The Strongest God

Chapter 88: Computer city


It was the first time I ate this kind of one-pot stew. Wu Zewen made it so delicious. Liu Chuan broke the historical record and ate three bowls at a time. Wu Zewen also followed him to eat a lot. now...

Seeing him picking up the bowls and chopsticks swiftly, Liu Chuan stood beside him and watched, and couldn't help but ask, "When did you learn to cook?"

Wu Zewen answered while washing dishes skillfully, "When I was in the third grade of elementary school."

Liu Chuan's heart was quite emotional. When he was in the third grade of elementary school, let alone cooking, he was naughty and confronted his father all day long. When his father forced him to learn calligraphy, he deliberately broke the brush. This kind of stupid thing has not been done. ... At the same age, Wu Zewen has learned to cook.

Children from single-parent families are more sensible than others from an early age.

Liu Chuan looked at his serious profile, and couldn't help joking: "You are so good at cooking, who would be really blessed to marry you."

Wu Zewen was stunned, and his ears were slightly red: "I don't have a girlfriend."

Liu Chuan leaned over and asked, "I heard that a girl used to chase you and was scared away by you?"

Wu Zewen: "..."

He scared the girls who chased him away from this black history, and was laughed at by the classmates for a long time, and he became famous in the physics department. In fact, he didn't do it on purpose. He really didn't recognize the girl. The girl's hairstyle and clothes changed every day.

Seeing that Wu Zewen's ears were so red, Liu Chuan couldn't help but smile.

Wu Zewen is very calm when analyzing problems, like a famous detective, but he is at a loss when it comes to emotional matters. He is obviously a pure-hearted man with little emotional experience. The only girls who want to chase him are scared by him. After running away, poor student Wu Zewen became a famous single student in the Department of Physics.

He really doesn't like girls like him. Going to self-study with him, his attention is 100% on the books, and he doesn't even look at you. During the festivals, other people's boyfriends invite you to dinner, watch movies, and he invites you to the library... Which girl suffers Got it

Unless it is a scholar like him. The two masters discuss academic issues together. In the future, having a child will also be an academic contestant. The kind of genius child who often wins championships in the Mathematical Olympiad, the miniature version of Wu Zewen will definitely be very cute...

The more Liu Chuan thought about it, the more interesting it became. He stood beside him with his arms folded and watched Wu Zewen pack up. The smile at the corner of his mouth couldn't help but expand.

After Wu Zewen cleaned up the tableware and chopsticks, wiped his hands, looked back to see Liu Chuan smiling, and asked doubtfully, "What's wrong?"

Liu Chuan will not admit that he is making up the miniature version of Wu Zewen, the genius son...

He quickly retracted his smile and said solemnly, "Nothing to laugh at."

Wu Zewen asked, "Should we go to the computer city now, or take a rest for a while and then go in the afternoon?"

Liu Chuan said: "Let's go now. If you have time, you can visit a few more places."

Wu Zewen nodded: "Okay, let's go then."

It was noon at this time, and it was sunny again today. September in the south was still extremely hot. The scorching sun hanging overhead almost caused cracks in the ground. Annoying heat.

The two of them went out without an umbrella, so they had to walk all the way to the school gate under the scorching sun.

Wu Zewen's skin was white, and after being exposed to the sun like this, a drop of sweat dripped down his cheek as if it was about to melt. Liu Chuan glanced at him, took out a pack of tissues from his pocket and handed it to him, smiling: " You can wash your face with sweat."

Wu Zewen pulled out a tissue and wiped his face. The tissue was soaked almost instantly, showing how much he sweated.

His body is very prone to sweating, so he especially hates hot days. It's like being washed with sweat when he goes out. If he didn't go out to buy a computer today, he would rather stay in the library and read books on such a hot day. .

The two waited at the school gate for a long time, and finally they got a taxi. Liu Chuan stopped the car and let Wu Zewen in. The car was very hot, it was like a big steamer. Liu Chuan glanced at Wu Zewen and turned to the driver: " Master, can you turn on the air conditioner? It's too hot."

The driver hurriedly said, "Okay! Where are you two going?"

Liu Chuan said, "Computer City, thank you."

The air conditioner was turned on in the car, and the air conditioning was all around. Wu Zewen felt better. He loosened the collar of his shirt and wiped his sweat with a tissue.

Seeing that his hair was soaked with sweat, Liu Chuan couldn't help but ask, "Do you have a fever and sweat so much?"

Wu Zewen said: "It's okay, I've been like this since I was a child."

Liu Chuan reached out and touched his forehead, and then touched his own. Then he felt relieved and said with a smile, "It's really sweaty."

Wu Zewen: "..."

This is natural. Some people sweat a lot. Wu Zewen was very helpless about this, so he took out another tissue and wiped his face.

Liu Chuan looked back at his profile. Looking closely at close range, Wu Zewen was actually quite good-looking, with fair skin, delicate features, dark and bright eyes, a gentle personality, a very smart person, and a good temper...

The only drawback is that he can't smile, and his face is always expressionless, giving the illusion that it is difficult to approach.

If he smiles more, there will definitely be many girls who like him, right

Liu Chuan was looking at him thoughtfully, when Wu Zewen suddenly turned around, met Liu Chuan's focused gaze, and couldn't help but his heart skipped a beat, and said, "What's wrong?"

Liu Chuan smiled slightly, took out his mobile phone, opened the memo, and handed it to Wu Zewen: "Here are a few installation lists I wrote, you can take a look first, and then decide which configuration to use."

Wu Zewen took it over and read it carefully and asked, "Which one do you think is better?"

The configurations written by Liu Chuan are all based on Wu Zewen's price budget of about 5,000 yuan. Some have better motherboards and inferior graphics cards, while others focus on relatively general graphics processors. At this price, all components need to get top configuration. That's impossible, and it's not necessary to pursue all configurations to be at the top of the game to play a game.

Seeing his serious questioning, Liu Chuan pointed to the second configuration list and said, "Look at this, the processor is not the best, but if you use it yourself, it is enough. Graphics cards and motherboards have good reputation. Brands, add up to about 5,000, and the price is also appropriate.”

Wu Zewen nodded and said, "That's it."

Liu Chuan asked, "No more thinking about it?"

Wu Zewen said: "No need, I don't understand this, you can just say there is no problem."

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Don't worry, what I wrote for you is definitely fine."

Wu Zewen was straightforward. For what he didn't understand, he chose to trust Liu Chuan unconditionally, and Liu Chuan would not let him down. This configuration list was decided by Liu Chuan after asking several old friends with experience in installation.

The two hit it off and decided the second installation configuration without hesitation.

After arriving at the computer city, Liu Chuan took Wu Zewen to visit several stores, got a general idea of the prices of each, and finally chose a relatively large store, went in and picked a black case, and asked the person in charge of installation to bring it. with the two of them to buy various parts.

Because Liu Chuan knew the market price very well, when Wu Zewen bought various parts, he only had to pay with him, pick the goods, inspect the goods, and bargain prices. All the chores were handled by Liu Chuan. Finally got all the parts.

Liu Chuan sat next to him and personally supervised the installation of the clerk, while discussing issues such as heat dissipation and fans, and was very patient and careful.

Wu Zewen looked at his handsome profile, and suddenly felt that Liu Chuan was very reliable.

He didn't know anything about the DIY installation market. At that time, I asked Liu Chuan, just because Liu Chuan was more skilled than him. I didn't expect Liu Chuan to be so dedicated to this matter. In order to prevent Wu Zewen from being deceived, it is also obligatory to help in bargaining, saving Wu Zewen hundreds of dollars.

- Such a loyal friend, what more can I say

Seeing Liu Chuan supervising the installation with a serious expression, Wu Zewen couldn't help but ask, "Are you thirsty?"

Liu Chuan didn't hear clearly, looked up and said, "Huh?"

Wu Zewen said, "I'll buy you something to drink. What would you like to drink?"

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Is this what I mean? A bottle of Coke will do, thank you."

Wu Zewen nodded, turned and left.

He just wanted to console Liu Chuan. Liu Chuan was busy with him all afternoon today, doing everything by himself. Wu Zewen planned to buy him some drinks and invite him to dinner in the evening. Although the two were friends, Liu Chuan was so loyal. , Wu Zewen can't say nothing at all, can he

Walking around the third floor of Computer City, there was no place to sell drinks. Wu Zewen looked at the floor instructions and found that the 7F was a food area, so he took the elevator to the seventh floor.

Sure enough, there are a lot of delicious food here. Wu Zewen walked around and found a shop selling drinks. He bought two bottles of Coke and two glasses of juice before going downstairs.

At the corner of the third floor, he suddenly saw a large martial arts poster posted on the door of a store, and many palm-sized figures were placed in the transparent glass windows.

Wu Zewen couldn't help but stop and take a look.

In the past, he would not have any interest in this kind of peripherals, but since he liked the game of martial arts, he found that when he saw a store selling game peripherals outside, he would have a strange intimacy.

He recognized the pair of character models in the middle. They were the NPCs Tang Xuefeng and Yilan in the game. The couple who died in love under the marriage tree were officially modeled around them. There are also a lot of character models such as the head of the sect, and it is quite interesting to see the eight sects together.

The owner of this store is a young girl with short hair and ears. Seeing Wu Zewen watching seriously, he couldn't help but walk over and said with a smile, "Do you also play martial arts? Come in and see, my shop specializes in martial arts. There are many more around!"

Wu Zewen nodded and walked into this small shop specializing in martial arts.

From the outside, you can only see various character models displayed in the window. When you enter, you find that the surrounding area of this store is really rich. Posters, bookmarks, mobile phone chains, key chains, card stickers, postcards, everything, Wu Zewen just felt dazzled. , it's almost impossible to see.

The girl smiled and said, "We have all kinds of peripherals in our store. Do you want to buy official commemorative NPC figures, or commemorative peripherals from various major teams?"

Wu Zewen didn't understand these things at all, so he couldn't help but ask: "What is a figure...?" The girl found out that the handsome guy in front of her was a rookie, smiled secretly, and answered patiently: "A figure is a model that can be collected and sold in the market. The figures are mainly simulation models of game characters or anime characters. Wulin officially released a lot of character figures, and there are NPCs from various sects, you can go here to see.”

Wu Zewen followed her to the window and took a closer look. The small models in various clothes were very similar to the NPCs in the game. The hairstyles, clothes and even the weapons in their hands were made very realistic.

The girl introduced enthusiastically: "This is a set of 5th anniversary commemorative peripherals released by the official last year. There are a total of 50 character models, all of which are well-known NPCs in the game, including the heads of major sects, as well as many world bosses and dungeon bosses. ...such as this, Layman Lotus... and this, Elder Qianzhu..."

Layman Lianhua, the boss who was killed last night, has a miniature version of the model that is very vivid.

Wu Zewen finds it more interesting the more he looks at it.

There are many people here that he doesn't know, and there are some people he can recognize. The NPCs in the game are scaled down to palm-sized models and placed in the window, as if those people are real.

Of course, it is one thing to find it interesting, but Wu Zewen is unwilling to spend money to buy it.

First, there is no place to put so many models in his dormitory. Second, as a boy, he has no interest in collecting these gadgets. He just thought it was interesting and came in and took a look. The owner's too enthusiastic introduction made him a little bit. Excuse me.

Wu Zewen walked to another area and saw a Q-version Xiao Tangmen in the glass cabinet. The Tangmen was about 15 centimeters tall, wearing dark blue clothes, with a half-silver mask on his face, and a silk thread in his hand. Yingying shone brightly, surrounded by seven thumb-sized puppets.

At the foot of the character model is a delicate circular wooden base, on which is written four small silver characters: the sea is inclusive of all rivers.

Wu Zewen pointed to it and asked, "Is this also an official peripheral?"

The girl said with a smile: "No, this is the peripheral from the Huaxia team, the character figure of the Sichuan team, and the souvenir of the Sichuan team's retirement."

Sure enough, it's Liu Chuan's role...

Wu Zewen looked at the Q version of Little Tangmen, the more he looked at it, the more he liked it, he couldn't help but said, "How much is this?"

The girl said, "Team Chuan has a lot of fans. This commemorative figure is almost out of print. There is only one left in my store. Do you like him too?"

Wu Zewen didn't want to explain more, nodded and said, "Well, I'm a fan of the Sichuan team."

The girl smiled and said, "Then you should know that 215 is the birthday of the Sichuan team. The price of this figure is also 215 yuan, the national price. If you want, I will wrap it for you?"

Wu Zewen has always lived a frugal life and never spends money indiscriminately. It does not sound like a good deal to spend more than 200 yuan on a small model.

But... This model has a special meaning to him, so he has to buy it, and the out-of-print items will probably not be able to be bought next time.

Wu Zewen made up his mind, counted a few banknotes from his wallet, and bought the last one.

When walking out of the store, the phone suddenly rang, it was Liu Chuan's phone.

Liu Chuan's voice was a little anxious: "Where are you? Wouldn't you be lost if you haven't come back for so long?"

The internal structure of the computer city is very complex and twists and turns. It is easy to get lost the first time. In addition, the apprentice Lu Xiang often gets lost. Wu Zewen has been away for a long time and has not returned. Liu Chuan thought Wu Zewen was also lost.

Wu Zewen hurriedly said, "I didn't get lost, I'll be right back."

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "I see where you are."

Worried that he would get lost in the computer city, Liu Chuan simply came out to find it, and at a glance he saw Wu Zewen standing in front of the surrounding store on the corner of the third floor.

Hearing Liu Chuan's words, Wu Zewen turned around and suddenly met Liu Chuan's gaze.

In the crowd, Liu Chuan was standing there smiling and looking at him, still holding the phone that just ended the call, he looked very handsome when he smiled, and the moment his eyes met, it was as if his heart had been lightly hit by something. Even the noisy crowd around seemed to be silent for a moment.

Wu Zewen noticed that his heartbeat accelerated again.

Liu Chuan walked towards him quickly and asked with a smile, "Detective Wu has been buying drinks for so long, what are you studying?"

Wu Zewen ignored the strange feeling in his heart, handed the Coke in his hand to Liu Chuan, pointed to the window full of figures, and said, "When you see these models, go in and have a look."

Liu Chuan unscrewed the bottle cap and took a few sips of Coke. Seeing Wu Zewen holding a box in his arms, he couldn't help but say, "Did you buy a model too?"

Wu Zewen nodded: "Well."

Liu Chuan smiled, didn't ask any more, and said, "Your computer is assembled."