The Strongest God

Chapter 5: Tragic qualifying


Li wanted to hear that Liu Chuan was playing the puppet genre, so he couldn't help but suggest tactfully, "Liu Chuan, you just started playing this game. As a novice, I still think it's better to play Archer, and it's too difficult to operate a puppet master!"

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "It's okay, I just like to play puppets, so let's practice slowly."

The roommate smiled and was calm and calm. Li Xiang was too embarrassed to attack him, so he could only suggest enthusiastically: "Cough, if you are determined to play this genre, you might as well watch the videos of the great gods first. I remember that there are some in the professional circle. A Tang Sect great god who plays the puppet genre has recorded a lot of strategy videos, his name is... What is it?" Li Xiang scratched his hair and thought carefully.

Liu Chuan reminded him: "Is it called Haina Baichuan?"

Li Xiang patted his forehead: "Yes, it's called Haina Baichuan, the former captain of the Huaxia team, Haina Baichuan. Do you know him? His name happens to have the word "Chuan" in it. Are you playing the puppet genre because you like him? "

Liu Chuan said without changing his face: "Well, I like him very much."

Zhu Xiaoyu next to him agreed: "I also like the Sichuan team very much. He can control seven puppets at the same time, which is amazing! It's a pity that he suddenly retired, and I don't know what happened. Is it some kind of terminal illness?"

Li Xiang echoed: "It's possible!"

Liu Chuan: "..."

I'm standing right here! Don't you curse me, okay

Continuing to struggle with the question of "where did the Sichuan team go?" Liu Chuan smartly changed the subject and said, "By the way, aren't you going to play qualifying? Are the other two students online yet?"

Li Xiang looked back at the friend list, and saw that two friends were online, Li Xiang quickly sent a team invitation, five people formed a good team, added to the qualifying list, five missing one, the other one can only Match a random passerby.

Soon, the system matching was completed, and a stranger was added to the team of five. Li Xiang simply greeted him on the team channel, and everyone pressed the prepare button one after another.

"Your team has joined the qualifying queue and is looking for an opponent for you, please wait."

After half a minute, the match was successful, and a prompt popped up on the screen—

"Successfully matched the opponent, the random map is loading, the countdown is 10, 9, 8..."

Li Xiang hurriedly supported the headset and greeted him on the team's voice channel: "It's time to start, everyone concentrate, come on!" After boosting his morale, Li Xiang turned back to Liu Chuan and said, "By the way, I'll take it later. Directing the game, I may not be able to give you a detailed explanation..."

Liu Chuan raised the corner of his lips: "It's okay, I'll see how you fight."

The 10-second countdown is over and the game officially begins.

What appeared in front of everyone was a beautiful peach blossom island. Li Xiang and his teammates refreshed the birth point in the lower left corner of the map at the same time.

The team competition rules of the 6-player mode are quite special. When the game starts, the two sides will refresh the diagonal corner of the map respectively. This birth point is also the home base. After the character dies, it will be resurrected here. The more the number of deaths, the more resurrected. The waiting time is also longer.

The battle maps are randomly generated, bamboo forests, towns, snow-capped mountains, swamps, various maps can also bring different battle fun.

The purpose of the competition is to capture three command flags randomly drawn on the map, and then bring the command flags back to their home base. After the command flags are refreshed, the coordinates will be displayed on the small map. Whoever wins more command flags will win Final victory.

Simply understand, it is the mode of "random map capture the flag".

The map that Li Xiang and they randomly came across is "Peach Blossom Island". This map looks very beautiful. Pink peach blossoms are flying in the wind. Even the ground is covered with a thick carpet of petals. The 3D effect of the game is very good. , but Li Xiang and the others were obviously not in the mood to enjoy the beautiful scenery. Everyone stood together and added each other's status. Li Xiang commanded: "Okay, let's go together and walk in the middle!"

Pushing the middle with a group, this is the most common tactic in the rookie game...

The map of Peach Blossom Island is not difficult, and the terrain is not complicated. Li Xiang directly took his teammates and rushed towards Lingqi Point in the middle of the map.

The five people walked to the fork in the road, and suddenly a Mingjiao burst out from behind a dense peach tree.

Li Xiang hurriedly shouted: "There is an ambush! Come on!"

—Khan, if there is an ambush, you don’t adjust your position, you just… go on

Several other people listened to Li Xiang's command and rushed up immediately, smashing a bunch of skills.

Li Xiang continued to command: "Kill the wet nurse first! Hurry up! Kill the wet nurse!"

- Isn't it time to kill Mingjiao first? Mingjiao was too unrestrained just now, and he has long since been out of the scope of his nurse's treatment

"Don't worry about that Mingjiao! Kill the wet nurse! Quickly kill the wet nurse!!"

Liu Chuan: "..."

"Increase blood and blood! Give me a sip of treatment! I'm going to die! Hurry up and sip!"

Liu Chuan: "..."

What the hell is this command! Liu Chuan is simply powerless to complain!

Although the fourth battle tier is considered good among online gamers, it is really weak in the eyes of professional players - he doesn't know how to calculate damage, he doesn't know how to control his position, he doesn't know how to adjust distance, and he doesn't know how to observe and use terrain...

E-sports events are like this. People who are one level above the level have completely different methods and consciousness.

When professional teams play games, each map must be carefully analyzed and researched. Various encirclement warfare, guerrilla warfare, attacking the east and the west, lure the enemy into the deep... There are a group of captains full of bad water in the professional circle, and they have created a variety of tactics. As the captain of the Huaxia team, Liu Chuan is used to commanding professional leagues. It is simply too cruel to see Li Xiang and the others playing in such a mess.

After watching for a while, Liu Chuan finally couldn't help but reminded: "You should retreat to the back of the tree first..."

Li Xiang's eyes were red, but he didn't listen to his roommate's reminder, and continued to shout, "Go up! Hack that nurse to death!"

Liu Chuan had no choice but to watch them send their heads in anger.

The first game was quickly lost, and the second game continued to be lost neatly. Li Xiang was a little depressed, opened a bottle of Red Bull next to him, took a few sips, and clenched his fist proudly: "Come again. !"

Liu Chuan really wanted to say: Classmates, if you fight like this, drinking Red Bull is useless!

As a crisp Tangmen archer, instead of hiding in the distance to suppress long-range firepower, he rushed forward with his teammates openly, and sometimes rushed to the crowd to save people impulsively, playing Tangmen as a melee battle, and opened the door. Rushing around under the name of Tangmen, what a talent...

However, this guy's hand speed is quite fast, and the reaction is obviously much faster than that of other teammates.

Liu Chuan couldn't help but ask: "Li Xiang, your hand speed is over 220, right?"

Li wanted to answer: "It seems to be 240!"

Hand speed, that is, the number of finger operations in one minute, referred to as APM.

In the domestic e-sports field, in the team cooperation category, the hand speed of 220 is the pass line for professional players. That is to say, professional players must press 220 keys at least in one minute, and they must also press accurately. There can be no mistakes in the position you want to press.

The average hand speed is around 120-150. At this speed, you can type thousands of words in an hour. It can be seen how fast the fingers of professional players will be. Copy and paste is as fast.

Li Xiang's hand speed of 240 has actually reached the passing standard of a professional player. If he trains hard, he may become a master. However, he obviously didn't realize what the problem was, and Liu Chuan felt it was a pity.

Li Xiang's character is straightforward, warm-hearted and loyal, and he likes to rush around. In fact, his style is more suitable for melee schools such as Shaolin and Beggar Gang, and it obviously doesn't match the aura of Tangmen.

After losing three games in a row, Li Xiang and their team automatically returned to the waiting queue and started to match their opponents again.

Li Xiang lowered his head a little depressedly, and his whole person looked like an eggplant beaten by frost.

Liu Chuan looked at the back of his head and couldn't help but ask, "Li Xiang, have you been playing Tangmen all the time?"

Li Xiang nodded: "Yes."

Liu Chuan suggested euphemistically, "Have you ever thought about playing in another school? For example, Shaolin or something..."

Li Xiang turned his head and looked at Liu Chuan like a fool: "Shaolin? Don't be kidding, Shaolin's equipment is too ugly. And I think Shaolin is a bit useful for dungeons, but it's really useless in arena! "

Liu Chuan: "..."

are you kidding me!

That's because it's hard to see a powerful Shaolin in your rookie game. Do you know how many sharp masters there are in the high-end game? The masters are holding Buddhist beads and wearing cassocks and looking compassionate. They really fight each other with more ferocity. Believe it or not, at your level, when you encounter a powerful master, you will definitely be beaten to the ground, and you will not be able to fight at all

Liu Chuan looked at Li Xiang helplessly: "I think you can give Shaolin a try. It's boring to play Tang Sect all the time, right?"

Li Xiang waved his hand and said, "No no no, you don't understand! I'll still play Tang Sect!"

Liu Chuan: "..."

—What to do with a stupid roommate who gives up on therapy? !

Liu Chuan suggested Li Xiang to change schools, but Li Xiang actually said: You don't understand!

Liu Chuan watched people play games, and just by looking at the keystrokes, he knew what level a person was at and whether there was room for improvement. Li Xiang's hand speed is actually quite fast, but unfortunately the operation is terrible. Such a talented guy has been taking detours unconsciously. Obviously, he has never met a truly reliable master in the game, Liu Chuanren. I couldn't help but want to mention him a little.

… It’s a pity that he didn’t listen at all. He had to resolutely give up the treatment and go to the end in a dead end that was not suitable for him in the Tang Sect.

Liu Chuan can't say: In fact, I am the former captain of the Huaxia team, and you are right to listen to me, classmates...

If he said that, it is estimated that not only will the roommates not believe it, but they will think that there is something wrong with his brain...

Moreover, Liu Chuan did not want to reveal his true identity when he returned to school this time.

If it is known that he is the former captain of the Haina Baichuan and Huaxia teams, it will be bad to be surrounded by people.

Li Xiang and their qualifying matches are still in constant tragedy, Liu Chuan is really abusive after watching a few games...

So Liu Chuan wisely decided to run away first: "Cough, Li Xiang, I'm in a hurry, so I'll go back to the dormitory first."

Li Xiang continued to slump his head. Hearing what his roommate said, he looked up at him and waved his hand to Liu Chuan weakly and said, "Go... I'll rest for a while before playing the next game..."

After losing so many games, it is unforgivable, and it is so heroic to continue to send heads.

The picture was so beautiful that Liu Chuan couldn't bear to watch it any longer, so he turned around and left.