The Strongest God

Chapter 87: Red lotus jade pendant


Qin Ye was offline, and the five-person fixed team began to organize today's harvest.

The purple outfit that Hero Ben got from fighting the Arhat Formation five times, as well as the various stones and materials dropped by the lotus layman, were all gathered and sorted, and transferred to the guild warehouse opened by Qiyexue's account, watching the warehouse full of Full of stone materials and equipment, everyone said that they were in a good mood!

Especially Yu'er, the poor little dad who used to mix and match all his equipment and could only pick up tatters and wear them, is now also transformed into a purple outfit!

No matter whether his operation is divine milk or not, this equipment already has the demeanor of divine milk!

He has all level 35 purple outfits all over his body, and even has level 40 purple weapons. When he reaches level 40, he will be able to bring this purple qin with him as soon as possible. He will be the first on the entire server to get level 40. Ziqin's Qin Emei - a slave turned into a master, this feels really cool!

In addition to the equipment and material rewards, the lotus layman also gives a lot of experience rewards.

If you challenge the boss by leaping the level, the floating rewards set by the system will double the items dropped, and the experience will naturally double. They were originally level 38.5, but after defeating this boss, they have collectively risen to level 39.5, and they have been upgraded directly to one level. Top of the ranking list!

The ranking list is full of experts from major guilds. Suddenly, a few passers-by who have not joined the guild suddenly appeared, and everyone was surprised.

But after seeing that the person who took the lead was famous for a hundred generations... the presidents immediately calmed down. This person has just led the team to play Layman Lianhua, and it is normal for the level to suddenly rise.

While everyone was taking stock of today's gains, Wu Zewen turned around and asked Liu Chuan, "By the way, Qin Ye is a professional player, is it okay to come and fight us as a boss?"

Because Liu Chuan was obviously not happy after the previous world record of Mingjiange was broken, it seemed to be related to the violation of regulations by professional players, so Wu Zewen had this question.

Liu Chuan smiled and said: "It's fine, as long as it doesn't involve the competition of the leaderboard, it doesn't matter, the record is to compete with ordinary players to rank, so it is considered a violation of the rules, but it doesn't matter who beats the wild boss, the refresh time of Lay Lotus is random, But it is impossible to ask, and whoever has the ability can fight.”

Only then did Wu Zewen feel relieved, and asked on the team channel: "What should we do with this red lotus jade pendant?"

The materials and stones rewarded by the boss are all sorted and arranged in the warehouse, but this red lotus jade pendant is still in Li Xiang's hands and has not been put in it.

Li Xiang glanced at the jade pendant in his backpack and said excitedly, "The characters on this jade pendant are all orange, which is a rare pendant, and the jade pendant has the boss's signature on it!"

Li wanted to put the jade pendant map on the team channel for everyone to see. When everyone opened it, they saw that the properties of this jade pendant were a bit special—

Red lotus jade pendant

Type: waist pendant

Grade: seven-star god

Faction restrictions: none

Level restrictions: none

It is the beautiful scenery in the south of the Yangtze River, and when the flowers are falling, they meet the king again - the lotus layman.

The last line is the boss's signature, representing the origin of this divine item.

It can be seen that this jade pendant can only be obtained by killing him after he refreshes. Moreover, the refresh time of Lotus is very variable. Sometimes it will only be refreshed once a month, which is very random. The official explanation is that "rare items are naturally sent." For those who are destined", this kind of random setting also makes it very difficult to obtain the jade pendant, and the person who gets it will naturally have a sense of accomplishment. In addition, this jade pendant is very beautiful, and it will emit a soft light when worn on the body. As long as it is hung in the store, a group of people will definitely be rushing for it.

This is also considered a rare collectible, which can be encountered but not sought after.

Liu Chuan thought about it and said, "Anyone of you are interested in wearing this jade pendant?"

Even though Liu Chuan is the captain, it is not easy for him to make decisions alone, so he naturally asks the people in the team if they want it.

Everyone said neatly: "No."

Wu Zewen is not interested in such things without attributes. Li thought it would be strange for a big monk to wear a jade pendant. The Taoist priest is obviously more interested in its commercial value. As for the fish, this guy is happily rummaging through his backpack. The purple one I got today.

No one was interested in this thing, so Liu Chuan happily made a decision: "Since no one wants it, let's sell it. However, how to sell it is a problem."

Jiang Shaoqing said, "Let's hang it in the shop, I'll check the price first."

This jade pendant can be worth hundreds of dollars if it is converted into RMB. Jiang Shaoqing knows the market very well. He found a transaction record of jade pendants in an old area. The final transaction amount was 500 yuan, or about 150,000 gold coins in the old area. The gold coins in the new area will be more expensive, about 100,000 or so.

Jiang Shaoqing said, "No one will buy it if you bid 100,000. Why don't I give it a try at 80,000?"

Wu Zewen suggested, "Why don't we have an auction?"

Liu Chuan couldn't help but leaned over and whispered in his ear: "Detective Wu, you have read too many novels. There is no auction in this game."

Wu Zewen said seriously: "We can organize one ourselves."

Liu Chuan was speechless: "It's a bit strange to organize an auction to shoot a red lotus jade pendant?"

Wu Zewen said: "You can also sell purple clothes by the way, and you can make a lot of money."

Liu Chuan couldn't help but smile, looked at him and said, "Okay, tell me about the specific implementation plan."

Wu Zewen said: "We can put the red lotus jade pendant in the most conspicuous position of the store, don't put a price on it, just use it for display, and then write the auction red lotus jade pendant in the store announcement, the starting price, the price increase, and the deadline are clearly marked. Let interested people leave a message to make a bid. When the deadline is up, the one with the highest price will win, and we will sell the jade pendant to the highest bidder." Wu Zewen paused and added: "The jade pendant can be hung for a few more days. In this way, people who really want jade pendants will definitely hear the wind and make bids, and people who are interested but have no money may also come to watch, which can also drive the business of Qingfeng shops by the way, the best of both worlds."

Liu Chuan: "..."

Really served!

This financial manager and analysis master, the method he came up with is really impeccable!

There is no auction system in the game, but the auction method mentioned by Ke Zewen is very feasible. Every store has a bulletin board and a message board. The notice board is marked with the auction notices. Interested customers can bid on the message board. Later people can also see the bids of the previous people on the message board - isn't this a simple auction format

What's even more rare is that even if a few of them are not online, those who want to buy jade pendants can leave a message to bid and compete fairly!

Liu Chuan couldn't help but said, "I really have you! Just do it like this, I think it's a good way."

When the two were discussing just now, the Daoist and Yu'er could also hear the voice. The Daoist agreed with the solution that Zewen came up with. Yu'er was even more excited after hearing the auction, so everyone decided happily. .

The price of the jade pendant is determined by the Taoist priest. The starting price of the jade pendant is set at 60,000, and the price increase is 1,000. The deadline is next Friday at 10:00 pm.

After returning to the dormitory that night, Liu Chuan turned on his computer and downloaded the videos of today's two games.

Every game video must be downloaded and archived. This is a habit he has developed as a captain over the years. He has a super-large mobile hard disk, which is dedicated to storing game videos. From the first season to the tenth season, ten folders , Thousands of videos have witnessed the entire six-year history of the Wulin Professional League and the rise and fall of countless teams.

This information in Liu Chuan's hands is definitely the most complete collection of game videos.

Today's two games, Liu Chuan named respectively: the first round of the tenth season Chang'an vs Xuelang (pics of Icefield Rift Valley, Lotus Lake), the first round of the tenth season of National Color vs Beacon (pics of Jiangling Arena, Zizhu). Forest).

Open the folders of other seasons. He also named the previous season videos according to the format of the team and the selection of pictures. It looks clear at a glance.

Every game allows him to discover something. In the future, he needs to study the style of play of a certain team, and he can also call up the team's past games to see. Although it took a lot of time to collect these things, it has become a most valuable learning material!

Because the video has been downloaded for a long time, it was almost 3:30 when Liu Chuan slept, and it was almost 12:00 when he woke up the next day.

There was a text message on the phone: "Are you up?"

It was sent by Wu Zewen at half past eleven.

Liu Chuan suddenly remembered that he had made an appointment with Wu Zewen to go to the 401 dormitory for dinner. He had overslept now, wouldn't Zewen's dishes be cold

After quickly washing his face and brushing his teeth in the bathroom, Liu Chuan called and said, "Hey, Zewen, I'm sorry, I just got up..."

Wu Zewen said: "It doesn't matter, let's go upstairs to eat, I'm all done."

Liu Chuan said with a smile, "Well, come right away!"

After hanging up, Liu Chuan took his mobile phone wallet and climbed up to the fourth floor to knock on the door.

Wu Zewen came to open the door, and as soon as he opened the door, he smelled an aroma. Liu Chuan couldn't help but sniffed, walked into the room and said, "Are you alone?"

Wu Zewen nodded: "Well, one of my roommates lives locally and went back over the weekend; one is going abroad to rent a house; the other is going on a date with his girlfriend."

Liu Chuan snorted, looked around, and found that Zewen's 401 bedroom was also very clean.

One of the beds is particularly clean, with light blue plaid sheets and quilts folded as neatly as bricks. There is also a small wooden bookshelf on the bed with a pile of thick brick books…

Liu Chuan walked to the bed with a smile: "Is this your bed?"

Wu Zewen nodded: "Yes."

Liu Chuan pointed to the thick pile of reference books and said, "Don't read books in bed all the time. You are short-sighted, and it's not good for your eyes."

Wu Zewen adjusted his glasses and said, "I don't usually lie down and read a book. I just got up this morning and sorted it out. The books are too messy on the table, so we need to reserve space for the computer."

Liu Chuan looked back at his desk, and it turned out to be very clean. Wu Zewen considered it as a precaution, because he had to tidy up the table in advance when he wanted to buy a computer, unlike most people who would tidy up after they bought it.

Seeing that he was stirring in the pot with his head down, Liu Chuan couldn't help but walked up to him and asked curiously, "What did you do? Really fragrant..."

Wu Zewen lifted the lid of the pot and said, "I put all the dishes I brought back yesterday into the pot to cook."

Liu Chuan: "..."

Is this edible!

Liu Chuan looked at the hodgepodge in surprise and expressed his doubts about Wu Zewen's cooking skills.

Meatballs and vegetables are cooked together, one big pot, how does this feel like feeding a pig…

Liu Chuan said with tears in his eyes, "Can you cook like this?"

Wu Zewen said: "There is only an electric rice cooker in the bedroom, and there is no pot for cooking. I can only do stew."

After talking, he brought a bowl and filled a large bowl of stewed vegetables with meatballs, vegetables, and noodles. It smelled delicious.

Liu Chuan moved a stool and sat down. Wu Zewen handed him the bowl and asked, "Have you ever eaten this kind of stew?"

Liu Chuan said, "I haven't eaten it."

Liu Chuan's mother is a kitchen idiot. Professor Liu usually cooks at home. Professor Liu will grasp the process of each dish very accurately, how well the oil is cooked, and how the vegetables are cut. Father is very particular about diet. This also caused Liu Chuan to eat more delicate things since he was a child.

He had never eaten such a pot of stewed hodgepodge.

Seeing his suspicious look, Wu Zewen handed him the chopsticks: "Try it."

Liu Chuan picked up his chopsticks and took a sip, then said, "..."

Wu Zewen asked seriously: "How is it?"

Liu Chuan said in surprise: "Okay... It's delicious! How did you make it?"

Wu Zewen said: "The stew is very simple, just put the dishes in order and add some seasonings."

The kitchen idiot Liu Chuan said that he couldn't understand at all, how delicious can one pot stew be? What seasoning did he add

Liu Chuan ate while wondering. After sleeping for so long, he was obviously really hungry, and he quickly finished eating a large bowl of stew.

Wu Zewen looked at him, and after a while, he asked suspiciously, "Don't you want the staple food?" He pointed to the rice in another rice cooker next to him.

Liu Chuan said innocently: "I thought this was the staple food."

Wu Zewen: "..."

Do you think I'm feeding pigs, I use a pot of stew as the main food, this is for the meal, rice is the main food...

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Start over and have another bowl."

After he finished speaking, he held the empty bowl in front of Wu Zewen with both hands, and asked Wu Zewen for something to eat with a smile.

Wu Zewen couldn't help but smile.

This Liu Chuan is really skinless and shameless. Seeing that he eats ordinary stews so deliciously, he obviously likes the dishes he cooks very much. For Wu Zewen, cooking is really simple. When he was at home, his mother worked When he is busy, he cooks by himself, so he can cook all kinds of dishes. Today, due to the restrictions of the dormitory conditions, there is no way to cook, so I can only cook a pot of stew like this. Surprisingly, Liu Chuan actually likes it.

This guy slept in and slept in until now, and it seems that he is starving. Fengjuanyuncan solved a bowl of vegetables without even caring about the main food.

Seeing his smiling eyes, Wu Zewen's mood also improved for some reason. He took the bowl from his hand, filled it with him, and specially picked a few meatballs into it.

After Liu Chuan took it over, he naturally started eating with a big mouthful.

too delicious! How can Wu Zewen's pot-stewed hodgepodge be so delicious

The author has something to say:

[small theater]

One night, everyone happily won the game, and Zewen made a table of delicious food to reward the captain.

Liu Chuan was very rude to eat his fill, and then he carried Zewen into the bedroom and tossed it like that all night, the reason being: "You must feed me to make me more physically fit, right? "

Wu Zewen: "..."

With such a thick skin, Liu Chuan has obtained the invincible Buff ←_←.