to destroy them directly

Qin Ye: I agree.

Wu Zewen: Is it better to lose the Pacific Ocean or the Atlantic Ocean

Qin Ye: It would be better to throw it out of the earth.

Wu Zewen: I agree.

Liu Chuan: …

Li Xiang:…

The [Master-Apprentice-to-Death Duo] who was thrown out of the earth burst into tears.