The Strongest God

Chapter 63: Eighteen Arhat Formations (Part 2)


After a few people finished playing the dungeon, a glowing package appeared on the ground. Li Xiang went to touch the equipment as usual, and found two blue equipment.

One is a 35-level blue quality clothes, plus magic defense and healing effects. There is also a level 35 long sword, which was used by Wudang. Liu Chuan was very aware of the equipment of several teammates, so he threw the treatment clothes to the fish swim, and the long sword was naturally distributed to the Taoist priest.

Yu'er Shuizhu sent a tearful expression: "Can I take this dress?"

Liu Chuan said: "You take it, plus treatment."

Yu'er said in the water: "You take the five poisons first!"

This newcomer is quite self-conscious, knowing that there is also a school of five poisons that can be treated, so let the people in the team get the equipment first.

Wu Zewen said: "You take it, I don't play therapy."

Yu'er Shuizhu sent a happy expression: "Then I will take it, thank you Sister Poison!"

Wu Zewen said: "I am not a poisonous sister, I am a man."

Fish swimming in water: "… "

Zewen is really one word to make up for the sword.

Yu'er was stunned for a moment, and quickly changed his tune: "Thank you, Brother Po!"

Wu Zewen said, "You're welcome."

Liu Chuan couldn't help laughing.

Seeing this fish call the slender-waisted and long-legged Five Poison Royal Sister Poison Brother, it's really a big sense of disobedience.

This fish is dressed in a mix-and-match style, obviously a poor wild little nurse. It is difficult for wild nurses in the game to form a team, especially this kind of god milk that destroys the group, and it is easy to be kicked when forming a team. Without a good team, you will naturally not be able to get good equipment, and without good equipment, the amount of healing will not increase. In the long run, the vicious circle will become more and more difficult to get along.

Liu Chuan asked in a private chat, "You come alone to play games, you don't have a friend?"

Yu'er Shuizhu sent a smiling expression: "Yes, you are the first friend in my friend list!"

Liu Chuan smiled: "No wonder. The treatment with relatives and friends will not be as miserable as you are."

Fish swimming in water: "… "

Captain, do you have to be so direct

Liu Chuan continued to make up for the knife: "It's just like a beggar when you mix and match equipment, and it's really pitiful to mix and match treatment like you."

It's not easy for this wild little nurse to stumble and upgrade all the way. Obviously, there is no family and friends who come to play online games alone. She doesn't choose equipment at all, she wears whatever she gets, so that her whole body's equipment is in a mess, and they're almost all collected. sect...

Yu'er replied gloomily: "My friends around me don't play this, so I have to come alone."

Liu Chuan asked: "Look at your attribute panel, how much is the healing amount?"

Fish swimming in water: "Only more than 2000..."

Liu Chuan said: "Your equipment is barely able to play the normal version, and if you play the hero version, you will definitely not be able to keep up with the increase in blood."

Yu'er swimming in the water was very disappointed and said, "Oh... Then I'll retire. Captain, you guys will form another one, I'm sorry!"

Then the guy quit the team in seconds.

Liu Chuan was dumbfounded.

Am I that vicious? A word directly scared the little nanny away...

Liu Chuan had no choice but to send a friend request, and then privately chatted: "Why are you in a hurry to go, I said that your equipment is not good, but I didn't say that your technique is not good."

Yu'er said in the water: "But I only have this equipment, I still won't hold you back..."

He was actually quite embarrassed to sneak into the team with the cheeky face and let a few people be destroyed three times in a row. Getting this level 35 healing suit was already a big gain.

Unlike those healers who were taken care of by relatives, friends and masters for leveling, he came to play the game alone, from level 1 to level 35, he bumped one by one and poked mobs to do quest upgrades, and he shamelessly mixed with the wild dungeon team. As a novice healer, it's only natural to be so miserable...

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Advanced group, follow me to the Jiangling Chamber of Commerce."

After that, I just threw a team invitation.

Yuer Shui added to the team, and then followed the captain to the Gangneung City Chamber of Commerce.

Liu Chuan opened the Qingfeng shop with administrative rights, and a lot of the 30-level purple clothes in the shop have been sold these days. Liu Chuan picked and picked up a few pieces of equipment that Qin Emei could wear, and then directly traded them to Yuer Shui. tour.

Yu'er swims in the water and sees a row of purple clothes in the transaction list, his eyes are dizzy: "Captain, I told you that I have no money..."

Liu Chuan said: "No money, you dress first, and join us for a few dungeons."

Yu'er was so moved by swimming in the water that he had never seen a purple suit in this game, but the captain just threw him six...

Six pieces!

Liu Chuan said: "Put on the equipment and have a look."

Yu'er hurriedly put on the purple suit while swimming in the water, and the appearance of Qin Emei in the game also changed. It was much more pleasing to the eye than the previous mix-and-match style like a little beggar.

Seeing that he had changed his equipment, Liu Chuan asked, "How much is the treatment?"

Yu'er lobbied in the water: "4000."

Liu Chuan said: "This hero fight is still reluctant, you may be under a lot of pressure, try it first."

Yu'er Shuizhu sent a row of moved expressions: "Thank you captain, I will try it hard, and I will return it to you after finishing the copy!"

Liu Chuan suddenly felt that this fish was very interesting. When he divided the clothes just now, he asked the five poisons to take it first. This time, he gave him the equipment and he said that he would return it after finishing the dungeon...

Probably for this reason, he didn't get good equipment when he joined the wild dungeon team, and the clothes he was wearing were probably thrown to him when his teammates didn't want it, like a poor little beggar who was picking up rubbish behind the team's ass. Obviously wearing a suit of rubbish but not greedy for cheap, the mentality is quite good.

Liu Chuan thought about it, and simply said on the team channel: "You guys will play for a while by yourself, and gather after half an hour. Come with me, Yu'er, and I will take you to play the famous sword pavilion a few times alone, and practice the technique of adding blood. ."

The captain wants to educate the new nurse alone, and the others go to their own business. Wu Zewen is still seriously studying the strategy of the five poisons. Daoist Qingfeng is going to tidy up the shop, and Li Xiang is driving his wife Qiyexue's account to do the task. upgrade.

Yu'er swims in the water and follows the captain to the door of Mingjian Pavilion.

Liu Chuan said: "Let's go, enter the ordinary book."

Yu'er swims in the water and says in surprise, "Is it just the two of us fighting?"

Liu Chuan said, "You fight alone, and I'll watch from the side."

Fish swimming in water: "#%%¥%..."

Someone on the computer side slammed into the keyboard, and really rolled his face over the keyboard.

Liu Chuan said with a smile: "Qin Emei also has attack skills. While fighting monsters, you add blood to yourself, and practice rhythm and techniques as soon as possible."

Yu'er swims in the water and can't believe it: "You let me fight alone?"

Liu Chuan continued to laugh: "Don't be afraid. Before you die, I will help you clean up the mobs. If you die, I will help you collect the corpse."

Fish swimming in water: "… "

Liu Chuan said: "Enter the book."

Yu'er had to bite the bullet and enter the ordinary book of the famous sword pavilion with the captain.

Famous Sword Pavilion is a level 30-35 dungeon. After leveling up to level 35, there will be no experience and equipment rewards for replaying here. Liu Chuan brought his little nurse to this dungeon to practice because he can deal with this dungeon alone without any problem. What happened? Unexpected situations can also be dealt with in a timely manner.

After Yu'er entered the book, he stood on the spot, used a qin song to lead a mobs over, and carefully added blood to himself while playing.

Liu Chuan said: "Don't fight one by one, bring in six."

Yu'er said, "I can't beat six..."

Liu Chuan smiled: "I can beat it."

Then, under Yu'er's shocked gaze, he quickly threw his hidden weapon and attracted all the six monsters in the corridor on the right, then jumped up and flew up to the roof, leaving the poor little nurse alone in the yard. Beaten by mobs.

Fish swimming in water: "… "

Besieged by six mobs, Yu'er had to frantically brush blood for himself with a bitter face!

Liu Chuan watched him on the roof in a hurry, and couldn't help but said, "The Heart-clearing Mantra is Emei's most basic qin music technique, it continues to recover 2% of blood per second. If you need to stack it up, the effect of adding more blood will increase. Stack up the mantra."

Yu'er hurriedly and obediently folded a few layers of the Heart Clearing Mantra for himself.

Liu Chuan continued to instruct: "Guangling Powder is a group HP skill, with the widest range and the largest HP increase, but the cooling time is very long and consumes a lot of mana. Don't use it casually, save it for the team to use it in an emergency! You It's not worth it to use Guangling Powder to add blood to yourself."

Yu'er swims embarrassedly: "Mmmm! Got it!"

Liu Chuan continued: "Three stacks of Yangguan, three drunks of Yueyang, and late fishing boat singing are all Qin Emei's most important single skills. The cooling time is different, and they should be used alternately. Pay attention to the cooling status of each skill. ."

The fish swims in the water: "Oh!!"

Liu Chuan went on to say: "Qin Emei's position in the game is the most powerful single-blood nurse, Qunjia has no five poisons, and the state control is not as good as Zheng Emei, so Qin Emei's treatment is a test of the speed and technique of adding blood. Emei's group skill is only Guangling San, but there are a lot of single-player HP skills, so you should always pay attention to each teammate's HP, which skill should be thrown to whom, and it should be calculated well and not messed up."

Yu'er nodded immediately after swimming in the water: "Mmmm! I'll practice again!"

Liu Chuan added: "When you have time, stack the mantra of clearing your heart, and prepare all kinds of skills to deal with emergencies at any time. You can carefully read the skills of Sunshine Threefold, Yueyang Three Drunk, and Fishing Boat Singing Night. The basic blood-adding techniques are mastered."

The fish swims in the water and carefully read the skill description.

After reading it several times, I sent a clasped fist: "I probably understand! Thank you, Captain!"

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "God milk, you will die if you type again."

The fish was shocked when swimming in the water, and quickly added a mouthful of blood to Emei, who had only one layer of blood skin left. Seeing that he was quick to adapt, Liu Chuan couldn't help but praise: "Yes, practice a few more rounds, and then go to the Arhat Formation when you are proficient."

Yu'er typed while swimming in the water: "Okay!"

Liu Chuan deliberately let it go, watching a good show on the roof, and let Yu'er be beaten by mobs alone. Only when he was almost unable to hold it did Liu Chuan take action to eliminate a few mobs. After several rounds of Famous Sword Pavilion dungeons, Yu'er quickly memorized all kinds of blood skills—

Guangling San: Qin Emei's only group HP skill.

Yangguan Three Layers: Fixed value to increase blood, no cooling time, and regular blood increase with Qingxin Mantra.

Yueyang's Three Drunks: Increase blood by percentage, with medium cooling time, use when teammates lose a lot of blood, to greatly increase blood volume.

Fishing Boat Sings Late: The maximum HP increase, the longest cooling time, and a 40% damage reduction effect that lasts for 3 seconds. It is used to save dying teammates at critical moments.

High Mountains and Flowing Waters: Relieve weakness and fear disadvantage.

White Snow in Spring: Relieve the unfavorable state of bleeding, burning, and poisoning.

Yu'er had mastered all these skills and told the captain that there was no problem. Only then did Liu Chuan gather a few teammates and come back to the Shaolin Temple's Eighteen Arhat Formation.

This time, Yu'er's way of adding blood was no longer as erratic as before. The big addition was very timely. When the whole group lost blood, he knew that Guangling was scattered, and he also knew how to use the skills to solve the state.

Although the healing amount is a little low, it is more difficult to play the dungeon. Fortunately, Master Ideal and Daoist Qingfeng are very powerful, especially Daofeng Qingfeng's field control, basically maintaining the deceleration of the Taiji formation throughout the whole process, this dungeon finally cleared the customs without any risk. Yes, it took nearly twenty minutes.

Li wanted to touch the equipment, and found a healing belt and a healing necklace. Liu Chuan naturally threw them all to Yuer without hesitation.

Yu'er sent a large line of thanks, obviously moved.

No one wanted the wild nurse, and she didn't know how many times she was kicked out a day. When I met this four-person team, it felt like a slave suddenly turned over. All kinds of treatment equipment are smashed over, this feeling is really happy!

With the experience of a successful customs clearance, the next fight will naturally become smoother and smoother.

When it was almost 11 o'clock, Liu Chuan gathered his teammates again and was ready to challenge Hero Ben.

The difficulty of the hero version is several levels higher than that of the normal version. Ordinary Arhats have a slow pursuit speed and fewer negative states. When encountering a hero, the blood loss of the master is like a blood collapse, and it is very difficult to control the field, let alone fish, there are many negative states that are completely unsolvable, and they have transformed into the god milk of the destroyer.

The five of them were destroyed once again, and they fell to the ground collectively.

Yu'er Shui immediately typed guiltily and said, "I'm sorry, I can't add more..."

Daoist Qingfeng said: "It's not your fault, I didn't control it here just now."

Liu Chuan asked, "What about your injury reduction, apprentice?"

Li Xiang said: "The rhythm of the hero book is different from that of the ordinary book. I just got careless, and I was killed before the injury reduction was released!"

Wu Zewen quickly analyzed it: "The defense of the Eighteen Arhats of the hero version is 1.5 times higher than that of the ordinary version, and our output can't keep up."

Liu Chuan nodded: "Yes, it's still very difficult to play a level 35 hero with a level 30 purple equipment. It seems that the equipment needs to be updated."

- Don't you usually call the treatment first when the group is destroyed

Yu'er scratched his head, and suddenly no one was scolding him, he was not used to it!


After the five-person group was destroyed, he came again, learned the previous experience and lessons, and spent half an hour very difficult to give the copy of the Eighteen Arhat Formation. After all, they have one less person, and it is still a bit difficult for five people to pass this kind of formation copy.

Li wanted to touch the equipment and lost a level 35 purple guqin and a level 35 healing ring. Naturally, a lot of materials and five elements were lost.

Li Xiang said on the team channel: "Why are all the healing outfits I found today?"

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "It's just a welcome gift for Yu'er."

After speaking, he threw both the healing piano and the healing ring to Yu'er. Yu'er was overjoyed. It was the first time he had gotten so many purple equipment in the game.

Seeing his high spirits, Liu Chuan couldn't help but say, "Yu'er, don't you have any relatives or friends? Why don't you come and be our regular nurse, we just need treatment."

Yu'er nodded immediately after swimming in the water: "Fine! Great! Captain, I'll follow you guys! I'll practice hard!"

Liu Chuan smiled: "Welcome Yu'er to join the fixed team!"

Everyone cooperated and sent a row of applause and welcome expressions.

After Liu Chuan finished dividing the equipment, he thought about it and said, "Wife, do the math, if you add another output, how much can your dungeon score improve?"

Wu Zewen made a quick calculation and said, "The three remote outputs all wear a full set of level 35 purple suits. The data is doubled. The customs clearance time should be about 12 to 13 minutes, and the dungeon score will probably reach 80,000 points."

Liu Chuan nodded: "It seems that there is no problem with this style of play, as long as you get more equipment, it is not difficult to break the record."

Li Xiang asked suspiciously, "Master, do you want to continue to record?"

Liu Chuan said: "No, I won't make records in the future, I will only study the style of play and let the big guild play it by itself. Tomorrow night, several guild leaders will send experts over to learn new strategies. Which genre do you want to know about? I will let them choose people. Come over to PK."

Wu Zewen said: "Let's be happy, this sect has never been seen before."

Li Xiang nodded in agreement, and added: "There is also Mingjiao, I want to see the phantom art of the master Mingjiao."

Liu Chuan said: "Okay, then I'll ask a few guilds to send some experts from Xiaoyao and Mingjiao to come and practice on the spot tomorrow."

After looking at the time, he said, "It's getting late, we'll run in again, it's almost time to go offline."

Everyone gathered and entered the hero copy of the Eighteen Arhats Formation again.

After playing once, it was already 12 o'clock, and the number of copies of the next day was also refreshed.

Liu Chuan thought for a while and said, "Why don't we do this? After the dungeons are refreshed in the early morning, we will save the number of dungeons and start the game at 8 o'clock in the evening. Everyone has to go to work in class, and it is not good to stay up all night to affect the rest. "

Jiang Shaoqing agreed: "That's it."

Li Xiang and Wu Zewen naturally have no objection to such a time arrangement.

Liu Chuan asked, "Where's the fish? Is there any problem with going online from 8 pm to 12 pm?"

The fish hurriedly said, "No problem! Absolutely no problem!"

Li Xiang joked next to him: "God milk, my blood..."

Yu'er said: "I know the master! I will keep my eyes open and stare at your blood bar!"

Jiang Shaoqing chatted with Liu Chuan privately: "Team Chuan, do you really plan to settle with this fish?"

Liu Chuan said: "This treatment came to play the game alone. At present, one person is in the wild team. We are just short of treatment. Let's take him to see it for a few days."

Liu Chuan's consideration is also reasonable. There are many vendetta and love murders in the game. Liu Chuan is definitely not in the mood to deal with those messy things. This fish has played many games, and this time he plans to stay in Wulin. The people mixed with the wild team, obviously there is no grudge in the game, so it is more convenient for him to take the treatment of playing the game alone, otherwise the group of relatives and friends behind him will feel like a big head.

Jiang Shaoqing nodded, "Do you think he has any hope of becoming a professional at his level?"

Now that the team needs to take into account the future team formation, Jiang Shaoqing can't help but foresight.

Liu Chuan thought for a while and said, "The basics are ok, but I have to observe it again. I feel that this guy is a little young, and it is obvious that he is not an adult when he speaks.

After all, e-sports is a meal for youth, and the way out for e-sports players is not guaranteed. If it is a middle school student, parents will definitely not agree to let their children become professional players. I believe no parents will want their children to delay their studies because of playing games, at least Let's go to college.

If you are a college student, it is relatively better. Many major courses in the university are not stressful, and teachers who play games in their spare time will not care. Moreover, college students can take a year or two off from school without affecting their graduation. For the players, just go back to study after the game, and have an explanation for the parents and themselves.

Liu Chuan does not exclude young players in the team. Talented teenagers like Lu Xiang are even more rare. However, young players have a big problem: their psychological quality is not good and their self-confidence is not enough. easy to crash.

Young players can come to the game, but at least you must be strong, motivated, know how to work as a team, and learn to cooperate with your teammates - these are the most basic requirements of being a professional player. Otherwise, your psychological defense line will collapse, and it will affect the entire team.

Liu Chuan is completely unsure whether the fish he met today will grow into an excellent professional player in the future.

All he knows is... This guy is still a goddess of destroying the group with his face rolling on the keyboard...

Liu Chuan thought about it carefully before replying to Jiang Shaoqing: "Actually, Yu'er is very talented in games, which is why I took him in as a fixed therapy. I just took him to play a few dungeons alone, and found that this guy is very good. Strangely, his treatment method is like a roller coaster, high and low, erratic, one second is a top expert, the next second is a stupid idiot, and there is no way to add blood. This kind of blood increase method uses chicken Flying dogs can't be more apt to describe it."

Jiang Shaoqing thought for a while, and said, "Is it a problem that hand speed and consciousness cannot be coordinated?"

Liu Chuan nodded: "That's right. Yu'er's hands are too fast, and the thoughts in his head are disorganized. His thinking can't keep up with the speed of his fingers, which makes it easy for him to lose control when he is nervous. Cultivating awareness and synchronizing the brain’s thinking with the speed of the fingers may really be a powerful therapy.”

Jiang Shaoqing said: "Are you going to teach him from the beginning? There are too many factors to consider when joining an e-sports team, I'm afraid your painstaking efforts will be in vain."

Liu Chuan smiled and said: "It doesn't matter if you take Xiaobai with you. We will talk about the situation in the future. Although we are going to build a team, good teammates also rely on chance. If the fixed team is trained, there may be unexpected gains, but not necessarily.”

Jiang Shaoqing was silent for a moment before he said, "Okay. Yu'er has played so many treatments, and there are too many distracting thoughts in his mind, so he must clean it up."

Liu Chuan said: "Yes, let's brainwash him together another day."

After Liu Chuan finished speaking, he chatted with Yu'er privately: "Yu'er, since you want to form a fixed team, give me your mobile phone number, so I can call you if I have something."

Yu'er Shui hurriedly sent a string of mobile phone numbers: "Did the captain really take me in to form a fixed team? Will you bring me a copy in the future?!"

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Yes. But you can't be late. You have regular activities from 8:00 to 12:00 every day. If you have something to do, text me in advance."

Yu'er Shui: "I won't be late, I'm free at night! Thank you, Captain! ^_^"

Liu Chuan asked the Taoist priest for his mobile phone number again. Seeing that there were 4 members of the "fixed team" in the mobile phone group, he couldn't help but smile.

This fish is a bit too deceitful. Xiaobai, who is hooked with a little equipment, has been kicked many times, and a fixed group is willing to ask him. Naturally, he is determined and grateful to follow the captain. It's as innocent as the little white rabbit who gave a carrot and ran after it with bright eyes.

I don't know, the captain and the Taoist priest are planning to give him a thorough brainwashing...

The author has something to say: Yuer Xiaozheng was just kidnapped by Liu Chuan with a few pieces of equipment... O(∩_∩)O [Small Theater] The competition was fierce, Liu Chuan commanded: "Add blood! Quickly add blood! What about the treatment? Where did our treatment go?"

The fish landed on the keyboard and began to roll the keyboard.

The protagonists: ... pawn!

The goddess of destroying the group can't hurt!