The Strongest God

Chapter 85: Master Lotus


Silan's strategy is very detailed, even a novice who doesn't know much about the game can see it at a glance.

After reading it once, Liu Chuan opened his mouth to emphasize a few key points to everyone: "According to the strategy, the defense of the boss is not high, and there is a fixed hatred, Shaolin can hold him. The setting of the lotus layman is the unfettered feather fan genre. The feather fan school is a formation-assisted school, which will generate a range of array formations with various negative states under our feet.”

"In the first stage, when the blood volume is over 70%, he will randomly throw the formation under our feet. Except for Shaolin, other people will immediately fly away when they see the formation under their feet, otherwise they will explode in 2 seconds. If a teammate is standing together, they will be killed directly, and during the boss fight, you must constantly avoid the formation under your feet, and you must not collide with your teammates."

"70% HP will enter the second stage. In the second stage, he will start the Happy Teleportation Array, which will be randomly teleported on the lake of Lotus Lake. We need to chase him and fight."

While chasing and fighting, you have to pay attention to avoiding the formation under your feet. This boss obviously consumes everyone's energy and patience.

Liu Chuan went on to say: "At 30% HP, we will enter the third stage, and the boss will instantly release a series of happy circles to surround us. According to the analysis in the guide, if the burst bursts, the group will be destroyed. In the third stage, we must walk together in a group. , Let's avoid the chain formation together, just don't get killed in seconds."

After Liu Chuan said the main points to pay attention to, everyone carefully read the strategy from the beginning, and silently memorized the positions and play styles of each stage in their hearts.

Liu Chuan said: "I can't command this boss all the time. It's too late for me to say that the formation under the feet of 6 people is too late. After the formation is generated, there are two seconds to avoid it. It depends on your own reaction, everyone adapts accordingly.”

In the past, every time I played a dungeon, I relied on Liu Chuan's command. Because of Liu Chuan's excellent dungeon analysis ability and commanding ability, even Xiaobai such as Wu Zewen and Li Xiang could follow him to make several dungeon records. Everyone knows that Liu Chuan is the backbone of this team. Without his command, they might not even be able to clear the hero dungeon by now, let alone the dungeon records.

But now, Liu Chuan can't give them hands-on guidance on what to do.

They have to be on their own!

- Can it be done

Except for the confidence of the two professional players Qin Ye and Jiang Shaoqing, the other three Xiaobai couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "You can do it. What are you afraid of, you can come again if you die. The six of us are the only ones on this map, and we will spend it with this boss tonight!"

Perhaps the reason why the captain cheered everyone up, a group of people immediately became very motivated!

Yes, what are you afraid of!

This is an online game and not an arena, the boss is always there, and if you can't beat the group, get up and continue to fight!

There is no one near the lotus lake map, and there is no need to worry that the boss will be snatched away.

Everyone adjusted their skills and equipment, and they were all eager to try.

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Are you all ready? Give it a try first, you will be under a lot of pressure, you will be under a lot of pressure while hiding, and you have to deal with all kinds of negative states. If you are too busy, deal with the master first. , other people can be released, but the T-T will be destroyed."

Yu'er nodded immediately, and a clear young voice sounded in everyone's ears: "I know the captain! God's milk will take care of you!"

Everyone: "… "

Don't worry about God's milk, if you say that, you will definitely destroy the group again!

The five teammates stood around the boss in five positions, and Li Xiang stepped forward with a bad premonition to open the monster.

Layman Lianhua began to recite poetry again.

The setting of the Xiaoyao sect in the game is similar to the attribute of "literary family". The disciples of the sect hold folding fans and wear jade flutes on their waists. They have a gentle image. There is a large collection of books in Xiaoyao Pavilion. The disciples are also proficient in qin, chess, calligraphy and painting.

Xiaoyao Yu Fanliu is a field-controlling genre similar to Taiji Wudang. The range of auxiliary arrays is very wide, and each array has a different color, so it will look good on the ground.

Layman Lianhua said in a gentle voice: "Sunrise River is as red as fire..."

As soon as the words fell, a green wind, flowers, snow and moon formation appeared at the feet of Zewen and the Taoist priest at the same time. Wu Zewen immediately flew out of the range of the formation in the opposite direction. Xiaoyao can cancel some of the formation effects of each other. Although Liu Chuan didn't mention it, he believes that Jiang Shaoqing still has the ability to comprehend this as a professional player. Sure enough, Daoist Qingfeng cleared the formation very simply, and did not need to dodge lightly. He also dropped a two-meter formation at the boss's feet, reducing the boss's defense, and the output efficiency of everyone was significantly improved.

Lay Lianhua continued to recite the poem: "In spring, the river is as green as blue..."

Boss has been reciting poems there. Every time he recites a sentence, the range formations under everyone's feet continue to burst. They were all messed up by him!

Finally, when Lay Lianhua finished reciting the song "Remembering Jiangnan" and released the range formation technique, the fish who couldn't dodge died first!

As soon as the father died, the master didn't add blood, and the blood collapsed quickly, but Li Xiang still bravely endured for 20 seconds, and finally knelt down... He can still hold on for 20 seconds without treatment. It's been a great improvement.

When the master died, the group disappeared, and everyone died collectively and returned to the resurrection point.

Yu'er couldn't help but say: "I'm sorry, I can't add it a bit! I'm cheating again! I'm sorry!"

After being kicked by the wild team a lot, Yu'er habitually apologized after the team was eliminated.

In fact, it's not just the problem that he can't add. Liu Chuan feels that the output is very weak, and the boss loses blood very slowly.

Liu Chuan said: "Yu'er, it's not your fault, the boss level is suppressed, it is 5 levels higher than us, and after 15 minutes of fighting, his health is still at 90%, and the speed of release is getting faster and faster. It doesn't seem to work."

Wu Zewen suddenly said: "In the strategy written by Silan, the six members of their team are all level 42. His strategy is not applicable to us."

Zewen is right, it can be reflected intuitively from the data.

When Silan led the team to fight the boss, there was no level suppression, everyone was level 42, and in about 15 minutes, he could beat the boss to 70% of the blood and enter the second stage. But Liu Chuan and several people fought for 15 minutes, and the boss's blood was still at 90%, which was too far behind.

After such a reminder from Zewen, Liu Chuan also found that he was too careless at this time - he believed too much in the level of Silan's writing strategy, but he ignored a key point is the level suppression! There is definitely no problem with this strategy for level 42 people to fight bosses, but a few of them are only level 38, and the speed of fighting bosses is quite slow, which will lead to more and more formations and faster bosses. The entire lake is full of his formations, and everyone has no place to stand.

Liu Chuan said helplessly: "Hey, it seems that we have to study the strategy ourselves again!"

Really tired!

Why is it so difficult for him to fight a boss? He can't use the strategies written by others, and he has to re-analyze it himself!

Daoist Qingfeng said, "It's better for me to help Yu'er break out of the formation, to ensure that the treatment will not die, and the master will not fall. You can try it slowly."

Liu Chuan said: "You will be under a bit of pressure on that leader, and you should also pay attention to avoid the formation under your feet."

Daoist Qingfeng said, "Well, let's try it out."

Wudang's Sanqing Formation and Xiaoyao's Fenghuaxueyue Formation can solve each other... As a professional player, Jiang Shaoqing naturally remembers the knowledge of mutual restraint between these formations. This boss is only level 42. After the observation just now, Jiang Shaoqing discovered There are only four kinds of low-level free-flowing formations that he can use. Wudang can solve all of them. Jiang Shaoqing has not learned the more advanced formations that cannot be solved by each other, but obviously this boss can't either!

It's a pity that Wudang's formation has a cooldown time limit, and the boss releases the formation very quickly. Jiang Shaoqing can only solve one person's formation. He chose to give priority to keeping the healing fish, and it was also for the team's consideration. This consideration was naturally obtained by Captain Liu. Chuan agrees.

After adjusting the style of play, start again. With the help of the Taoist priest, the fish is very comfortable this time, just stand on the spot and add blood. Yu'er has played so many games and has a good treatment foundation. In addition, he has been repeatedly brainwashed by Taoist priest and Liu Chuan in the past few days, and he is almost forming a conditioned reflex to increase blood.

Li Xiang's Shaolin doesn't need to move. Shaolin's skin is thick and fleshy. Even if it bursts out, he is not afraid of death. He has treatment, and he can reduce injuries by himself.

A few outputs are a bit troublesome, and you must always avoid the array under your feet.

Especially Jiang Shaoqing, he was staring at Yu'er's feet while hiding from the formation. When the boss released the formation faster, he was a little too busy. Fortunately, Jiang Shaoqing was very cautious, and every solution was lost. Very appropriate, not once wasted, so it's okay to barely support.

Of course, Liu Chuan and Qin Ye don't have to say, it's no problem to hide for 2 seconds. Wu Zewen's reaction ability is also very fast, and he started to get a little chaotic, but once he gets used to this rhythm, he can figure out when the boss will let go. , and therefore also dodged very timely.

It's a pity that the level is suppressed and the output is not enough. Everyone slowly grinds and grinds. It took almost half an hour, and the boss was finally beaten to 70% of the blood, and entered the second stage.

Then, with a sudden bang, the six people were collectively killed!

Everyone was very surprised, what happened, the boss went crazy? Why did the good group suddenly disappear

Wu Zewen looked at the damage statistics panel carefully and said, "In that strategy, the factors that caused the boss to go berserk were not included. They are all level 42. According to the strategy, the boss won't be berserk, but our level is not enough, and the output can't keep up. Go, the boss will go berserk."

It's not that the strategy written by Silan is wrong, but that Liu Chuan and the others committed suicide!

Who has nothing to do at level 38 to fight a level 42 boss! Who would write a strategy for challenging bosses across five levels? If you write it, you will definitely be sprayed!

The strategy written by Silan is a very normal strategy, but there is no way. Liu Chuan and his team are too bold, and the boss is not happy with them.

Jiang Shaoqing said, "The boss is berserk, is it because we couldn't keep up with the output, and the first stage took too long?"

Every boss rampage has hidden factors, which may be related to the output, the time to beat the boss, etc. The specific reason is still uncertain.

After the group was destroyed, everyone walked back from the resurrection point on the map and discussed while walking.

Liu Chuan said: "Try it again and find out the reason for his madness. This time everyone fights with all their strength and speeds up!"

These few people are obviously competing with Lay Lay Lianhua!

I can't believe it won't kill you!

The group was destroyed twice, and everyone was in high spirits. Because of the cooperation just now, the members of the fixed group knew each other very well. The fight was naturally smooth, and the boss was slowly grinded to 70% of his health. This time only spent 25 minutes... When the stage can be changed, everyone is inexplicably stunned again!

Li Xiang said: "I specifically checked the time. We cooperated well this time. It was 5 minutes faster than before. Is it really a matter of time?"

Qin Ye was an idiot playing dungeons, and he wasn't interested in bosses. He accompanied these people, but thought they were all interesting.

The Boss will be violent or something... This sounds too troublesome, Qin Ye couldn't help frowning, and listened to a few people discussing in the public office with a laptop, and went back to make a cup of coffee and drink it slowly.

Wu Zewen opened the damage statistics and calculated things very seriously. Liu Chuan was in the same room with him and saw it as soon as he turned around. He couldn't help but leaned over to look at his screen and asked in a low voice, "What are you calculating? "

Wu Zewen said: "Our output and the damage statistics of the boss, I will compare it with the strategy written by Silan to see what is the reason for the madness of the boss."

He drew a four-table table and was calculating a bunch of things, probabilities, statistics, etc. Liu Chuan, a liberal arts student, is really... ignorant!

In the game, the small speaker of the five poisons is clearly on, but the captain's voice is heard, and it is the kind of low voice that whispers...

Yu'er couldn't help but ask, "Captain, are you two together?"

Liu Chuan sat back in his seat, picked up the headset and said, "Well, we are in the same private room in the Internet cafe, and he is right next to me."

Yu'er nodded: "Oh! That's it!"

Wu Zewen calculated a bunch of things and finally came to the conclusion: "It's not a matter of time, I compared the output and time of Silan and their bosses. Although we are slower than them, we can set the floating reward according to the game's usual level, and the level is lower. People who challenged the advanced boss system will also prolong the time judgment accordingly. Our output is within a reasonable range, and it is not enough to cause the boss to go berserk. I carefully observed it, and if I guessed correctly, it should be a problem of mana.”

Everyone glanced at their blue bar, and sure enough, the mana of the six people was below 20%.

Wu Zewen sent a screenshot: "When they hit the boss and entered the second stage, everyone's mana was above 80%. I think, maybe this boss has a hidden attribute that determines the mana of the surrounding players."

Liu Chuan: "..."

The analyst was right, since it wasn't a matter of time and everyone's blood was filled up by the fish, then the momentary seconds were probably related to everyone's blue.

There are many bosses in the game whose hidden skill judgments are linked to the player's mana.

Moreover, there are indeed many formations in the Xiaoyao sect that are specifically designed to play blue!

According to the official setting, this boss is Xiaoyao, and the hidden judgment must also be related to the Xiaoyao sect... Liu Chuan felt more and more credible the more he thought about it, and couldn't help saying: "You're right, maybe it really has something to do with Lan, let's bring more Let's try the blue medicine again, and I'll go back and buy a few sets."

Li Xiang hurriedly said, "Don't go back, don't go back, I'll take it!"

As a master who has been stocked for a long time, Li wants to go out with medicine habitually. There are no valuable things in his backpack, but there are too many red medicine and blue medicine...

Liu Chuan sent an applause expression: "Yes, Master, you are really a logistics minister!"

Li Xiang sorted out the blue medicines in his backpack and threw them out on the ground. Everyone went up to pick them up one by one, rectified them, and started fighting again.

This time, when the boss was at 71% health, Liu Chuan took the initiative to remind: "Pay attention to Lan!"

Everyone wisely put the blue medicine on the shortcut key, immediately ate the blue medicine of instant return to bring the blue back to more than 50%, and then nervously waited until the boss lost blood...

Blood volume 70%!

Lay Lay Lianhua paused for a second, then smiled and said, "Everyone's visit today makes me think of an old friend..."

very good! There is no annihilation! It's finally a turnaround!

Everyone was very excited, and Liu Chuan couldn't help reaching out and rubbing Wu Zewen's hair next to him: "So handsome Detective Wu! Your analysis is indeed correct!"

Wu Zewen: "..."

I'm not a child, you're addicted to rubbing my head

Wu Zewen looked back at Liu Chuan and found that the guy was smiling and seemed to be in a good mood...

In fact, Liu Chuan was in a good mood. He wanted to express that he rubbed Wu Zewen's head casually when he didn't have anything to rub, and unexpectedly found that Zewen's hair was smooth and soft, and it felt very good.

It is not uncommon for boys to express a good relationship, such as beating their shoulders and rubbing their heads, but Wu Zewen felt a little strange in his heart.

Just now, when his fingers slid through his hair, Wu Zewen's heartbeat suddenly seemed to be a few seconds faster.

Maybe it's because he rarely had such close friends since he was a child? So not comfortable with such intimate contact

Wu Zewen turned his head back silently, ignoring him for the time being, and focused his attention on fighting the boss.