The Strongest God

Chapter 49: All-star coaching staff


Bronze Sparrow's two really deserve to be the top online game masters, and their operations are quite sharp.

The Bronze Sparrow Guild is a guild for both PVP and PVE. There is a special person in charge of the dungeon, and there is also a special head of the arena. The thorn bird and the colorful parrot are the chairman and vice-chairman. Naturally, both PVP and PVE are extremely proficient. There is nothing to say about the way of playing the copy, and the arena is also a master of the sixth battle rank.

Liu Chuan still has a certain understanding of the Tongque Guild. On Lu Xiang's birthday last year, the Tongque Club held a birthday party. Liu Chuan went there in person. Many core managers of the Tongque Guild had dinner with him. This thorn bird also in it.

The Tongjak team is based on Shao Zehang's Mingjiao and Lu Xiang's beggar gang as the core. Therefore, there are also many master Mingjiao and master beggar gangs in the Tongque guild. Although the guild players in online games are far worse than the professional players, they can At the level of the president, it is actually very powerful.

Liu Chuan invited these people over, the main purpose is to let Zewen and Li Xiang have more knowledge and see more of the masters' play.

It took about 14 minutes to complete the dungeon, and the score record was naturally not broken again. After all, no one played very seriously.

The colorful parrot said politely: "Thank you, master, we know how to fight."

The two were about to leave the team, but Liu Chuan suddenly said, "Don't leave in a hurry, president, are you interested in learning from me?"

The thorn bird almost spurted out a mouthful of blood.

It's enough for the president to accompany you to play a level 30 dungeon, buddy!

Want to practice with you? !

This Tang Sect dungeon is indeed quite a set, and the understanding of the dungeon is also very deep. People who have played online games for a long time know that the dungeon and the arena are two different ways to play. The dungeon is a plot set by the system, and the boss does not have it. IQ, there are just a few fixed routines, when to jump lightly, and when to hide in a group, everyone will memorize it if they play too much.

But the arena is different.

The opponents that are matched every time in the arena are random, people beat people, and there are too many changes. You never know what the other party is thinking, so people who are good at playing dungeons may not necessarily play arena, and people who are very good at playing arena may not necessarily play dungeons.

However, because those who are more powerful in the arena have fast reaction and hand speed, as long as they understand the principle of playing dungeons, they will learn it very quickly. The other way around is not the same. The masters who can play dungeons should not have too many tears in the arena. In the eyes of many PVP players, the dungeon is a more casual game for girls to play, and the arena qualifying match after the full level is the real hot-blooded competitive field!

Thorny Bird played a dungeon with these people, and naturally recognized the Tangmen's dungeon understanding and command ability.

But he said he wanted PK

The thorn bird can't help but want to laugh!

You, a dungeon, actually want to PK with the dignified president? Dude, you don't need to be so direct if you want to die, right

The thorn bird sent a smiling expression: "Do you really want to fight me?"

Liu Chuan also smiled and said, "Well, I have never seen a top expert in Mingjiao. The president is here to learn from each other. How about the guidance?"

Jiang Shaoqing: "..."

The thorn bird was taken aback by Liu Chuan's words "guidance and guidance". The other party's attitude was so modest that his dignified president seemed stingy when he disagreed. So, the thorn bird said: "Okay, let's discuss a game, if you don't know much about Mingjiao, I will guide you!"

Jiang Shaoqing: "..."

The thorn bird sent an invitation to discuss, and Liu Chuan agreed.

Jiang Shaoqing originally thought that it would take no more than 20 seconds for Team Sichuan to kill such a master in online games, but the result surprised him!

This friendly discussion actually lasted for a full five minutes!

Jiang Shaoqing quickly understood the captain's intention! He was deliberately releasing water, hiding his strength, and letting the opponent show more skills, so that the two little whites in the team could watch carefully!

He is not learning about PK at all, but teaching on the spot!

Thorny Bird's heart was also very shocked. He originally thought it would be easy for him to kill this Tang Sect, but he didn't expect to kill the opponent after a full five minutes in the end, and it was very strange that the moment he won the Tang Sect, he always felt that As if the taut strings suddenly snapped, I somehow won...

Ahem, anyway, I won in the end, otherwise it would be a shame to be the president!

Liu Chuan smiled on the team channel and said, "The president is really amazing!"

The thorn bird smiled and said, "You are also very strong. I didn't expect you to not only play dungeons, but PK is also good."

Jiang Shaoqing: "..."

He's making you idiot!

Let it be so calm that you can't even see it, he has calculated every step of yours, and naturally he has calculated how to let you win. It can be said that this PK is a teaching exercise under his control from beginning to end...

Jiang Shaoqing glanced sympathetically at the thorn bird, which he knew nothing about.

The thorn bird was still chatting with Liu Chuan privately there: "Brother, your PK skills are not bad. Although you lost to me, you are also a first-class master in the guild. You haven't joined the guild yet, have you? Interested in joining our Bronze Sparrow Guild?"

Liu Chuan said with a smile, "Thank you, President, for your kindness. I have no plans to join a guild for the time being. I'll take a group of relatives and friends to make a copy."

The thorn bird said regretfully: "Well, if you change your mind and come back to me, our guild welcomes you at any time. Add a friend first."

The president sent a friend request, and Liu Chuan naturally agreed.

After the two left, Liu Chuan asked on the team channel, "Did you record it just now?"

Wu Zewen said: "Recorded."

Li Xiang raised his hand: "I recorded it too!"

Liu Chuan said: "You leave an email for me, and I will send you the first-view video I recorded myself. After you watch the video from the side-view, look at the first-view I personally operate, and you will gain something. ."

On the other side, seeing the two coming out of the famous sword pavilion, Que Wu immediately sent a message: "President, are you finished?"

The thorn bird said: "The strategy is all videotaped, this Tangmen is quite powerful."

Que Wu asked: "How do you say?"

The thorn bird said: "His strategy is useless if he learns it, and ordinary people can't fight it."

After that, the two managers, Bird Dance and Color Parrot, were pulled to the voice room, and the video was played directly on the voice live broadcast platform.

Que Wu was shocked while watching it. After a long time, she replied, "I really can't beat it. The most important thing to achieve this result is not the strategy, but the skills of this Tang Sect to beat the boss."

Thorny Bird said: "That's right. Their team doesn't have a nurse, which sounds like a bit more output than a team with a nurse. But in fact, this low-level dungeon mobs have limited HP, and the system calculates the dungeon scores as valid. outputs, those that overflow are not counted."

Thorny Bird is worthy of being the president of the Bronze Sparrow Guild, and observes the dungeon very carefully. The improvement of dungeon scores is not in the mobs, but in the boss stage. The key point for them to record this dungeon was the bleeding state that Tangmen put on the boss.

Shaolin's skills save all sentient beings. The team ignores hatred for 5 seconds. Every time Tangmen let go of his hands and feet in that 5 seconds, he burst out output, and the superimposed bleeding state for the boss is as high as eight or even ten layers! After the negative state is stacked eight times, the defense of the boss will be greatly reduced, which will immediately increase the team's efficiency by a notch, increase the DPS, and at the same time increase the system's score.

The three managers quickly calmed down and exchanged the information they understood with each other.

The colorful parrot said, "To be able to stack the DPS so high in a short period of time, this Tang Sect is definitely a master, what should we do?"

The thorn bird asked: "What do you think of the old bird?"

Que Wu said: "This is a master of dungeons, and he has very unique insights into dungeon bosses. How about our guild win over them? After reaching full level, team dungeons will open up wasteland, and it is this kind of talent who can interpret dungeon bosses that is needed."

Thorny Bird said: "I just told him about this, and he said that he would not consider it for the time being. It is said that the Seven Star Grass Guild tried to win him over and failed. I think he wanted to form a group of relatives and friends to play the dungeon by himself, and he did not add it. Guild's plan."

The colorful parrot said helplessly: "I have to admit that in this district, this is the wisest choice for him."

The three were speechless for a moment at the same time.

In this area, there are eight clan guilds stationed at the same time, no matter which guild he joins, there will be at least three hostiles. He brought the guild group to the limelight, and naturally there will be a group of hostile guilds to clean up him. But if he doesn't join any of the guilds and keeps his status as a free man, the eight major guilds will be concerned about their own face, but no one will take the initiative to trouble him.

Que Wu frowned and said, "This expert is very smart, obviously he has clearly seen the situation of the major guilds in this area. The idea of pulling him is still forgot, he obviously wants to remain free, and no one will be offended. "

Thorny Bird quickly calmed down: "For the results of the dungeon of Mingjiange, we temporarily give up the competition and immediately upgrade the elite group to grab the top three record of the level 35 dungeon 'Eighteen Arhats' at the fastest speed."

Que Wu immediately nodded and said, "I know, I'll arrange the staff now!"

The management on Tongque's side naturally learned from Team Shao's calmness, and the communication immediately made the situation clear. On the Chang'an side, it was different. Ye Luo Silent was very cautious. He had to try it himself before he could believe it. The two elite groups were still playing dungeons. Liu Chuan received news from another guild—

Guose Wushuang said to you: "Hello, master, I am the president of the Guose Guild."

Liu Chuan couldn't help laughing, the style of the national color team is so slow, and the national color guild is also half a beat in all kinds of actions.

Liu Chuan sent a smiling expression: "Hello, President, learn the dungeon strategy, right?"

Guose Wushuang sent a drooling expression: "Are experts willing to sell strategies? Do you want materials or money?"

Liu Chuan said: "The strategy is free to teach. You send the strongest Taiji Wudang and Dao Shaolin in the guild to come and learn."

Guose Wushuang sent a shocked expression: "Tai Chi Wudang and Dao Shaolin? Master, does this copy need Tai Chi Dao Master and Dao Shao to fight?"

Liu Chuan smiled and said: "You will know when you send it over :)"

After a while, the two vice presidents of the Guose Guild came to visit, one was called Guose Chaxiang, and the other was called Guose Wuyou.

The national color team is a field-controlled style of play with the Tai Chi genre as the core. There are also many Wudang masters who specialize in the Tai Chi genre in the online game guild. The level of the guild leader is naturally not a problem. There is a fairy tale flavor.

It took 15 minutes to beat the boss, and Liu Chuan said again, "Do you want to come and learn from the president?"

Guose Chaxiang asked suspiciously, "Do you want to learn from each other?"

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Well, I haven't played against the Tai Chi school yet, so the president will guide you?"

"It's easy to talk about it." Guose Tea Xiang was also welcome, and directly opened the application for discussion.

Just like before, this time Liu Chuan controlled the time to about 5 minutes and lost quietly.

Guose Chaxiang won the confusion, took the initiative to add Liu Chuan as a friend, and chatted with him privately to ask if he would join the guild.

Liu Chuan still answered in the same way: "I don't think about it for the time being, thank you for your kindness :)"

The third batch of students left, and the fourth batch followed.

This time, it was the people sent by the Beacon Fire and Wolf Smoke Association, and Liu Chuan asked them to send the strongest holy fire Mingjiao.

Li Xiang has been playing online games for so long, but this is the first time he sees the Mingjiao of the sacred fire genre. His fiery red clothes are very different from the assassin-type Mingjiao he usually sees. Wu Zewen sees that the Mingjiao has moved the negative state of the mobs. When I went there, it felt very fresh.

Before the two left, Liu Chuan had another PK with each of them.

The beacon guild's president, the princes of Fenghuo play, took the initiative to add Liu Chuan's friend, and asked directly: "Master, do you want to join the guild? Our guild is in need of talents. Come over and I will directly let you lead the dungeon. The dungeon is not interesting. After the full level, the most important thing is to reclaim the wasteland of the 70-level team dungeon. The team dungeon can only be played by 30 people. If you are a master, your family and friends of 4 people cannot play the team. It is better to bring your relatives and friends to join us. The guild, directly into the elite group, when the time comes to open up a 70-level team book?"

The president's temper is relatively straightforward, and his words are very reasonable. After all, the low-level small dungeons are only used for equipment transition and experience upgrades. After the full level, the 30-person team large dungeon is the area that all players pay more attention to.

After the full level, the large copy will drop the top purple equipment and precious materials to exchange for orange weapons. The ultimate pursuit of players who love PVE is the full level team copy. Liu Chuan's 4-person group of relatives and friends is indeed unable to play a large-scale team book.

Liu Chuan smiled and said: "The president is very polite, I don't want to join a guild for the time being. After the full level, let's talk about it. The team is too hard to fight, and I don't necessarily want to fight."

Liu Chuan played the small dungeon just to practice the basic operation and awareness of Wu Zewen and Li Xiang, the two little whites. What dungeons will they play after the full level? Of course, directly to the arena.

He is not a dungeon casual party, and his ultimate purpose of bringing Xiaobai to upgrade is to play games.

"..." The princes of Fenghuo Opera are very helpless: "You can think about it again, change your mind and come to me at any time!"

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Okay. Bye bye President."

After the two left, Jiang Shaoqing couldn't help chatting privately and asked, "Team Chuan, will you offend all the guilds like this?"

Liu Chuan said: "No, how can you offend them for such a good thing as a free guide? Several presidents seem to have a good impression of me. I have added my friends today, and I will play dungeons in the future. We are missing two teammates. It will be filled by the masters of the major guilds, the masters of the major guilds are like clouds, I will call it whatever genre you want to watch, I am a free all-star coaching team hired for a long time!"

Jiang Shaoqing: "..."

Jiang Shaoqing was completely speechless!

- Free all-star coaching team

-This coaching group includes the top masters of Chang'an Guild, the chairman and vice-chairman of Tongjak Guild, the chairman and vice-chairman of Guose Guild, and the chairman and vice-chairman of Beacon Fire Guild. Increase.

In order to improve the level of the Five Poisons and Shaolin as soon as possible, the Sichuan team is really hard enough, and they actually deceived all the presidents of these guilds to PK...

Such a star-studded coaching team is simply unheard of!

The author has something to say: Zewen and Li Xiang need to absorb a lot of nutrients!

Playing dungeons can only train basic operations. Liu Chuan's real purpose is to coax the presidents of major guilds to come to PK :)

Watching Liu Chuan PK with various masters every day, Zewen and Li Xiang can learn something even if they are novices!

[small theater]

Liu Chuan (smiling): Wife.

Zevin: Huh

Liu Chuan (passing over and kissing to take advantage): Wife, you actually like me a lot, don't you

Zevin: Hmm. Sleeping in the study tonight.

Liu Chuan: … what? ?

Liu Chuan, who was sleeping in the study with his pillow in his arms, was going to sell the house and buy a new one-bedroom, one-bedroom house. With only one bedroom, Zewen can't let me sleep in the study, right? I am so witty!

Zewen: Then you sleep on the floor.

Liu Chuan: ... Die!

Chuan Shen hasn't died in the small theater for a long time, Zewen expressed his unhappiness, so he let him die :)