The Strongest God

Chapter 52: Chief Financial Officer


After sending off the two Huaxia students, Liu Chuan and the four began to count today's gains in a happy mood.

I played so many dungeons in one day today, and I took a total of hundreds of Five Element Stones. Su embroidery and brocade add up to seven or eight hundred.

Li Xiang was dying of happiness, it felt like he was buried in banknotes!

Daoist Qingfeng said while arranging: "There are too many materials and equipment. I hang the purple clothes in the shop to sell, and the backpack warehouse is almost too empty."

Liu Chuan thought for a while and said, "Master, how about the establishment of a guild that I told you before, how about putting it on the agenda?"

Daoist Qingfeng asked, "Are we building our own guild?"

Liu Chuan thought for a while and said, "Let's start a small guild first, open the warehouse, and wait for me to ask my friend."

Liu Chuan sent a text message and asked Qin Ye, "How about your Qiye Xue number borrow me to open a guild warehouse?"

Qin Ye replied, "Whatever."

Liu Chuan cut back to the game interface and said, "Apprentice, bring Qiyexue's account, go to the guild administrator to build a low-level guild, and open the guild warehouse first. Let's transfer all the materials to Qiyexue's account. account, and then put it in the guild's warehouse."

Daoist Qingfeng wondered, "What is Qiye Xue?"

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "A real friend, trust me, don't worry."

Daoist Qingfeng didn't ask any more questions.

After a while, Li Xiang drove the number of Qiye Xue and came to the Gangling City Guild Management Office with Liu Chuan. Liu Chuan traded him 5,000 gold coins and said, "Build a first-level guild and upgrade the skills of the guild with the remaining money. , Ignore the pharmacy, kitchen, etc., just upgrade the warehouse."

Li wanted to ask, "What's the name of the guild?"

Liu Chuan said, "Whatever."

Then Li Xiang entered five words: "A random guild".

At the same time, a title appeared above Qiyexue's head: "A random guild president".

Liu Chuan held back a smile and said, "Yes, the name of this guild has a future."

Li Xiang directly upgraded the guild warehouse to the third level, with 50 spaces in the first-level warehouse, and a full 150 spaces in the third-level warehouse, which is enough for them to put things.

Li wanted to throw things into the guild warehouse one by one, but Wu Zewen couldn't help saying, "I'll sort it out."

Li Xiang said, "Then I'll go to the bathroom first, I'll leave it to you."

Wu Zewen nodded, sat in Li Xiang's seat, and quickly sorted all the materials into categories.

The first page of the guild warehouse is full of Su embroidery and brocade, a group of 50 pieces, and a dozen groups are placed side by side, which is particularly spectacular. The second page is full of five-element stones, which are divided into gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. Stones of five colors fill the warehouse row by row, not to mention how beautiful it is! The third page is full of equipment from various sects, and they are also arranged in order by type...

Wu Zewen took a minute to tidy up the warehouse, then helped his glasses, stood up and returned to his seat.

Li Xiang came back from the bathroom and was stunned when he saw the guild warehouse! This neat warehouse lattice is just like a department store! Li Xiang couldn't help but took a screenshot of the warehouse interface and sent it to the team channel: "Little friends, come and see our warehouse!"

Qingfeng Daochang sent a sweaty expression: "It's too neat..."

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "It must be the five poisons, right?"

Wu Zewen said, "Well."

Liu Chuan sent a thumbs-up: "You are really a small warehouseman!" Wu Zewen's reason was simple: "It is easy to arrange statistics and organize. The harvest of the copy today is: a total of 125 pieces of three-level five-element stone, 450 pieces of Su embroidery, and 450 pieces of brocade. , 124 pieces in blue, 30 pieces in purple from each school, and 6 pieces in orange."

Li Xiang sent a drooling expression: "It's so powerful!"

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Keep working hard!"

Wu Zewen suddenly privately chatted with Liu Chuan: "The last time I played a copy with someone from Huaxia just now, did you deliberately not take action?"

Liu Chuan couldn't help but smile. Xueba usually speaks very little, and earnestly follows behind the team to study silently. I didn't expect him to be quite attentive. Liu Chuan gave it a hand just now, excused that he didn't make a copy of the teaching, but he actually saw through it.

Wu Zewen asked: "Is there a special reason?"

Liu Chuan said: "Well, if I make a move, people will recognize it."

Wu Zewen wondered: "Those two people in Huaxia know you?"

Liu Chuan smiled: "Just in case, it's better to keep one. The Tang Sect just now may be an acquaintance."

Wu Zewen didn't know anything about these guild teams and the like. He thought that the two were his former friends, so he didn't ask more, and typed: "I'll go back first, there will be classes tomorrow morning."

Liu Chuan asked, "Isn't the school entrance guarded? Can you go back now?"

Wu Zewen said: "It doesn't matter, you can knock on the door to let the dormitory aunt open the door, but she will register her name. If you return late more than three times, you must report to the class teacher to criticize and educate."

Liu Chuan suddenly realized: "So it is! Then you can go back."

Li Xiang and Wu Zewen went offline one after another. After the two went offline, Liu Chuan also said goodbye to Daoist Qingfeng and went offline.

He thought he was going to jump over the wall after the access control! It turned out to be just registering the name, that's easy...

That night, the dormitory aunt of the first building was furious. Two bastard students just knocked on the door, and another came from the back.

The handsome guy said with a smile, "Auntie, I'm sorry! I'm late for something."

The dormitory aunt roared, "I have registered the name and student number! This is not an example!"

Liu Chuan hurriedly said, "Yes, yes! Auntie, please rest. I'm going upstairs..."

Then, under the angry stare of the dormitory aunt, she quickly ran up to the third floor.


After Liu Chuan and others went offline, Jiang Shaoqing was idle and bored alone, so he went to the Chamber of Commerce to search for a few pieces of Wudang Taiji style equipment and bought them, and then went back to the school to learn the level 30 Taiji style skills.

Among the three genres in Wudang, the Tai Chi genre is the least played by people. After all, Jianzong and Qizong have high outbreaks, and swordsmanship looks very handsome, which is more favored by players. Tai Chi is a genre that is slow and fast, and the skill release has to be read, and the slow auxiliary genre will make many people impatient.

The so-called "Tai Chi gives birth to two instruments, two instruments give birth to four images, and four images give birth to gossip". The skills of the Wudang Tai Chi school are based on the Tai Chi Yin-Yang Bagua Array, which uses various magic arrays to provide help to teammates and create for opponents. Trouble, it is a relatively comprehensive group control genre.

This large array is slower to read, but has a very wide coverage.

Jiang Shaoqing tried to lose a Taiji formation. The formation of Yin-Yang Taiji Diagram slowly rose, covering almost half of the square. This was the most important deceleration formation in Taiji Wudang. Slowed down by the crowd.

Of course, because the skill needs to be read and released, it is easy to be interrupted in the middle. Once interrupted, the formation cannot be released. Therefore, it is very important for players who play this genre to look at the overall situation. Which formation to throw and where to throw it needs to comprehensively consider the current battle situation and predict the position in advance.

- Is this genre suitable for you

Jiang Shaoqing didn't have a clue in his heart, but he admired all the rivers and rivers. Since the Sichuan team asked him to change careers, let's try it!

Be a real Taoist priest today!

Players who passed by Jiangling City looked at this Daoist Qingfeng curiously. He stood alone at the gate of Jiangling City and kept throwing Tai Chi arrays like a fool. Law, what is this doing

There were bored people watching curiously, but Daoist Qingfeng ignored them and continued to throw formations in the square on his own.

At this moment, another prompt appeared in the lower left corner: "Your friend [Qiye Xue] is online."

Jiang Shaoqing was very puzzled. Master, Wudu, and Tang people just said they were going back to the dormitory, but they were all offline. Why did they go online again after a while

Naturally, it was not Li Xiang who went online at this time, but the real owner of Qiye Snow: Qin Ye.

Qin Ye frowned as he looked at his account - what's the situation? The title above his trumpet's head is "casual guild president", his level has reached level 33, and he is still wearing a purple outfit. That second-hand master has tossed his trumpet into this in less than a day

Liu Chuan and the others are not online, but there is a person named Qingfeng Daochang in the team list.

When I was bored, I walked around the gate of Jiangling, and saw Daoist Qingfeng just setting up a Tai Chi array there. Qin Ye watched for a while, and couldn't help but say, "How can Wudang put himself in the middle of the formation, is this a live target?"

Qin Ye's words were always sharp. Jiang Shaoqing was embarrassed by what he said.

Qin Ye asked, "You know Liu Fang Bai Shi? How come you are among my friends?"

Jiang Shaoqing said, "He borrowed your account to open a guild warehouse and added friends to each other to mail things."

Qin Ye quickly understood: "Oh, are you his teammate too?"

Jiang Shaoqing: "Well."

Qin Ye was bored and itchy, so he simply threw an invitation to learn from each other, wanting to try this long level.

After a five-second countdown, the two started to fight.

Naturally, Qin Ye decisively and sharply opened his claws and Emei's mind to kill him directly, but the sequence of the long release skills was very chaotic and unstructured. She stopped and said politely, "Have you just started playing Tai Chi?"

Jiang Shaoqing replied, "Yes, I'm not very familiar with the skills."

Qin Ye asked, "What did you play before?"

Jiang Shaoqing said, "Wudang Sword Sect."

"Is Tang Sect asking you to change genres?"


"Your character, it's really the right change to change the Tai Chi genre!"

Jiang Shaoqing: "..."

Is this a compliment

Qin Ye said, "You need a lot of actual team combat to gain experience. You don't set up for yourself, but for your teammates, so when you're setting up, you can't just consider your own position, but the position of your teammates. As the center. I can't tell for a while and a half, and you will know if you play more arenas after you reach the full level. The positioning of the Tai Chi Taoist is to assist in team battles, and when you play as an assistant, you must be prepared to sacrifice at any time."

Although this person is not polite, his words are reasonable. Jiang Shaoqing quickly typed and said, "Thank you, I understand."

Qin Ye asked, "What about Liufang Baishi and Master Ideal?"

Jiang Shaoqing said, "They have a class tomorrow, so go back to sleep first."

Qin Ye said, "Oh, then I'll go down first, bye."

Qiye Xue was also offline here, so Jiang Shaoqing had no choice but to study the video by himself.

I used to be used to playing games alone, practicing alone in the training room, and staying up late at night by myself was a common occurrence.

But I don't know why, since I met the three of them, my teammates are not online, and I feel very bored by myself...

Thinking of what the Sichuan team told him about their comeback today, Jiang Shaoqing couldn't help but look forward to it.

When the team is really formed next year, I can go on the court and play the game, right

Don't expect to play the main force, just play as a substitute!


The next night, several teammates went online one after another. Today's hero book has no more times. Everyone has a single copy of the ordinary book, and then brushed a batch of equipment to hang in the store. manage.

Zewen's small financial fan is very interested in doing business. After reading the store's liquidity record, he carefully calculated the money, and then suggested: "It's not cost-effective to sell blue clothes now, and the rent and tax rate charged by third-level stores are too high. , it is not proportional to the income. It is better to remove all the blue equipment and hang the purple equipment, it can be sold at a lower price, in two days, most of the people will be level 35, and the equipment of 30 will be eliminated soon. "

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Okay, listen to you."

Li Xiang said, "What about the blue outfit? It's a pity to lose it."

Jiang Shaoqing said, "Give it all to me. I'll set up a stall to sell it, and it should be sold out soon."

Li Xiang said, "I will help you, Taoist priest. I will set up a stall with you. There are so many people and great strength!"

So Daoist Qingfeng and Master Ideal carried a package of equipment, cross-legged one in the free trading area, and began to set up a stall to sell it.

Jiang Shaoqing changed the name of the booth to: Level 30 Blue Suit Monopoly.

Li Xiang's booth name is a long list: 30-level blue clothing jumping off the building price vomiting blood big sale!

Jiang Shaoqing calmly ignored the second-hand man next to him.

Li Xiang is very conscientious, and while setting up the stall, he is still swiping the screen on the World Channel: "Jiangneung Chamber of Commerce District 179.183 jumping off the building price for 30-level blue outfit! The real jumping off price! Hematemesis! Don't miss it when you pass by! Eight gates have everything! Brothers and sisters Come and see! Buy, buy, buy!"

This advertisement was swiped several times in a row, and a group of people rushed towards the coordinates of Li Xiang and Jiang Shaoqing's stall immediately, and the blue clothes were snapped up in an instant.

Jiang Shaoqing really sighed: Second-hand goods are sometimes good...

Li Xiang and Jiang Shaoqing were setting up the stall to clear the inventory, and Wu Zewen used the management authority he had just obtained to quickly tidy up the shop, and moved the positions of many equipment. Liu Chuan opened the shop and looked at it, and immediately fell to his knees!

Before, the equipment of the shop was all messed up, but Zewen's little expert tidied it up casually, and the small shop was transformed into a high-end department store!

The first row is Emei's guqin, the second row is Xiaoyao's fan, and the third row is Mingjiao's machete... All equipment grades are arranged in order from low to high, with weapons on a page, jewelry on a page, and armor on a page. A large piece of purple dress looks very neat and beautiful!

Liu Chuan couldn't help but send a row of thumbs: "You are really good at organizing things!" Wu Zewen said: "It was too messy before, so it will be more intuitive, and customers will have a better first impression of our store."

Liu Chuan said with a smile, "That's right! Let's just take care of the money. I'll give you all the money I have, and I will hand over the shops and warehouses to you to sort them out. The shop's money will be used as our public funds, and you can get a copy of it. The equipment that arrives is sold in the shop, and the four of us will also use the money to upgrade the equipment. Keep an account, otherwise it will be messed up if you have too much money."

Wu Zewen said, "Okay, I'll put together a form."

Wu Zewen quickly sorted out a form and said, "I'll send it to you to see?"

Liu Chuan said: "Okay, you add me Q."

Liu Chuan sent him the number, and a verification message sounded in the lower right corner. After a look through the verification, he found that Zewen's QQ used the system's default penguin avatar, the nickname was the single-character "Wen", and all other chat backgrounds were selected. default.

Liu Chuan opened the private chat window and sent a smile.

Wu Zewen sent an Excel spreadsheet, "Look if there is anything you need to change."

Liu Chuan received the document, opened it, and immediately knelt down for him!

- This is simply professional financial statements!

Income, expenditure, profit, various material statistics, equipment sales profit...

A table is clear and clear, fill in the numbers according to the date, the automatic summation formula can directly calculate the total profit of the store, and even the data such as today's rent and tax rate of the firm are listed.

Liu Chuan really wanted to crawl over the internet cable and rubbed Wu Zewen's head.

- You are so powerful!

Liu Chuan typed quickly and said, "This form is really professional! Have you studied accounting?"

Wu Zewen said: "I am very interested in financial management, so I took some financial courses in school."

A small financial fan can be so serious when it is a financial fan!

Liu Chuan sent a row of thumbs: "Not bad! Our shop is really high-end, and there is a professional financial manager. It's hard work, you will manage the accounts in the future. I am really relieved to have a professional financial manager like you :)"

Wu Zewen said seriously: "Okay."

As an online game novice, he is not good at playing dungeons and PK. Wu Zewen is actually very happy to be able to help everyone in managing stores.