The Strongest God

Chapter 92: Seven Star Grass


Team Xiao sneezed so loudly that it naturally caught the attention of the vice-captain Su Shilun who was sitting next to him.

Xiao Sijing is in good health and rarely gets sick. Su Shilun has only had a cold in the past few years he has known him—that was three years ago in the winter. Xiao Sijing was hospitalized because of a severe infection. In the intensive care unit, I can't even participate in the game.

People who seldom get sick seem to get very serious once they get sick. Therefore, Su Shilun is very concerned about Xiao Sijing's physical condition. When Xiao Sijing sneezes, he is so distressed that he is afraid that another serious illness will make the man beside him directly. fall down.

Su Shilun looked at him and said worriedly: "Do you have a cold? You take some medicine, go to rest first, and leave the team's affairs to me."

Xiao Sijing turned around and looked at Shang Su Shilun seriously and with concern.

This comrade-in-arms who has been with him for many years, although his mouth is broken, and his words are easy to offend others, but his concern for himself has never changed. Remembering that when he fell ill, Su Shilun was waiting around day and night to take care of him, Xiao Sijing endured. He couldn't help feeling warm, smiled and said, "It's just a sneeze, it's not as serious as you think."

Su Shilun said: "There is still a game this weekend, in case you..."

Xiao Sijing stretched out his hand, put it lightly on the back of Su Shilun's hand, and whispered, "Don't worry, I'm fine."

Su Shilun breathed a sigh of relief, smiled and said, "It's fine, I don't want to call an ambulance to take you to the hospital like I did back then."

Back then, Xiao Si respected a cold and was overtired, so he fainted in the preparation room at the competition site. Su Shilun and his teammates called an ambulance to take him to the hospital. The scene is still heart-wrenching in retrospect - this man Always so decisive and determined, he is the backbone of the entire Seven Star Grass team. If he falls, Su Shilun can't imagine what this team will become.

Xiao Sijing was ruthless to all his opponents, and he was especially cruel to himself. When he was young, he often stayed up late for several days, and finally suffered from a serious illness due to exhaustion. Xiao Sijing's serious illness made Qixingcao lose for the first time. After qualifying for the playoffs, the league ranked tenth, which is the worst result since the establishment of the Seven Star Grass Team.

Su Shilun followed the Seven Star Grass team through countless ups and downs, ups and downs, only that time, he felt utter despair.

Without Team Xiao, the morale of the entire team was sluggish, even Su Shilun lost his composure, feeling as if his heart had been hollowed out.

He knew how important Xiao Sijing was to the Seven Star Grass team, and he also knew what Xiao Sijing meant to him.

Therefore, he cares more about Xiao Sijing's health than anyone else.

- He must not watch this man fall, even a small cold must be completely strangled!

When Xiao Sijing fell ill, he hid the game from his teammates and was directly admitted to the hospital. Su Shilun had a psychological shadow on this, so that he has been supervising Xiao Sijing like a child for the past few years. Team Xiao has a headache. , Deputy Team Su will force him to take medicine. Su Shilun had a large medicine box, which contained all kinds of commonly used medicines. He had to take it with him wherever he went. He, the vice-captain, was about to become the team's doctor.

Xiao Sijing understood his worries and thoughtfulness, and he could not help but tighten his fingers slightly, and whispered, "Don't think too much, I'm no longer the impulsive age of 20, and I won't be able to play when I'm sick. It happens again. I'll take my temperature when I go back, and if I have a fever, I'll get you the medicine right away, okay?"

Only then did Su Shilun nodded, looked at him and said, "Remember to tell me if you're uncomfortable, don't force yourself."

Xiao Sijing smiled: "I see."

It was just a sneeze, and my deputy Su was so nervous...

However, seeing Su Shilun so nervous about him, Xiao Sijing felt a special warmth in his heart.

- It is my greatest luck to have you by my side for so many years.


At this moment, the team leader of Qixingcao suddenly walked into the training room and asked, "Old Xiao, how do you plan tonight? Do you want to gather for training?"

Xiao Sijing withdrew his hand, stood up and said, "Let everyone gather to go to the conference room for a meeting, we should also prepare for the next game."

The leader nodded and immediately went back to call someone.

After the opening ceremony, the Qixingcao team collectively returned to the Qixingcao Club in Qingdao. The schedule for this season is quite tight. Starting from this weekend, Qixingcao will play consecutive games. There is a game every three days, and the arena is also rotated everywhere in Beijing and Shanghai.

The league has reformed its broadcast mechanism this year, and the venues around the world have also undergone corresponding expansion and reconstruction.

In previous years, there was only one main stadium, and all the teams played in the main stadium. This year, it is scattered everywhere, which makes it convenient for fans from all over the country to come to the scene to cheer on their favorite teams. Of course, the on-site tickets and surrounding income It will also become a considerable source of income, and each major team will have a share.

Chairman Li's consideration of decentralizing the arena naturally has his reasons. Decentralizing the arena will allow martial arts players from all over the country to have the opportunity to witness their favorite professional players. It is widely promoted in major cities, which is very beneficial to the overall popularity of the martial arts professional league. The alliance's cooperation with local sponsors has also become more diverse.

It's just that the professional players have suffered, and after the game, I have to be a trapeze, and rotate the arena everywhere.

Fortunately, the hotels and meals that all the teams stayed in were arranged by the alliance, which relieved the worries of the major teams.

Because of the tight schedule, although everyone just returned to the club today, they did not dare to relax too much. Hearing the captain's call, he immediately came to the conference room. No one dared to disobey Team Xiao's orders, no matter the main force, the substitutes or the newcomers in the training camp.

Xiao Sijing swept the conference room with sharp eyes, and immediately counted the members of the team. No one was absent. Only then did Xiao Sijing nodded with satisfaction, turned off the lights in the conference room, turned on the computer and projector, and played a show of his The downloaded video of the game - it is the video of the game between the Snow Wolf and Chang'an teams.

Although I watched it at the opening ceremony, Team Xiao took it out again and everyone watched it very seriously.

After the stage of the competition was over, Qin Ye 1v3 killed the three of Xuelang's team, and the picture was frozen in the heavy snow, where the female disciple of Emei won the flag of the main competition.

Xiao Sijing pressed the pause button and turned around and asked, "Team Snow Wolf is our opponent in the next game. What do you think?"

There was silence in the conference room for a moment.

Vice-captain Su Shilun took the lead and said: "The twin brothers of the Snow Wolf team, the elder brother Lv Mingzhe is good at using the map to sneak and attack, so you should pay attention to your position to prevent him from grabbing the first move. The younger brother Lv Mingjie is a radical player who likes to fight with others. , The hand speed is very fast. According to my estimation, his explosive hand speed should be between 550-600, which is also the first echelon of the league's masters."

Xiao Sijing looked back at Su Shilun, his eyes could not help softening: "Shilun, in your opinion, how confident are we of winning the ring match?"

Su Shilun thought about it and said, "More than 80%."

Xiao Sijing said, "How do you say it?"

Su Shilun explained: "The strongest thing about this pair of twins is their cooperation, their ability to duel is not strong, and the two players have little experience in competition, especially the younger brother. Although he has a fast hand, he is impatient. It was the result of his impetuousness that he died of flying a kite. I have read all the 9 profiles registered by the Snow Wolf team. I estimate that the twins will still be on the stage in the next match. We should be able to take it."

Xiao Sijing nodded and said, "I have the same idea. In the ring stage, Shilun will be the first to play, Ye Zhou will be second, and I will be third. Shilun's level is the worst to deal with the twins Mingjiao. If you can beat the second player to the bottom of blood, Ye Zhou, after you take the field, take the head off and take the main flag directly... Is there any problem?"

Xiao Sijing's eyes turned to a corner of the conference room.

Ye Zhou, who was named, immediately raised his paw and said with a smile, "No problem, captain, don't bother you, I'll score these 3 points!"

—Ye Zhou, ID Yiye Bianzhou, a player of the Wudang Sword Sect, with a hand speed comparable to that of Chang’an team captain Yang Jian.

When the representatives of the Sword Sect were selected, there were many people who nominated Ye Zhou, but Yang Jian had the aura bonus of the captain of the Chang'an team, and his popularity was higher. In fact, in the professional circle, when it comes to the masters of the Wudang Sword Sect, Ye Zhou of the Seven Star Grass Team is definitely one of the best.

It's just that this guy hangs around all day, like a small boat floating on the water and swaying freely. Sometimes he listens to songs and swipes on Weibo at the game site, and he doesn't seem to be paying attention at all. However, once the match started, Ye Zhou would devote himself to it, and every shot would be steady, accurate, and ruthless—a typical seven-star grass style.

There are actually many strong players in the Seven Star Grass team, and the roster of the arena will be rotated frequently. Xiao Sijing sent Su Shilun and Ye Zhou to play this time, which is double insurance. Su Shilun took the lead, Ye Zhou followed, and the two killed each other's three, and they could successfully win the flag.

Xiao Sijing came out in third place, naturally it was used for the final battle. In a normal team, he usually doesn't need to appear. Ye Zhou wins the ring match. If he encounters a strong team, Su Shilun and Ye Zhou are destroyed in a row, and Xiao Sijing's third appearance is also hopeful to turn the tide.

The last players in the ring match are usually players with very strong heads-up skills, such as Team Chuan, Team Shao, Team Xiao, Team Tang, etc. In the ring match of most teams, strong players are the first to appear and boost their morale. The ace player came out last to stabilize the military.

Team Seven Star Grass has a pretty high win rate in the regular season ring match. Against Team Snow Wolf, there is Su Shilun, the strongest Gu Master in the league, and Ye Zhou's duel skills are also very good, and Xiao Sijing's final check, everyone. They all believe that it is not a problem for them to win the 3 points in the ring match.

- The key is teamfights.

Xiao Sijing said: "Let's look at the team battle again, Fang Zhiyan is very difficult."

After that, he pressed the video play button and entered the team battle stage.

Xiao Sijing said while watching, "Fang Zhiyan was in charge of this team battle. The Kongming lanterns placed by Qin Ye were all found and destroyed by the Snow Wolf team. Obviously, Fang Zhiyan was very good at controlling the vision during the team battle... Yang Every time Jian led the team to rush up, he would be limited by the double-healing lineup. The Xuelang team's defensive counterattacks were pretty good... Also, in every team battle, they prioritized killing Qin Ye, only staring at one person repeatedly. , this is a psychological tactic to split and disintegrate the Changan team from within."

Xiao Sijing paused and said in a low voice, "Obviously, the disagreements within Fang Zhiyan's Chang'an team have been investigated."

The expressions on everyone's faces were a little shocked!

In the opening game of the tenth season, the Snow Wolf team upset last season's champion Captain Ann 6:3, which caused quite a stir in the entire professional circle. Many people think that the Chang'an team did not perform well and let the Snow Wolf team pick up the leak, but at this moment, after listening to Xiao team's careful analysis, everyone realized that this Snow Wolf team is not simple! A new captain actually thoroughly studied the internal conflicts of the Chang'an team, and even made special tactical arrangements for this internal conflict. This is definitely a tactical strongman!

When encountering such a leader with a very strong tactical idea, even if the overall strength of the Snow Wolf team is not outstanding, this new team should not be underestimated!

Xiao Sijing continued: "With Shi Lun and Ye Zhou in the arena, I believe there will be no problem. The key lies in the teamfight." After a pause, he turned back and asked, "Fang Zhiyan is good at finding the team's weaknesses and targeting them. Chang'an's biggest weakness is the disagreement between Yang Jian and Qin Ye, what is the weakness of our Seven Star Grass?"

There was silence in the conference room.

After a while, a girl with long straight black hair and a dimple when she smiled stood up, pointed to her nose and said, "Is it me?"

Everyone couldn't help but laugh, girl, you are really self-conscious!

He Fang stuck out his tongue and said, "Captain, I'm practicing hard, and I don't want to hold back the team. I haven't played for a long time, so please bear with me."

This girl has a lively and cheerful personality, and has been training hard since joining the team. She was discovered by Xiao Sijing as a substitute in the eighth season, and officially started playing in the ninth season. She only played with everyone for one season, and she is still running in.

Fortunately, this female player is very humble. Even if she made a few mistakes, she always admits her mistakes, and everyone will not blame her.

Su Shilun smiled and said, "Xiao He, your progress is obvious to all. Team Xiao doesn't mean to criticize you, just listen to the captain to finish."

He Fang sat down, and Xiao Sijing continued: "Since Fang Zhiyan likes to target, then we will do the opposite and use the person he wants to target to set up a trap - as long as it is used properly, weakness can also become It's an advantage."

He Fang nodded seriously: "Team Xiao, what should I do?"

"Look at this first." Xiao Sijing opened another video, which was the match between the Huaxia team and the Xuewei team.

The Xuewei team used to be a good team. Zheng Emei's double-healing lineup was a short-lived in the league, but unfortunately it was disbanded later. In this game of Huaxia's fight against Xuewei, Liu Chuan led the team to stage a wonderful turnaround - that is, using the opponent's ambush to carry out a counter-ambush, hitting the opponent's team twice in a row, and successfully turning the tables.

Seeing that everyone was watching seriously, Xiao Sijing said, "I think you have not forgotten Huaxia, the biggest opponent of Qixingcao. We will imitate Huaxia's wretched style of play in this week's game with the Snow Wolf team."

Everyone laughed while watching: "To actually hide in a corner and attack together, the Sichuan team is really shameless!"

"That's right, the Sichuan team is definitely the first in the league when it comes to playing lewd, no one can compare."

"Look, the Xuewei team was driven crazy by his kite flying..."

Seeing the heated discussion, Su Shilun couldn't help but ask in a low voice, "Are you really going to use this tactic?"

Xiao Sijing asked back: "If Liu Chuan is still the captain of the Huaxia team, how do you think he will deal with Xuelang?"

Su Shilun lowered his head and thought for a while, the double-healing lineup of Team Snow Wolf would slow down the pace of the attack, and it was obviously irrational to hit them directly like Yang Jian. With Liu Chuan's thinking, it is indeed possible to use Xiao Sijing's "anti-targeting" trap-style roundabout style of play, slowly attacking guerrillas, grasping loopholes, and seizing opportunities to strike deadly.

Xiao Sijing said: "The Snow Wolf team likes to play defensive counterattacks. It is like a ball of soft cotton. It is useless to stab it with a sharp sword. The best way to deal with cotton is to tear it apart... Break it one by one. ."

Xiao Sijing said and made a movement of pulling cotton.

Seeing the man's serious appearance, Su Shilun couldn't help but smile and said, "There are more and more bad intentions. Are you trying to surpass Liu Chuan?"

Xiao Sijing also smiled, leaned into his ear and said, "I'm not a good person in the first place."

Xiao Sijing is indeed not a gentleman. Although he and Liu Chuan are mortal enemies, they have one big thing in common, that is... full of bad water.

Liu Chuan was completely broken from the inside out, Xiao Sijing was serious on the surface, but his bad intentions were hidden in his stomach.

—A kind and good person will never survive in the arena.

The captains of each major team were worse than the other, and they were all forced by Liu Chuan. If it wasn't for Liu Chuan's research on vision suppression tactics and guerrilla warfare, the initial alliance was very pure, and everyone started team battles on the road, simple and straightforward.

As a result, after Liu Chuan thoroughly researched the theory of visual field control, many captains began to learn from him, which slowly deteriorated.

Ambush and sneak attack, set up traps, psychological warfare, sound east and west...

Everyone went bad together, and Liu Chuan, as the originator of tactics, really contributed!

Sitting in front of the computer, Liu Chuan sneezed suddenly.

It is said that when someone is cursed, he will sneeze. Liu Chuan has become a habit of sneezing frequently over the years. He carelessly rubbed his nose and continued to chat privately with President He Yue of Seven Star Grass in the game: "Right. , President, I want to bring five relatives and friends here, you remember to reserve a place for us to join the guild."

He Yue said, "Okay. What else do you want?"

Liu Chuan said: "Prepare at least 10 regiments. The output regiment requires 14 hidden weapons Tangmen and 14 Gu insects and five poisons. All level 40 purple outfits will be worn. I will arrange it later."

He Yue said simply: "No problem, see you on Wednesday?"

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "See you on Wednesday!"