The Strongest God

Chapter 81: Snares and Layouts (below)


The smile on Su Tong's face was a little stiff.

Su Tong and Chen Feifei are both well-known female commentators in the official commentary team. Yang Jian often invites the commentators to dinner, and they have a good relationship with Yang Jian. They often praise Yang Jian in the usual games, but today, she wants to help Yang Jian. The sword round field couldn't be rounded anymore, she wanted to spit out weakly - Yang Jian, your fight is really bad!

Zhang Shuping was a new commentator, and he was a rude and quick-talker, so he immediately began to complain: "The team battle of Chang'an team was a bit bad! The captain's command obviously made a serious mistake, which caused the team's position to be disconnected. In fact, when Ye Shi and Xin Ran died just now, they should have controlled the field of vision while Xuelang was returning to the city. There is still hope if they take the initiative to ambush and fight a wave. beated."

Su Tong couldn't help but said: "Yes, Team Yang is a little impulsive. When the 6 people from the Snow Wolf team came over just now, there were only 4 people in Chang'an, so don't rush to get on."

Zhang Shuping obviously disapproved of Yang Jian's style, and immediately began to scold: "Yang team is too eager to prove themselves, just lost a wave of team battles, it is a good thing for young people to be warm-hearted, but unfortunately our Yang team seems to be warm-hearted."

Su Tong glanced at Zhang Shuping, Zhang Shuping also noticed that he said this a little bit of hatred among the fans of Chang'an team, he smiled and said: "Let's look forward to Chang'an's next performance, Chang'an team is an old team after all, it doesn't matter if they lose the start, as long as After calming down, there is still hope for a comeback.”

As a commentator, the position must be neutral. Even if Zhang Shuping wanted to smack Yang Jian, the commentary could not bring obvious personal emotions, so he had to endure it.

Although it is embarrassing to be eliminated by a group, but the situation of the game is changing rapidly. A group elimination does not mean failure, as long as you calm down and calm down and fight back again.

Many times the game is fierce, and it is possible for the ratio of killings between the two sides to reach dozens to dozens. Now the head-to-head ratio between Xuelang and Chang'an is 7:0. As long as Chang'an adjusts it in time, they can still fight. After all, the Chang'an team The players are not weak either, and it was just an accidental tactical mistake when they were beaten out at the beginning.

However, many Changan fans have forgotten...

Their captain Yang Jian is only suitable for playing the tailwind game, but not suitable for the headwind game!

Once the Changan team gets off to a good start, then Yang Jian will become more and more brave and stronger, as unstoppable as a tiger descending a mountain!

And once the start is against the wind, it will be difficult for Yang Jian to lead the team to comeback. This is also the biggest shortcoming of a young and impatient captain like Yang Jian! He will only fight you hard, and the more he fights, the more fierce he will be. He will directly beat his opponent to the ground and cry, and then he will win a complete victory record.

But once he was abused himself, he couldn't be forbearance and patience, and it was easy to lose control when his mood became irritable.

Chang'an team has many times relied on Sister Xinran and Qin Ye to come back from headwinds, but obviously, they didn't have such luck today.

Fang Zhiyan was very calm. After a wave, they dispersed. Each of the 6 people took the Kongming lantern and the reconnaissance eye stone to the foggy area to set up their vision.

At this time, running around in the foggy area does not worry about ambush at all, because the other party's 6 people are all dead, and it will take a certain amount of time for them to come back to life. Fang Zhiyan is just playing the time difference with you, using this time to quickly set up the field of vision on the upper and lower roads, and at the same time find out all the Kongming lanterns placed before Chang'an, and then extinguish them one by one.

The viewers watching the live broadcast can find out from the perspective of God that on the side of the Snow Wolf team, the foggy area of the map gradually lights up, while the living space of the Changan team is getting smaller and smaller. It can be seen that the blue vision of the Snow Wolf team is gradually swallowing the red living space of the Changan team...

The Changan team needs to patiently kill the opponent in a wave to be able to come back, otherwise this snowball effect will put the Changan team in an increasingly unfavorable situation.

The second round of confrontation occurred at the moment when the flag was refreshed.

When Yang Jian brought 6 people to the refresh point of Lingqi on the road at the same time, the 6 people of the Snow Wolf team were already waiting there. Yang Jian was very angry, and the depression of being destroyed by the group made him eager to fight back. Come to prove yourself, without hesitation, order the start of a group!

The members of the Chang'an team naturally followed the captain's instructions and rushed to fight. Qin Ye quickly threw a scouting eye stone under the lake, and it turned out that there was a Kongming lantern placed by the Snow Wolf team next to him. Qin Ye wanted to walk over and put it down. The light went out, and Yang Jian couldn't help but say, "Qin Ye, why did you come back so quickly!"

Qin Ye: "..."

The headache made Qin Ye very weak. Are you kidding Yang Jian? We have been resurrected for so long, and the other party must have arranged all the vision of the surrounding foggy area. Do you think the Snow Wolf team is an idiot and will fight you on the road

Sure enough, the 6 members of the Snow Wolf team who were still on the road just now suddenly entered the water collectively. Because the Chang'an team had no vision in that area, they could not see where the 6 people were at all. Yang Jian was eager to put the lights on, but found that the lights in his backpack were already in the first place. Used it during the second reconnaissance...

The six members of the Snow Wolf team swam over from the foggy area again, and their target was Qin Ye again!

Fang Zhiyan's command was very decisive. With the cooperation of the twins Mingjiao and the auxiliary attacks of Shaolin and Wudang, Qin Ye was once again killed by himself. Xu Xinran ran to save him and fell into the enemy's encirclement. The two of them lay dead one after another. , which is simply worse!

Yang Jian wanted to smash the keyboard, and said irritably, "Qin Ye, what are you doing?! Run to the foggy area alone!"

Qin Ye didn't want to explain.

He suddenly felt tired—the kind of tiredness that his teammates couldn't understand his intentions at all.

It's obviously a team, isn't it? But he seems to be outside the entire team...

When they meet, they fight, and when they meet, they start a group...

Do you understand that we are already in the trap of Team Snow Wolf? !

Control your vision before teamfights, this is something every player in the professional circle should know!

Vision, vision, everyone is repeatedly emphasizing this word, but how much can really be achieved

Who told you to meet on the road and fight immediately? In the foggy area on the side of the road, the opponent can lurking and escape at any time. If you don't have the vision of the foggy area, what can you fight? Half-fighting and watching the other party dive into the bottom of the water and escape? Or fight halfway and wait for the other party to suddenly disappear, ambush and sneak attack

Because it was the third death, Qin Ye and Xu Xinran's waiting time for resurrection was extended to 20 seconds.

The 6 members of the Snow Wolf team played against the remaining 4 members of the Chang'an team. Taking advantage of the vision in the foggy area, they retreated while fighting, sometimes diving into the water, sometimes emerging from the water, and deliberately dragging you to fight, just like playing hide-and-seek... Qin I couldn't bear to watch it any longer.

At that moment, he suddenly thought of Liu Chuan.

In the past, Huaxia also encountered an unfavorable start in which the water battle map was destroyed by an ambush group, but in the end, Huaxia turned around and won.

If Liu Chuan led the team, it would definitely be impossible to fight like this.

In the first season, the Wulin League had just started, and many teams' tactics were immature. Most of the players also fought directly after encountering them. Just like Yang Jian's idea, everyone fought together.

The idea of "suppressing vision" was developed by the old captains Liu Chuan and Xiao Sijing after a few games.

Where should the Kongming lanterns be placed on each map, where should the eye stone be placed, at which intersections should we ambush, and where we should pay attention to possible crises...

The first batch of old players deduced the importance of controlling their vision during the game after many practices. Liu Chuan even led the Huaxia team to play several classic vision suppression tactics, although those games did not break out fierce. Team battles can slowly erode the opponent's living space and suppress the opponent inch by inch to restore the revival point, so that all professional teams finally realize the horror of suppressed vision!

—It was a chronic death that sent chills down the spine!

Lotus Lake is a very large map in the fog of war. In addition to the slow speed of action in the water, it is not advisable to start a war rashly. It's very important, everyone should gather together at the beginning, slowly push it inch by inch, and control the vision first.

But Yang Jian is still the kind of straight temper. He can't hold back when he meets him. It is this kind of aggressive character. When playing a downwind game, the long sword in his hand is extremely sharp, and he is unstoppable.

Can you still expect him to be as calm as Liu Chuan, and slowly fight guerrilla warfare after losing the start

It was the first time for Qin Ye to be distracted during a match.

During the 20 seconds he waited for the resurrection, he was actually thinking about other things, and he didn't even hear Yang Jian's curse.

The sound effect in his ear made Qin Ye finally come back to his senses. Looking at the screen, Yang Jian was also dead. The other three people in Chang'an escaped in embarrassment by relying on Xiaoyao's teleportation formation. Team Snow Wolf won. The 6 members of the Snow Wolf team will definitely rush to the red flag refresh point in the bottom road...

Without saying a word, Yang Jian raised the long sword in his hand and led the team down the road. Qin Ye suddenly had the urge to not want to go with him. But as the vice-captain, he couldn't show his negative emotions so obviously, and still followed in the footsteps of his teammates with a frown...

From the Internet cafe, seeing that the Chang'an team was beaten so badly, Wu Zewen asked worriedly, "The head ratio is already 10:0. Is there any hope for Qin Ye and the others to make a comeback?"

Liu Chuan sighed helplessly: "Changan is going to lose this game."

Wu Zewen nodded. He also felt the same way. The Changan team seemed to have been stunned. The Xuelang team's actions had always been orderly. It's like a mess of sand...

Liu Chuan said in a low voice, "Yang Jian hasn't figured out that he has fallen into Fang Zhiyan's trap until now. It's strange that Chang'an doesn't lose."

Wu Zewen turned his head and asked seriously, "What trap? I didn't see it either."

Liu Chuan couldn't help laughing, this guy was always so serious about things he was interested in, and he didn't like to talk about things he wasn't interested in. Since the small top turned on his own, Liu Chuan was naturally happy to explain to him: "If I don't think about it If it's wrong, Fang Zhiyan is throwing water in the third round of the ring match."

Wu Zewen said in surprise, "You mean he deliberately lost to Qin Ye?"

Liu Chuan said: "Well. It can be said that the entire arena is the first ring of the big trap set up by the Snow Wolf team. I guess they originally wanted to target Yang Jian, but they made a mistake and the Changan team suddenly adjusted their appearance. In order, it was not Yang Jian but Qin Ye who played first. Changan team used to be Yang Jian's first shot, and Qin Ye was in the ring. Fang Zhiyan must have watched a lot of Changan team games. So I wanted to target Yang Jian, but I didn't expect Qin Ye to keep an eye on him, and he was the first to go..."

Liu Chuan paused and said, "However, Fang Zhiyan's tactics can work for everyone. They used the twins Mingjiao to compete with Qin Ye in the ring match, making Qin Ye's hand speed reach its peak. The third game After Fang Zhiyan went up, he and Qin Ye slowly exhausted it, such a style of play consumes a lot of players' energy."

"Actually, Qin Ye's health was low at the time, Fang Zhiyan could have killed Qin Ye if he really fought hard, but his purpose was obviously to consume rather than kill, because the ring match was a surefire way to lose, so he chose Simply lose and immediately enter the team battle, so that Qin Ye, who has played three games in a row, will not be able to get enough rest."

Wu Zewen soon realized that the three-on-one wheel battle would indeed consume a lot of Qin Ye's energy, making Qin Ye enter the team battle in a tired state. In this way, it is easy to catch the opponent's mistakes in the team battle. If there is a gap, the defense line is naturally prone to collapse.

Liu Chuan added: "This is a kind of fatigue tactic for ace players. The ring competition makes you consume energy, and the team competition will specifically pick you to kill. The more you get killed, the longer the waiting time for resurrection will be longer. It will also decrease. You see, they always prioritize killing Qin Ye during teamfights. Even if Yang Jian has only a trace of blood left, they will ignore it and just stare at Qin Ye to kill. This is obviously a target, against the Changan team. Internal solidarity can also have an impact."

A player was repeatedly killed. If it was a united team, no one would blame him, but within the Changan team... everyone knew it.

Liu Chuan said helplessly, "Fang Zhiyan's style of play, regardless of whether Yang Jian or Qin Ye is hit, will affect the unity of the Chang'an team. This is also a kind of psychological warfare. Unfortunately, Yang Jian has not yet responded , he might still be complaining about Qin Ye's carelessness... This is simply a suppression of IQ."

Wu Zewen adjusted his glasses and said, "Listen to what you said, Fang Zhiyan is a really powerful person, taking into account the internal factors of the Chang'an team."

Liu Chuan nodded and said, "Yes. It seems that with the emergence of Fang Zhiyan, the genre of Zheng Emei is about to rise again."

Professional players will have a great impact on online games. When there are very powerful professional players in a certain genre, because of their outstanding performance on the field, the number of players who play this genre in online games will naturally increase accordingly. Most of the novice players in online games have this. A kind of follow-the-fashion mentality, play whichever you think is better.

When Liu Chuan was still there, the number of Tangmen players of the puppet genre in the game reached its peak. The puppet genre can be said to be very popular. After Liu Chuan retired, the number of players playing the puppet genre decreased significantly.

Zheng Emei's status in the arena was at a low point because of the lack of blood in the arena. No one wanted Zheng Emei in the qualifying competition. Only a small number of players who played dungeons in online games would choose this genre. Now, the emergence of Fang Zhiyan may be an opportunity for the re-emergence of the Zheng Emei genre!

The next game has entered the garbage time, and the Changan team is in chaos. The Snow Wolf team won the red and blue flags in one breath. When the black flag was refreshed, a wave of team battles in the middle won again, winning three in a row. flag!

At the end of the game, the final score on the big screen was changed to 6:3.

When Qin Ye won the ring competition alone, many people did not expect that the final score was 3:6, and the Changan team did not win a single flag in the team stage... Fans of the Changan team were a little helpless. Accepted, sat in the audience and watched the players leave.

After the game, Yang Jian didn't even bother to participate in the post-match interview, so he just took the car and left, leaving the mess to the vice-captain Qin Ye to clean up.

It's no wonder, I've always been used to hearing all kinds of compliments. Chang'an lost so embarrassingly this time. It's better that Yang Jian doesn't participate in the interview. Otherwise, he might lose his temper when the reporters bombard him. The manager obviously understands that. At this point, the task of interviewing was left to Qin Ye.

Facing the repeated bombardment by the reporters, Qin Ye first affirmed Team Snow Wolf's performance, and then said that Team Chang'an would continue to work hard... He was already very tired and didn't want to deal with the reporters, so he answered a few questions and returned to the hotel.

It was already early autumn in mid-September, and it just rained a bit today. After coming out of the arena, Qin Ye felt a little cold. Qin Ye frowned and habitually put on big sunglasses, so he couldn't see the expression on his face. .

Xu Xinran was waiting for him in the car. Seeing him getting in the car, he couldn't help but say, "Qin team, don't feel bad, it's not your fault that you were targeted..."

Qin Ye died five times in a row during the teamfight stage, and was targeted so badly. However, the teammates around him only focused on attacking and fighting, and never knew how to protect him.

He's not a god. It's already very tiring to beat three people by one person in a ring match. Do you still want him to fight three people in a team battle

Qin Ye suddenly felt very cold.

Chang'an team, a team that I watched grow with my own eyes, when did it start to become like this

Qin Ye rubbed his temples, leaned on the back seat and said, "I'm not feeling bad, I'm just a little tired."

Xu Xinran said, "Then go back and rest early."

The hotel where the Chang'an team stayed was not far from the arena, and the car arrived soon. Xu Xinran was hungry and went to eat supper, but Qin Ye had no appetite, so he went back to his room by himself.

On the 11th floor of the hotel, Qin Ye got out of the elevator and walked along the long corridor to his room. In front of him was a tall boy wearing jeans and a T-shirt. He probably lived here. hotel guests.

Qin Ye ignored it, took out his mobile phone and swiped on Weibo, the official Weibo of Changan team was full of scolding, Qin Ye had a headache and shut it down, not wanting to read it any more.

Hearing the footsteps, the boy in front couldn't help but glance back at him, then scratched his head in confusion.

After a while, he looked back at him again.

Qin Ye used to wear sunglasses when he went out. Seeing that the boy kept looking back at him, he glanced at him, thought about it, and then looked back again, just like looking at a gorilla.

Qin Ye couldn't help being a little annoyed—haven't you seen someone wearing sunglasses? Take a step and take a look, what am I looking at!

Just as he was about to have a seizure, the boy suddenly stopped, turned around and walked towards him excitedly: "Are you the night of the Chang'an team?!"

Qin Ye: "..."

The author has something to say: [Small Theater]

Li Xiang: Hello goddess! I am your idiot!

Qin Ye: Come here and I promise not to kill you.

Li Xiang obediently walked over, and was hit by Qin Ye's white bone claws in a three-stage combo, died!

Qin Ye: I'm in a good mood. Well, go back to sleep.

Li Xiang: T_____________T