The Strongest God

Chapter 67: collective training


Yu'er hung up after only 20 seconds under Liu Chuan's hands. The speed of adding blood couldn't keep up with Liu Chuan's second injury. The damage caused by Liu Chuan's explosive hand speed was too high, and Yu'er found that he couldn't increase it at all.

Qin Ye patiently instructed him: "Emei has a lot of passive skills, you should take a closer look. For example, when your health is below 50%, use Yueyang Sanzui to increase blood, and the effect of the Qingxin mantra on your body will take effect immediately. Blood also comes with an additional 40% damage reduction. You must know these hidden effects. The Qiu Feng Ci that can be learned at level 50 is a magical skill that actively reduces damage by 50%. You have a lot of skills, you need to be flexible in the arena, if you are interested in PVP, you must play at least seven or eight hundred rounds of the arena to get out of the ranks of the novice.”

Yu'er nodded seriously: "Mmmm! Got it! Thank you, Senior Sister!"

Because they are from the same family, it is naturally more cordial to call Senior Sister. Unexpectedly, the poisonous sister he called before was a personal demon, but today this Emei "girl" is actually a man.

Qin Ye glanced at the bald master standing next to him, and instructed Li Xiang by the way: "Master, if you are determined to play Buddha Shaolin, go and watch the video of Chang'an team. There are very few professional players who play Buddha Shaolin, and Chang'an team has some. This player is called Xin Ran Zida, who is playing Shaolin and is at the top level."

Li Xiangdao said, "I know this! I am familiar with the Chang'an team. I am a fan of the Goddess of the Night, and I like the night very much!"

Qin Ye: "..."

The powder of the night goddess

Qin Ye really wanted to grab him and beat him up.

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Yeye, do you want to play a few games with the master?"

Qin Ye typed expressionlessly: "Okay, I won't be merciful, so don't cry."

Li wanted to send a smiley face: "No! Come and abuse me, so that I can improve!"

Qin Ye immediately started to discuss and kill him, and Li Xiang was chased and ran away... It could almost be described as "running away with his head in his arms".

Wu Zewen also said earnestly, "Let's come and check, Daoist Master?"

The Taoist priest started the discussion, and slowly fought with Wu Zewen beside him.

Liu Chuan killed the fish unceremoniously. He killed the fish several times in a row. The fish was tortured to the point of tears, but he gradually became familiar with the method of adding blood.

He died in the first 20 seconds, and now he has been able to hold on for 25 seconds under Liu Chuan...

It took 5 more seconds, what a huge improvement!

A few people fought like this. It was not until 12 o'clock that Liu Chuan said on the team channel: "Okay everyone, it's time to rest."

Zewen and Li Xiang went offline one after another. Yu'er and Dao were in sync for a long time, and they had to play for another hour.

Before Liu Chuan went offline, he asked Qin Ye in private chat, "Why are you here suddenly today? You won't quarrel with Yang Jian again, will you?"

Qin Ye said, "No. I don't want to sleep when I go back to the dormitory, so I just come and play in the game."

Liu Chuan paused, then said, "By the way, do you remember the team that broke the record of Jiange in the Netcom District?"

Qin Ye said: "Remember. What's wrong?"

Liu Chuan said: "That team is quite big, and it was transferred collectively by the FTD team of the miracle professional circle. The captain is an old cat. I have seen it during the T, G, A Grand Prix. I also told you about him, His hand speed is very fast, he is playing Summoner, do you have any impression?"

Qin Ye thought for a while, and finally found a vague shadow in his memory: "I have an impression, that old cat with dark skin and tall growth?"

Liu Chuan smiled and said: "That's right. He led the transfer of the team, and I have to speed up the progress of team formation. I want to set up the team ahead of time during the winter vacation this year. Isn't your contract also due to the winter vacation? Let's talk and if you don't have a better transfer option, just join the team with me."

Qin Ye said, "Well, we'll talk about it later."

Liu Chuan said: "Then I'll get off first, and you should rest early. Good night."

Qin Ye said, "88."

After sending Liu Chuan away, Qin Ye turned off the computer and lay on the bed, feeling a little conflicted.

Today, the team manager found him, took the initiative to ask him to renew the contract, and showed him the contract renewal. The conditions for the renewal were very good, and he increased his annual salary and bonus a lot. To be honest, he has stayed here since the beginning of Chang'an's establishment, and he has lived in this dormitory for five years, and he is really reluctant to leave. However, asking him to back down and let him give up his ideas to cooperate with Yang Jian, he really couldn't do it.

Staying in Chang'an, the contradictions within the team will become bigger and bigger, which is not good for anyone. All he can do is to do his best to solve the problems in the team before leaving, so that the team can continue to go on under the leadership of Yang Jian.

The Chang'an team was too chaotic, and Qin Ye was devastated every day when he stayed here.

But tonight, I went to play 3v3 with Liu Chuan and the others, but Qin Ye felt extremely relaxed.

Sure enough, the teammates are different. Play the same game, with different people, the mood is completely different.

The next night, after Liu Chuan and others went online, they consciously came to the entrance of the Eighteen Arhats Formation.

Li wanted to look at the position of five vacancies with an avatar in the team, and couldn't help but feel a little disappointed: "Is Ye Ye not coming tonight?"

Liu Chuan said: "He has been very busy recently, and it is rare for him to go online."

Li Xiang said: "Hey, the 5-man team always feels that something is missing. It's better when the team is full when he is there."

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Why? Miss him?"

Li Xiang said: "No, I just think his style of play is a bit like the night, very sharp. I want him to abuse me a few more times, so that I can improve."

Liu Chuan was speechless: "Are you addicted to abuse?!"

Last night, Li Xiang took the initiative to ask for abuse, and Qin Ye killed him several times unceremoniously, killing him so much that Li Xiang could not take care of himself.

In the end, not only was this guy not discouraged, but he was very happy. Today, Qin Ye was not there, and he was still disappointed.

However, every sharp master has been abused, and the abuse can indeed improve. It is also a good thing that Li Xiang can figure it out so quickly.

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Do you want to PK? Is it okay for the master to abuse you?"

Li Xiang's eyes lit up: "Really? Master begging for abuse!"

Yu'er also said excitedly: "Captain begging for abuse! I practiced again after you got off last night. I think I can survive for 30 seconds this time!"

Going from 25 seconds to 30 seconds is really... a huge improvement!

Wu Zewen said: "I also want to PK, can I play a few games with me?"

Liu Chuan: "..."

What's the matter with the little friends queuing up for abuse

Liu Chuan had to say: "Okay, come one by one!"

So the three friends lined up to wait for Liu Chuan to abuse him, and Liu Chuan rudely hacked to death one by one.

Then the three little friends got up and continued to line up to beg for abuse, all of whom were just like children waiting for candy.

Liu Chuan: "..."

Liu Chuan, the captain, is really helpless! But also very pleased!

The fighting spirit of these guys has obviously been stimulated. Obviously, they are not so interested in playing dungeons anymore. When they played dungeons today, everyone was sick and could not lift their spirits, but they were more and more interested in PK. strong.

This is entirely dependent on the sharp battle between Liu Chuan and Qin Ye last night, and the fact that everyone played 3V3 in person.

- I don't know if I don't play, I'll be startled when I play!

When he went into battle in person, he found that PK was much more difficult than expected. When a sharp master rushed to kill him, Wu Zewen even felt that his mind was blank and his fingers were stiff, he didn't know how to react. The same goes for Yu'er. Facing Tangmen's explosive attack, he was in such a hurry that he couldn't add blood at all, and he fell to the ground with a random press.

Fighting with people is completely different from the fixed routine of fighting bosses.

The use of positioning skills and skills during PK, and the tactical use of which one to kill first and which one to kill later, is far more complicated than they imagined.

In this game, at the current position, they have only touched the tip of the iceberg.

Therefore, even if these newbies lose, they are very happy to lose, because they can learn a lot from it!

Liu Chuan abused a few Xiaobai very patiently, giving guidance while abusing them.

After a few rounds, Liu Chuan asked a few Xiaobai to digest what he had just learned, and then everyone gathered near the Southern Border Marriage Tree, of course, to prepare for the world boss next Wednesday.

Li Xiang, Wu Zewen and Jiang Shaoqing have all trained before, and the new fish must start from scratch.

Liu Chuan took the fish from the spider cave to the marriage tree, and flew back and forth several times.

At first, Yu'er couldn't keep up with the speed. Later, Liu Chuan demonstrated with his hands which Qinggong to press, taking one step and stopping, then he finally caught up.

Then Liu Chuan chased Zewen from behind, simulating the scene of the boss chasing, so that the fish could reconcile with blood in time.

Liu Chuan said: "At that time, I will arrange several nurses to add blood to the five poisons with you. You are the main treatment and you have to move with them, so your route cannot go wrong. If the five poisons are too high, they will soon be poisoned to death, and once the five poisons die, our plan will fail.”

Yu'er said seriously: "I know the captain!"

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Practice more when you have time, and remember this road clearly in your mind."

Yu'er nodded immediately: "Mmmm! I've been practicing repeatedly these days!"

The whole night passed while chatting and teaching.

Jiang Shaoqing, who knew Liu Chuan's true identity, couldn't help but admire the Sichuan team!

As the top god in the professional league, he does not show any arrogance, nor any contempt or disrespect towards these novice teammates. Instead, he is very patient, careful, hands-on teaching, and demonstrates over and over again. No impatience.

- Wu Po, who used to be bad at jumping with light work and stumbled, can now jump to any designated position accurately.

- The master who used to be unable to pull monsters, and who was able to play dungeons, can now handle eighteen eminent monks at a time.

—The god milk of destroying the regiment who used to add blood was like a roller coaster, and his tactics were erratic, but now he can calmly survive under sharp attacks, and his survival time is getting longer and longer.

Jiang Shaoqing has personally seen the progress and changes of these people. The targeted guidance and special training of the Sichuan team are very effective. In addition, the few Xiaobai are fast, savvy, and willing to study hard. In such a short period of time, several people can be said to have completed a transformation!

The glory of the Huaxia team was because of such a dutiful captain...

Seeing Liu Chuan instructing a few newbies over and over again and again, he has jumped the same route hundreds of times, Jiang Shaoqing couldn't help but chat privately: "Team Chuan, it's been three hours, you teach like this. Don't they feel tired?"

Liu Chuan said helplessly: "Of course I'm tired! I'm twitching my fingers when I type. But these are all beginners, and their basic skills are not as solid as yours. These basic operations should be practiced slowly, not a few times. Second, when there is a problem with the world boss, all previous efforts will be lost."

Jiang Shaoqing said, "Would you like to rest for a while?"

Liu Chuan said: "It's okay, this intensity is nothing. In the professional team, I used to practice Qinggong in front of the computer all day long."

Jiang Shaoqing said in surprise, "Do you also need to practice Qinggong?"

He thought that only the rookies in the training camp could practice these things, but he didn't expect that as the captain of a rich and powerful team, he would actually lead such a life...

Liu Chuan said with a smile, "Of course I have to practice. I'm also a mortal. Do you think I can kill my opponent in seconds if I play casually?"

Jiang Shaoqing: "..."

Liu Chuan said: "The so-called great gods are also ordinary people. The captains of the major teams have to practice basic skills at ordinary times, otherwise they will be born during the competition. In order to maintain the state of the competition, daily training is a must for all professional players. In the past, I used to practice the basic skills for at least one morning every day, and play qualifying in the afternoon."

Jiang Shaoqing: "..."

Liu Chuan said: "Do you feel disillusioned? Before you officially join the team, you still have a chance to go back. Let me tell you in advance that the training intensity of our new team is more than ten times higher than today's, maybe it is more than yours before. In training camp, the intensity is even higher. As a captain, I don’t say anything sympathetic. I can’t get results from training. It’s common to stay up late to practice.

Jiang Shaoqing said seriously: "I will not regret it. With you leading the team, I believe our team will not become a weak team."

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "I hope so, let's work together!"