The Strongest God

Chapter 57: Old cat


At noon this day, the Wulin official finally issued an announcement—

After a thorough investigation by the technical team, the world record of the level 30 dungeon Ye Tan Ming Jiange is valid.

Shuilongyin in the Seventh District of Telecom, Magpie Bridge in the Fifth District of Netcom, rewards for the teams that have broken the world record are distributed normally, the ranking of the martial arts hero list is officially updated, and the final copy team of the world record is from the fifth district of Netcom: Lao Mao, White Fox, Phoenix, Cheetah , Greedy Wolf, Qinglong.

As soon as this announcement was released, the forum immediately caused an uproar.

The world record that hasn't been broken for many years was broken twice in a row in one night. Isn't it a plug-in? Many players suspect that it is from the handwriting of professional players, so there are various speculations.

However, Mingjian Pavilion is only a small level 30 dungeon after all, and it has absolutely no value for most full-level players to pay attention to.

At 6 o'clock in the afternoon, the No. 1 boss of the level 70 team dungeon "Sword Discussion Conference" was killed by the Luohua Ci Guild in Yijiangnan in District 1. This news quickly became a hit of the day, suppressing the post of Mingjiange.

The world record turmoil of Mingjian Pavilion quickly subsided.

When Liu Chuan logged into the game at night, the messenger had a notification that new emails had arrived, and there were also a large number of private chat pop-ups in the lower left corner. Liu Chuan blocked the pop-ups first, and ran to the messenger to take a look, and was immediately surprised.

The world record reward is really drooling. The gold coins are directly given to one hundred thousand. The official is not stingy with all kinds of precious orange materials, and the five elements of five elements are given one hundred and one hundred. While collecting the materials, Liu Chuan said happily on the team channel: "Apprentice, you open the trumpet of Ye Ye to help me pick it up. I have too many things here and I can't fit my backpack."

Li Xiang said, "Okay, let's put them all in the guild warehouse!"

Li Xiang quickly logged into Qiye Xue's account, and Liu Chuan was puzzled: "Don't ask me for the mobile phone verification code?"

Li Xiang said, "Yeye left me his phone number when he went offline today. I just asked him."

Liu Chuan was speechless: "When did you get to know each other so well?"

Li Xianghe smiled and said: "You happened to be away when he logged in in the afternoon. He said that he was busy recently, so he asked me to practice first, so he left my mobile phone number. Anyway, I was bored after finishing the number of dungeons every day. The number is also practiced by the way."

Liu Chuan also understood that Qin Ye was very annoyed by the team's affairs, and it didn't matter if he occasionally came to online games to relax.

Liu Chuan said, "Then you can help him practice first. Come over to the Jiangling Chamber of Commerce, and I will give you the trade and you can put it in the warehouse."

Li Xiang said, "Okay, I'll be right here."

Wu Zewen also consciously came to help.

There are too many materials for the reward, so they have to be sorted into different categories. Li Xiang has lost all of them, and Zewen, a small warehouse expert, is more professional.


After sorting out all the rewards, Liu Chuan opened a large row of private chat pop-ups in the lower left corner.

Most of the pop-up windows are sent to him by the presidents of major guilds, and the purpose is very unified. Experts consider joining our guild!

It is estimated that the guild leaders were shocked to find that this brother broke the world record, and scrambled to pull people into the guild.

Liu Chuan directly rejected it with the same "thank you for your kindness".

It was one of the special news that caught Liu Chuan's attention—

The old cat said to you: "Do you have time for the master? There is something to disturb, please reply when you receive it."

Liu Chuan looked at the name suspiciously.

Old cat? You don't seem to know each other? Why do you feel a little familiar

Liu Chuan replied, "What's the matter?"

The old cat said: "Hello, I'm the captain of the fifth district of Netcom who broke the world record of the famous Jiange."

Liu Chuan was stunned and immediately reacted.

No wonder it's familiar. When the world record of Mingjiange was broken last night, it was announced in the whole server. Although Liu Chuan was in the seventh district of Telecom, he also saw the name of the team in the fifth district of Netcom. The IDs of the six people are all two. The animal of the character, the leading captain is called the old cat.

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "This master, what do you have to do with me?"

The old cat was direct, and said simply: "I want to form a team to play in the National City Heroes Tournament next year, but there is a shortage of people right now. If my brother is interested, why not join our team?"

The captain of the team actually came over

And like Liu Chuan, he wants to form a team to play the captain of next year's National City Hero Competition!

Liu Chuan asked with interest: "Your team also has professional players? Otherwise, the world record of Mingjian Pavilion is not so easy to break, right?"

The old cat said, "All six of them."

Liu Chuan: "..."

I didn't expect the answer to be so terrifying.

No wonder President Gao and Chairman Li didn't investigate further. It turned out that the Netcom team had such a big background, and all six of them were professional players? Is this the entire team from other games coming over

Sure enough, the old cat explained: "I sincerely invite you to join our team, so I won't hide it from you. We are the FTD team on the miraculous side, and we have collectively transferred to the martial arts. I heard that the martial arts side will increase the number of teams. I plan to take the team to practice in online games for half a year. We will sign up for next year’s city competition, and if it goes well, if we win the championship and runner-up, we can directly advance to the professional league.”

Liu Chuan couldn't help but be surprised when he saw a large paragraph of words sent quickly within ten seconds.

This old cat's hand speed is a bit fierce, how many words can he type in one second

Old cat? FTD team

Could it be the fast e-sports player with a hand speed of over 600? Lightning cat god

I go! Is it that cat? !

Liu Chuan couldn't help but feel ashamed.

Thinking about it carefully, Liu Chuan and this old cat once had a relationship at the T, G, A Grand Prix!


The e-sports circle is divided into many small circles. Different projects have their own professional leagues, their own rules and management systems. Usually, they basically do not interfere with each other, and each has its own place. But there is one event that is special - the T, G, A National Grand Prix.

T, G, A National Grand Prix is divided into summer and winter games every year. This is a national e-sports feast that includes almost all e-sports events, such as LOL League of Legends, CF Crossfire, DNF Dungeon and Warriors, CS StarCraft and many more.

In the T, G, A Grand Prix, you can see e-sports masters from all directions.

In such a comprehensive large-scale event, the masters of various e-sports projects who usually do not communicate at all may also meet each other.

The relationship between Liu Chuan and this old cat was two years ago.

At that time, he took a group of newcomers from the Huaxia team to participate in the martial arts competition. The main stage next door happened to be the semi-final of the miracle single-player project. The competition arrangements for such large-scale events are quite close. Generally, the main stage will only broadcast the heavyweight games such as the finals and semi-finals of major projects. For less important games such as group matches, they will be arranged to the next sub-venues.

Liu Chuan took Huaxia to the group stage at the branch venue. When the game was over, the semi-final on the main stage next door was fierce.

Miracle and Wulin are the same type of RPG team competition game, the difference is that Miracle is a Western fantasy background, and the occupation is various warriors, priests, and mages, while Wulin is a Chinese martial arts background, with various Jianghu martial arts as the game features .

Although the occupations and skills are different, the principles of RPG online games are actually the same.

Liu Chuan stood there in boredom and glanced at the live broadcast screen, and then he was attracted by the picture on the big screen.

—The contestant on the stage is not only extremely fast, but also extremely careful!

The player played a summoner, surrounded the opponent with various summoned pets, and then flew a kite to slowly grind to death. It was very similar to Liu Chuan's wretched kite style. Liu Chuan even had a kind of encounter with a bosom friend. Feel!

Liu Chuan couldn't help but glanced at the stage - the man sitting in the soundproof room was very young, with straight facial features, dark skin, shrewd short hair, and extremely sharp eyes!

His hands are steady.

When you tap the keyboard quickly, one hand is like dancing on the keyboard, fast, steady and accurate.

When this man played the game, the state of being completely devoted made him seem to have a different brilliance.

Liu Chuan noticed that his ID was called Old-Cat, and the Chinese translation was Old-Cat.

This player takes every step, slowly introducing the opponent into his own trap, and then directly uses his big move to knock out the opponent in seconds, like a flood of beasts unstoppable!

The cheers at the scene were deafening, and even Liu Chuan couldn't help applauding him.

There was a commentator Chen Feifei who was familiar with Liu Chuan. Seeing him turning his head to watch the game, he couldn't help but ask, "Team Chuan, do you also play miracles?"

Liu Chuan said with a smile: "If you don't play, just take a look."

Chen Feifei said: "This contestant is called Lao Mao, and his hand speed is as high as you. He is a famous fast hand!"

Hearing what she said, Liu Chuan was even more interested in this person, and couldn't help but ask: "If you can enter the single semifinals, you should be a top player, right?"

Chen Feifei said: "Yes, he is called the Lightning Cat God in the miracle circle, and he is one of the strongest summoners on the god-level side."

Liu Chuan doesn't know much about the game Miracles, but online games are all in a similar pattern. The priest in the Western Fantasy game is the treatment in the Chinese style game. The summoner of the Western Fantasy game, in the game of martial arts, is the Five Poison Gu Master or Tang Sect Puppet Master, relying on summoning pets or organs to assist the master in fighting, it is the same tactical system - the summoning system.

Liu Chuan looked at the statistics on the big screen thoughtfully and said, "It's kind of interesting."

Chen Feifei said with a smile: "Actually, you are also players of the same faction. Why don't I introduce you to you after the game?"

Liu Chuan nodded: "Okay."

The commentator of such a large-scale game naturally knows the most e-sports players. Chen Feifei has a cheerful personality and a good relationship, and is familiar with many team captains. After the game, under the introduction of the commentator Chen Feifei, two top gods in different e-sports fields came to the cafe specially prepared by the organizer for the players to rest.

After the game, the old cat no longer had the feeling of being tense and sharp like a sword, but rather lazy.

Up close, this guy is really black. Bronze skin, like a coat of chocolate.

It is said that one white hides three ugliness, and beautiful women only look better when their skin is white. But men are different, men with darker skin will have a strange charm. Men with too fair skin will be called little white faces, and they are suitable for being nurtured. A tall, dark-skinned man is usually called the boss.

This old cat has the aura of being a gang boss.

Chen Feifei took the initiative to introduce: "This is Lao Mao, the captain of the FTD team. This is Haina Baichuan, the captain of the Huaxia team."

Liu Chuan smiled and stretched out his hand: "Hello."

The old cat also smiled and said, "Long Yang."

The two shook hands like this, and they got to know each other.

Because the competition schedule was very close, and the two of them were both captains, they didn't have time to chat more, so they each withdrew after drinking coffee.

Liu Chuan's deepest impression of this old cat is his sharp and calm tactical thinking, perverted hand speed, and... dark skin.


Unexpectedly, in just two years, the FTD team was disbanded, not to mention that Lao Mao would bring the team to a collective transfer.

It stands to reason that with the level of Lao Mao, there is no way out. He led the team to transfer collectively, obviously he couldn't let go of his team. As the captain, he didn't want to go solo, so he simply moved with his brothers...

Even Liu Chuan couldn't help but admire the courage of such a strong man to cut his wrists.

In the game, the old cat continued to chat privately: "It's better to join my team if you are a master. Let's go to the game together, what do you think?"

Liu Chuan smiled and replied, "Unfortunately, my goal is exactly the same as yours."

The old cat said in surprise: "You also want to team up to play the city game?"

Liu Chuan said: "That's right. So, we should be opponents, not teammates."

Old cat: "… "

"Unless our two teams merge," Liu Chuan said.

The old cat said decisively: "It is impossible to merge. Since you are also interested in the city competition, then if I didn't say it, you continue to form your team."

Liu Chuan asked, "Have you decided which division to apply for?"

The old cat was also very calm, and said directly: "The six of us are all in Zhejiang now and will report to the East Division."

Liu Chuan said: "If there is no accident on my side, I will report to the South Division."

The old cat said, "Then we should never meet again."

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Yes. National Finals."

The old cat was stunned, and then said with interest: "Are you so confident? Are you sure your new team can reach the national finals?"

Liu Chuan said: "Aren't you the same? Are you sure that you can lead the transfer to the national finals? There are also many folk masters in martial arts."

The old cat said simply: "Then don't talk nonsense, let's do our best!"

Liu Chuan sent a handshake expression: "Come on."

As for this old cat, although there is only one relationship, the two of them are both playing summoning professions, and their styles are similar. Liu Chuan actually appreciates him more sympathetically.

Such a top player, if he changed games and came to fight martial arts alone, Liu Chuan would pull him into his team no matter what.


The other party is also a very arrogant and ambitious captain, and he also brings a group of brothers who follow him.

Since the two teams cannot merge, they can only be rivals.

Such an opponent appears in a civil city competition, it is really strong against the sky...

Liu Chuan thought for a while, and sent a private message to Daochang Qingfeng: "Daoist, where are you working now? Is it convenient to tell me your occupation?"

Jiang Shaoqing said: "I am in Changsha, and my work is in sales."

No wonder he is so business savvy!

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Is there time for the National Day holiday? I want to see you as soon as possible."

Jiang Shaoqing wondered, "What's wrong?"

The Taoist leader is an officially confirmed teammate, so Liu Chuan told him frankly, "The record-breaking team in the Netcom area was collectively transferred from other professional teams in other games, and this will be the biggest team on our way to promotion. opponent!"

Jiang Shaoqing was surprised: "Group transfer?"

Liu Chuan said: "That's right, the Miracle FTD team is all transferred. If the national finals meet them early, it will be troublesome. After all, they are teammates who have fought side by side and cooperated for a long time. Now they are training in online games. Next year Before the start of the game, we will definitely adjust the tactical coordination. Our newly formed team is playing against such an old-fashioned team. To be honest, the winning rate is not high.”

Jiang Shaoqing couldn't help frowning.

The city competition is a folk competition, and most of the contestants have no experience in competitions, so it is not easy to form a strong team with all the experts. He also thought that it would not be too difficult for the Arikawa team to go out in person and win the top two in the city competition.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Yaojin was killed halfway, and other professional teams in the e-sports circle actually transferred collectively

Realizing the seriousness of the problem, Jiang Shaoqing immediately became serious: "Team Chuan, what do you mean?"

Liu Chuan said: "We must speed up the process of forming a team, and the original plan must also be advanced. During the National Day holiday, I will go to Changsha to find you, or you come to Guangzhou to find me. What do you think is more convenient?"

Jiang Shaoqing said, "I'll come to you. I have a friend over there, so I can take the high-speed train over there."

Liu Chuan said, "Okay, we'll have an interview then."

After Liu Chuan finished typing, he couldn't help but sighed deeply.

The appearance of the old cat really gave him a huge amount of pressure!

He originally wanted to form a team before the start of the competition in June next year, but he didn't expect that the old cat would bring the team to practice so early, and the group played the transfer and broke the boat. It seems that this person is bound to advance to the city competition. .

In next year's city competition, because two new teams have been added, there is no need to compete with the eliminated professional teams for qualification as before. As long as they win the championship and runner-up in the city competition, they will be directly promoted to the professional league.

Although the champion and runner-up are two places, Liu Chuan and Lao Mao's team have a chance to qualify...

But what if the unlucky ones meet in the semifinals

The grouping of the city competition is divided into four major regions: east, west, south and north according to the region, and the competition will be played in the competition region first. The old cat is in the East Division, Liu Chuan reported to the South Division, and the weekly and monthly competitions have passed all the way. There is no possibility of the two teams meeting. But when it comes to the national finals, it will be randomly divided into groups!

There are a total of eight teams in the national finals, with two places in each division. The cross-elimination rounds are drawn by lottery. The probability of teams from different divisions being drawn to the same group is quite large!

If you are lucky, Liu Chuan's team and Lao Mao's team will just be divided into different groups and join hands to qualify. This is the most optimistic ending.

But if a group is drawn, it is a veritable "group of death"!

Since there is such a powerful opponent, Liu Chuan can't just relax.

The other party drove the entire team over, and you only accepted one teammate here, right

Need to speed up!