The Strongest God

Chapter 93: Regroup


Wednesday is coming soon. According to the usual practice, all servers in the Wulin region will be shut down for maintenance on Wednesday morning. After the maintenance, the servers will be re-opened, and the world bosses will be refreshed in sequence. This is also the activity that major guilds are most concerned about.

There are a total of four world bosses: the 40-level world boss, the elder thousand spiders, and the refresh point is the southern border spider cave. The level 50 world boss, Lu Wushuang, is refreshed at the Three Life Stones in the Western Regions. The level 60 world boss Wanyanxue, the refresh point is in Qinzhou. The level 70 world boss Nangong Mo, the refresh point is in the Nangong family.

The origin of the identities of these four people is related to the grievances of various rivers and lakes in the game and the entanglement between the eight sects. Since they are called world bosses, these four are naturally the top bosses in the game. The bosses in the game are divided into different levels of difficulty. The bosses of ordinary dungeons are 4-star, like the famous sword pavilion that Liu Chuan and the others usually play, the 6-player dungeon heroic difficulty bosses are 5-star, and the random refreshed wild ones like Lianhua Jushi The boss, and the boss of the large copy of the team are six-star...

- Only the world boss is 7-star!

The name of the world boss is displayed in dark orange, the blood volume is several million, and the seven-star level is the highest difficulty. Hundreds of people can be brought down with a wave of the sleeve. If this kind of boss is to be successfully won, it requires the commander. is very high.

Regardless of whether it is the 40-level Qianzhu Elder or the 70-level Nangong Mo, the significance of killing the world boss has little to do with the level, but more importantly, the system gives the guild a large number of honor rewards, as well as the extremely precious rare materials dropped by the boss. And the seventh-level five-element stone. Each world boss is the fat that the major guilds want to compete for. The strong guild will go to level 70, and the weaker will go to level 60 and 50... The refresh point of each boss will be bloody.

Wednesday night was also the busiest night in the martial arts game.

The four world bosses will be refreshed at the same time at 8 pm on Wednesday. Because the firepower of the four bosses is scattered in the old area, there will naturally be fewer guilds competing for the refresh point of each boss. But the new area is different. Everyone's level in the new area is level 40. The senior bosses can't be beaten, and they can only fight the 40-level Qianzhu Elder. Therefore, the battle for the Qianzhu Elder in the new area will become more intense.

Tonight, all the PVP guilds in the new area will gather in the southern border, waiting for the refresh of the world boss, Elder Qianzhu!

The management of the Seven Star Grass Guild has been very busy since the meal. Some people collect the messages sent by the undercover agents, some people call everyone to gather, some people squat in the spider cave in the southern border and wait for the boss to refresh, and some people can't help themselves. In a hurry there...

As the commander-in-chief, Liu Chuan was quite calm.

Because he was going to fight the boss at 8 o'clock, he asked his teammates to go online ahead of time today. After going online, a few people teamed up to play the level 40 dungeon...

Heartbroken Cao saw that the best friends among her friends were actually in the level 40 dungeon, she wanted to cry without tears, and sent a message: "Brothers, you are still playing the dungeon at this time!"

Liu Chuan's reason is very straightforward: "Our level 40 equipment is not ready yet."

Heartbroken Grass hurriedly said: "What equipment are you missing, I'll get it for you directly from the warehouse! Stop fighting, join the guild, the world boss will be ready to deploy!"

Liu Chuan said bluntly: "Thank you, President. My family's five poisons are still short of two level 40 plus knowing rings, and the master is short of a defense necklace. President, you can help me find it."

Broken Heart Herb asked, "Don't you need it?"

Liu Chuan said: "I don't need it, the key is them."

Broken Heart Grass immediately went to find the equipment, quickly found what Liu Chuan wanted, and sent an email to it.

Liu Chuan came out of the dungeon and gathered a few teammates to come to the Guild Management Office to apply to join the Seven Star Grass Guild.

As one of the strongest guilds in this server, Qixingcao naturally has a lot of people applying for membership every day. Broken Heart Grass looked at a large number of lists in the application list, and quickly found the members of Liu Chuan's fixed team and pressed the agreement—

Welcome [Liu Fang Bai Shi] to join the Seven Star Grass Association;

Welcome [Mist Swamp] to join the Seven Star Grass Guild;

Welcome [Ideal Master] to join the Seven Star Grass Guild;

Welcome [Qingfeng Daoist] to join the Seven Star Grass Guild;

Welcome to [Fish in the Water] to join the Seven Star Grass Association...

Several messages of welcome to join the guild were swiped in sequence on the guild channel, and Broken Heart Grass immediately sent a row of applause expressions excitedly: "Welcome everyone!"

Although he only joined temporarily for the purpose of defeating the boss, the heartbroken grass couldn't help but get excited when he saw these masters joining the club - after defeating the boss and then trying to find a way to keep them, it would be perfect!

Many newcomers did not know these people, so they had to cooperate with the president to applaud and welcome.

However, the guild managers who know these people are a little complicated - this is the foreign aid command team invited by the guild leader!

When the undercover agents lurking in the Seven Star Grass saw the news, they immediately reported the situation to their own president.

"President, that Liufang Baishi fixed group has joined the Seven Star Grass!"

All the presidents were shocked! Before, they had used various conditions to win over the people from this fixed group to join their guild, but the Tang Sect master always politely refused with "Thank you for your kindness". What happened today? How many people actually joined the Seven Star Grass

For some reason, the presidents suddenly had a bad feeling!

At 6:30 in the evening, Liu Chuan asked several teammates to gather at the Chamber of Commerce to check everyone's equipment.

Zewen, Yu'er, and Li Xiang's level 40 purple outfits are all in place. Thanks to Li Xiang, the little red hand who touches the equipment, he can touch the equipment every time he touches the equipment after the end of the level 40 dungeons these days. The teammates can use it, and after ten dungeons in two days, the three purple outfits are quickly gathered.

The equipment of Liu Chuan and the Taoist priest is still a few parts away, but it doesn't matter much. Ze Wen, Li Xiang, and Yu'er are the main force in the fight for the boss tonight, so they can't go wrong.

After Liu Chuan checked the equipment, he traded hundreds of Five Element Stones to the three of them, and asked them to strengthen the equipment to the fullest.

Seeing the faint light effect of the equipment on the three people because they were all strengthened to full level, Liu Chuan was relieved and explained: "You have practiced this route countless times. Today is an actual battle, so don't be careless!"

Several people couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

Especially Yu'er, he almost rolled his face on the keyboard again. After typing a row of garbled characters, he typed and said, "Captain, what should I do if I suddenly lose confidence!"

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Don't drop the chain! Just follow the usual practice method, don't care about other things, just focus on the bloodline and negative state of the five poisons, you just need to take care of the five poisons."

Yu'er was a little worried: "But I heard that there are already a lot of guilds guarding the world boss. What if I get killed?"

Liu Chuan said, "Don't worry, the Taoist priest and I will take someone by your side to protect you."

The fish stopped talking, and ran to pour water to drink.

Seeing Wu Zewen's unresponsiveness, Liu Chuan couldn't help turning his head and said, "How is it, Zewen, are you nervous?"

Because they were going to fight the world boss, the three of them went to the Internet cafe together again tonight, opened three computers, and sat three times in a row, so that they could communicate at any time.

Wu Zewen said calmly, "Don't be nervous."

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will protect you by my side. Don't be distracted, leave everything else to me, you just take the boss away."

Wu Zewen nodded seriously: "I know."

At seven o'clock in the evening, the president of Seven Star Grass went online.

Wuxincao, this is the trumpet opened by He Yue in the new district, and several core managers of the guild know it.

As soon as she went online, she immediately swiped the guild channel resolutely, and asked everyone to stand by at the guild base. She pulled the heads of several PVP groups, the guild president, the vice president, and Liu Chuan to a separate one. Voice room for a meeting.

When all the core management was in place, He Yue said: "The boss will be refreshed in an hour. Xiao Duan, did the undercover agents you send to other guilds send back valuable news? Tell everyone."

Heartbroken Grass said: "According to the undercover report, Chang'an, Luohuaci, Shengtang, Guose, and Fenghuo, these five guilds have already begun to send people near the spider cave, and they will definitely grab the world boss tonight. Strangely, copper The chairman of the Sparrow Guild, Thorn Bird, suddenly ordered not to participate in the fight for the elders of Qianzhu, and the Huaxia Guild's Jiang Chengzi also asked the guild members to watch, don't go in and die."

He Yue frowned slightly and said, "Bong Que and Hua Xia quit early? This is a bit strange."

Broken Heart Grass scratched his hair: "I don't know what they think."

For this, Liu Chuan was very clear in his heart.

The Bronze Sparrow Guild has never looked for Liu Chuan since the copy of the Famous Sword Pavilion. Liu Chuan guessed that this must have been inspired by Team Shao. Xiaoluxiang was Shao Zehang's weakness. Xiaolu came to the new district and set the world record with his master. The matter must not be exposed. Shao Zehang was worried that Liu Chuan's affairs in the new district would affect Lu Xiang, so he simply asked the Tongque Guild to withdraw in a low-key manner and not cause trouble. The current attitude of the Bronze Sparrow Guild towards Liu Chuan is: do not win over, nor offend.

As for Huaxia, it is obvious that the vice-captain Xie Guangyi also reminded him that the situation is unknown, and he is watching the fire from the other side.

Tongque and Huaxia wisely withdrew from the competition early because of the high-level instructions on the team, and waited for the change.

The presidents of other guilds are completely unaware of Liu Chuan's identity. Even though Liu Chuan is now the commander-in-chief of Qixingcao, the people of Qixingcao have no idea at all—they actually invited such a great god!

He Yue's character has always been decisive, and she didn't want to waste time when she didn't know what to do, she said directly: "regardless of Tongque and Huaxia, we will deploy first. I have invited a powerful conductor for everyone, who will last forever. Elder Spider, everything is arranged by him."

Liu Chuan said, "Hello everyone."

A man named Wangyoucao asked loudly, "Longfang a hundred generations, is it the brother who likes to play dungeons?"

His tone was clearly suspicious.

Liu Chuan didn't mind, he smiled and said, "How many groups can the guild make now?"

Heartbroken Grass said: "I just counted the number of people, and I can open 15 groups."

Sure enough, it was a large guild. In such a short period of time, it was possible to form 15 groups, each with 30 members, that is a full 450 people.

Liu Chuan asked: "Have the 15 regiments been formed? How did they form?"

Heartbroken Grass said: "According to our guild's fixed group grouping, each group has 30 people, which is the configuration for team battles after full level."

This was also expected by Liu Chuan.

The big guild has a rigorous structure. Each fixed group will have its own leader. The group has tanks, healers, output, and support. The structure of each team is relatively comprehensive.

Liu Chuan said without hesitation: "Disperse them all and divide them again."

Everyone: "… "

The voice channel fell silent for a while.

All scattered and re-divided? The new commander was so amazing when he opened his mouth that everyone couldn't believe it.

Wangyoucao used to be the commander-in-chief of the Seven Star Grass Guild. He was very dissatisfied with the foreign aid commander invited by the president inexplicably. Hearing Liu Chuan say this, he couldn't help but say, "Man, are you kidding me? Our 15 Each group is a fixed group, you all break up and re-divide, no one knows anyone, isn’t it messed up?”

Broken Heart Herb's private chat messages flashed incessantly.

"Is the president reliable?"

"President, don't let this person command blindly! A dungeon party that has never seen a big world, actually came to command the world boss, is he joking?"

"What regiment is to be demolished, each of our fixed regiments is under the unified command of the regiment leader, and everyone is used to listening to the command of the regiment leader. Wouldn't it be a complete mess if we demolished it like this!"

"..." Heartbroken grass really wants to cry but has no tears, he can't be the master, the president is here!

He Yue ignored other people's doubts and asked, "What's your reason for wanting to regroup?"

Liu Chuan said with a smile: "It's like a cavalry battalion, an infantry battalion, and a spear battalion during a war, with division of labor and cooperation, each performing their own duties. Your grouping now is like dividing into 15 battalions, each with cavalry soldiers. , Infantry and spearmen, do you think you can win this way?"

"..." Wangyoucao was choked for a moment.

In the past, he commanded the world bosses to be divided into fixed groups like this, and this paragraph of Tangmen almost slapped him in the face.

Wangyou angrily said: "Then how do you say it's divided?!"

Liu Chuan said calmly: "Find out the best equipped 14 Gu insects and five poisons and 14 bows and crossbows Tangmen, 28 people form a pure output group, waiting at the top of the marriage tree, my apprentice Shaolin will join the team as a team. Lord T, my family's five poisons will also join this group. He will pull the elder thousand spiders from the spider cave all the way to the marriage tree. After the boss arrives and the hatred is stabilized, the output group will fire with all their strength. This group will be the final decision of the system to determine the ownership of the boss. the first output regiment."

Everyone: "… "

Liu Chuan continued: "Find 10 Qin Emei to form a separate group, protect the five poisons all the way, and transfer the target after arriving at the marriage tree, and specially add blood to the main T. Form two auxiliary output groups to assist in the sea of flowers under the marriage tree. The main group fights the boss. Form a field control group of Wudang and Xiaoyao, ambush the field control field outside the flower sea, once other guilds chase after them, they will immediately slow down and control them with various skills. The two groups are composed of Mingjiao, Claw Emei, and Beggar Gang. The melee assassin group of the fighters is specialized in roaming the sea of flowers to harvest people. Find some strong PK long-range professional groups and a few long-range groups to clear the field and kill people on the road. Then form a Shaolin group to intercept them."

Everyone: "… "

Liu Chuan added: "The remaining people form a mobile team and can be mobilized at any time according to orders. Each team member follows the command of the regiment leader, and the 15 regiment leaders obey my command."

A group of people were dumbfounded!

I want to refute him, but I don't know how to refute it.

According to his ideas, after regrouping, it will become a melee assassin group, a remote control group in Wudang, a Shaolin group for interception, a long-range group for clearing and killing, a main output group, an auxiliary output group, and a professional treatment group. , the mobile group on standby...

The entire guild was broken up and reorganized...

But I have to say that after such a reorganization, the idea of the battle suddenly became extremely clear!

- Ambush in the sea of flowers, intercept the enemy all the way, and solve the world boss at the top of the marriage tree? !

Who is this Tang Sect? He actually came up with such a bizarre way to play!