The Strongest God

Chapter 44: first dreams


After Daoist Qingfeng arrived, Liu Chuan immediately threw a team application.

Liu Chuan said: "Master, you are really on time, exactly 8 o'clock."

Daoist Qingfeng said, "Well, I just got off work."

He turned around and went to the store to have a look, and found that the liquidity of the store had reached 10,000. When he went offline last night, it was only 5,000, which has doubled in such a short period of time. When Qingfeng checked the transaction records, he found that it was the Tang Sect that had sold a lot of blue equipment.

This Tang Sect is really far-sighted. With such a partnership, the speed of store upgrades is much faster than before, which is mutually beneficial.

Daoist Qingfeng asked, "Did you go to the single brush many times today?"

Liu Chuan said: "Well, playing equipment and practicing skills by the way, kill two birds with one stone."

Daoist Qingfeng was surprised: "Do you still need to go to the ordinary book to practice techniques?"

Liu Chuan smiled: "It's Wudu and Shaolin. I taught them to play solo."

Daoist Qingfeng fell silent, and he suddenly felt that the people in this team were a bit strong. There are four people in a team, and all of them can play the normal dungeon alone. If this news is released, how many people's jaws will be shocked

Liu Chuan continued to say on the team channel: "Master has the slowest speed. It takes more than ten minutes for a single brush, and we must continue to work hard."

Li Xiang said, "I just changed my mind and I'm a little uncomfortable, but next time I'll be fine! I'll try it again!"

Liu Chuan said: "Well. Wife, you can also try it out with the mind of the Gu worm school."

Wu Zewen said: "Okay."

The bottom of Qingfeng Daochang's heart became more and more surprised.

Actually let these two little whites change their minds to single-dry dungeons? What is Tangmen doing? Train these two

The answer was soon revealed.

He is indeed training these two in this way...

Li Xiang said, "It's 2 minutes faster than just now! It's really much faster after it's cooked."

Liu Chuan said, "Well, come on."

After a while, the five poisons also came out and said, "It's still 9 minutes."

Liu Chuan said: "Don't worry, your Gu worm school's early attack skills are too few, you need to point out spiders and butterflies to be more powerful. Now let's continue to use the long whip. When using the whip, can you improve it in 7 minutes and 30 seconds? ?"

Wu Zewen said: "I will try again."

The three of them were just like gossip, and they swiped the common copy of the famous sword pavilion time and time again, and put blue weapons one after another into the Qingfeng shop...

Daoist Qingfeng looked at the team list thoughtfully.

The level of these three people is a bit outrageous, and they don't look like ordinary online game players at all. What's even more strange is that the Five Poisons and Shaolin are obviously novices, but under the guidance of Tangmen, their level has improved by leaps and bounds. The speed of this progress is almost Just like opening the plug-in, when I downloaded the dungeon yesterday, Shaolin shouted because Tangmen attracted a few more mobs, but today I can go to the normal version by myself...

Daoist Qingfeng was thinking calmly when a private message popped up in the lower left corner: "Daoist, you can really bear it, reason silently by yourself, and don't even ask me what's going on?" followed by a smiling expression.

Daoist Qingfeng: "..."

Liu Chuan said: "You should have seen it long ago? Anyway, I can't hide it from you, so I won't hide it. These two little whites are newcomers with great potential, and I am indeed training them in various ways. , to make them into real masters as soon as possible."

Daoist Qingfeng was puzzled: "Go to the arena?"

Liu Chuan said: "Play the game."

Daoist Qingfeng: "...Do you want to form a team to play the City Hero Tournament?"

Liu Chuan said: "It's not as exaggerated as you think. The three of us are all students. It's just a school game."

Daoist Qingfeng: "College League?"

Liu Chuan said, "That's right."

Daoist Qingfeng completely understood now. It turned out that this Tang Sect was a master. He taught his classmates to play games together and wanted to play school games. No wonder the three of them went online and offline at the same time. However, it is too rare for a school's alumni to have such a high level.

Daoist Qingfeng was thinking carefully, and Liu Chuan sent another smile: "Secrets should be exchanged, right?"

Daoist Qingfeng: "?"

Liu Chuan said: "I have revealed my cards to you, but I don't know anything on your side. Understanding should be mutual :)"

Taoist Qingfeng was silent for a moment and asked, "What do you want to know?"

Liu Chuan said: "Ming people don't speak secretly. I've seen the level of experts in online games. I've seen them at any level. Your level is one rank higher than the masters of major guilds."

Liu Chuan smiled and typed the next line: "Let's talk about it, professional level."

Daoist Qingfeng: "..."

Liu Chuan asked, "Which team are you from?"

Daoist Qingfeng: "..."

Liu Chuan said with a smile: "Well, it doesn't matter if you don't want to talk about it. The masters of the major teams play online games with trumpets a lot, but most of them are relatively low-key, and playing in the arena after quickly reaching full level is the main thing for professional players. Purpose. Not only are you not in a hurry to upgrade, but you have also opened a Qingfeng shop to start a business... You are serious about playing the trumpet, aren't you?"

Daoist Qingfeng was silent for a moment, then said coldly, "How do you know that I'm a professional player?"

Liu Chuan smiled: "I've played with you almost ten times, and I can see that your level is very high, so the last time I set the record, I temporarily changed the way to beat the boss, and asked you to cooperate with me. Change the play method temporarily. , The Five Poisons and Shaolin in my team are definitely not good, and the two of Seven Star Grass may also make mistakes, but I believe you can definitely do it, because you are professional."

"Your ability to comprehend and adapt, even if I don't command, many times you know what to do. You have participated in professional training, which is completely different from playing online games. Professional teams have professional training methods, awareness, and reactions. , random movement method, light power operation skills, many details of skill release, you have done very carefully and very well. So, you must have experience in vocational training... Am I right?"

Taoist Qingfeng fell silent, and his hands on the keyboard were even a little stiff.

- Professional level

He hadn't heard such a description for a long time.

A long time ago, someone said to him like this: "Daoist, it's a pity that you don't play games at your level. You are professional."

The man said it all over the place, saying that his style of play is eye-catching, as long as he trains more, he can definitely become an excellent Wudang. At that time, he was still inexperienced in the world, playing dungeons and arenas in online games, and being able to play in the professional league has always been his biggest dream.

Therefore, when he was discovered by the team's spies, it was like Maxima finally met Bole, and he was so excited that he didn't fall asleep for several days.

He has a very good Mingjiao friend in the game. The two often go to qualifying matches together. Therefore, both of them have reached the seventh rank. That guy often goes to the heads-up arena. Clothes are at the forefront.

The team scouts wanted to invite the two to join the Qiankun team for trial training. The Taoist priest was very happy and told the friend the news.

Unexpectedly, the other party directly poured cold water on him: "Team Qiankun? Going to this garbage third-rate team will not be promising. Don't think about it, you still want to play in the professional league at your level? You even me. Can't beat it."

Daoist: "..."

That person is always so rude when he speaks, and a single sentence will blow people to the ground.

But Daoist Qingfeng felt that if he could play in the professional league, he had to try it once before he could be reconciled. So, he stubbornly quit the gang and came to the training camp of Qiankun team alone.

He knows that he is not the kind of talented player that makes people shine. His hand speed is only 220, which can only reach the passing line of a professional player. When encountering a god with extremely high hand speed, he can only be abused.

The league is now full of masters. It is a blessing for a newcomer to play online games like him to be discovered. It is impossible to enter the first-tier strong team at the beginning, and he is also very happy to reach the third-rate Qiankun team. He believes that as long as he works hard, one day he can achieve something.

He practiced hard in the Qiankun team's training camp, starting from the most basic walking, fighting monsters, light power, and skill operation, step by step.

The training mode of professional players is much more boring than playing online games. From 8:00 am to 6:00 pm, the same operation is repeated all the time, over and over again, boring and hard, watching the same scene too many times, and sometimes looking at the computer screen will make my eyes dizzy . But he gritted his teeth and persevered, because these daily trainings are the basic skills of professional players. The more solid the basic skills, the fewer mistakes will be made when playing on the spot.

The training camp of the second-tier teams is not as formal as the first-tier teams. The level of the players is not uniform. The captains and main players don’t have much time to manage their newcomers in the training camp, and the coaches’ own level is not high.

Every time the captain leads the team to participate in the competition, the newcomers in the training camp will take the opportunity to be lazy...

But he was never lazy. He wakes up early every day for training and goes to bed last at night because he knows his biggest flaw - he's not young anymore.

Unlike those 16- or 17-year-olds, there is still a lot of time and there is a lot of room for improvement. He was 21 years old when he was discovered. In the field of e-sports, many 21-year-olds are already god-level players in various major teams, but at the age of 21, he has just started training at the youth academy.

His start was too late. So he has to race against time!

Unfortunately, not hard work will succeed, and the competitive field is always the cruelest place.

Team Qiankun's performance dropped sharply and finally fell to the bottom of the 16 teams. They must compete with the champions and runners-up of the National Urban Heroes Tournament to qualify for the next season.

Then, Team Qiankun met Team Snow Wolf.

This new team formed by the folks has a sharp style of play, and the players move as fast as lightning, like a wild wolf running in the snow. Knocked out!

He still remembered that the members of Team Xuelang hugged each other excitedly after the game, and a young player glanced at the direction of Team Qiankun contemptuously, and said with a smile, "This is professionalism. Team? That's all it is!"

A person who looked very much like him next to him patted him on the shoulder and said, "Ajie, don't forget that this team ranks last in the professional league."

The boy called Ajie scratched his head and said, "The last one? No wonder, it's just like a soft-footed shrimp, it's too bad!"

The faces of the Qiankun team members who heard the other party's words were ashen, and the captain's face was even blue.

Being destroyed by the group ten times is a shame as a professional player!

Then, Fang Zhiyan, the captain of the Snow Wolf team, walked over with grace, and out of courtesy, smiled and shook hands with them one by one.

Fang Zhiyan's polite smile formed a sharp contrast with the lost face of the captain of Qiankun team. This is the cruelty of competitive events, winners and losers, and no one will sympathize with the weak.

After that game, the investors of Qiankun team finally decided to disband the team. After all, investors also want to make money by sponsoring a team. No one wants to do a loss-making business. With the achievements of the Qiankun team, there is almost no hope of losing one game. It is indeed time to disband.

The people in the team were beaten to the point of lack of confidence and no fighting spirit to make a comeback.

The captain and vice-captain were disheartened and retired silently. No one of the main players was willing to continue playing in the professional league. Most of the team chose to leave the professional circle to find another way out. Those who wanted to stay as professional players were the only ones left. Two people-

Seventeen-year-old Zhou Feifan, and him, twenty-two-year-old Jiang Shaoqing.

With the arrival of the new season, all player data who have resumed their free agency will be displayed in the alliance data window for each major team to select. Those ace players who have regained their freedom will naturally be vying for high prices, and newcomers like them are lucky to have someone. To put it in a bad way, Jiang Shaoqing felt that at that time, he was like a discounted product at the entrance of the mall that was about to expire.

Later, Zhou Feifan was accepted by the strong team Qixingcao, but Jiang Shaoqing was ignored until the end of the transfer period.

At the age of twenty-two, he was still a rookie in the training camp. He had never played a game, which was enough to scare away many team managers.

It's really too late to retrain at this age. Is it possible to retire after a year in the training camp? Each major team is looking for new players, and the favorite is the talented young players, who can replace the main players to play games when they grow up in a year or two...

An old rookie like him has lost the chance to compete in the early stages.

Jiang Shaoqing could only choose to leave silently.

The manager of Team Qiankun gave him 4,000 yuan, which was his salary for the last two months. He couldn't remember how he felt when he took the money, and his fingers were so stiff that he could barely hold the banknotes.

- A full year of training camp experience, five thousand subsidy at the end, this is all his career.

- Going to that rubbish third-rate team won't be worth it, don't think about it, you still want to play in the professional league at your level

The words of his friend at that time suddenly appeared in his mind, and Jiang Shaoqing found that he was speechless. He ran to training in high spirits, and then left in a state of dismay... That's how his whimsical ending came to be.

Say he's a professional player

Yes, he did train with a professional team for a year.

Can you say he is professional? He didn't even believe it himself.

A professional player who has never played a single match? A professional player who has been in training camp for a whole year and has not even met the captain a few times? A professional player who no one wants at all during the transfer period and can only leave silently with a salary of 4,000 yuan

Become a pro...

The original dream now seems like a joke.

Jiang Shaoqing was already disheartened and found a new job to make a living. Now my job is stable and my life is regular and peaceful. But he still couldn't let go of this game in his heart, and he was always thinking about the blue and white Wudang Taoist robe, and his Qingfeng Taoist priest.

He didn't have the face to go back to the old district to play with those friends, so he chose to come to the new district.

The update of the expansion pack just happened to update the orange weapons of 24 genres. He came to the new area and just wanted to play with another orange weapon in the online game.