The Strongest God

Chapter 75: Sincere invitation


Of course, Liu Chuan would not tell Wu Zewen about the bitter experiences in the past. His story is very long. Those vigorous past events in Telecom District 1, his master, his classmates, and the grievances and grievances between the major guilds … In detail, it is estimated that I can’t finish it all day and night.

What Liu Chuan wants to explain to Wu Zewen is mainly why he retired and dropped out of school.

Wu Zewen listened carefully. He found that Liu Chuan was actually a very special person. He smiled all day long and looked a little heartless, but in fact, the boy in front of him had experienced many twists and turns, and he was very principled. He is also very courageous. For his own ideals, he can be so decisive that he can cut his wrists when a strong man cuts his wrists. It is impossible for ordinary people to be so decisive.

Wu Zewen couldn't help but ask, "Don't you feel tired after being the captain for so many years?"

Liu Chuan couldn't help but startled.


In the hearts of many Huaxia team fans, the Sichuan team is the top god, and if the Sichuan team is there, China will have the hope of winning.

In the hearts of many Huaxia teammates, the captain Liu Chuan is the backbone of the team. With the captain there, Huaxia can deal with various tactics calmly...

However, no one really cares whether he is tired or not.

He is also a mortal, not a machine made of iron. He has to worry about so many things, how can he not be tired? He was very tired, but he couldn't help it. As a captain, he had to carry these burdens. He was used to being a captain for five years from the age of 18 to 23.

Seeing Wu Zewen's serious eyes, Liu Chuan couldn't help but smile. When this guy cared about people, his expression was still so serious, as if he was discussing some academic issue. Now that Zewen already knew his identity, he didn't need to cover up more in front of Wu Zewen, and said bluntly: "Of course it will be very tired, every captain is like this, on the surface it looks beautiful, but behind it is like a dog. . However, I can be considered to be enjoying it. When I took the team to win the trophy, all the hard work was worth it."

Doing what you love to do is worth it no matter how tired you are.

Wu Zewen thought for a while and continued to ask: "Since you like martial arts so much and you also like to play games, then you retire just to go back to school and finish university? After graduation, you will go back, right? Like this Zhang Shuping going back It's like an explanation."

Liu Chuan joked: "How did Detective Wu reason this time?"

Wu Zewen said: "I just think it would be a pity for you to leave like this. You certainly won't be reconciled, right?"

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Yes, I will go back."

Wu Zewen asked, "Are you going back to China?"

"No." Liu Chuan said decisively, "I will form a new team."

Wu Zewen was stunned, "Regrouping? It should be difficult, right? It's like starting a business from scratch."

Liu Chuan said: "Don't be afraid, the system of the professional league is very mature now. As long as the team enters the professional league, the official will give a guaranteed subsidy amount. Even if the sponsorship cannot be obtained, the team can survive. Besides, the sponsorship of the league now There are a lot of businessmen, and getting sponsorship funds is not as difficult as it used to be, and I still have some savings on hand. Compared with the hardships when the Huaxia team was founded, the current conditions are much better."

Liu Chuan paused, looked at Wu Zewen's eyes seriously, and said, "Zewen, are you interested in going to the professional league with me?"

Wu Zewen was stunned for a while, and said in disbelief, "Me?"

Liu Chuan said: "Yes, your hand speed is comparable to mine, and you have a talent for playing games. You will definitely become a master with some training."

Wu Zewen helped his glasses, obviously surprised by Liu Chuan's invitation.

Liu Chuan said: "If you can join my team, I will be very happy. Of course, my request is a bit abrupt. The professional league does not end in a few weeks like the college league. Joining a professional team is equivalent to playing a game. Once you have started your career, you have to train on time for 8 hours a day, and doing repetitive and monotonous training in front of the computer all day will be very boring. Moreover, professional e-sports players have a limited career, and most of them have to find a job again after retiring…”

Liu Chuan paused, and his tone couldn't help being more gentle: "You have such good grades, you will definitely find a better job after graduation, I shouldn't have taken the liberty to mention this to you, but... I need a lot of teammates to form a team, you I do have a talent for playing games, if you are interested, you can consider joining my team and we will work hard together.”

Wu Zewen lowered his head and thought carefully.

Liu Chuan's invitation was very sincere. He didn't just exaggerate how good the professional players were and how interesting the professional league was. Instead, he put all the pros and cons in front of him clearly and let him make a rational choice.

Strangely, when the boy said in a gentle tone "Let's work hard together", Wu Zewen suddenly had the urge to agree to him immediately.

Liu Chuan wants to re-form the team, and the hardships in it are of course needless to say. Wu Zewen felt a little embarrassed to refuse such a sincere invitation.

- But impulse will be overcome by reason after all.

Wu Zewen has always been a rational person, this strange impulse just flashed in his mind, he immediately calmed down and began to think carefully about the feasibility of becoming a professional player. No matter how you think about it, for a novice who has never played online games, becoming a professional e-sports player... This is a too bold and risky choice, after all, this is an important decision that involves the future and even the rest of his life. Choice, he can't make a decision casually. My mother's opinion must also be considered. Wu Zewen thought about it, then raised his head, looked at Liu Chuan and said, "My mother is not in good health. I will definitely go back to Beijing to work after graduation. Clearly, but the option of playing games is something I have never thought of before, and this is my first time playing online games…”

Liu Chuan said with a smile: "I know, I won't force you, it's too early for me to mention this to you, but you can have enough time to think about it. It's more than half a year before graduation, you You can give me an answer after you think about it.”

Wu Zewen nodded: "Well, I'll think about it again."

The commercials on the computer finally ended, and the screen switched back to the commentary station. Su Tong smiled and said, "Welcome back to the audience! I'm very sorry just now, there was a problem with one of the contestants' computer network. Now, the contestants of both sides are ready. Ready, the match between Chang'an and Xuelang is about to start!"

Zhang Shuping went on to say: "First of all, let's introduce these two teams. I believe everyone is familiar with the Chang'an team. This is the championship team last season. You can see the Chang'an team's winning percentage in the last season and the playoffs. The three-game winning streak has sent them to the championship, and it can be said that they are a team with great momentum."

Su Tong nodded and said, "Team Snow Wolf, this is a non-governmental team that has been promoted from the National Urban Heroes Tournament. I believe many people don't know about this team. Today is their first show. You can look forward to this team. The performance of the new team!"

The big screen showed a group photo of the players of the two teams, as well as some data such as the winning rate. The Changan team had an eye-catching record of three consecutive victories in the playoffs last season, and the Snow Wolf team, as a new team, naturally had a blank record in the past, such a stark contrast, as if the outcome had been expected.

Su Tong said: "Everyone in the audience can follow the official Wulin Weibo, participate in the quiz with prizes in the score quiz channel, and the audience who finally guess the score will have a chance to get a limited edition set of eight exquisite pictures from the official school!"

This condition is obviously very attractive, and a group of people on Weibo began to line up to guess the score.

80% of the people are guessing that the Changan team swept the Snow Wolf 9:0, and some conservative guesses such as 5:4, 6:3, etc., only a very few people will guess that the Snow Wolf team will win.

Wu Zewen swiped Weibo with his mobile phone and couldn't help but ask, "Liu Chuan, how many do you guess?"

After all, Liu Chuan has been the captain for so many years, and guessing the score must be very professional. Wu Zewen actually wanted to hear Liu Chuan guess the score. After Liu Chuan finished guessing, he would repost it on Weibo according to Liu Chuan's guess, and maybe he could draw a prize or something. …

Liu Chuan saw through this guy's intentions and couldn't help smiling and said: "You want me to guess? Unfortunately, I don't know anything about this Snow Wolf team, and I can't say for sure about today's game. But 9:0 is definitely impossible, The professional league rarely has such an exaggerated score of 9:0, unless the Xuelang team is too bad, it will be beaten to 9:0 by Changan.”

Wu Zewen is obviously very puzzled about the calculation of the score: "9:0? How is the score of the league calculated?"

Liu Chuan explained: "The regular season of the professional league is a points mode. Do you know the kind of martial arts arena in the martial arts novels? , the one who persists to the end can win the main flag, and the main flag will earn 3 points."

Wu Zewen nodded: "The remaining 6 points are the three flags in the team battle mode?"

Liu Chuan said: "Yes, the three flags in the teamfight stage, red flag, blue flag, black flag, each are 2 points. The red and blue flags are refreshed at the same time when the game starts, and the black flag It will only refresh in the center of the map after both the red and blue flags have been captured."

Wu Zewen quickly understood.

The main flag of the ring match is 3 points, the red, blue and black flags of the team battle are 2 points each, adding up to a total of 9 points. The red and blue flags are refreshed at the same time, so there are many possibilities. The two teams are just staggered to win one of them, that is, they will score 2 points each; if the two teams happen to meet at the refresh point of a certain flag , will naturally fight for the flag. When both the red and blue flags were occupied, the last black flag naturally became the focus of contention between the two sides, and the battle situation would only become more and more intense.

Liu Chuan said: "The points in the regular season are accumulated, and the competition for each flag is very important, because the points determine the ranking of the 16 teams, and the top 8 teams can enter the playoffs. At the final stage , In fact, many teams are only two or three points short of each other, if they are only short of a flag and cannot enter the playoffs, it will be too late to regret it."

The more Wu Zewen listens, the more interesting he finds it. The professional league is much more complicated than playing dungeons in online games. In the game, the dungeons are destroyed, and everyone can get up and continue to play. Anyway, the dungeon boss will always stand there waiting for you... But the arena is different. , the flag has been taken away from the score!

Wu Zewen thought for a while and said, "If the Snow Wolf team and Chang'an happened to be staggered in the teamfight, and each of the red flag and the blue flag took one, then they could score at least 2 points."

Liu Chuan said: "Yes, so I estimate that the score should be 7:2."

Wu Zewen asked, "Isn't it possible for Team Snow Wolf to win the 3 points in the ring match?"

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Impossible. Because the Chang'an team is still dark, it's too difficult to take the main flag from Qin Ye's hands."

Wu Zewen lowered his head thoughtfully.

Seeing that he was thinking seriously, Liu Chuan couldn't help joking: "What? Did Detective Wu have any new discoveries?"

Wu Zewen raised his head and said, "The night you are talking about is the Qiye Xue who played with us in the new district, right?"

Liu Chuan: "..."

Guess so well every time! Liu Chuan really knelt down for Detective Wu!

Wu Zewen said: "Li Xiang's favorite player is the night of Chang'an team. He often whispers in my ear that the night is very powerful, and he plays Claw Emei... Your friend named Qiye Xue also plays Claw Emei, and he is very good. Since you are a professional player, then Qiye Xue must also be a professional player, so the powerful claw Emei should be the night, right?"

Liu Chuan said helplessly: "That's right, and he is still an obsessive-compulsive disorder patient, so he must have the word 'night' in his name. Zewen, you guessed it right again."

Wu Zewen, who reasoned correctly, nodded in a good mood and turned his eyes back to the computer screen.

In the 3V3 small team battle that day, he was instantly killed by Ye Shi's set of combos. He admired Ye Shi's level very much, and couldn't help but want to see Ye Shi's performance on the field.

During the live broadcast, the commentator Su Tong glanced down at the list of players he just got, and said, "In the first stage of the arena, the list of players from both sides has been determined. The first player from Team Snow Wolf is Mingyue Tianya. !"

Following the introduction of the commentator, the camera cuts to the position of the player of Team Snow Wolf, and the player information is displayed on the right side of the live broadcast screen at the same time—

ID: Mingyue Tianya;

Name: Lu Mingzhe;

Sex: Male;

Age: 19 years old;

Good at genre: Mingjiao Shuangdao genre;

Team: Snow Wolf Team;

Kills: 0; Assists: 0; MVP: 0.

Because the tenth season has just started, the evaluation indicators such as the number of kills and the MVP value are all calculated from the beginning from 0.

The number of kills is naturally the number of kills a player has won this season, and the number of assists is the number of people who participated in the battle to help teammates win the kills. After the season starts, there will be a list of kills and assists, and the top three players will be rewarded. .

The MVP value is a score given by a comprehensive player's performance. A simple understanding is that "the player who has the most influence on the situation in this game" is also called "the most valuable player". The person who gets the MVP may also be a healer. Or support, as long as you lead the team to victory at the crucial moment, then you are the MVP of the game. Similarly, the player with the highest MVP value at the end of the season will be named the "Most Valuable Player of the Season" and a special trophy will be awarded.

Team Snow Wolf is a new team. Everyone is obviously unfamiliar with the ID Mingyue Tianya, and the applause at the scene is not so warm.

Seeing that the camera was aimed at him, Lu Mingzhe waved to the audience very friendly. This new talent is 19 years old, very young, wearing the snow-white team uniform of the Snow Wolf team, with short hair and energetic, as a newcomer, he is not at all. It's rare to be nervous.

Zhang Shuping went on to introduce: "Next is the Chang'an team. In the first stage of the arena, the first player sent by the Chang'an team is... Night!"

As soon as the words fell, there was a deafening applause from the scene! Many Yeshi fans held up the fluorescent signs they had made in advance, "Come on Yeshi", "Night Shakes the audience" and some people held up signs that read "Goddess of Yeshi, I'll give you monkeys", how popular is Qin Ye? High can be imagined.

The camera cuts to where Chang'an team Qin Ye is sitting, and his profile appears on the big screen of the live broadcast.

The man's skin is very white, his body is thin, and his facial features are exquisite. He is a typical oriental handsome man. He wears the team uniform of Chang'an team, and the corners of his lips are tightly pursed to give a cold and arrogant feeling. When the camera cuts past, he is still the same. Staring at the computer screen, apparently tweaking the game settings, looking very focused.

There was a sudden riot! All kinds of screams mixed together, almost toppling the roof!

goddess? ! What about the goddess? !

In a corner of the auditorium, Li Xiang, who was drinking green tea, sprayed the green tea with a puff when he looked up at the big screen...