The Strongest God

Chapter 45: Wudang Sword Sect


Seeing that Qingfengdao didn't respond for a long time, Liu Chuan then typed a line: "It's okay if it's inconvenient for you to say, I won't ask which team you are from. However, the new season is about to start, if you play like this Online games will definitely affect the state of the game, right?"

Jiang Shaoqing was silent for a moment, then replied: "It's okay, I don't need to play the game."

Liu Chuan was surprised: "A newcomer to the training camp?"

Jiang Shaoqing said, "Well."

Seeing his words, Liu Chuan fell silent.

This Qingfeng Daochang's style of play is so calm and steady, if he is a master of a certain team, Liu Chuan should have an impression. But he said that he was from the training camp, and Liu Chuan didn't know. After all, the training camp is the team's reserve corps. Many newcomers in the training camp are secretly training, especially some black-bellied captains, who deliberately hide the newcomers in the training camp, and occasionally release them during the game to surprise people.

This guy is a rookie in training camp, which team will he be from

The other party is reluctant to tell, and Liu Chuan is also not good at inquiring about other people's privacy.

After a moment of silence, Liu Chuancai said, "Actually, I'm not asking you about your background, but I want to re-appoint with you about the time to go online without affecting your daily training."

Jiang Shaoqing asked, "An appointment? Do you want to form a fixed team?"

Liu Chuan said: "That's right. It's more reassuring to have a fixed team to play dungeons. The number of dungeons is limited, and the world will waste everyone's time calling people to pig teammates. At present, it's just me, Wudu, Shaolin and you, and the four people will be fixed first. .Since you don't participate in the competition, I don't worry about affecting you."

Jiang Shaoqing said, "Well, I understand."

Liu Chuan said hello on the team channel: "Come on, everyone, how about we form a fixed team?"

Li Xiang immediately sent a drooling expression: "Okay! The fixed team is good! Teaming up with passers-by to play dungeons is too cruel!"

Wu Zewen also had no opinion: "Okay."

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "I'm a student. I have free time on weekends. It's not easy to stay up late, how about you?"

Li Xiang said: "Wudu and I are also student parties. We have to go to class in the future, so we can't stay up too late. Our school has access control restrictions. The dormitory building will be closed at 12:30. I like to go to Internet cafes, so I can only arrive at 7 pm in the future. Online at 12."

Wu Zewen said: "Me too, I am with the master."

Liu Chuan thought for a while and said, "Well, let's make an appointment between 8:00 pm and 12:00 pm for a fixed activity. You can arrange other times freely. Can you see if you can?"

Li wanted to say, "No problem at all!"

Wu Zewen said: "Okay."

Jiang Shaoqing said, "No problem."

Liu Chuan said: "That's such a happy decision! Let's add friends to each other first."

Several people added friends to each other, and Liu Chuan added: "Daoist, since you want to form a fixed team, I want to know your level well, and you can arrange tactics for different dungeons in the future. After level 50, you must have a fixed genre, you play What genre of Wudang are you referring to?"

Jiang Shaoqing said, "Wudang Sword Sect."

Liu Chuan was startled.

How could his hand speed and style be Jianzong

This pro player is a little weird...

Liu Chuan thought about it and said, "Well, you go to the east gate of Jiangling, let's play a game and learn from each other."

Jiang Shaoqing also wanted to see the level of this Tangmen, and soon rode to the gate of Jiangling.

Playing a copy, you can only see a person's basic operation and awareness, and the real PK level, you can only know by trying it yourself. Jiang Shaoqing could also see that this Tangmen captain must have also had professional team training experience.

The names of the players in the team are displayed in blue, and the three people can be seen at a glance in the crowd. Tangmen was wearing dark blue clothes and stood at the gate of Jiangling, Wudu stood quietly beside him with a small snake, while the second-hand Shaolin was jumping and playing Qinggong.

Famous forever, misty swamp, ideal master...

Strange name, these three are his regular teammates? It feels so subtle.

Jiang Shaoqing stopped in front of the three, and Tangmen immediately sent an invitation—

Chevalier [Liufang Bai Shi], the Tang Sect of the martial art, level 33, invites you to learn from it.

In the game, only after level 70 can enter the cross-server arena of the martial arts conference. If you want to fight below level 70, there are only two ways. One is to add an enemy to a vendetta. Killing someone will increase the murderous value, and the murderous value exceeds a certain amount. To be caught and go to jail.

The other is to learn from each other in a friendly manner, not to kill anyone, and to decide the winner if a drop of blood is hit. When an invitation to discuss, a flag will appear in the middle, so it is also called "flagging" by players. In addition to the Martial Arts Neutral Forces Reserve, flags can be raised anywhere in other games.

The large square at the entrance of the main city is a place where many players like to discuss. At the entrance of Jiangling City, there are already many boring people who like to fight.

Jiang Shaoqing agreed to the invitation, but just as he was about to do it, Tang Sect said in the team, "Master Dao, change to Wudang Sword Sect, and fight the genre you are best at."

Li Xiang excitedly said, "Do you want PK? I'm here to watch!"

Wu Zewen also came over and adjusted his perspective to watch the battle.

Jiang Shaoqing typed out the word "good" and changed Sword Sect's equipment and mentality.

Liu Chuan said, "Let's start."

Count down five seconds to prepare, and the competition officially begins!

Liu Chuan immediately jumped back and opened the distance, and the uncooled Tangmen poison dart shot quickly. In just one second, Qingfeng Daochang was hit three times by the poison dart at the same time. This speed is really amazing!

However, Jiang Shaoqing was very calm, raised the long sword in his hand, and charged directly towards Tangmen—

Man and sword unite!

The middle-level skills of Wudang Sword Sect, the swordsman and the sharp sword in his hand are integrated into one, rushing in any direction and hitting the opponent, causing a lot of damage, and successfully hitting the sword will get the five-square sword intent!

In the process of the opponent's rapid movement, he actually predicted the opponent's position, and directly activated the unity of the human and the sword, turning it into a sharp sword and stabbing it!

Liu Chuan did not evade this move, he ate all the damage, and his blood volume dropped by one-fifth all of a sudden.

Daoist Qingfeng immediately took a Sword Shadow Wuhen!

Consuming all the sword intent, the long sword in the hand transforms into an invisible sword shadow to attack the opponent.

This is the most basic combo of Wudang Sword Sect. People and swords are combined to accumulate sword intent, and the sword shadow has no trace to consume sword intent. The two moves are released in a row.

However, what surprised Daoist Qingfeng was that with such a quick combo, the second move, Jianying Wuhen, did not hit. Tangmen seemed to have expected it, and the moment he made his move, he suddenly received a fascination!

Shadow Longitudinal, the general skill of Tangmen, immediately jumps to the designated position within 20 meters!

Tangmen jumped directly behind Wudang, and the dense weapons in his hands were thrown at the same time—

Soul Nail! Golden Acupuncture Point! Flying flowers and picking leaves!

Three hidden weapons, three skills, almost at the same time!

Wudang's back was continuously hit by hidden weapons, and the bleeding effect on his body immediately stacked up to three layers!

I am invisible!

Wudang Sword Sect's mid-level skill can remove any unfavorable state of oneself.

This kind of skill that solves the state should be played at the right time during PK. The cooldown time is too long. After you let it go once, it will be suppressed by the opponent in the next time.

Taoist Qingfeng immediately turned in his skills when he was in a bleeding state. It was precisely because he judged that this Tang Sect was a master, and a few seconds could be a battle of life and death. He must not be allowed to stack the bleeding effect!

After getting rid of the bleeding state, immediately adjust the camera to open the Quick Wind Steps, and catch up with Tangmen at the fastest speed. The long sword in his hand holds a sword flower, but it is the most basic sword technique of Wudang Sword Sect.

The sword light in the hands of the Taoist priest is like a crescent moon shadow, which is especially beautiful at night. This skill consumes very little mana, and has a three-stage combo. The three-ringed moon combo hits three times, the damage will be doubled, and it can be accumulated quickly. Sword Intent!

Jiang Shaoqing's hands quickly exploded, and all three moves in a row stabbed at the key point of Tangmen, the damage was doubled again and again, and the crispy Tangmen was once again knocked out by one-fifth of its blood! Jiang Shaoqing simultaneously opened Sword Shadow Wuhen!

However, Tang Sect once again deftly avoided it, this time using Jianghu Qinggong Feihe Chongtian!

Jiang Shaoqing's Sword Shadow Wuhen hit the air again. He paused for a while, took the initiative to distance himself, and calmly calculated the cooling time of Tangmen Qinggong.

After 5 seconds, the man and the sword are united!

At the moment when Tangmen landed, Daoist Wudang turned into a sharp sword again and charged towards the landing point!

A huge sword light swiped through the air with a "swipe" sound, hitting the landing Tangmen accurately!

Immediately followed by Jianying Wuhen, Three Rings Covering the Moon, Jianying Wuhen, a set of combos wiped out most of the opponent's HP!

Because the blood volume reached the limit of the competition, the system channel in the lower left corner popped up a message at the same time: "Wudang knights [Qingfeng Daochang] defeated Tangmen knights [Liufang Baishi] in the competition."

Liu Chuan sat on the spot and meditated to recover his qi and blood, while sending a smiling expression: "Good fight, Daoist."

Li Xiang also applauded on the team channel: "The Taoist priest is very sharp!"

Wu Zewen also said: "It's amazing."

Jiang Shaoqing was silent for a moment, then sent a private chat: "Are you asking me?"

Liu Chuan replied in a private chat: "It's not for you, I mainly want to see your true level. We are teammates, and it's a good thing to get to know each other. You play really well, and the level 30 swordsman Wudang can learn is only three The most basic skills, such as the ring of the moon, the unity of the human and the sword, and the sword shadow, are the most basic skills. You can use these simple skills repeatedly, and the combination of moves is very good." Followed by a row of thumbs. expression.

Jiang Shaoqing fell silent. In fact, he knew very well in his heart that this Tang Sect was letting him.

At that time, after using the fan shadow to circumnavigate his back, Tangmen's hidden weapon fired three times in a row, which almost caught him off guard, but later Tangmen kept trying to avoid his pursuit, and did not attack him again. It's hard to say whether he can cope with the hidden weapon he uses.

Liu Chuan continued with a smile and said, "I deliberately fly your kite with all kinds of Qinggong moves, in order to stimulate your fastest hand speed. What's rare is that you have never been arrogant or impetuous, and you are very calm when I fly the kite. Every skill release of his is very careful and accurate. After the big move is empty, he can quickly come up with a way to remedy it, which is indeed a professional level." There is another row of thumbs.

Daoist Qingfeng was not happy about Tangmen's praise.

His skills are indeed outstanding among online gamers, and it is not difficult to clean up the masters of the big guild, so he was discovered by the spies of the professional team and introduced to the team training camp.

But in fact, he also has a lot of shortcomings. He is not too young, and his hand speed has only reached the pass line of a professional player of 220. If he is playing online games, his level is too high, and he is a bit at the bottom when playing professionally. Such a mediocre player.

Tangmen complimented him so much, and Daoist Qingfeng was silent for a moment, then politely called: "Thank you for the compliment."

Liu Chuan said with a smile: "After talking about the advantages, can I talk about your shortcomings? Don't be angry."

Daoist Qingfeng said: "It's okay, let's hear it."

Liu Chuan said: "You are not suitable for Wudang Sword Sect, you might as well change the genre."

Jiang Shaoqing: "..."

What is the disadvantage of this? This is a complete denial, right

The author has something to say:

[small theater]

A certain Mingjiao: I told you earlier that it would not be promising. If you don’t believe it, you even went to try it out. What happened? Has the team disbanded


A certain Mingjiao: Come back and play qualifying with me. (this is the mental word)


The arrogant snake spirit disease Xiaogong really can't be saved O(∩_∩)O.