The Strongest God

Chapter 60: Elder Thousand Spiders


After the elder Qianzhu defected from the Five Poison Religion, he secretly colluded with the people of the Blood Clothes Religion to practice the technique of immortality. Let all the spiders in the spider cave become his little brother. Every once in a while, the Elder Thousand Spiders will refresh in the spider cave and leave the spider cave to walk in the southern border area. When they pass by, they will let the spider bite to death when they encounter a player, and the blood will flow into rivers wherever they go.

As the first world boss in the game, this ruthless traitor of the Five Poison Religion dutifully tortured and killed all players.

This boss's signature skill is to summon spiders, constantly summoning spiders, imprisoning all players within 20 meters with spider silk, and then stacking the negative effects of poisoning on everyone to ten layers, and quickly infecting the surrounding people, This state of poisoning spreads at a speed comparable to that of an airborne virus, and everyone who is collectively poisoned will soon be poisoned to death.

Fighting this boss used to use crowd tactics to grind slowly, but this method obviously won't work in this area.

There are so many clan guilds in this area. When you fight the boss, other guilds will definitely not stand by and watch. Everyone fights together. In the chaos of the melee, it is really uncertain which one belongs to the final boss.

Liu Chuan took Wu Zewen for a walk around the spider cave, then pointed to a few footholds and said, "Remember these positions, when you reach the boss, you can follow this route as fast as you can. Transfer over there..."

Liu Chuan demonstrated while talking, and jumped to the tree next to him.

Wu Zewen also jumped up with him.

Liu Chuan continued to jump to the next spot, typing and explaining while jumping: "The most special thing about this boss is that he is a traitor of the Five Poison Religion. When the disciples of the Five Poison Religion beat him, the hatred value will be higher than that of other sects. I I want you to help, because of this, if you hit the highest hatred, the boss will chase you, and you have the opportunity to take him out of here..."

Wu Zewen nodded seriously.

After playing for so long, he already understood what hatred meant.

The mobs and bosses in online games have a hatred value for the player. The more damage you hit him, the more hatred he has for you, and he will run after you. The dungeons in the game are basically thick-skinned main T + powerful output + healing. The main T must hold the boss, the output cannot be easily OT, and the treatment must add blood. This is what every player in the dungeon should do. know something. The defense of the output martial art is very low. Once the OT is chased by the boss, it is the rhythm of instant kill.

Liu Chuan actually wanted the crispy five poisons to pull the boss away...

If someone heard this conversation, they would definitely think he was a rookie who didn't know how to fight bosses!

Liu Chuan continued: "If the distance from the boss is less than 20 meters, you will be bound by his spiders, unable to move, and then chased by the boss to kill you in seconds. Therefore, you must pay attention to the distance from the boss and control it within 21- 25 meters."

Wu Zewen asked: "That is to say, I want to deal the strongest damage at the fastest speed at a distance of 20 meters, and fly away with light power, taking the boss away while hitting?"

Liu Chuan said: "That's right. This style of play is very difficult. You have to find the foothold of every Qinggong, and you have to keep up with the speed of hitting the boss. After the boss uses the spider to restrain the players within 20 meters, he will attack the player within 20 meters. Players cause a poisoned state, and the poisoned state will quickly spread around, and then I will arrange a powerful treatment, which is specially responsible for adding blood and detoxification to you, you just need to concentrate on fighting the boss."

From the spider cave to the marriage tree, at such a long distance, while flying away lightly, while hitting the boss with the strongest output, there must be no single mistake.

Such a difficult task, actually handed over to Wu Zewen as a novice? !

Of course Liu Chuan has his own reasons.

Although Wu Zewen is a novice, he is not nervous and afraid. He can always keep his head calm, and even if he is chased by the boss, he can do it without panic. In addition, he has a strong learning ability and a very fast hand speed. Liu Chuan told Wu Zewen. Very confident!

Wu Zewen knew that it was very difficult for him to do this, and he seriously suggested: "This task is difficult, I can't guarantee that there will be no mistakes, or I will give you the account and password of Wudu, and you will operate it?"

Liu Chuan said: "I still have to command the overall situation. At that time, many guilds will definitely be in a melee, and I can't command while pulling the boss, so this task is handed over to you, okay?"

His trust made Wu Zewen embarrassed to refuse.

Wu Zewen didn't hesitate any longer and said, "Since you believe me so much, I'll give it a try."

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Okay! There is still some time until next Wednesday, so we can practice slowly. You walk with me first and write down the route!"

The two jumped and shuttled through the woods one after the other. From the ground, it looked like a top expert was chasing lightly.

A passing player couldn't help but stop, looked up at the blue and purple figure that flashed quickly in the sky, and said in surprise: "Which video group is this filming the MV? Qinggong is so handsome, these two people !"

"Yeah! One Tang Sect and one Five Poisons, Qinggong is really beautiful!"

Passers-by were watching, but Wu Zewen was attentive at the moment, following the figure of Tangmen in front of him intently, calculating the coordinate displacement of each other's foothold.

Liu Chuan's Qinggong is undoubtedly the top level, and Wu Zewen is obviously still struggling to keep up with him.

Liu Chuan paused thoughtfully and asked, "Can you keep up?"

Wu Zewen said: "Reluctantly."

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "No hurry. It's your first time taking this route. If you practice a few more times, I believe you can keep up."

Wu Zewen nodded: "Do it again."

The two flew from the spider cave to the marriage tree in this way, flying back and forth several times.

On the fifth time, Wu Zewen was finally able to keep up with Tangmen's footsteps.

Liu Chuan couldn't help but sigh: "You learn things really fast."

Wu Zewen said: "I wrote down all the coordinate points."

… No wonder it’s so accurate!

Liu Chuan thought for a while and said, "Then let's change the method. You walk in front and I chase you from behind. You treat me as a world boss and run forward while attacking me."

Wu Zewen said: "Okay."

- Tangmen's knights [Liu Fang Bai Shi] started a vendetta against you!

The screen suddenly turned red, Tang Sect killed him unceremoniously, and Wu Zewen hurriedly ran forward, turning back and hitting him as he ran.

Just running forward just now, it is not difficult to find the foothold of Qinggong. Now, while turning back to attack, running forward, and controlling the distance between the two, Wu Zewen suddenly felt a lot of pressure, and he was attacked in less than 10 seconds. Tang Sect chased after him and made a set of combos...

Liu Chuan stopped after two hits, smiled and said, "The speed is slow, if I were the boss, you would have died."

Wu Zewen's ears reddened slightly, and he explained awkwardly, "I'm a little too busy to do three things with one mind."

Liu Chuan said: "I will slow down, you will get familiar with it first, and we will practice a few more times."

Wu Zewen nodded: "Yes."

Liu Chuan said with a smile: "Don't worry, the speed of the boss is definitely not as fast as mine, and it will be slowed down by the players in various ways. So, if you can successfully pass the level under my hands, it will definitely not be a problem to pull the boss at that time."

Wu Zewen said seriously: "I see, do it again."

The two began to practice again.

The same section of the road, flying back and forth repeatedly, most people may find it very boring. But Wu Zewen was full of fighting spirit at the moment. The speed of Tang Sect masters made him unmatched. The more the gap, the more he wanted to overcome this gap.

So, the Xueba, who has saved enough energy, practiced for an entire hour...

after an hour.

Li Xiang asked curiously on the team channel: "Have you completed the task of husband and wife? It's almost an hour."

Liu Chuan said, "It's done a long time ago. We'll practice Qinggong here. By the way, the two of you will come here too. The Southern Border Marriage Tree is here."

Li Xiang and Jiang Shaoqing soon came over.

Liu Chuan jumped down from the top of the tree, made a mark in the middle of the two trees, and said, "Next Wednesday night, we will go to fight the world boss. After the five poisons bring the boss over, you will take over, apprentice."

Li Xiang was stunned: "World boss?? I'll take over??"

Liu Chuan smiled: "How about it, does it feel very majestic?"

"… "

Are you sure that your apprentice won't be beaten and vomited blood by the world boss

Liu Chuan said: "Shaolin is close combat, it is very difficult to pull the boss out of the crowd, so I have already given the most difficult task to Wudu. After he pulls the boss over, you immediately catch the boss under the tree. Hatred, hit the hatred at the fastest speed, and then you come to the master T."

Li Xiang:"… "

As a meat shield, Li Xiang has only fought against level 30 mini-dungeon bosses so far, and the world bosses sound so scary!

Li Xiang said, "I've never beaten this boss, what if I can't hold it back!"

Liu Chuan said, "If you can't hold it back, I will expel you from the division, and by the way, let Ye Ye block you."

Li Xiang:"… "

Any player who plays Buddha Shaolin will have the dream of being able to resist the boss of the world!

A master who can't hold a world boss is not a good master!

Li Xiang said excitedly: "Okay! What do you need to pay attention to when pulling this boss?"

Liu Chuan said: "This boss can't fix the position. He will keep walking around and put countless spiders to imprison everyone. If you are imprisoned, I will arrange for someone to release you. You should pay attention to controlling hatred." Liu Chuan said , while quickly marking the venue next to the two trees, "You are between these two points, pull him back and forth, the boss pulls his back, you have to step back step by step, be careful to hide the soles of your feet. cobwebs."

Li Xiang nodded: "Understood!"

Jiang Shaoqing looked around and quickly reacted, asking, "Do you want the output team to stand on the top of the tree and fight?"

Liu Chuan said: "Well. The five poisons have just been calculated. The distance from the top of the tree to here is 23-24 meters. Some skills of the genre can attack the boss. I will select a group of skills that can hit the boss with a strong output. The team stands at the top of the tree and waits for the boss to come, we will ambush here in advance, and if other guilds come over, we will also have the upper hand on the terrain."

This large sea of flowers is indeed a very suitable place for ambush.

In other servers, Elder Thousand Spiders usually scramble after the spider cave is refreshed.

The long journey to pull the world boss from the distant spider cave to the marriage tree is unprecedented and unheard of!

His ideas are very bold... but not delicate? !

He calculated every step, and even took all unexpected factors into account, so that the success rate would be the highest!

Jiang Shaoqing couldn't help but ask, "What do I need to do?"

Liu Chuan said: "You protect the five poisons with me, and don't let him be affected. After the boss comes to the marriage tree, you will lead a team of Wudang outside to control those who come to make trouble, and then I will lead the team to clear the field. ."

Jiang Shaoqing nodded: "Understood."

Liu Chuan said: "We still need to find a very powerful treatment. The five poisons will definitely be in a state of poisoning throughout the process of pulling the boss. The poisoning stacks up and loses blood very quickly, so a subtle solution must be done. Without strong treatment, the five poisons will You might be poisoned halfway there."

Jiang Shaoqing said, "Since the Seven Star Grass Guild wants to cooperate with you, how about seeking treatment from them?"

Liu Chuan said: "I think so too. It is very difficult to find a wild strong nurse in the short term. I don't know the treatment level of Qixingcao, and I have to communicate with the president."

It was said that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, and at this moment, a private chat pop-up window suddenly popped up in the lower left corner, which happened to be sent by the president of Qixingcao.

Heartbroken Grass said to you: "Brother, do you want the weapon of the level 35 hidden weapon Tangmen?"

Followed by the texture of the level 35 hidden weapon capsule.

Liu Chuan clicked on the sticker and looked at it, and said doubtfully, "Don't you need the Tang Sect of your guild?"

Broken Heart Grass sent a smile: "Our guild elite group has all Tangmen. This afternoon, we formed a team to play dungeons and produced several Tangmen's weapons in a row. If you don't have them, I will mail them to you."

The president has failed to win over Liu Chuan several times, but Broken Heart Grass is also a smart person and has always maintained a friendly relationship with Liu Chuan. It is better to maintain a certain friendship than to offend each other for such a freelance master without a union.

Liu Chuan said: "Then thank the president!"

Heartbroken Grass said, "You're welcome."

Liu Chuan asked, "I didn't go online this afternoon. Have you all gotten through the level 35 dungeon?"

Heartbroken Grass said: "Well, several major guilds have cleared the customs today, but the system's performance record has not been broken. Will you continue to teach the strategy to the guilds that set the record?"

Liu Chuan said: "I haven't played the level 35 dungeon yet, and I haven't studied the strategy carefully. I'll talk about it later."

Heartbroken, he paused and said, "Brother, don't keep teaching them how to do it for free, and charge a little tuition! Even if you sell such a high-end record-breaking strategy, you can make a lot of money even if you sell it for free. It's not worth teaching them for free!"

Seven Star Grass does not compete for the dungeon record, so Broken Heart Grass consciously stands on Liu Chuan's side, reporting the injustice for Liu Chuan.

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "It's okay."

He also does not teach for free, but for mutual benefit. The presidents who learned Raiders have already unknowingly become a free coaching group hired by Liu Chuan. As a high-level sample, they were observed, researched, and studied by Wu Zewen and Li Xiang...

Heartbroken said: "By the way, the world boss will refresh next Wednesday night, and everyone will be level 40 by then. Brother, do you have any ideas?"

Liu Chuan said: "I was just going to talk to you about this. How many 40-level regiments can your guild open?"

Broken Heart Grass said: "According to the current progress, there will be 300 people present, and at least 10 groups will be opened."

The upgrade speed of the big guild is really powerful. If there are 10 groups, if they cooperate well, there is a good chance of winning the world boss.

Liu Chuan said: "I already have an idea for this boss. The key is, President, do you feel comfortable letting me be the commander-in-chief?"

commander in chief

Heartbroken Grass suddenly became a little embarrassed.

Every big guild has its own commander, and this commander is usually the core expert in the guild. Few guilds are willing to invite foreign aid to be the commander. On the one hand, asking for foreign aid to command, it's hard to save face. On the other hand, the competition between major guilds is now fierce, and it is very common to send spies and undercover agents to each other. It is really difficult for outsiders to completely obey orders without any defense... There have been many spy orders in the past. The situation of deliberately sending the boss is extremely distressing.

The experts in this guild will reject outsiders.

Broken Heart Grass sent an embarrassing expression: "Brother, I'm so sorry, I originally wanted you to command, but unfortunately our guild management held a small meeting in the afternoon. The president decided to come to the new district on Wednesday, and this time we will fight the world boss. She will direct it herself."

Liu Chuan was stunned, and said with interest: "Oh? The president of the three-color landscape grass? Is your family's three-color sister going to command this boss in person?"

Heartbroken Grass said: "That's right. There are many big guilds stationed in this area. The first world boss at level 40 has a great influence on the prestige of the guild, so the president decided to bring the group over in person. I told sister three colors about yours. What she means is that it is best if you are willing to help the master, you can lead the output group to fight the boss, and leave the external aspects to us, and the rewards of the world boss can also be distributed to you when the time comes."

Liu Chuan couldn't help laughing.

He can understand the worries of these big guilds. After all, it is a bit embarrassing to ask foreign aid to speak out. Since the president of Seven Star Grass is coming, it is indeed inappropriate for Liu Chuan to sit in command as an outsider.

Liu Chuan thought about it and said: "Three-color landscape grass, I know that your president is a powerful girl, but she may not be able to win this boss. Go back and tell her, I have more than 80% confidence that I can win it. Elder Qianzhu, either let me command, or you can fight by yourself, and I will find another guild to cooperate."

Broken Heart Grass was stunned, "You said you are more than 80% sure?"

Liu Chuan said: "Well, my method is not the same as the general method. I will bring the main players directly. This style of play requires repeated practice many times to complete. It is not possible to call someone temporarily. I am training here. , so I have to direct it."

Heartbroken Grass: "… "

Heartbroken Grass was shocked. I didn't expect this person to start training to fight the world boss so early? How to train to beat the world boss? Isn't the boss refreshed yet? Hit the air

Heartbroken Grass scratched his head desperately, puzzled.

Liu Chuan said with a smile: "It doesn't matter who the commander is, winning the boss is the most important thing. What do you think, President?"

Heartbroken Grass thought about it with a bitter face, but it really couldn't be refuted!

No matter who the commander is, the ultimate goal is the ownership of the world boss, the first world boss to open the server, the first killing of the guild Qixingcao, the full server announcement, the guild ranking rising to the first, a lot of prestige bonuses - this is the most important thing of!

The heartbroken grass quickly figured it out: "Okay! I'll talk to the president, master, wait for my news!"

Liu Chuan said: "It's best to give me an answer before next Monday. If it doesn't work, I'll have to find another guild to cooperate with."

Heartbroken Grass hurriedly said, "I know, I'll make sure as soon as possible!"